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初三英语总复习 词义辨析 预习卷 一辨别以下各组近义词,完成相应的练习。1. house home family区别特例house房子 / 住宅a new househome家 / 家乡go / leave homefamily家人 / 家庭family and friendsa. All his _ enjoy traveling by train.b. I really felt at _ while staying with you in the holiday.c. The Browns bought a 4bedroom _ in downtown last month.2. sound voice noise区别特例sound声音 / 声响 / 声the sound of musicvoice嗓音 / 说话声speak in a loud voicenoise噪音 / 吵闹声make so much noisea. The _ of the cars outside woke me up early this morning.b. -The best woman singer of the year has got a sweet _. -No wonder she is so popular.c. We know light travels much faster than _.d. The students are always asked not to make much _ in class. 代词1. few a few little a little区别特例few ( fewer fewest )很少(否定),修饰可数名词few people 很少人few mistakes 很少错误a few一些 / 几个(肯定)修饰可数名词a few people 几个人a few mistakes几处错误little( less least )很少 / 几乎没有(否定)修饰不可数名词little money 很少钱little time 很少时间a little一些 / 少量(肯定)修饰不可数名词a little money 一些钱a little time 一些时间a. Her daughter feels rather lonely in this new university because she has_ friends there .b. The actor has played many different roles these years, but only _ are remembered by people.c. Mrs.Jones has to go to the supermarket since there is _ food left in the fridge.d.- Would you like some apple juice, dear ?- Yes, mum, but just _ .2. many / much a lot of / lots of plenty of a great deal of a large number of 区别特例many (more most)许多 ( 修饰可数名词)too many peoplemuch (more most)许多 / 大量 (修饰不可数名词)too much homeworka lot of / lots of许多 /大量 (修饰可数 / 不可数名词)lots of Christmas presentsplenty of大量 / 充足 (修饰可数 / 不可数名词)plenty of rain / vegetablesa great deal of许多 / 大量 (修饰不可数名词)a great deal of timea large number of许多 / 大量 (修饰可数名词)a large number of fans(注: many/much多用于否定句和疑问句, a lot of / lots of多用于陈述句)a. There is _ rain this summer. The crops grow well.b. Young ladies usually spend _ money on fashionable clothes.c. - Do you have _ housework to do this weekend, May?-Yes. I have to do _ cleaning and washing.d. He made so _ mistakes that he didnt pass the final exam. e. You ought not to spend so _ time playing computer games if you want to make your dream come true.f. _ foreign visitors have just arrived at our new school. And the number of them is around 20. 3. another the other others the others区别特例another 另一(接可数名词单数,泛指)又 / 再(接名词短语)another foreigneranother six minutesthe other另一(接可数名词单数,两者之中另一个)其他(接可数名词复数,其余所有)the other foreignerthe other foreignersothers其他(不可接名词,其余一部分)some othersothers = other peoplethe others其他(不可接名词,其余所有)one the others a. Would you like _ glass of orange juice, Jenny? No, thanks.b. Mr Li has two daughters. One is a nurse. _ is a secretary.c. We could see tens of children in the big garden when we got there. Some were playing badminton., _ were playing hide-and-seek. d. All the students were there when the principal stepped into the room. One was standing beside the window while _ were sitting .e. The German girl walked for a whole week in the American jungle after the terrible accident. She had to walk for _ four days to reach the nearest village.4. both all ; neither none ; either each every 都都不之一每个两者bothneithereither/eacheach三者或以上allnoneeacheverya. Mrs Black has already tried on several pairs of shoes, but _ fits her well. How disappointed she is!b. Guangzhou has become a modern large city. You can see lots of tall buildings on _ side of its main roads, especially in Tianhe District.c._ child will be given a special present if they win in the competition next Saturday. I think _ of them is looking forward to it.d. _ of the twins are interested in listening to classical music, but _ of them likes doing exercise.介词1 between among 区别特例between在( 两者 ) 之间between Tom and Timamong在( 三者或以上 ) 中among the people a. Where is Joey? She is sitting _ Ann and Jean. b. It is said that the temperature today is _ 20 and 28. c. His beautiful villa is _ those trees. The air there is so fresh. 2. as like 区别特例like像prep. 用于名词/代词前like me as 照方式 作为conj. 用于从句 前prep. 