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word职工考勤休假制度工作时间与地点WORKING HOURS AND WORKING PLACES1.1. 工作时间的开始与完毕mencement and Cessation of Working Hours工作时间Working Hours:根据中华人民某某国劳动法规定,员工每周工作时间为40小时不包括用餐时间。员工将获得每周两天的休息日。In accordance with the Labor Law of PRC, the working hours shall be forty (40) hours (excludingmeal hours) per week. Two rest days per week will be offered to the employees.具体工作时间: 周一至周五: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Work Time: Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.公司有权根据业务需要对作息时间进展调整。Due to the nature of work and business needs, the working hours may be different or changedfrom the standard work hours.1.2. 工作时间的控制Control of Working Time为确保业务活动顺利有效地开展,所有员工必须准时报到工作,按时履行职责,未经员工所在部门主管同意,员工不得缺勤、迟到或早退。Every employee must go to work on time and fulfill his obligations and absence, late-ing or earlyoff-duty is not accepted if there is no prior approval of the supervisor.1.2.1 每个员工在每天上下班时,必须刷考勤卡以备公司考核。Each employee should punch a clock card whenever entering and leaving the pany. The recordwill be used as a proof of attendance by the pany.1.2.2 由于工作原因在外工作的员工考勤由主管另作记录。The registration of the working time of outstation workers shall be done manually by thesupervisor in charge.1.2.3无故缺勤和擅自离岗将导致扣发工资和纪律处分。未经同意而出现持续3天或3天以上天数的缺勤将导致公司对员工的解聘或被视为劳动合同自动终止。Unreported absence will give rise to salary deduction and disciplinary punishment. Absence of acontinuous 3 days or above will entitle the pany to dismiss the employee or terminate theemployment contract.1.2.4通过欺骗或制造假象而获准或试图获准缺勤属于严重违纪,公司管理层将有权予以立即辞退。The pany management is entitled to give the punishment of immediate dismissal if anyfraudulent acts or attempts are found aiming at swindling approval.1.3. 离开办公室Leaving the Office1.3.1 如果员工因私外出必须提前向部门主管书面申请休假。If an employee wishes to leave the Office during working hours for non-work-related reasons, anapplication for leave must be made to the superior.1.3.2 如员工需外出在城内拜访客户或办理其他业务,须经部门主管的批准。If the employee needs to visit clients or handle other matters, it must be approved by departmentmanager.薪资福利政策SALARY & WELFARE POLICY2.1. 薪金Salary公司以合理的薪金制度吸引并激励每一位优秀员工。The pany attracts and retains each of its outstanding members with a sound salary system.公司内每一个岗位的收入水平将由公司每年参照市场薪金水平来调整确定,期间还将考虑公司的经营业绩和对员工工作绩效的评估。The ine level for each position will be decided based on the market salary level on yearly basis.Of course, the overall business performance and individual performance will also be taken intoconsideration.薪金每年调整一次,新薪金通常每年一月生效。Salary is adjusted once each year, and the new salary shall apply from Jan. of each year.公司薪金的发放日期是每月的最后一个工作日,以银行转帐的形式发放。The pany pays salary on the last working day of each month by remittance to bank cards.公司和员工都必须对员工的薪金某某负责。The pany and employee must be responsible for the confidentiality of salary.2.2. 奖金Bonus公司可自行决定向员工颁发第十三个月的双薪与年终奖金。双薪和奖金的发放是非契约性的、非保证性的,并不是公司义务的一局部。双薪和年终奖通常于翌年年初发放。The pany may at its sole discretion, decides to give 13th month salary and annualperformance bonus to its employees. This bonus is non-contractual, nonmittal and not a part ofthe pany obligations. 13th month salary and annual bonus are usually given in beginning of next year.是否发放奖金以与奖金数额的多少取决于但不仅限于如下因素:公司的经营状况和个人的工作表现。Whether to give this bonus and how much the bonus is depends on the following factors, includingbut not limited to: pany operation status and individual performance.以上所描述的双薪与年终奖的发放适用X围为:发放日的在岗员工,在发放当日已经从公司离职的员工不再发放,除非得到管理层的特别批准。