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2022年考博英语-河北工业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题_ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.问题1选项A.SurroundedB.Having surroundedC.SurroundingD.To surround【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. Surrounded被包围 B. Having surrounded包围C. Surrounding包围 D. To surround包围【答案】A【考查点】非谓语动词。【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,空格处要填入一个非谓语动词,逻辑主语为kidnappers(绑架者),和动词surround(包围)之间是被动的关系,所以要用过去分词形式。故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项都表示主动关系。【句意】绑架者在警察的包围下别无选择,只好投降。2. 单选题It has been said that management is a science and that leadership is an art. Management is comprised of concrete, measurable skills: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Thumb through any management textbook and youll see specific models, formulas, procedures, or techniques for monitoring and controlling performance output. Controlling productivity through adherence to standards is the stock-in-trade of the effective manager. Its not always an easy task, and talented managers should be given the credit they deserve in helping their organizations succeed. No organization can survive for very long, let alone earn any sort of substantial profits, without sound management. But management alone is not enough in todays marketplace. It is the right balance, a combination of efficient management and leadership, that every organization is seeking.Just what is the new model of leadership for the 21st century? It revolves around five abstract qualities. Managers may possess some or all of these abilities to one degree or another, but these skills are distinct from the particular qualities that define management. To better understand how leadership and management differ, lets review the five leadership competencies.Self-mastery is the foundation upon which a leaders credibility is built and from which a leaders image will evolve. Self-mastery involves awareness, acknowledgment, and acceptance. Its about discovering the qualities that make you special and unique. Its about your own talents and abilities your personal areas of excellence. Effective leaders create opportunities to showcase their natural abilities. They uncover their potential talents by continually stretching themselves and pushing themselves to their limits. At the same time, however, the successful leader acknowledges his or her limitations. To achieve true self-mastery you must accept yourself, including your faults, totally and unconditionally.Vision is in many ways the heart and soul of leadership. While the manager must deal with issues and produce results on a day-to-day basis, a leader must focus on both the present and the future. The managers concern is today; the leader has a vision for tomorrow. But simply having a vision is not enough; you must make others believe in it, too. Put your plans for the future before the eyes and ears of the people around you. When other people begin to buy into your vision and make it their own, good things start to happenand happen quickly. Leaders turn their vision into reality by constantly letting others know whats in it for them.“Personal power” is the ability to influence and persuade others. It is not to be confused with “position power”. Position power is embedded in hierarchical, organizational structure. Personal power is earned. You do not necessarily need to have direct authority over others to display personal power. In fact, in the most successful companies, leadership exists at all levels. Develop personal power by being dependable, following through on commitments, and demonstrating concern for the welfare of others. People will recognize your personal power and look to you for direction.Empowerment completes the set of leadership skills. Although it has become a buzz word in the 90s, leaders have been aware of the concept of empowerment throughout the ages. Empowerment is the process by which a leader enables other individuals to successfully complete a certain job or task. It is a technique that allows you to delegate responsibility for tasks throughout your organization, even at the lowest levels. As a leader, it is in your interest to nurture and develop individuals who will one day take your place, so make empowerment a top priority. Empowerment involves three critical ingredients: skills, confidence, and authority. Evaluate your followers skills and provide training to improve or enhance their abilities. Instill confidence in others and raise their self-esteem by maintaining face-to-face contact and offering praise for a job well done. Furthermore, bestow authority onto other people, giving them the right to exercise their best personal judgment. True leaders are always willing to give credit to others and accept responsibility