外研版英语九年级下Module 2 Unit1练习题(含答案)

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Module 2 Education Unit 1I.单词。1. pron我们的 2. n领带3. n一排;一行;一列 4. n水池;游泳池II.短语5. 玩得开心 6. 有点,一点7. 校服 8. 和玩,玩.句子。9英国的学校什么样?are English schools ?10在英国一个班里有多少学生?How many pupils there a class England?11所以我们的学校更大一些。So is bigger12他们没有成排坐。They dont sit 13那里的孩子们确实喜欢踢足球。Kids there really football.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。14-Whose books are these?-Oh,they are o 15There are many beautiful (领带)in the shop16Students sit in r in the classroom in China17Look at the boys swimming in the p How cool they are!V句型转换。18He enjoyed himself in the zoo last week(同义句转换)He in the zoo last week19There are two apples on the table(对画线部分提问)apples on the table?20I hope I can go there by train(同义句转换)I hope there by train21Lets look at the picture(同义句转换)Lets at the picture22My bike is blackWhat about your bike?(同义句转换)My bike is blackWhat about ?VI.单项填空。( )23-How was your visit to the World Park in Beijing?-Wonderful!We enjoyed very muchAitself Bmyself Cyourselves Dourselves( )24-Wow,what a nice MP4! Whose is it?-My aunt bought it for my brother and meIts Amine Bhis Cours Dhers( )25The man has friends in this city,so he often stays at homeAa few Bfew Clittle Da little( )26-I like that camera is it?-Its 100 dollarsAHow often BHow many CHow long DHow much( )27-What are they doing?-They on the beachAlying Bare lying Clie Dlies( )28The longer he lives in China,the more he enjoys in itAlive Blives Cliving Dto live( )29Its too bright and sunnyWhy not your sunglasses?Abreak Bclean Cmake Dwear( )30-Ten and fifteen is twenty-five- .AAll right BThats all CThats right DThats all right( )31Taking buses in Beijing is than taking a taxiAmore cheap Bmuch cheaperCa little cheap Dless cheaper( )32The old couple has two childrenOne is a daughter and is a sonAthe other Banother Cother Dothers( )33 foreign schools like?AWhats BHows CWhatre DHowre.根据汉语意思完成句子34昨天我自己拍了一些照片。I some yesterday35今天下午我们将和他们进行一场比赛。We are going to them this afternoon36这些学生成排地坐在教室里。The students are in the classroom37她希望不久能见到你。She she you soon38-你的朋友是个女孩。-对。-Your friend is a girl- .39一天,他到街上去散步。,he went out for a walk in the street40布莱克先生经常穿着白裤子。Mr Black white trousers完形填空。In the USA,children start school when they are five years oldIn some states they must stay in school 41 they are sixteenBut most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they 42 ,secondary schoolsThere are two kinds of schools in the USA:public schools and private schools 43 children go to public schoolsTheir parents do not have to 44 their education because the schools 45 money from the governmentIf a child goes to a private school,his parents have to get enough money for his schoolingSome parents still 46 private schoolsthough they are much more expensiveToday about half of the high school students 47 in universities after they finish secondary schoolsA student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents 48 in that stateMany students 49 while they are studying at universitiesIn this way they get into 50 working habits and live by their own hands( )41Aand Bthough Ctill Dsince( )42Aleave Bcome Cstudy Dpass( )43ASeveral BMost CA few DFew( )44Aworry Bpay for Cask for Dmake sure( )45Alend Bspend Cget Dcost( )46Ago Bhate C1ike Dmind( )47Aplay Bmiss Cchange Dstudy( )48Awas born Btravels Cvisit Dlive( )49Awork Bstudy hard Cdo sports Dread books( )50Agood Bbad Cwell Dbetter参考答案I1ours 2tie 3row 4pool5enjoy oneself 6a bit 7school clothes 8play withIII9What,like 10are,in,in 11ours,a bit12in rows 13enjoy playingIV14ours 15ties 16rows 17poolV18had a good time 19How many,are there 20to go 21have a look22yours23D提示:由主语We确定用反身代词ourselves。24 C提示:由My aunt bought it for my brother and me可知它是我们的,故选C。25 B提示:friends是可数名词复数,排除C和D。再由so he often stays athome确定选B。26D提示:由Its 100 dollars可知是问价格。27B提示:由问句可知要用现在进行时,故选B。28C提示:enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事。29D提示:“戴眼镜”用wear。30C提示:计算结果是正确的,表示“正确,对”,故选C。31B提示:than前要用比较级,排除A和C。比较级前可用much,a bit,a little,even等修饰,故选B。32 A提示:上文提示老夫妇有“两个”孩子,若表示两者中的“另一个”,应该用the other。33C提示:主语中心词为名词复数schools,根据主谓一致原则,谓语动词也应该用复数。提问“是什么样子的?”应该用“What belike?”。34took,photos myself 35have a match with I 36sitting in rows37hopes,can see 38Thats right 39One day 40often wears41C提示:till表示“直到”。42A提示:根据句意可知此处应表示“毕业”,用leave school。43B提示:由句意可知此处表示“大多数”,用Most。44B提示:由句意可知此处表示父母不必“支付”教育费用,pay for意为“付钱”。45 C提示:由句意可知此处表示“学校从政府得到钱”。46C提示:句意为“虽然私立学校更贵,但一些父母们仍喜欢私立学校”。47D提示:由句意可知此处指“在大学学习”。48D提示:由句意可知此处表示“他的父母住在那个州”。49A提示:句意为“很多学生在大学学习时也工作”。50A提示:由句意可知此处表示他们养成“好的”工作习惯。


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