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Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister. Section A【目标呈现】知识目标:词汇:outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , twin ,tall , short , thin .短语:a photo of, look the same , look different, enjoy doing, in common, the same as句型:1. Is that Sam? No, thats Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam. 2. Hes calmer than Sam. Tom is more athletic than Sam. 3. Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister. Lin Ping is a little more outgoing than me/ I am. 4. I am a little taller than her/ she is. 5. My friend is the same as me. We are both quiet. My friend is different from me.语法:形容词的比较级能力目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较.情感目标:正确看待自己和他人的优缺点,以便扬长避短。教师寄语:By helping others, you will feel good about yourself. 帮助他人,其乐无穷。【基础巩固】自主学习一 、重点词汇拓展1.友好的;外向的_(比较级)_2镇静的;沉着的_(反义词)_3.严肃的;庄重的_(副词)_4.强健的;活跃的_(名词)_5.表示的意思_(过去式)_二 、重点词组识记1. your last letter_2. 正如你所看到的_3. in some ways_4. 看起来一样_5. look different_6. 超出_7. make sb do sth_8.擅长做某事,在某方面做的好_9.和- 一样_ 和- 不一样_10. most of the kids _三 、重点句型体验 按要求改写下列句子。1. Sam is thin. Jim is fat.(用比较级合并) _2. I like watching TV. He likes watching TV, too.(合并) _3. He has shorter hair than Sam.(一般疑问句) _4. I think this book is not as interesting as that one.(同义句) _5. This yellow coat is cheaper than that blue one. (同义句) _知识要点: 形容词的用法与级别1) 形容词的作用 形容词在句子中一般充当表语、定语和宾语补足语,如: Our school looks very beautiful. (表语) There are fifty students in our class, so we need a big classroom. (定语) Doing morning exercises can make us healthy. (宾语补足语)2) 形容词的级别 形容词有三种级别,即原级、比较级和最高级。当讨论的对象是一个时应使用原级,当讨论的对象是两个时应使用比较级,当讨论的对象在三个或更多时应使用最高级。 在形容词原级后面加上er就成为比较级,在原级后加上est就成为最高级。 一般的单音节形容词直接加er或est,词尾是不发音字母e的只加r或st,重读闭音节应双写词尾辅音字母再加er或est,如:longlongerlongest,nicenicernicest,bigbiggerbiggest。以辅音字母加y为结尾的双音节形容词应将y改为i再加上er或est,如:earlyearlierearliest,dirtydirtierdirtiest,busybusierbusiest。多音节的形容词比较级应在前面加上more,最高级应在前面加上most, 如:importantmore importantmost important,difficultmore difficultmost difficult。有些特殊的形容词有自己的变化规律, 如:good/wellbetterbest, bad/badlyworseworst,many/muchmoremost, littlelessleast,farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest。形容词的比较级句型应使用连词than或or,如:The weather in Shanghai is hotter than that in Beijing.上海的天气比北京的天气热.Which subject is more important, English or math?英语和数学, 哪个学科更重要?形容词的最高级前应加上定冠词the,句型中应给出比较范围,如:The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流.The third truck carries the most books of all.第三辆卡车在所有的卡车中载书最多.两个人或物比较时,如果只说明两者相同或不同,则可使用as.as.句型,否定句为not as (so).as.句型,这里形容词仍使用原级,如:Mr. Green is as old as Mr. Brown. 格林先生和布朗先生年龄一样大.Mr. Green is not as (so) old as Mr. Brown. 格林先生和布朗先生的年龄不一样大.典型例题:1.The classroom is _ clean _ it was yesterday. Sorry. I forgot to clean it. A. as; as B. so; as C. not so ; as D. more; than解析:本题句意为:-教室不如昨天干净。-对不起,我忘记打扫了。根据句意,首先排除B和D;A表示的是“教室和昨天一样干净”,不符合答句要求,故选C.2. Colours can change our moods and make us _ happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel解析:在主动语态中,使役动词(如 make, let, have)后面的动词不定式中的to要省略;在被动语态中,使役动词后面的动词不定式中的to不能省略。故选D.随堂达标 一、单项选择 1. My friend is very . A. smarterB. smartC. more smarterD. more smart2. He is more interested in English than his brother. A. littleB. a lotC. moreD. very3. My parents quite athletic. A. both areB. are bothC. are allD. all are4. I like making friends, I am a little quiet. A. butB. althoughC. so D. however5. Holly likes to do the same things . A. likes meB. as meC. as I doD. B and C二、用单词的适当形式填空 1. Who is _( heavy), Wang Lin or Lin Tao?2. Mr Green is _ ( serious) than Mr Brown.3. The sun is _( big) than the earth.4. Unit 4 is _ ( difficult) than Unit 5.5. My mother is _ (young) than your mother is.