Lesson 1╲ta puma at large

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Lesson 1 a puma at large单词理解Spot:v catch sight of、pick out、see、recognize A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd.The TV program is hoping someone will spot theaccused killer.他有敏锐的识别错误的眼睛。he has good eyes for spotting mistakes.同义词辨析:Spot:see,看出识别Find:强调发现结果 Find out:查出事实真相Discover:作出重大发现 Notice:注意到Observe:观察 Watch:观看比赛或者活动中画面Spot:n There is a spot on his shirt.Her face is covered with lots of spots.Her face is full of lots of freckles.on the spot:immediately、at once;在现场。Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.Because of her beauty,I spotted her on the spot.Wherever he is needed,he is on the spot.乾坤大挪译那些在抗震中受伤的士兵被立刻送往医院。在医院救治过程中,所有的主治医生都在在现场。The soldiers wounded in the anti-earthquake struggle were sent to the hospital on the spot,and during the operation,all the chief doctors of the hospital were on the spot.Evidence:n proof EvidentEvidentlyAs the evidence began to accumulate,experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.当警察赶到时,他已经把证据给销毁When the police arrived,he had already destroyed the evidence.Be in evidence 显而易见的A crying baby is much in evidence.他在晚会上很显眼He was in evidence at the party.他的所作所为让他在社团中很突出。What he has done makes him be in evidence in association.Accumulate:v get or gather together collect or gather By working hard you may accumulate a fortune.这份工作给了他积累了宝贵的经验的机会。The job gives him a chance to accumulate precious experience.中国政府积累了很多应对突发事件的经验。Chinese government has already accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with emergency.近义词辨析:accumulate、collect、gather、assembleAccumulate:积累、积淀、注重积累过程Collect:收集、采集Gather:召集、集合Assemble:集合、集中(与gather意思相近)Jay Chou has collected many old cars.The teacher gathered his students in the classroom.The students often gather in this bar.The students assembled in the classroom.Oblige:vt make somebody feel it is necessary to do somethingfeel obliged to do sth.感到有必要做某事。The experts felt obliged to investigate the event.She felt obliged to break up with him.马英九觉得必须同大陆改善关系。Mr.Ma Ying Jiu feels obliged to improve the relationship with the mainland.Be obliged to do sth 被强迫做某事Many young men in Tai Wan were obliged to join the Japanese army during the second world war.He was obliged to sell his car to pay his debts.很多的科学家因为战争的缘故被迫放弃了他们的研究。Many scientists were obliged to give up their researches because of the war.他被迫放弃了他的职位。he was obliged to give up his position.政府官员被迫同反政府的恐怖分子进行谈判。Government officials were obliged to negotiate with the terrorists who were against the central government.Hunt:v 猎捕、打猎、搜寻 n 搜寻、狩猎 Hunter 猎人、猎犬The hunter tried his best to hunt the puma.同意词辨析:hunt、run after、seek、pursueRun after:追赶、追求;seek/pursue:追寻,追寻理想、梦想、真理I have done what I can to run after the pretty girl.what are you running after in your life?In seeking her dreams,she does not sacrifice her personality.只要有追寻的勇气,一切梦想皆可成真。All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.每个人都有权利追求自己的生活方式。everyone has right to seek their own living methods.Corner:n 角落 At the corner of the street In the corner of the house On the corner of the desk.转角遇到爱遇到爱,相信奇迹的出现。Coming across my lover at the corner of the street,I believe in whats called miracle.Corner:vforce a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape The thief was cornered by the police at last.The question cornered me.一些高度污染工厂使环境保护陷入窘境。Environment protection is cornered by some factories producing heavy pollutions.Trail:n a track or mark left by something that has passed go after with the intent to catch A trail of dead deerA trail of blood They made a trail of protests against the decision The police trailed the criminal to the place where he was hiding.我们跟踪那个小偷来到了他藏赃物的地方。We trailed the thief to the place where he hid the Stolen goods.cling:vcome or be in close contact with;stick or hold together and resist separation to remain emotionally or intellectually attached clung,clungCling to sth 坚持she is always clinging to her boyfriend.Yu Min Hong always clings to the hope that he will succeed.