三年级英语上册 Lesson 6(4)教案 教科版

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三年级英语上册 Lesson 6(4)教案 教科版教学理念: 在英语教学的起始阶段,培养和激发学生的学习兴趣是我们的主要教学任务之一。在教学实践中,我发现将学生带入真实的语言交际环境下,可以激发他们强烈的学习愿望,而让学生带着任务去学习,可以极大地调动他们参与语言实践的热情。在本课教学活动中,我提供尽可能多的机会给学生参与语言实践,让每个学生都能通过自己的语言实践得到衬衫和号码,完成学习任务,从而获得成就感。让学生在语言应用中学习,在语言实践中完成学习任务,对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,树立学好英语的自信心。 教学目标: 1.Words:shirt number,Sentences:Whats my number?Youre number.Here is your shirt;培养学生的语言技能,同时发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 2.激发学生的语言学习兴趣,培养学生积极的语言学习态度,增强学生的团队合作精神和集体意识。 教学流程: I. Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Sing the “Ten Little Children ” song. (意图:借助歌曲既创设了一个轻松的课堂氛围,又有效地复习了数字。) II.Introduction The teacher shows a picture about the sports meeting, and makes the students know they ll have a sports meeting and each of them should get a shirt and a number. (意图:创设语言应用情境,明确学习任务,激发学生的学习意愿和热情。) . Presentation and practice 1. “ Here is your shirt.” -The teacher shows a shirt and teaches the word “shirt”. Asks the students to say together in groups and individually, and then writes the word on the blackboard. -The teacher says the chant: “Shirt, shirt, here is your shirt”, and gives a big shirt without number to one student in each group. The students will repeat the sentence and know the meaning of the sentence. The students practice the sentence in groups and individually. Then the teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard. -Group work: S1 opens the shirt, and he/she will find many small shirts in it. The teacher asks him/her to say the sentence and then S1 gives a shirt to S2, then S2 to S3. Everyone will say the sentence and get a shirt. (意图:让每个学生都有分发衬衫的机会,使每个学生都能在实践中运用语言。) 2 . “Youre number.” -The teacher shows a number box, which has ten number balls in it. The teacher helps some students pick up number balls to review the numbers, and the students learn the word “number”. (意图:通过摸带号码的球,让学生在活动中感知语意,激发学生学习的积极性。帮助学生理解“number”这个抽象名词的语意, 让学生在应用中掌握其用法。) -One student picks up a number ball , the others say the sentence “Youre number.” (意图:通过摸球得号码的活动促进学生学习语言的积极性。) 3. Whats my number? -The teacher picks up a number and hides it, then asks the students: “Whats my number?”The students will know the meaning of the sentence, and try to guess the number , practicing the sentence “Youre number.” -Singthe sentence(用学生学过的歌曲“Hows theweather”的曲调。) Whats, whats my number?Whats, whats my number?Youre number 9, you re number 9, youre number 9.You re number 9. (意图:学生在优美的旋律中能较快地熟悉句型。) -The teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard, the students show fingers, and write the letters in the air then read the words. .Activity -Plays a game of getting numbers: Divide the whole class into four groups in the classroom. Each group has Play Cards from 1-10. One student chooses one card; the others guess the number in groups. (意图:让学生在游戏中合作、交流、运用语言,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,同时发展他们的合作意识。) -Making sports shirts. The teacher shows how to paste the number on the shirt, and puts the shirt on. The students do it by themselves. (意图:学生亲手将自己得到的衬衫和号码制作成运动衫。培养学生学习的成就感,锻炼学生的动手能力。) .Production -At first, the teacher shows the questions: 1.Whats Xiaolans number?2.Pangpang is number_.3.Paul is number_. The students read the questions and listen to the tape, then answer the questions. - The students repeat after the tape. (意图:让学生带着问题去听录音,检查学生对语言知识的掌握、理解情况。请学生跟读课文录音磁带,确保语言学习的准确性以及帮助学生形成良好的语音语调。) -Pair work: Ask and answer, then fill in the blanks: A: Whats my number? B: Youre number_. Here is your_. A: Thank you. A: Whats my_? B: Youre number nine. Here isyour shirt A:_ . (意图:学生通过填写表格,其听、说、读、写四项语言技能得以综合训练,并在活动中发展其收集整理信息的能力。) .Homework -Do a survey about the great sport players number. (意图:延伸课堂所学,联系生活实际,培养学生的学习兴趣和收集整理信息的能力。) 