用于名词 / 代词前as I doas a scientista. The lovely baby looks _ her mother. b. Diana is wearing a long white wedding dress _ her twin sisters. How beautiful they are!c. _ a inventor, Edison had lots of useful inventions.3. besides except except for 区别特例besides除之外(还)通常表示“包括”如同 withmany other hobbies besides collecting stampsexcept除之外通常表示“不包括”如同 without every day except Sunday a. His cousin likes many other sports _ water-skiing. (Water-skiing is also one of his favourite sports.) b. His cousin likes all sports _ water-skiing. (His cousin doesnt like water-skiing ) 4. with in by use 区别特例use动词 use a knife / chopsticks use German as a second languagewith介词 接工具with knives and forkswith a stickin介词 接方式in another way, in Englishin a low / loud voiceby介词 接方式接动作by e-mail / letter by doing sth.a. Canadians _ English and French as their official languages.b. You may cut the orange _ this knife, but you must be careful since it is very sharp.c. The professor spoke _ a loud voice so that everyone in the hall could hear him clearly.d. You may send your works to me either _ letter or _ e-mail. But you must do it before August 6.e. The waiter killed the fly _ hitting it. The waiter killed the fly _ a newspaper. The waiter _ a newspaper to kill the fly. 形容词/副词 1. good well fine nice 区别特例good (better best)好的(adj)令人愉快的(adj)精通的/有益的(adj)a good job / bookhave a good timebe good at /forwell (better best)好(adv.)身体好的(adj)Well done!feel wellfine (finer finest)晴朗的(adj)健康的(adj)a fine dayFine, thanks.nice (nicer nicest)宜人的(adj)好心的(adj)a nice daya nice mana. Did you all have a _ time during the summer holidays?b. Vegetables and fruits are both _ for our health.c. Whats wrong with you, little boy? Well, I dont feel _.d. Its a great idea to go for a picnic on such a _ day.e. What a _ neighbour Mrs Jones is!f. The American scientist speaks _ Chinese. The American scientist speaks Chinese _.2. alone lonely 区别特例alone独自仅/单(用于名词或代词后加强语气)live alonethe food alone is lonely寂寞的偏僻的feel lonelya lonely village a. It is dangerous for girls to go out _ at night. b. Mrs Su brought up her children _ after her husband died several years ago. What a great mother!c. The poor old man lives _ and he often feels_.d. On a _ evening, May spent hours watching TV at home.3. too as well also either 区别too / as well 一般用于肯定句的句末also一般用于肯定句,放在主动词之前或be之后either一般用于否定句的句末,noteithera. Tim has been to Germany twice. Jim has been there, _.b. Joey can sing; she can play the piano _.c. The librarian is very nice, she is _ helpful.d. Ben didnt eat up the food on the table. Ken didnt _. 动词 1. cost pay spend take 区别特例cost费用 / 价钱代价 / 损失花费the high / low costthe terrible cost of the warSth. cost sb. pay工资 / 薪水付费a pay riseSb. pay for sth.pay in cashspend 花钱度过花时间Sb. spend on sth.spend the weekendSb. spend (in) doing sth.take需要时间费时It takes (sb). . to do sth.a. The new swimsuit _ Nancy thirty dollars.Nancy _ thirty dollars on the new swimsuit.Nancy _ thirty dollars for the new swimsuit.b.The workers _ 3 years in building the Oingzang RailwayIt _ the workers 3 years to build the Oingzang Railway.c. -How are you going to _ the coming summer holidays, Ron?-Im going to the Disney Land with my cousin in August.2 look see watch 区别特例look看一看寻找看起来/显得 link v.看来好象 link v. look at sth look for sth look tired /sad look likesee看见观看拜访明白 see sb. do / doing sth. see a movie / film come to see me Oh, I see.watch注视 / 观看照看 / 看管(短时间)留意 / 当心 watch TV / a basketball match watch sth. for a short time Watch yourself! (Be careful!)a. Are you still _ for a job, Eric?No, Ive found one in a big company already.b. The photograph doesnt _ like her real person at all.c. If you _ carefully from the top of the hill, you can _ his beautiful white house among all because it is so special.d. Did you _ what happened on your way to work this morning?Yes. A red sports car crashed into a store next to the petrol station.e. The thief was _ running away from the bank, carrying a bag of money on his back.f. Children are always asked not to _ too much TV.g. Could you _ my bags while I buy a newspaper, madam?3. listen hear sound 区别特例listen听 听从 lisen to music / pop songs listen to sb.hear听见听说 Can you hear me? hear sb. do / doing sthhear of sb./ sth.sound声音 / 响声听起来象 the sound of steps That sounds interesting.a. All the children are _ to her exciting story carefully.b. Did you _ someone walk out of the kitchen, dad ?c. Ive never _ of that person before, could you tell me something about him ?d. Kids should _ to their parents seriously when they make important decisions.e. I couldnt recognize him because his voice _ so strange on the phone.4. borrow lend keep 区别特例borrow向借用 borrow sth. from sb.lend借出 lend sth. to sb.keep留着 How long may I keep the book?a. Tim _ a dictionary from Tina just now. Tina _ a dictionary to Tim a moment ago.b. Excuse me, could I _ your umbrella? I forgot to bring one with me when I hurried to work this morning.c. The librarian told the student that he could _the magazine for two week.5. join join in take part in 区别特例join参加 / 成为一员参与 / 与一道连接join the armyjoin sb. ( for sth. )join A to Bjoin in 参加 (活动) join in with sb.take part in 参加 (活动 / 比赛)take part in the matcha. Li Hao _ the Party half a year ago. Li Hao _ a Party member for half a year.It is half a year since Li Hao _ the Party.b. Would you like to _ us for dinner tonight?c. How many countries will _ the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, do you know?d. Sally never _ in with the other children. She prefers to play on her own. Her parents are very worried about her.6. raise rise 区别特例raise Vt. 