for failure, while simultaneously supporting, encouraging, and empowering their followers. If you do so, you will develop an unshakable trust bond with others in your organization, establishing your own credibility while ensuring results. No one can deny the importance of good management in a successful organization. But good management alone is no longer enough. Recognizing the difference between management and leadership, and striking the correct balance between the two, will provide substantial dividends in the long run. Management will get you through today; leadership will ensure a better tomorrow.1.The passage is mainly about( ).2.What is the heart and soul of leadership according to the passage?3.In paragraph 1 “stock-in-trade” means( ).4.According to the four leadership competencies, which of the following is not the skill of a leader?5.Form this passage, we learn that( ).问题1选项A.management skillsB.leadership principlesC.the qualities that define managementD.the distinction between management and leadership问题2选项A.Personal power.B.Self-mastery.C.Vision.D.Empowerment.问题3选项A.qualityB.usual tacticsC.credibilityD.responsibility问题4选项A.Dealing with daily issues and producing results.B.Recognizing the talents of others and giving them the knowledge and the tools they need to succeed.C.Nurturing and developing successors.D.Making macro-plans and ensuring results.问题5选项A.leadership is more important than managementB.a good manager must have leadership competenciesC.leading and managing involve distinctly different sets of skillsD.people with exceptional leadership qualities are usually undeveloped【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1【选项释义】1. The passage is mainly about _. 1. 这篇文章主要是关于_。A. management skills A. 管理技能B. leadership principles B. 领导原则C. the qualities that define management C. 定义管理的品质D. the distinction between management and leadership D. 管理和领导的区别【答案】D【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】根据原文第一段的内容,我们可以找到两个关键词management(管理)和leadership(领导),最后两句指出“在今天的市场中,单靠管理是不够的。这是每个组织都在寻求的正确的平衡,有效管理和领导的结合。”;再根据第二段的最后一句“为了更好的理解领导力和管理之间的区别,让我们回顾一下这五种领导能力”,然后下面几段都是介绍这五种领导能力;由此可知,本文主要是讲领导力和管理之间的区别,所以D选项“管理和领导的区别”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“管理技能”、B项“领导原则”和C项“定义管理的品质”都比较片面,属于以偏概全。2.【选项释义】2. What is the heart and soul of leadership according to the passage? 2. 根据文章,领导力的核心和灵魂是什么?A. Personal power. A. 个人权力B. Self-mastery. B. 自制力C. Vision. C. 愿景D. Empowerment. D. 权利赋予【答案】C【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第四段第一句“愿景(Vision)在很多方面都是领导力的核心和灵魂”可知,C项“愿景”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“个人权力”定位到原文第五段第一句“个人权力(Personal power)是影响和说服他人的能力。”可知个人权力不是领导力的核心和灵魂,属于张冠李戴;B选项“自制力”定位到原文第三段第一句“自制力(Self-mastery)是领导者可信度建立的基础(the foundation),领导者的形象也会因此而发展”可知自制力不是领导力的核心和灵魂,属于张冠李戴;D选项“权利赋予”定位到最后一段第一句“权利赋予(Empowerment)完成了一套领导技能。”可知权利赋予不是领导力的核心和灵魂,属于张冠李戴。3.【选项释义】3. In paragraph 1 “stock-in-trade” means _. 3. 第一段中,“stock-in-trade”指_。A. quality A. 品质,质量B. usual tactics B. 常用策略C. credibility C. 可信性D. responsibility D. 责任【答案】B【考查点】词义推测题。【解题思路】根据关键词stock-in-trade定位至第一段第四句“通过遵守标准来控制生产力是高效的管理者的stock-in-trade”,从中可知,控制生产力是管理中的一个策略,所以推测stock-in-trade指的是“策略”,B项“常用策略”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“品质,质量”、C项“可信性”和D项“责任”根据解题思路,这三项曲解原文。4.【选项释义】4. According to the four leadership competencies, which of the following is not the skill of a leader? 4. 根据四项领导能力,下列哪项不是领导者的技能?A. Dealing with daily issues and producing results. A. 处理日常事务并得出结果。B. Recognizing the talents of others and giving them the knowledge and the tools they need to succeed. B. 认识到他人的才能,给予他们成功所需要的知识和工具。C. Nurturing and developing successors. C. 培育和发展接班人。D. Making macro-plans and ensuring results. D. 制定宏观规划,确保成果。【答案】A【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据第四段第二句“管理者必须处理问题并在日常基础上产生结果,而领导者必须关注现在和未来”可知,处理日常事务并得出结果是管理者需要做的事情,并非领导者,所以A项“处理日常事务并得出结果”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“认识到他人的才能,给予他们成功所需要的知识和工具”根据最后一段第七句“评估你的追随者的技能,并提供培训以提高他们的能力”可知,该项是领导者的技能,属于反向干扰;C项“培育和发展接班人”根据第六段第五句“作为一名领导者,培养和发展那些有一天会取代你的人是你的利益所在,所以要把赋权放在首位”可知,该项是领导者的技能,属于反向干扰;D项“制定宏观规划,确保成果”,根据第四段第五和第六句“把你未来的计划告诉你周围的人。当其他人开始接受你的愿景并将其变成自己的愿景时,好事就会开始发生而且很快就会发生。”可知,该项是领导者的技能,属于反向干扰。5.【选项释义】5. Form this passage, we learn that _. 5. 从这篇文章,我们知道_。A. leadership is more important than management A. 领导力比管理更重要B. a good manager must have leadership competencies B. 一个好的经理必须有领导能力C. leading and managing involve distinctly different sets of skills C. 领导和管理涉及截然不同的技能D. people with exceptional leadership qualities are usually undeveloped D. 具有非凡领导才能的人通常都没有得到发展【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】本文主要是讲领导力和管理之间的区别,通过对比两者之间的区别可以发现它们所涉及的技能截然不同,比如第四段第二三句指出“管理者必须处理问题并在日常基础上产生结果,而领导者必须关注现在和未来。经理关心的是今天;领导对明天有远见。”;且最后一段最后两句提出“认识到管理和领导之间的区别,并在两者之间取得正确的平衡,将长期提供实质性的红利。管理会帮你度过今天;领导力将确保一个更美好的明天。”