The bonus mentioned above will be paid only to the employee who are on service at the paid date,the employee who has end working relationship with the pany do not have the right to bepaid, except special approved by the management.2.3. 加班制度Overtime Policy2.3.1. 加班与加班的申请Overtime and Request for Overtime加班定义:除市场营销人员、经理级员工以与工作时间不固定的员工以外,其他员工因其实际工作需要,经其部门经理批准同意,在公司规定的正常工作时间以外的时间内进展工作。The “overtime hereinafter refers to any work performed outside the regular working hours, which isnecessitated by requirement on pletion time and approved by the department manager,applicable to the employees excluded the Marketing & Sales Dept, Managerial staff and otheremployees required to travel frequently by job functions.需要加班的上述员工必须事先征得其直接主管的同意方可加班。Any employees who request overtime shall get the approval from his / her immediate superior.2.3.2. 加班时间与加班报酬的计算putation of Overtime Hours and Remuneration公司根据国家与地方有关法律法规给与调休或者支付加班费。OT payment or time off will be offered bythe pany according to the national and local laws and regulations.加班费根据国家与地方有关法律法规的规定计算并支付。The calculation and payment of overtime remuneration will be conformed to related national andlocal laws and regulations.假期LEAVE & HOLIDAYS3.1 法定节假日Paid Public Holidays员工每年均享有劳动法和相关政策规定的法定节假日。Employee is entitled to have paid public holidays per calendar year in accordance with the labor lawsand statutes.3.2 年休假Annual Leave员工自参加本公司后,按比例享有带薪年休假,但只在试用期满后方可使用。在每月的15日之前含15日参加的员工,服务期以该月开始计算。年休假规定如下假如无特别说明,“天代指“工作日:Employee shall be entitled to have paid annual leave on pro rata basis since joining the pany, but canonly enjoy after successfully passing the probation. Full month service will be recognized foremployee who joins before or on the 15thof each month. Details of annual leave are as follows(If not specified, days on behalf of that working day):员工享有的年休假:An employee is eligible for: 1) 入职第一年起,可以享受5天的年休假;5 days of paid annual leave on pro rata basis from the first service year;2) 服务满二年起,可以享受7天的年休假;7 days of paid annual leave from the third service year;3) 服务满五年起,可以享受10天的年休假;10 days of paid annual leave from the sixth service year;4) 服务满十年与以上,可以享受15天的年休假。 15 days of paid annual leave from the eleventh service year in the pany.需要申请年休假的员工必须事先填写休假申请表,提前3天向其直接主管提出申请并征得书面同意,方可休假,不得影响工作,休假申请应交由公司人力资源部备档。Any employee who wants to use the annual leave must fill in an application form for vacation andsubmit to his / her immediate superior for approval three (3) days in advance. In principle, theemployee should ensure that his / her absence due to annual leave will not affect the work. Theapplication form shall be filed with the HR department.年休假应当在当年申请使用,最多分四期使用,每次使用年休假不应少于天。当年未休完的年休假不能推延至下一年,未休完年休假将视为自动放弃,无任何补偿。Annual leave shall be consumed in each calendar year, and in a maximum of four installments,each of which shall be over 0.5 day in length. Unused leave could not be carried forward to next year. Any unused annual leave of theprevious year will be waived with no pensation.法律规定的外地员工的探亲假期,应首先利用年假冲抵。The home leave entitled by the law, will be firstly pensated by Annual Leave.劳动合同解除时,员工劳动合同解除当年应得年休假日数的计算将依其实际在职月份比例计算,如有超休或未休的年休假日数,公司如此应按照如下计算方法补偿或追讨员工未休或超休的年休假:超休或未休的年休假天数劳动合同解除当年根本日工资。In case of termination of employment contract, the due days of annual leave accrued for the currentyear will be puted on proportional basis. If the used days of annual leave are different to theputed days, Australian Hub shall offer pensation or claim for repayment for the gap of days:Gap of days of annual leave average salary per diem in the year the employment is terminated.3.3 病假申请程序与待遇Paid Sick Leave本条款明确关于病假的申请程序和相关待遇,以确保该政策符合国家劳动法与相关法律、法规的规定,尽力使员工的工作和生活获得平衡。