近义词:cling、stickStick 粘住 stick the envelop 粘住信封 stick to 坚持 stick to his promise.Please stick to one-China position.不管你说什么,我任然坚持我的观点。Whatever you will say,I still stick to my point.Convince:vt make(someone)agree,understand,or realize the truth of something Convince sb.of sth使某人相信某事Please convince him of this.He has to convince me of his ability to do this job.这名罪犯竭尽全力让法官相信他的清白。The criminal tried his best to convince the judge of his innocence.Convince sb that 使某人确信 The criminal tried his best to convince the judge that he was innocent.What I have experienced convinces me that Tomorrow will belong to the aggressive people 他必须说服我他有能力胜任这份工作。He has to convince me that he is able to do this job.Be convinced that 相信了The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma.the judge was convinced that the criminal was innocent.中国政府相信了朝鲜正在发展核武器。Chinese government is convinced that the North Korea istrying to develop the nuclear weapon.Somehow:不知怎么搞的、不知什么原因I was lost somehow yesterday.He was nervous somehow.辨析:somehow somewhatSomehow:in some way;by some meansSomewhat :a little I wish I could repay you somehow.The price is somewhat higher than I expected.The price is a little higher than I expectedDisturb:v destroy the peace change the arrangement or position Please do not disturb us when we are working.The manager will be angry if you disturb him when hes inconference.DisturbingDisturbedShe told me the disturbing news yesterday.I was disturbed at the news.1、pumas are large cat-like animals which are found in America.剥茧抽丝:Which cat-like:像猫一样Dog-likeLife-like woman-likeWoman-like 乾坤大挪译:大熊猫是一种体型貌似猫的动物,产于中国。Pandas are large,bear-like animals.They live in China.Pandas are large,bear-like animals which are found in China.龙是一种体型类似蛇的神秘动物,在中国的传说中有关于它的描述。Dragons are mysterious,snake-like animals which are described in Chinese legendary.2、When reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken seriously.剥茧抽丝:That 引导同位语,对report 解释When reports that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London came into London zoo分隔式同位语 他竭力的对他的情人隐瞒他已经有老婆的事实。He tried his best to conceal the fact that he had wife and family from us.He tried his best to conceal the fact from us that he had wife and family.They were not taken seriously Take sb./sth seriously 认真的对待某人某事You should take your job seriously.You had better take everyone in your life seriously.警察在见了目击者之后,决定认真的对待这起刑事案件After meeting the witness,the police decided to take the criminal case seriously.Take sb./sth lightly 对某人某事不在乎The company takes the serious pollution lightly.We should not take the respectable opponent lightly.Take sb./sth too much to heart 太在意He takes you too much to heart.He will never get the thing he wants because he always takes everything too much to heart.如果你真的爱她就不应该太在意她的过去.If do love her,you should not take her past too much to heart.重温旧梦:同位语从句与定语从句:两者都会用that引导I have got an information thatI have got an information that the pretty girl likes me.I have got an information that surprised me a lot.同位语从句与定语从句最明显的区别:在同位语从句中,引导词that只是起着连着主句和从句作用,不做任何的句子成分。I have got an information that the pretty girl likes me.定语从句中引导词that不仅起着连着主句和从句作用,同时还在从句中作主语或者宾语。I have got an information that surprised me a lot.实战演练:1、(2009 四川)News came from the school _ Wang Ling had been admitted to Beijng university.A.Which B.what C.that D.where 2、(2009 重庆)life is like a long race _ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.A.Why B.What C.that D.Where 3、(2009 北京)-what do you think of teaching,Bob?-I find it fun and challenging.It is a job_ you are doing something serous but interesting.A.Where B.which C.when D.that 4、(98 CET-4)The mere fact _ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.A.What B.which C.that D.Why 3、However,as the evidence began to accumulate,expertsfrom the zoo felt obliged to investigate,for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.