三、完成句子 1. 他多长时间拜访祖父母一次?他每月拜访祖父母3到4次。How _ does he visit his grand parents?He _ his grandparents _ or _ _ a month.2. 我姐姐和我一样。我们都很外向。My sister is the _ _ me. We are both _.3. 我们应该每天打扫教室。We should _ our _ every day.4. 小明擅长游泳Xiao Ming is _ _ _.5. 你看上去和你的妹妹长得一样你们是双胞胎吗?You and your sister _ _ _. Are you twins?四、短文填空Tracy and Marie are in the same school. They are good friends. They have a lot of friends, too. They are very p_(1) in the school. In some ways they look the s_(2), and in some ways they look d_(3)Sometimes they have different v_(4) and i_(5)They are both good at p_(6) basketball,although Marie is more a_(7) than Tracy. Tracy is quieter, but Marie is more o_(8)Tracy is more serious,but Marie is f_(9),she always makes us l_(10)【能力提升】语法练习1. My sister is _ more outgoing than me. A. moreB. mostC. a littleD. little2. Li Ming and Lin Tao _ black eyes.A. hasB. have bothC. both haveD. both has3. John is _ than Peter.A. funnierB. funC. funny D. more funny4. I _ a primary school student two years ago.A. amB. wasC. be D. were5. He likes to do the same things _ me.A. inB. onC. like D. as中考链接1. Li Leis parents _ doctors.(烟台2007)A. are allB. are both C. all are D. both are2. An elephant is _ than a tiger.(德州2008) A. heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier3. He is not as _ as his younger brother.(临沂2008) A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest4. Usually Xiao Li spends _ time doing homework than Xiao Chen does.(江苏2008) A. little B. less C. few D. fewer5. Which do you like _,apples or oranges?(徐州2007) A. best B. good C. well D. better快乐阅读Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not. But all of their classmates said they were like brothers. One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked,What can I do for you? Please bring us two apples first.” said Tom. When the waiter put two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry,“You are impolite,Mike. Why dont you take the smaller one? Tom said. “But I am right.”said Mike with a smile,“if I let you take first, which one will you choose? “Of course I11 take the smaller one. said Tom.“Yes.”Mike said,“If you take the smaller one,the bigger one will still be mine. Dont you think so? “Oh!Tom couldnt answer.1. Tom and Mike were_A. always kind to each other B. sometimes kind to each otherC. dear brothers D. friends of different school2. Mike thought only about_ when they were having lunch.A. himself B. Tom C. his parents D. his friends3. The waiter gave them_ A. two eggs B. two apples C. three orangesD. some milk4. Tom took the_ apple.A. better B. bigger C. smaller D. worse5. Who took the apple first? _ A. Mike B. Tom C. Both Tom and Mike D. The waiterSection B【目标呈现】知识目标:词汇:schoolwork laugh opposite interest though necessary beat care friendship information短语:primary school ,the same as ,be good at/do well in ,beat sb ,have good grades ,be good with childern 句型:1. A good friend likes to the same things as me.2. I like to have friends who are like me.3. Its not necessary to be the same.语法:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级能力目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较.