2022年高中英语必修四:《Module4 Great scientists》预习学案(含答案)

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2022年高中英语必修四:《Module4 Great scientists》预习学案(含答案)_第1页
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2022年高中英语必修四:《Module4 Great scientists》预习学案(含答案)_第2页
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2022年高中英语必修四:Module4 Great scientists预习学案(含答案)课题Great Scientists课时0.5 课时预习目标1.You should remember the new words and phrases as many as possible. 2. Reading by yourself to have a general idea about the text .3.You should practice describing some great persons.预习导学Step I. Challenge New Words(挑战新词):Try your best to remember the new words of this lesson and challenge your ability.Group A爆炸主要的人物教育(v.)绰号农业种原来的,最初的出版突破(n.)支持产量Group BconvertexportagriculturalreplacequantityqualitydiagnosebrilliantcareerbriefphysicalpersonalStep II. Phrases Union(短语联盟):Try your best to collect as many phrases as possible after reading the passages in this module.Step III. Reading In Heart(读在心间)1.Read the passage carefully and finish the Exercises which are connected with the text._2.Read the passage again and fill in the blanks according to it: (1)In the _ world , the Chinese Scientist ,Yuan Longping , is a leading figure . He was born in a poor farmers family in 1931. In 1953 he _ Southwest Agriculture College. Since 1953, he has _ finding ways to grow more and more rice .He_ different types of rice. In 1970 he discovered a new hybrid rice by crossing different species of rice plant. This hybrid rice could produce a higher_ than either of the original plants. _ his discoveries , Chinese rice production _ 47.5 percent in the 1990s.Although he has been _ , he still keeps time for his hobbies such as playing violin , swimming and reading.(2)From an early age he _ plants. He studied agriculture in college and as a young teacher he began experiments_. He thought that _ feeding people was to have more rice and to _ it more quickly. He thought there was only one way to do this-by_ different species of rice plant, and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher _ than either of the _ plants.Step IV. Easy Points vs My Dictionary(玩转词典)1. escape:词性 _ 词义 _短语 _典句 _2. replace :词性 _ 词义 _短语 _典句 _StepV. Thought Zone(反思空间):_


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