安徽省2022中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八下 第8课时 Units 1-4习题

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安徽省2022中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八下 第8课时 Units 1-4习题_第1页
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安徽省2022中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八下 第8课时 Units 1-4习题.单项选择。(D)1.(xx蜀山区模拟)I know Old Joe lives _.We are supposed to visit him from time to time.Then,he wont feel _.Aalone; aloneBlonely; lonelyClonely; aloneDalone; lonely(B)2.(原创)We used to _in the evening,but now we are used to _early in the morning.Aexercise; exerciseBexercise; exercisingCexercised; exerciseDexercising; exercise(D)3.(xx庐阳区一模)My father has made a_that he will buy a camera for me.AsuggestionBsecretCproblemDdecision(A)4.(原创题) Its really nice of you to help me out of trouble in time._.AMy pleasureBNever mindCTake it easyDAll right(B)5.(预测题)I will have an exam this afternoon. Im a little _. Dont worry about it. Just try your best. AclearBnervous CcrazyDclever (A)6.(预测题)On my way home,I saw a granny fall down. I offered help first and then _ the police.Acalled upBcared forCcheered upDfound out(B)7.(预测题)They feel_very necessary to put up some notices on the wall of the classroom.AoneBitCthisDthat(B)8.(原创题)Can I e today or tomorrow?_is OK.Im busy today and tomorrow.AEitherBNeitherCEachDNone(A)9.(原创题)_teenagers are being the “Headsdown Tribe (低头族)Its_bad.AToo many; much tooBToo much; much tooCMuch too; too muchDToo many; too much(D)10.(预测题)On weekends,many children volunteer_the old people in the old peoples home.AhelpBhelpedChelpingDto help.(改编题)完形填空。Hariette Thompson,a 92yearold American woman,became the worlds oldest woman to plete a marathon_1_she crossed the finish line at a race in San Diego.As a_2_survivor,Hariette Thompson didnt know whether she could finish a race this time.But she decided to_3_and do what she does every yeartake part in the Rock n Roll Marathon(摇滚马拉松)in San Diego.Hariette Thompson has always liked to keep_4_to fight with the cancer.Then,when she was 76,she decided to take part in the marathon for the_5_time in order to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society(白血病淋巴瘤学会)And_6_has raised over$100,000 for it in the past few years.Today,she_7_the 16th Rock n Roll Marathon in 7 hours,24 minutes and 36 seconds._8_the race,her 56yearold son stayed with her along the way.He took_9_and videos of his great mother along the way with his phone.“Everybody was running,so I decided to finish it_10_even if I had to walk the whole way.And it didnt seem so bad.”she told WFAE radio.(B)1.AbecauseBwhen CthoughDunless(D)2.AtoothacheBfeverCcoldDcancer(A)3.Ago outBput outCtake outDe out(C)4.AbeautifulBpopularChealthyDimportant(A)5.AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth(B)6.AtheyBshe CheDyou(C)7.AbeganBforgotCfinishedDappeared(A)8.ADuringBAfterCBeforeDSince(B)9.AbooksBphotosCmapsDtickets(D)10.AslowlyBluckilyCquicklyDsuccessfully.(预测题)补全对话。A:Do you know the Badaling Wild Animal Zoo?B:Of course.I heard someone hurt in it more than a month ago.A:1.BIt had changed a lot recently to protect the tourists.In the past,it used to be kind of dangerous.So for drivers,theyd better not walk through the zoo.B:2.FA:I found some protection has been made for the tourists when I visited last week.B:I plan to go there with my parents this weekend.3.AA:Sure! You need to take some food for the animals.4.GIts very safe and interesting.B:I think I can feed some peaches to the monkeys and some bananas to the elephants.What else do I need to do?A:Youd better stay in the car,because there are also some dangerous and scary animals in it.B:That sounds kind of scary.A:5.DWhen you stay in it for long,you must feel thirsty and hungry.B:Many thanks.ACould you give me some suggestions for it?BThats correct.CCan you help me prepare for the visit?DYou need to take some water and food as well.EI think you must take a camera and an umbrella.FWhat has happened to it recently?GYou can feed some cute and friendly animals.(原创题)单词拼写。1Goldilocksnoticed(注意到) a little house,so she hurried towards it.2There are two kindneighbors(邻居) living next to me.3We shouldnt throw about therubbish(垃圾)4Mo Yan is atypical(典型的) successful Chinese writer.5After a while,theycontinued(继续) their work on the farm yesterday.(预测题)书面表达。昨天是端午节,学校组织我班同学去幸福养老院慰问老人,给老人送温暖。请你给校刊写篇文章,记叙当天的活动。主要内容:1上午与老人们一起谈笑风生地包粽子。2下午给老人们表演节目并与他们谈心。3谈谈你对此次活动的感想。要求:1可按所给提示适当发挥,无需标题。2词数:80100。参考词汇:Dragon Boat Festival端午节,zongzi粽子,nursing houses养老院Yesterday it was Dragon Boat Festival, I had a happy day.Our school organized us to help the old people in Happy Nursing Houses. In the morning, we made lots of zongzi with the old people. And in the afternoon, we had an interesting show. Some students sang, some danced and others showed magic. All the old people watched the performances as they talked with us happily.Everyone had fun. From the activity, I learn that its our duty to care about old people more. On the other hand, if everyone shows the love to others, the world will bee more peaceful and warmer.


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