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三年级英语上册期中检测试题(II)题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分2.student 父亲 7、sister 十六3.mother 朋友 8、sixteen 十一 4.father 教师 9、eleven 十二 5.friend 母亲 10、twelve 兄弟七、根据所给的句子,选择正确的答句,并连线。10%1. Where are you from? Good afternoon, Mike.2. Whos that woman? Nice to meet you,too.3. Nice to meet you! I can see 12.4. Good afternoon, Sarah! Im from China.5. How many kites can you see? Shes my mother.八、根据情景,找出最佳的语句,并把编号写在括号内。10%A. This is my friend, Mike.B. Happy Womens Day!C. Watch out!D. What a big fish!E. I have 12 crayons.1.你想告诉别人你有十二枝蜡笔时,你应该说:( )2. 介绍你的朋友Mike时,你应该说:( )3.你想提醒别人当心时,应该说:( )4.当你看见好大一条鱼时,应该说:( )5.3月8日那天你想对妈妈说:( )九、按字母顺序填出所缺的字母大小写形式。10%Aa Bb ( ) Dd ( ) Ff ( )Hh ( ) Jj Kk ( ) Mm NnPEP三年级英语上册期中试卷听力材料一 听音,在你所听到的单词后打“”。1.Dd 2.man 3.ice 4.mouse 5.fourteen二、听音,请在你听到的句子前的括号内打“”。1.Nice to meet you.2.Where are you from?3.Good afternoon.4.This is my mother.5.Happy Womens Day!(A 、A、B、B、A)三、听音,根据所听到的内容选择正确的图画, 在括号内打“”。1.girl 2.man 3.goose 4.bag四、听音,按听到的顺序编号。1.Nice to meet you. 2.Nice to meet you, too.3.Where are you from?4.Im from America.5.Whos that boy?6、Hes my brother.五、听音,判断所听到的内容是否与图片相符,相符的打“”,不符的打“”。1.Im from America.2.-How old are you? -Im 20.3.This is my grandmother.4.I like Coke.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册期中检测试题(III) Name:_ Class: _ Mark: _一、请写出下列字母所相对应的字母。(20分)1. a_ 2, e_ 3, h_ 4, p_ 5,k_6, _S 7, _Z 8, _C 9, _M 10, _R二、读一读,并按正确的格式抄写。(15分)1. This river is very wide. 2, She always helps people.3, What will you be? 4, This river is very wide. 5, He lives in the countryside. 三、从方框里选出相对应的单词填空。(10分)clever naughty shy long tall1. Big Ben is very_(高的).2. My brother is _ (调皮的).3. Xiaoyong is _(聪明的)4.This is a _ (长的) river. 5.She is a bit _ (害羞的). 四、 选择填空。(10分)( ) 1Peaches _ my favourite fruit. A. is B. are .( ) 2.Whats ten _ ten? Its twenty. A. plus B. minus.( ) 3. Will Sam go to the zoo? No,_. A. he will B. he wont( ) 4. What will you _.? A. are. B. be( )5. Hell be _ film star. A. a B. an( )6. There are fourteen _ A. apple B. apples( )7. Shes a _ shy. A. bit B. small( )8. This is _ orange A. an B. a( )9. Will Amy go to the country? Yes,_. A. she will B. he will( )10. He _ make e-cards. A. can B. is四、连词成句。(5分)1 very/ tall /Its_2. be / Ill /writer / a _3. a bit / Shes /quite_4 . will / be / What / you? _5. is /Tom/ this _五、从方框中找出所出示的单词,并圈起来。(10分)twenty helpful from maybe phonea t w e n t y p o p h o th e l p f u l h m a y b et v m l r r o o l k f y ll p q m o m l n m v z p tl t d e m l t e b y k z d


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