举起 / 提起 筹募 raise your hand / the price raise moneyrise Vi.上升 / 攀升升起 the price rises the sun risesa.The policeman _ his gun and shot the criminal who was trying to kill a lady dead.b.They want to _ as much as money to help the people in need.c.We were told that the sun _ in the east as children.d.-Hey, Ron, can you see smoke _ from the house across the street?-Yes. Im sure the house must be on fire. We must call the fire-fighters for help.动词短语 1. have gone to ; have been to ; have been in 区别have gone to 去了 (还没返回 / 仍在途中)have been to去过 (已经返回)have been in 在 (有一段时间)a. Where is your boss, Jean? He _ the USA on business.b. _ you ever _ the Great Wall, Ken?Yes. I _ there twice.c. Is this your first visit in our city, Ben? Yes. I _ here for almost a week2. stop to do ; stop doing ; stop sb from doing 区别stop to do 停下(原来在做的事)去做另一件事stop doing 停止做(原来一直在做的事)stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 a. Stop _(talk), please. I have something important to tell you. b. Jack stopped _ (talk)with me as soon as he saw me in the street. c. The policeman stopped the little boy from _ (cross)the street because the traffic light is still red. d. All the workers stopped _ (have) a rest after several hourshard work. e. The Green Great Wall will stop the sand storm from _ towards the rich land in the south.3. be made of ; be made from ; be made in ; be made by区别be made of由 制成 (制成品能看出原材料)be made from由 制成 (制成品不能看出原材料)be made in 在 制造 (补充说明产地)be made by 被制造 (补充说明制造者)be made up of由组成a. We know paper is made _ wood while most chairs are made _ wood.b. More and more shoes sold in Europe are made _ China, so the EU wants to stop China from selling them to their countries.c.The largest plane Airbus A380 is made _ France and it is made _ hundreds of workers.d.The best wine is made _ France and it is made _ grapes.e. Our class _ twenty boys and twenty- eight girls.4.look at ; look for ; look after ; look up ; look over 区别特例look at ; 看 / 瞧 look at the photoslook for 寻找look for a good joblook after 照顾 look after the oldlook up 查阅 look up the new wordlook over 检查look over the sick boya. Please _ the blackboard and listen to me carefully.b. The police are _ the lost boy everywhere.c.Could you _ my daughter while Im away?d.Although he _ the new word in the dictionary, he still couldnt understand it.e.Before the couple decided to buy the new house , they _ it _ again to make sure everything was OK.5. turn on / off ; turn up / down ; turn over ; turn into 区别turn on / off 打开 / 关掉(电器或水笼头)turn up / down 调高 / 调低 (音量)turn over 把翻转; 翻转turn into 把 变成 ; 变成a. Remember to _ all the lights in the classroom before you leave, class.b. You ought to _ your radio since your sister is busy getting ready for her test.c. Dont forget to _ the beef _ in 30 seconds, or it will be over cooked.d. More and more ice in North Pole is _ water as a result of global warming. 6. put on ; put out ; put up ; put off ; put away 区别特例put on 穿上 上演 put on your coat put on a new playput out 扑灭 扔掉put out the fire put the rubbish output up 举起 张贴 put up your hand put up a posterput off 推迟 put off the meetingput away把放回原处put away all the booksa. _ your warm clothes when you go out. The weather said the temperature is going to fall below zero.b. All the fire-fighters are busy _ the big fire.c. A notice was _ on the blackboard just now.d. They had to _ their wedding until October.e. You must _ the magazines _ after reading.f.- When did they _ their latest play? -Half a month ago.g. You should _ your hand before you answer the teachers question.7. hear from ; hear about ; hear of 区别特例hear from 接到的信 / 电话 hear from sb.hear about 听说 / 得知 (某事) hear about sth.hear of听说 / 得知 (某人的事) hear of sb.a. How often do you _ your best friend in Japan?b. Mrs. hasnt _ anything _ her daughter for days.c. Have you _ the accident happened last night?d. Have you _ the famous scientist before.8


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