This article specifies the application procedure for sick leave and the relevant treatments, inaccordance with the labor laws and relevant local laws and statutes, to offer employees abalance of work and life.该规定基于对国家与当地的有关法律法规规定的理解。该规定适用于与公司签订劳动合同的正式员工。This policy is based on the understanding of relevant national and local laws and statutes,applicable to contractual employees of the pany.3.3.1病假申请Application for Sick Leave病假必须首先取得部门经理的批准。Sick leave must get the approval of department manager.员工因病必须治疗或休养,病假三天以内由部门经理批准,三天以上还必须报批总经理或CEO或执行董事。病假不超过一日无需医院证明;但超过一日的,必须满足下述条件以下如无特别说明,医院均指区二级、县级以上公立医院:Sick leave below 3 days for medical treatment or recovery shall be subject to the departmentmanager for approval. Sick leave above 3 days shall also be submit to GM or CEO or Executive Director for approval, all sickleave exceed 1 day should meet the following requirements (Unless as otherwise specified, hospitalrefers to the state-owned hospital above district or county level):A. 须提供就诊医院急诊挂号单、诊断证明;员工因探亲或出差在外地生病时,应提交当地医院相关 急诊诊断证明。The emergency treatment registration slip and diagnosis record shall be provided. If sicknessoccurs during a nostalgic or business trip, the emergency treatment record issued by local hospitalshall be provided.B. 应如实提供员工本人如下证明的原件:The originals of the supporting materials below shall be provided:a). 就诊挂号单Diagnosis registration slipb). 医院诊断证明Diagnosis record issued by hospitalc). 医院休息建议书建议员工自留证明资料复印件。 Advice of Withdrawing from Work issued by hospital (employee is remended to keep thephotocopies of the supporting documents).如果员工因病不能上班,必须在生病当天向部门经理口头申请,超过一日不能上班的,需在生病休息两日内向部门经理提交书面病假申请,同时提交病假申请所需证明资料给部门经理审核,并交给公司人事部门存档。经部门经理批准后员工可以开始享受病假;如本人确实无法履行上述告知义务,可委托其直系亲属代为履行。If an employee is absent from work due to sickness, he / she shall apply for the sick leave from his /her department manager by verbal application and submit a written application for sick leave to his /herdepartment manager within two days after the day of absence while submitting the requiredsupporting documents to department manager for examination and to HR department for filing.After getting the approval from the department manager, the employee can start to take the sickleave. If the employee is not in a position to fulfill the above obligation of notification, he / she mayappoint his / her lineal relative to do it on his / her behalf.公司将根据诊断证明、公司的相关规定以与劳动法规来确定员工是否可享受公司所规定的带薪病假。对个别案例,公司将保存咨询医院或医生建议的权利。The panywill decide on whether the employee is entitled to enjoy the paid sick leave by referring to thediagnosis record, corporate regulations and labor law. In certain cases, the pany reserves the right toseek reference from hospital or advice from the doctors.如员工向公司提供的病假证明被证明是虚假的,其已经享受的病假期间公司将按旷工处理。在规定的通知日期限内,员工未以规定形式按时向部门经理请假且未经批准擅自休病假的,也将被视为旷工。员工有上述情况旷工达3天与以上的,将被视为严重违反劳动纪律,公司有权利立即解除劳动合同并不支付任何经济补偿金。If the employee is found to have provided false sick leave proofs, the period of leave will beregarded as unauthorized absence. If the employee takes sick leave without submitting applicationfor leave to his department manager in the specified form within the deadline of notice and withoutapproval of his / her department manager, it will also be regarded as unauthorized absence. If suchunauthorized absenceamounts to over three (3) days, it will be regarded as a severe breach ofdiscipline which may entitle the pany to immediately terminate the employment contract without payingany pensation.3.3.2 病假期间的福利待遇Benefits for the Period of Sick Leave在员工严格遵守公司关于病假申请规定的情况下,员工自参加公司后,按比例每年可享有3天全额工资支付的带薪病假,但只在试用期满后方可使用。