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初中英语动词短语汇总同一动词十不一样介词/副词come短语come across偶(然)遇到(或发现)come along (不测处)出现;发生;到达come down 下降come from 来自come back 回来come on快点;力口油come out第一版;发布;开花;抽芽come over趁便来访希望、梦想等实现come true ()get短语get away 逃离get back 返回get down 下降get on上车get off下车get over 战胜get up起床;起来get along/on with sb. 与某人相处go短语go away走开;走开go back回去go up上涨;增添go out出去;熄灭go off爆炸;走开;衰败go over认真检查;复习go through 经过give短语give away赠予;散发give back还给;送还;恢复(健康等)give in投诚,折服give out发出(气味、光芒、声音、信号);散发give up放弃look短语look after照料;照看look at 看look around 环视周围look for找寻;追求look into 检查look out 留意look over (认真)检查look through 阅读look up ( 在 典、参照 等中 ) ;找look up to 佩;敬慕;敬爱look down upon 瞧不起look forward to 期望;期望put 短put away 把? 收起来; 存 ?用put down 写下;放下put off 推 ;迟延put on 穿上;演出;增添put out 扑 ;熄 (火)put up ;搭建take 短take away 拿走;走take down 取下;下;拆卸take in 吸入;吞入(体内)take out 拿出take off 脱下衣服; 机等起take up 占有 ( 、空);开始从事;拿起take after ( 在相貌、性格等方面)与 (父母等 ) 相似take care of 照看;照turn 短turn down 低 , 小;拒turn up 开大 , 高;出turn on 打开turn off 关turn out 果是turn in 上交同一 不一 样 介 /副1 We will never our dreamuntil it comes true one day.A. give upB. give inC. give outD. give awayA 【分析】句意:我永 不会 我的梦想直到它 的那天。 giveup 放弃; give in 折服; give out 分 ;give away 捐 ,依据句意放弃梦想,故 A 。2 Hurry up! I m afraid we will miss the plane. Don t worry! The plane will notuntil 12 o clock.A. take afterB. take awayC. take off D.take outC 【分析】句意: “快点!我担忧我们将错过飞机 “不要担忧!飞机12 点、九前不会 。 takeafter 相貌或行为像; take away 拿走; take off 腾飞; take out 拿出。依据句意飞机应当是腾飞,应选 C 。3 Why does your room look so small? Because the bedtoo muchspace.A. takes up B.takes down C.takes off D.A 【分析】句意 “为何你的房间看起来这么小? “由于床 太多的空间。 takesup 占有; takes down 记下;takes off 脱掉,飞机等腾飞; takesaway 带走,取走。依据语境可知,此处表示 “床占有了太多空间,所以房间看上去很小 。应选 A 。4 In order to save the energy, we shouldlights in time if we don t need them.A. turn upB. turn downC. turn offD. turn onC【分析】句意:为了节俭能源,在我们不需要用灯时,应当实时把他们 。 turn up 调大,往常指声音等;turn down 调小; turn off 封闭; turn on打开。依据句意可知,此处是指关掉灯。应选 C 。takes awayfriend in Paris. We haven each other for years.seen5 I m very surprised to an oldA. come outB. come acrossC. come afterD. come onB 【分析】句意:我很吃惊在巴黎一位老朋友。我们好多年都没会面了。come out 第一版; come across 有时遇到;come after 跟从; come on 加油。依据语境可知选B 。6 It s agood habit for us that we should never todays work tilltomorrow.A. put onB. put offC. put upD. put downB 【分析】句意:我们应当决不把今日的事情 到明日,这对我们来说是一个好习惯。put on 穿上; put off 推迟; put up 张贴; put down 记下,依据句意表示把今日的事情推延到明日,应选 B 。7 The doctors the little girlcarefully. They advised her to take some medicine on time.A. looked intoB. looked overC. looked forD. looked atB 【分析】句意:医生们认真地 小女孩。他们建议她准时吃药。 lookedinto 检查; looked over ( 认真 )检查;looked for 找寻; looked at 看。联合句意可知此处是指医生认真地检查了那个小女孩。应选B 。