情感目标:正确看待自己和他人的优缺点,以便扬长避短。教师寄语:One today is worth two tomorrow.充分利用好今天能抵得上两个明天。【基础巩固】 自主学习 一 、词语检测1. Tom is strong and healthy. He is a_.2. T_ he was poor, he was very happy.3. His jokes make us all l_ loudly.4. The museum is o_ to the cinema.5. Although there are some d_ between the twins, it is still difficult to find out who is the elder sister.二 、短语互译1. a photo of Lucy_2. look the same_3. 看起来不一样_4. 多于_5. do well in_6. 讲笑话_7. 惹某人笑_8. stop doing_9. beat sb. _0. asas_三 、根据提示完成句子1.我喜欢交像我一样的朋友。_2. 我喜欢交和我不一样的朋友。_3.没有必要一样。_4.我认为差异对于友谊来说并不重要。_5.你认为谁应该得到这份工作?_知识要点all和 both的用法与区别all代表或修饰两个以上的人或事物,或不可数的东西。可以做主语、表语、同位语和定语。例句:All of us like to eat potato chips.(作主语)=We all like to eat potato cjips.(作同位语)我们所有的人都喜欢吃薯条。You have not eaten all (of) the bread.你的面包没有吃完。both是指“两者都”;而all是指“三个或三个以上的人或物都”,可以作主语、宾语、同位语和定语。注意它们的区别:例句:They were all waiting outside the gate.他们(三个以上)都在大门外等着。They were both waiting outside the gate.他们两个都在大门外等着。 随堂达标一 、单项选择 1. Is your brother good at _basketball?Yes, he is.A. to playB. plays C. played D. playing2. This book is _ as that one.A. same B. different C. the same D. difference3.We all like Tina,so she is very _ in schoolA. pretty B. beautiful C. funny D. popular4. Mary likes to have friends who are different _her.A. at B. of C. from D. for5. Sandy is _ at playing soccer than Simon.A. better B. good C. well D. best二 、用单词的适当形式填空1. Bob enjoys _ (tell) jokes.2. It is very necessary for us _ (read) English in the morning.3. He can hardly make the baby _ (stop) crying.4. The movie is very _ and I am _ in it. ( interest)5. 6. Both of _ (they) are outgoing.6. He sings _ (well) than his sister.7. Here are some _ (photo) for you 三 、完成句子 1. 刘英不像她姐姐那样擅长运动。 _2. 一个好朋友喜欢和我做相同的事情。 _3. 李强比李壮胖得多。 _4.Lucy和Lily都喜欢滑冰。 _5.尽管天在下雨,工人们没有停止工作。 _6.我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。 _四 、短文填空only, it, hundred, ask, meal, about, always, how, what, about, but, It was Mr Hills birthday. He was one (1)_ years old and many people came to his birthday party. A reporter (记者) came to the party and (2)_ him a few questions.“Many people want to know (3)_ you live long,” the reporter said, “Could you tell us (4)_ it?” “That is I (5)_ get up at six in the morning,” said Hill. “And have three (6)_ a day. Never drink.”“(7)_,” said the reporter, “my uncle also did so, and he (8)_ lived to be eighty. (9)_ do you think of that?”“He didnt keep (10)_ long enough,” was the old mans answer.【能力提升】语法练习1. He plays baseball _. He is _ at sportsA. well, wellB. good, goodC. well, good D. good, well2. _ they look different, they have some similarities.A. But B. As C. Although D. When3. Im a little _ than my brother,A. tall B. taller C. the tall D. the taller4. He was too tired,so he _.A. stopped resting B. stopped to rest C. stopped to workD. stops working5. How do you feel today, Ted?I feel _ better today, thank you.A. more B. little C. a few D. a little6. Of the two man, who is your father? _ of them is my father.A. NeitherB. Both C. None D. Either中考链接1. Tom is _ than Jim.(黄石2006)A. short B. very shorter C. shortest D. a little shorter2. As a teacher, he is quite popular_ his students.(南京2007)A. to B. in C. for D. with3. You must drive _ next time.(浙江2008)A. more carefullyB. carefully C. careful D. more careful4. _ did you like the trip to Hainan?It was wonderful.(山西2007)A. When B. How C. Where D. What5. Betty didnt come to school yesterday _ she was ill.