如职工该年未休病假,如此既不能积累也无补偿。In strict pliance with the regulations on application for sick leave, the employee shall be entitledto a fully paid sick leave of 3 days each calendar year on pro rata basis after joining the pany, but canonly enjoy after successfully passing the probation. The entitled paid sick leave can neither be accumulatednor pensated if it was not be used.对于员工超过规定天数的病假待遇计算,公司将根据国家和地方法律法规有关医疗期的期限和工资比例的规定予以处理。A sick leave in excess of approved fully paid sick leave days will be countedaccording to the provisions regarding the duration and salary percentage of medicial period in national and local laws and regulations.3.3.3 医疗期满后待遇After the Medical Perioda). 医疗期满后,员工能从事原工作的,返回原工作岗位,公司可继续履行与员工签订的劳动合同。After the medical period, if the employee is found petent for the job, the employee may resumehis original position under the original employment contract.b). 医疗期满后仍不能从事原工作也不能从事由公司另行安排的工作的,由劳动鉴定委员会参照工伤与职业病致残程度鉴定标准进展劳动能力鉴定。After the medical period, if the employee is found inpetent for his original position or any otherpositions as may be assigned by the pany, he shall take an appraisal at the labor appraisalmittee referring to the disability grades for work injury and occupational disease.3.4 工伤假Work Injury Leave职工因工负伤或职业病应由具有鉴定资格的卫生医疗机构出具证明后,方可按工伤处理。The employee who take work injury (or occupation decease) leave only are permitted after theconfirmation by qualified appraisal medical institution.工伤假期间只发给根本工资,不发各种奖金与津贴。Work injury leave will be paid by basic salary without any bonus and allowance.工伤假到期而身体未愈,应与时办理续假手续,否如此中断工伤假待遇。If work injury leave period not enough for the health recovering, employee shall apply for injuryleave extension, otherwise pany keep the right to stop the entitled leave.3.5 无薪事假Unpaid Private Leave无薪事假仅在被批准的特别的情况下被允许。员工请事假必须提前书面向所在部门主管请假,准假后方能离开。书面申请表必须到人力资源部门备案。事假期间不发放工资。事假通常每次不得超过3个工作日,通常每年不得超过7个工作日。Unpaid private leave can only be granted in proven exceptional cases. The employee must applyfor it in writting in advance to enable his department manager to reallocate the workshis kind of leave will notpaid and normally cannot exceed 3 days at one time and cannot exceed 7 days during one year.3.6 婚假Marriage Leave员工在受聘期间结婚,可按照国家相关规定享受婚假,员工享受婚假应在合法注册登记后12个月内一次性休完。员工申请婚假时应提前1个月经其直接主管批准同意,并在请假单后附上结婚证明。假期具体规定如下:The employee is entitled to enjoy marriage leave formulated by government during the employmentin the pany, which shall be used up in lump sum within 12 months after lawful registration. Theemployee shall submit an application to his superior one (1) month prior to the start of leave,enclosed with a marriage certificate. Details of leave are as follows:结婚假期为3天;Marriage 3 days of leaveLate marriage (over 23 years old for female employee in her first marriage and over 25 years old formale employee in his first marriage) 15 days of leave (including the statutory holidays and weekends)晚婚女员工首次结婚时年满23周岁,男员工首次结婚时年满25周岁假期为15天包含法定节假日和公休日;再婚假期为3天。Re-marriage 3 days of leave3.7 产假与陪产假Maternity Leave & Paternity Leave符合国家计划生育政策的女性员工依法可享受产假,具体按照当地的法律法规执行。