高二英语选修6Reading 1 Unit 4 module 6参考答案

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Reading 1 Unit 4 module 6参考答案: 一、 单词:1. operate 2. honour 3 voluntary 4. awareness 5 urgent 6. accessible7. touch 8. conflict 9. 大使 10. 吸引,引起二、 短语:1. refer to 2. take on 3. keep the distance 4. with the help of5. under the umbrella of 6. apart from 7. set out 8. on behalf of9. feel honoured to do sth 10. draw ones attention三、 合作探究:A A四、 自主学习:1. A business woman and a Goodwill Ambassador.2. 191 countries3. they come from different countries that belong to the UN.4. Baskets. They sell them at the market.5. countries in Africa.6. Access to fresh drinking water for everyone and primary education for all children.五、 合作探究:1. paras12. Brief introduction of the UN.Paras34. What Tang did as a UN Goodwill Ambassador.Para 5. The problems the UN helps solve.2. 1). An International group made up of countries that want to increase peace.2). It helps end some of the worlds most horrible conflicts; assist the victims of wars and disasters; protects human rights; improve international laws; help with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disaster and disease.3. F F T4. wars, conflict; lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease;Try and meet eight development goals by the year; (one is) to ensure that fresh drinking water is available to everyone, (another is) to ensure all children complete primary education.六、 检测:1. ACDCB2. October 1954; 51; 191;horrible conflicts; human rights; laws; education; foodInternational peace; friendly relationships among nations; in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights; organizing the actions or work of different nations.Eight


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