(济宁2008)A. Because B. Though C. When D. As小试身手昨天在你回家的路上,遇到一个两年未见面的小学同学XX(不用真实姓名).你发现他/她与两年前有很大变化.请你根据下列提示词描述一下他/她的变化,开头已给出。.smart, popular, outgoing, athletic, polite (有礼貌的), funnyYesterday on my way home I met a classmate of mine. We were in a primary school two years ago. I found he / she was much taller than before._ _ _ _ 答案与解析:Section A【基础巩固】自主学习一 、重点词汇拓展1.outgoing , more outgoing 2.calm, wild 3. serious , more serious 4.athletic,athlete 5.mean, meant二 、重点词组识记1.你的上一封信 2.as you can see 3.在某些方面 4.look the same 5. 看上去不同 6.more than 7.让某人干某事 8. be good at/ do well in 9.asas not as(so)as 10.大部分孩子三 、重点句型体验:1.Sam is thinner than Jim./Jim is fatter than Sam.2.Both he and I like watching TV.3.Does he have shorter hair than Sam?4.I think that book is more interesting than this one.5.The blue coat is more expensive than this yellow one.随堂达标 一、单项选择 1.B. 解析: 根据句意此题需要形容词的原级。2.B. 解析: 此处用a lot 修饰比较级。3.B. 解析:由父母判定为两者,而both 要位于be 之后。4.B. 解析:根据句意判断此处要用连词“尽管”。5.D解析:the same as为固定短语,as 后可用宾格代词也可用从句。二、用单词的适当形式填空 1.heavier 2. more serious 3.bigger 4.more difficult 5.younger三、完成句子 1.often, visits ,three four times 2.same as, outgoing 3.clean, classroom 4.good at swimming 5.look the same四、短文填空1.popular 2.same 3.different 4.views 5. interests 6.playing 7. athletic 8.outgoing 9.funnier 10. laugh【能力提升】语法练习1.C. 解析: 此处用a little 修饰比较级。2.C. 解析:此题意为“两者都”,用both ,而且both 用于实义动词之前。3.A. 解析: 由than判断用比较级,funny 的比较级为funnier.4. B. 解析: 由two years ago 可判定用一般过去时态。5. D. 解析:the same as 为固定短语。中考链接1.B. 解析: 从Li Leis parents 可以判断需要both,而both 要位于be 动词之后。2.D. 解析:通过than可以判断为两者比较,应用形容词的比较级,故选D.3.A. 解析:asas为固定搭配,其间需要形容词或副词的原级。4.B. 解析: than用在比较级中,time为不可数名词,所以要用little 的比较级less修饰.5.D. 解析:根据题意可知两者之间比较,应用比较级形式。快乐阅读1.B. 解析:由第一段第二句话可知。2.A. 解析: 由文章大意可推断。3.B. 解析:由第四段可知。4.C. 解析: 由文章大意推断。5.A. 解析:由第四段可知。Section B【基础巩固】 自主学习 一 、词语检测 1. athletic 2.though 3.laugh 4. opposite 5.differences二 、短语互译1.一张Lily的照片 2. 看起来一样 3.look different 4. more than 5.擅长 6.play jokes 7.make sb laugh 8.停止干 9. 战胜sb 10. 和 一样三 、根据提示完成句子1. I like to have friends who are like me.2.I like to have friends who are different from me.3.Its not necessary to be the same.4.I dont think differences are important in a friendship.5.Who do you think should get the job?随堂达标一 、单项选择 1.D. 解析: be good at doing sth 为固定短语。2.A. 解析:此题考察固定短语the same as.3.D. 解析: 根据句意判断,此题意为“她很受欢迎。”故选popular.4.C. 解析:be different from 为固定短语。5.A. 解析: 由than判断此题考察be good at 的比较级,故应用be better at.二 、用单词的适当形式填空 1. telling 2. to read 3. stop 4. interesting; interesed 5. them 6. better 7. photos三 、完成句子 1. Liu Ying is not as/so good at sports as her sister.2.A good friend likes to the same things as me/I do.3.Li Qiang is much fatter/heavier than Li Zhuang.4.Both Lucy and Lily like skating.5.Although it is raining, the workers dont stop working. 6.We both like going to parties.四 、短文填空1. hundred , 2.asked , 3.how ,4.about ,5.always ,6.meals,7. But ,8.only ,9.What , 10.it 【能力提升】语法练习1. C. 解析: 第一个空需要副词well修饰动词play , 而第二空考察短语be good at.2. C. 解析: 根据句意此空意为“尽管”之意,故用although.3. B. 解析:由than判断此题考察比较级,故用taller.4. B. 解析:根据句意“他累了,停下来休息”,确定stop to do.5. D. 解析:此处用a little 修饰比较级。6. A. 解析:根据句意判断两者都不是,故用neither.中考链接1.D. 解析:修饰形容词比较级的有a little; much; far; even; a lot 等。Very, too, quite只修饰原级。2.D. 解析:be popular with为固定搭配,意为“受 欢迎”。3.A. 解析:动词drive应用副词carefully修饰,且next time 暗含了比较。4.B. 解析:“How do you like”为固定句型。5.A. 解析:此题考察原因状语从句,故选A.


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