剥茧抽丝:however 并列连词,表达转折意思he said that it was so,however,he was mistaken.he said that it was so,he was mistaken,however.然而我们依然可以做朋友。we can,however,be friends.However,we can be friends.as 从属连词,随着,当时候As the evidence began to accumulateAs she talked on she got more and more worried.随着越来越多的人参与到保护小动物的活动中来,我们相信社会可以那些流浪的小动物们提供更好的生存环境。As there are more and more people joining in the activity to protect the stray animals,we believe that our society will provide these stray animals with a better living environment.For the descriptions given by people For后面引导原因状语从句,对主句的附加说明和解释提供更多的信息;Because后面的原因状语从句则是重点突出原因。The day broke for the birds were singing.Mary has a fever because she was caught in the rainYesterday.He must have been busy,for he didnt take part in the party last night.He was very busy because he had lots of thing to do.the descriptions given by people过去分词作定语the descriptions which were given by peopleI lost a pen made in China.The horse raised by the farmers won the race.我想买一本鲁迅的书。I want to buy a book written by Luxun.那个开车的中年人就是我的老师。The middle-age man driving the car is my teacher.claim to have done sth 声称做过某事They claimed to have discovered a new planet.Anthropologists claimed to have made a real discovery on the ancient man.他声称做过经理。He claimed to have been a manager.政府声称曾经跟恐怖分子进行过谈判The government claimed to have negotiated with the terrorists.4、The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw a large cat only five yards away from her.剥茧抽丝:I still remember the school where I have been a volunteer teacher.一般来说现在分词作定语都是来修饰动作发出者,过去分词作定语修饰动作的承受着。The birds flying in the air are very beautiful.The birds caught by him are very beautiful.那个正在玩牌的男人就是这里的老板。The man playing cards is the boss here.The man who is playing cards is the boss here.那个被一些人保护的人是我们的领导人。The man protected by a lot of people is our leader.The man who is protected by a lot of people is our leader.5、It immediately ran away when she saw it,and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it iscornered.剥茧抽丝:unless:if not 用unless引导从句要用现在时态,不能用将来时。Come tomorrow unless I call you.Come tomorrow if I do not call you.如果工资不是很低,他就会接受这份工作。He will take the job if the salary is not too low.He will take the job unless the salary is too low.6、Wherever it went,it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.Wherever=not matter where,Wherever you go,my heart will go with you.Whenever=not matter whenWhatever=not matter what(常引导主语从句)However=not matter how(however 做连词表转折意义时除外)Whatever you have is all you need.However you praise the film,I just feel it so-so.however,we can be friends.leave behind 把某物留在后面Wherever the wounded soldier went,he left behind him a trail of blood.我们应该给后代留下一个干净的地球。We should leave behind a clean world for the future generations.人生最痛苦的事情就是人死了,钱没花完!人生最痛苦的事情就是人没死,钱花完了!The most miserable thing in life is that you leave behind lots of money after your death!The most miserable thing in life is that you live with nothing at all.7、Paw prints were seen in a number of places and pumafur was found clinging to bushes.剥茧抽丝:被动语态experts saw the paw prints in a number of places and found puma fur clinging to bushes.被动句式是对事实的陈述,强到的结果和已经产生的影响;主动句式则是突出强调行动的发出行者,意在突出主体。食品安全问题已经已发了多起重大事故。Several accidents have been caused by food security problem。Food security problem has caused several accidents.中央政府决定重点治理食品安全问题Central government decides to deal with food security problem.8、Several people complained of cat-like noises at night anda business man on a fishing trip saw a puma up a tree.Complain of /about sth 抱怨某事Husband complains of dog s life,but dog has no wife.He is always complaining about his job.越来越多的人抱怨噪音污染。More and more people are complaining of noise pollution.我们不要老是抱怨自己的工作。We should not always complain about our job.Complain to sb 向某人抱怨Never complain to your ex-lover.He complained to his boss about his job.