8 What do you usually do in the evening, Tom? I usually the newspapers tofind something interesting.A. look throughB. look outC. look aroundD. looked intoA 【分析】句意 “汤姆,你夜晚往常做什么? “我往常报纸来找一些风趣的西。 look through ; look out 当run away 逃跑;跑掉心; look around 向周 围 看; looked intotake away 拿走throw away 抛弃不一 样 同一介 副a bout 短care about 关 怀 ;在乎talk about ; ;think about 考throw about 乱 ;抛撒worry about 担忧at 短point at 指向look at 看某人throw at 投向; 向laugh at(sb.) 嘲 讽 某人knock at 敲shout at sb.) 某人大叫aim at 对 准;旨在away 短get away 逃离give away 送;分put away 把?收起来; 存 ?move away 搬走,移开back 短bring back 恢复;使想起;come back 回来get back 回来;恢复give back ;送回go back 回去pay back( 借 钱 等 )talk back 回嘴; 嘴down 短break down 停止运 ;出故障calm down 保持沉着cut down 砍倒;减少fall down 落下;跌倒get down 下来;落下put down 写下; 下;放下shut down 关上;停take down 撤掉;turn down 低;关小;拒write down 写下; 下in 短believe in 相信;信check in 到;登come in 来hand in 交上;提交;呈送take in 吸入;吞入 (体内 ) ;理解;欺of 短hear of 听think of 思 虑 ;考get out of 走开;从 ? 出来take care of 照 ;照看off 短break off 忽然中断;中断cut off 切除;切断drop off 减少;下降fall off 从 ? 掉下get off 脱下;下go off () 出响声; 出光、等keep off 勿踏;勿knock off 停止做某事pay off 清 (欠款等 )put off 推 ;迟延run off 跑掉;快速走开see off 某人送 别set off 身去某地;出 发send off 差遣shut off 关 ;停止运take off 脱下衣服, 机等起tell off ;分配turn off 关on 短put on 穿上turn on 打开fight on 持pass onkeep on 行try on 穿; 看work on 从事;忙于depend on 依come on 赶忙;加油;来吧hold on 等一等 挂 out 短blow out 吹break out ( 争、火灾等)忽然生;爆bring out 使 ;使表 出check out 明;走开clean out 去除;把? 打 干clear out 清理; 掉come out 第一版;表cut out 除; 去find out 明; ; 认识get out 出去,走开give out 出 (气味、光 、声音、信号);分go out 出去;熄hand out 分 ; 放keep out 不 入leave out 不包含;不说起;忽视look out 留意;留意put out 扑 ;熄(火)run out 用尽;耗尽sell out 完;售光set out 出 ;出 发stand out 站出来;突出; 持究竟work out 算出;解决help (sb.) out 帮助(某人)解决困over 短come over 便来fall over 倒get over 战胜 ;恢复;原go over 仔 ;复look over ( 仔 )up 短bring up 教育;培育;提出cheer up 使振 ;使高 起来 (cheer sb.up)clean up ( 把?)打 干 ;(把?)整理整cut up 切碎dress up 穿上盛装;装束eat up 吃光;吃完fix up 维修;修get up 起床give up 放弃grow up 成 ; 大hang up 挂断take out 拿出hurry up 赶忙look up ( 在 典、参照 等中 ) ;找make up 造;形成; 成pick up 起put up ;搭建send up 射,把 ? 奉上去set up 成立;立;开show up 列席;露面stay up 不睡;熬夜take up ( 尤指 消遣)学着做;开始做think up 想出turn up 开大 (声音 ) ;出use up 用完;用光;耗尽with 短agree with 同;持同 样 意begin with 以? 开始connect with 与? 相deal with 理; 付catch up with 追上提出;想出(想法、回复come up withget along/on with sb. 与某人相keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持系keep up with 与并 ;跟上不一 样 同一介/副9 Mike and his parents willforShanghai to visit Disney Park tomorrow.A. put offB. take offC. get offD. set offD 【分析】句意: 克和他父 亲 母 亲 明日将去上海参 迪斯尼 园。 put off 推 ; take off 脱下, 机起 ;get off 下 ; set off 身去。依据句意可知,他明日 身去上海参,所以用 set off 。故 D。10 This bus doesn t go to the trainstation. I m afraid you llhave to at the library and take the A30.A. take offB. put offC. get offD. turn offgo on withA. set upC【分析】句意:这辆公交车不去火车站。