相关程序规定如下:Female employees who meet the family planning policy of the government are entitled to enjoymaternity leave according to local related laws and government regulations. The related proceduresare stipulated as follows:员工确诊怀孕后,应与时通知其直接主管,同时告知预产期,以便公司对孕期女员工予以适当的照顾。After the employee is confirmed to be pregnant, she shall timely notice her immediate superior thesituation and also the expected date of childbirth, so that the pany can make correspondingarrangement for the employee.经直接主管书面批准同意,员工可选择开始休产假的日期,通常应于预产期前2周填写休假申请表,向公司人力资源部申请产假。After getting written approval from her immediate superior, the employee may select the date tostart the maternity leave. The employee shall usually fill in an application form for leave two weeksprior to the expected date of childbirth and submit it to the HRdepartment.产假天数具体参照相关国家政策:Details of leave are followed with relevant government formulations:a) 单胎顺产者,给予产假九十天; The eligible employee can get 90 days of maternity leave for normal delivery;b) 女员工生育第一个子女时年满24周岁的,可增加晚育假三十天; Additional 30 days will be offered if female employee is over 24 years old in her first delivery;c) 难产者,增加产假十五天; Additional 15 days will be offered if difficult delivery;d) 多胞胎生育者,每多生育一个婴儿,增加产假十五天。 Additional 15 days per child if multiple childbirth.产假必须连续一次性休完。产假包含双休日与法定节假日。The maternity leave shall be used up consecutively. The duration of maternity leave coversweekends and statutory holidays.未使用产假的,将视为自动放弃产假。未按公司的规定申请产假,擅自休息的,公司将按照旷工处理。员工有上述情况旷工达3天与以上的,将被视为严重违反劳动纪律,按公司有关规定处理。If the employee does not use maternity leave in the specified period, it is deemed as a waiverto such right. If the employee is absent from work without going through application formalities forthe maternity leave, it is deemed as unauthorized absence from work. If such absence exceeds 3days, it will be regarded as a serious breach of discipline, which will be handled according topany regulations.员工产假期间的工资待遇公司将按有关国家法律法规的规定计发。During the maternity leave, salary of the employee is puted and given in accordance withrelevant nation laws and regulations.男性员工其配偶符合国家规定的晚育条件的,在其配偶分娩期间可享受3天陪产假。员工申请陪产假的,应提前3天向公司人力资源部提出申请, 员工的直接主管书面批准同意后方可享受。Male employee is entitled to enjoy paternity leave of 3 days during the parturition period of hisspouse, if his spouse meets the policy on late childbearing. The employee applying forpaternity leave shall submit application to the HR department 3 days in advance and get the writtenapproval from hisimmediate superior before taking such leave.3.8 丧假Condolence Leave员工直系亲属过世,公司给予连续3天的丧假。直系亲属仅限于员工配偶、父母、岳父母与子女。员工旁系亲属过世,公司给予1天的丧假。旁系亲属仅限于员工兄弟姐妹、祖父母或外祖父母。员工申请丧假时应提前1天向公司人力资源部提出申请,员工的直接主管书面批准同意后方可享受。如申请时未能提供,丧假期满返回公司工作当日必须提交,未能提交者公司将按旷工处理。The pany gives 3 days of condolence leave to any employee losing his lineal relative. Lineal relativerefers to spouse, parents, parents-in-law and children. 1 day of condolence leave is applicable ifemployee losing siblings, grandparents and grandparents in law. Bereft employee shall direct hisapplication to the HR department 1 day in advance, and takeleave only after getting written approval from his immediate superior. Such applicationshall be produced on the day of application or on the day of returning to work after taking leave. Thefailure to do so entitles the pany to take it as unauthorized absence.以上各类假期间的工资待遇,公司将按有关国家法律法规的规定计发。During the emotional leave mentioned above, salary of the employee is puted and given inaccordance with relevant national laws and regulations.8 / 8


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