教学反思: 在教学的起始阶段,师生共同演唱的英文数字歌曲,不仅以生动活泼的形式对英文数字进行了有效的复习,而且较好地调动了学生的学习热情,创设了一个较为良好的学习氛围。针对本课的教学内容,我通过张贴图画等形式为学生创设了“运动会前分发运动衫和运动号码”的语言情景。通过问题情景的设置,较为自然地呈现出“得衬衫,得号码”的学习任务。在教学中体现了学中用,用中学的教学特点。在教学活动的设计上,我注意到要提供尽可能多的语言运用机会给尽可能多的学生,尽力关注到每一个学生。在巩固练习阶段,通过听、说、读、写的训练活动使学生的综合语言运用能力得以全面提高。 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Lesson 6(5)教案 教科版一、Teaching aims:通过学习句型“Whats your number? ”“And your number?”问“My numbers.”“Im number”回答,学会用英语问答数字110。能使学生将数字运用于日常交际中。.通过一系列的活动,培养学生积极与他人合作、参与活动的意识。二、Important points: 能运用句型“Whats your number? ”“And your number?”问“My numbers. ”“Im number”回答。三、Difficult points: 能将数字和句型熟练地运用于日常交际中。四、Teaching aids:word cards,pictures,tape and recorder.五、Teaching steps:I.Greetings &warm upT:Hello,boys and girls.Good morning. Ss: Hello,May. Good morning. T:Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you,too.T:How are you ,today. Ss:Im fine,thanks.And you? T:Im very well. Lets sing a song. “Follow me.” 通过歌曲导入,从孩子的爱好出发,直接切入主题,关注孩子们的情感和学习,符合新课标中“要关注学生的情感,塑造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围”的要求,同时创造了一个生动活泼的课堂教学气氛。 II.Revise .Show the cards read it and talk about it. Shirt/ This is your shirt. /Here is your shirt.(Say and do it one by one.) Six/ This is my shirt./ Whats my number?/Youre number six./Your numbers six./Number.(Ask and answer in pairs.) 运用卡片、体态语,谈论上节课的学习内容,引出本节课的学习内容,起到承前起下的作用。III.PresentationGuide:T:My numbers six. Whats your number?Today,lets go on learning lesson six Whats your number?(Follow the teacher read it and write it .)课题也是本节课学习的主要内容,让学生跟读、跟写,能使学生时时有事做,同时培养学生的读写能力。Learn the new sentencesWhats your number? Chant it one by one.T: (Show the card and talk about it.)This is your shirt, Whats your number? Ss:Nine.Practice the dialogue in pairs.机械地训练句型,为使学生在头脑中对新句型有初步的认识,并且能够达到 “上口”的效果。从而为拓展埋下伏笔。T: Now,you can choose a number in your heart,then tell me or our class.T: Whats your number? S1:Nine.T:And your number? S2:My numbers four.教师让学生们在心里想一个自己最喜欢的10以内的数字,然后教师问Whats your number? S1回答Nine,教师再问And your number? S2回答four.反复几次,让学生感知他的意思,从而引出And your number? III.PracticeLet students practice the dialogue like this. One by one. 如果学生说的这个句子不太准确,其他学生可以帮助他共同完成这句话。IV.ConsolidationChant! T:Sports meeting is ing.Do you know ,what are Ann and Mikes number? Lets listen to the tape and chant it.(The taecher point and the students chant it.)教师领学生多练习几次,以巩固本节课的重点句型。然后再听录音,让学生感受真正、地道的英语。Guess game.T:Today,we will have a class sports meeting.Do you want to go?I have some shirts,Do you want it?OK,you can guessthis shirts number,then this shirt is for you.T;Pick up a shirt card. Ss: Whats your number?S;My numbers_.这样做三至四次,每次学生猜对后,教师都要说“My numbers.” 通过游戏激发学生学习兴趣,进一步巩固句型,为下一步比赛做好准备。.Learn the new words.T:Which sports in our class sports meeting? Run/ jump/walk (chant it and do it!) 体态语增强学生学习的兴趣,提高学生的记忆力,适时地对学生进行正确的跑、走、跳姿势的教育,从而实现教学的有效性。 T:Do you like these sports?Next,lets learn to page 69 by themselves,then lets go.OK? .Listen to the tape and chant it. .Consolidation the sentences.(Body language.) .Have a match. S1: Whats your number? S2: My numbers four. S3: My numbers five. S1:Ready? S2&S3:Ready. S1:One.two,three,go! Ss:Run,run,e on!e on! S1:Number five ._is first. 让学生在有意义的情景中开展认知活动。运用学生喜爱的实物和生活中的情景,来激发学生的兴趣。有效利用任务型教学手段,辅助教学实践,激发学生的学习欲望,从而启发学生思维,提高教学效率 V.Sum up:生活中我们会见到很多数字,但这些数字一定要记住噢!110,119,120,114。 VI.Appraise:English stars. 在对个人口头表扬的同时,小组竞赛也是是必不可少的。每组有自己的口号还能增强凝聚力,如:Ant!Ant!Go!Go!Go! Bear!Bear!Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!等,让学生在愉快的英语氛围中,快乐学习。 VII.Homework Conventional homework


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