我唯恐你不得不从图书室 , 而后转乘A30 。 take off 脱下,飞机起飞;put off 推延; get off 下车; turn off封闭。依据语境可知此处指的是下车,应选 C 。11 What are you doing over there? I m a photo of our familyon the wall.A. looking upB. giving upC. making upD. putting upD 【分析】句意: “你在那处做什么? “我把一张我们的全家福在墙上。 lookingup 向上看,查找; giving up 放弃; making up 构成,假造; putting up 张贴。依据句意可知 “ putup 切合语境,指把照片往墙上贴。应选D 。12 People along the riverdidn t allow them toa factory there in orderto protect the water.B. give upC. take upD. look upA【分析】句意:为了保护河水,沿河的人们不一样意他们在那一个工厂。setup 成立,开业; give up 放弃; take up从事;占有; look up 查阅,向上看。set up a factory 成立一个工厂。应选A 。13 Do you know who mydictionary? I can t find it. Sorry, I don t konw, either. I was out just now.A. got away B.took away C.ran away D.threw awayB 【分析】句意: “你知道谁我的词典吗?我找不到它了 “不好心思,我也不知道。我刚出去了 gotaway逃离 ;took away 拿走; run away 逃跑;threw away 抛弃。依据句意能够是咨询谁拿走了我的词典,应选B 。14 Could you tell me where thefitting room is? I need tothispair of pants. Sure. Over there.A. work onB. pass on C.depend on D.try onD 【分析】句意:“你能告诉我试衣间在哪里吗?我需要 这条裤子。“自然能够。在那处 workon 从事;pass on 传达; depend on 依靠; try on 试穿。依据句意找寻试衣间,表示要试穿这条裤子,应选D 。15 When will your new book?I can t wait to read it. Next month.A. give out B.come out C.work out D.sell outB 【分析】句意: “你的新书什么时候 ?我急不可待地想读它。 “下个月 giveout 散发; come out 第一版;work out 解决; sell out 卖光。依据句意“我想读你的书,可知咨询的是新书什么时候第一版,应选B 。16 It took them about five hourstothe fire. Although the housewas destroyed, nobody was hurt.A. put outB. carry outC. work outD. find outA 【分析】句意:他们花销了大概5 个小时才把火 。只管房屋被破坏了,但没人受伤。 put out 息灭,熄灭; carry out实行; work out 算出,解决; find out查明。依据语境可知,此处指 “花了将近 5 个小时才把火息灭 ,应选 A 。17 The best way of theproblem is by asking the teacher forhelp.A.beginning withB. dealing withC. connecting withD. agreeing withB 【分析】句意: 这个问题最好的方法是追求老师的帮助。beginning with 以 开始; dealing with办理; connecting with 与 相连;agreeing with 赞成。 deal with the problem 办理问题,应选B 。不一样动词+不一样介词/副词练一练不一样动词不一样介词/副词18 I promised her to her childduring her business trip.A. agree withB. worry aboutC. look afterD. laugh atC 【分析】句意:我承诺在她出差时期帮她 她的儿童。 agree with 赞成;worry about 担忧; look after 照料,照料;laugh at 嘲讽。剖析语境可知,此处指照料儿童。应选C 。19 I oftenthe lessons with mygood friends. It is easier for us to exchange some ideas with each other.A. look forB. break inC. turn outD. go overD 【分析】句意:我常常和我的好朋友一同 功课。对我们来说,互相沟通一下想法更简单了。 look for 找寻; breakin 打断; turn out 证明是,结果是; goover 复习。剖析句意可知此处是复习功课。应选D 。20 You d better notlate foryour favorite TV plays. Enough sleepis necessary for your health. A. take onB. stay upC. put offD. turn downB【分析】句意:你最好不要为了你喜欢的电视剧 太晚。充分的睡眠对你的健康来说是必需的。 take on 体现; stayup 熬夜; put off 推延; turn down 关掉 , 拒绝。依据语境可知建议不要熬夜太晚看电视剧。应选B 。


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