当地居民向警察抱怨老是被偷。Local people complained to the police about being stolen.A business man on a fishing trip 介词短语作后置定语。A man in the car 在车里的人 A book on the desk.桌上的书。9、As no puma had been reported missing from any zoo in the country,this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.剥茧抽丝:Missing 现在分词做主语补足语In the possession of sb.归某人所有in ones possession This one must have been in the possession of a private collector This one must have been in a private collectors possession.In possession of sth Take possession of sth这两漂亮的车子是我的The beautiful bicycle is in my possession.The beautiful bicycle is in the possession of mine.I am in possession of the beautiful bicycle.I take possession of the beautiful bicycle.课堂知识总结:重要单词:accumulate、oblige、Corner、cling、convince 重要短语:at large、feel obliged to do be obliged to do、claim to have done sth、leave behind、cling to、stick to、complain of、In the possession of 语法知识:定语从句与同位语从句区别 介词短语、分词短语作定语 重要连词:however、as、for写作黄金表达练习 翻译:随着家乡环境污染问题越来越严重,一些环境保护者觉得有必要采取行动保护环境,给后代留下干净的生存空间。虽然他们也知道这样会是一项艰巨的任务,但是他们始终抱有成功的信心。为了说服政府官员,他们收集了大量的企业排污的证据。面对当地政府为了改善环境指定的政策,那些拥有重污染企业的老板们纷纷抱怨政策的不合理,宣称自己为了环境保护做了很多,但是环境保护者却把他们逼入绝境。随着家乡污染问题越来越严重,一些环境保护者觉得有必要采取行动保护环境,给后代留下干净的生存空间。首先分析句子结构:主句是一些环境保护者采取行动保护环境,“随着家乡环境污染问题越来越严重”显然是原因状语;“给后代留下干净的生存空间”是做目的状语。随着,显然是说明原因,原因状语,本课中我们学了用来引导原因状语从句的重要连词as,于是我们确定用as引导的原因状语从句来表达:as the pollution problem in their hometown is more and more serious有必要做某事,本文中黄金表达:feel obliged to,于是主句:some environmentalists feel obliged to do something to protect the environment 留下:leave behind 于是:to leave behind a clean living space for the future generations.as the pollution problem in their hometown is more and more serious,some environmentalists feel obliged to do something to protect the environment to leave behind a clean living space for the future generations.虽然他们也知道这会是一项艰巨的任务,但是他们始终抱有成功的信心。注意句子转折,连词使用,however,抱有信心:cling to they know that it will be a difficult task,however,they are always clinging to the hope that they will succeed.为了说服政府官员,他们积累了大量的企业排污的证据。说服:convince sb of sth 积累:accumulateIn order to convince officials in the government of the problem,they have accumulated lots of evidence.随着家乡环境污染问题越来越严重,一些环境保护者觉得有必要采取行动保护环境,给后代留下干净的生存空间。虽然他们也知道这样会是一项艰巨的任务,但是他们始终抱有成功的信心。为了说服政府官员,他们收集了大量的证据。As the pollution problem in their hometown is more and Moreserious,some environmentalists feel obliged to do something to protect the environment to leave behind a clean living space for the future generations.they know that it will be a difficult task,however,they are always clinging to the hope that they will succeed.In order to convince officials in the government of the problem,they have accumulated lots of evidence.面对当地政府为了改善环境指定的政策,那些拥有重污染企业的老板们纷纷抱怨政策的不合理,宣称自己为了环境保护做了很多,但是环境保护者却把他们逼入绝境。主句:老板抱怨政策不公平,宣称自己为环保做了很多,但是环保者却把他们逼入绝境。拥有:in possession of 抱怨:complain of 宣称做过:claim to have done 逼入绝境:CornerFacing the environmental policy made by the local government,the bosses in possession of some heavy polluting factories complained of the injustice.They claimed to have done a lot to reduce the pollution,however,they were cornered by the environmentalists.As the pollution problem in their hometown is more and Moreserious,some environmentalists feel obliged to do something to protect the environment to leave behind a clean living space for the future generations.they know that it will be a difficult task,however,they are always clinging to the hope that they will succeed.In order to convince officials in the government of the problem,they have accumulated lots of evidence.Facing the environmental policy made by the local government,the bosses in possession of some heavy polluting factories complained of the injustice.They claimed to have done a lot to reduce the pollution,however,they were cornered by the environmentalists.


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