,所以综合理解可知,领导和管理有不同的技能,C项“领导和管理涉及截然不同的技能”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“领导力比管理更重要”,原文并没有比较领导力和管理能力哪个更重要,该项无中生有;B项“一个好的经理必须有领导能力”和D项“具有非凡领导才能的人通常都没有得到发展”在原文也没有提及,属于无中生有。3. 单选题In the United States, the _ between the rich and the poor is growing, with the gap widening yearly.问题1选项A.penuryB.disparityC.ameliorationD.languidness【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. penury贫困,贫穷 B. disparity不等,不一致C. amelioration改进,改善 D. languidness疲倦,阴沉【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】根据后半句句意“随着贫富差距每年的扩大”可以推知,穷人和富人之间的差异同样也在扩大,空格处表示“不平等,差异”符合句意,因此该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】在美国,随着贫富差距每年的扩大,穷人与富人之间的不平等也在扩大。4. 单选题When Bartley Hubbard went to interview Silas Lapham for the “Solid Men of Boston” series, which he undertook to finish up in The Events, after he replaced the originator of the project on that newspaper, Lapham received him in his private office by previous appointment.“Walk right in!” he called out to the journalist, whom he caught sight of through the door of the counting room.He did not rise from the desk at which he was writing, but he gave Bartley his left hand for welcome, and he rolled his large head in the direction of a vacant chair. “Sit down! Ill be with you in just half a minute.”“Take your time,” said Bartley, with the ease he instantly felt. “Im in no hurry.” He took a note-book from his pocket, laid it on his knee, and began to sharpen a pencil.“There!” Lapham pounded with his great hairy fist on the envelope he had been addressing. “William!” he called out, and he handed the letter to a boy who came to get it. I want that to go right away. Well, sir,” he continued, wheeling round in his leather-cushioned swivel chair, and facing Bartley, seated so near that their knees almost touched, “so you want my life, death, and Christian sufferings, do you, young man?”“Thats what Im after,” said Bartley. “Your money or your life.”“I guess you wouldnt want my life without the money,” said Lapham, as if he were willing to prolong these moments of preparation.“Take them both,” Bartley suggested, “Dont want your money without your life, if you come to that. But youre just one million times more interesting to the public than if you hadnt a dollar; and you know that as well as I do; Mr. Lapham. Theres no use beating around the bush.”“No,” said Lapham, somewhat absently. He put out his huge foot and pushed the ground-glass door shut between his little den and the book-keepers, in their larger den outside.“In personal appearance wrote Bartley in the sketch for which he now studied his subject, while he waited patiently for him to continue, “Silas Lapham is a fine type of the successful American. He has a square, bold chin, only partially concealed by the short reddish-grey beard, growing to the edges of his firmly closing lips. His nose is short and straight; his forehead good, but broad rather than high; his eyes blue, and with a light in them that is kindly or sharp according to his mood. He is of medium height, and fills an average arm-chair with a solid bulk, which on the day of our interview was unpretentiously clad in a business suit of blue serge. His head droops somewhat from a short neck, which does not trouble itself to rise far from a pair of massive shoulders.”“I dont know as I know just where you want me to begin,” said Lapham.“Might begin with your birth; thats where most of us begin,” replied Bartley.A gleam of humorous appreciation shot into Laphams blue eyes.“I didnt know whether you wanted me to go quite so far back as that,” he said. “But theres no disgrace in having been born, and I. was born in the State of Vermont, pretty well up under the Canada lineso well up, in fact I came very near being an adoptive citizen; for I was bound to be an American of some sort, from the word Go! That was aboutwell, let me see!pretty near sixty years ago; this is 75, and that was 20. Well, say Im fifty-five years old; and I have lived em, too; not an hour of waste time about me, anywhere! I was born on a farm, and”“Worked in the fields summers and went to school winters: regulation thing?” Bartley cut in.“Regulation thing,” said Lapham, accepting this irreverent version of his history somewhat dryly.“Parents poor, of course,” suggested the journalist. “Any barefoot business? Early deprivation of any kind, that would encourage the youthful reader to go and do likewise? Orphan myself, you know,” said Bartley, with a smile of cynical good-comradery.Lapham looked at him silently, and then said with quiet self-respect, “I guess if you see these things as a joke, my life wont interest you.”“Oh yes, it will,” returned Bartley, unabashed. “Youll see; itll come out all right.” And in fact it did so, in the interview which Bartley printed.“Mr. Lapham” he wrote, “passed rapidly over the story of his early life, its poverty and its hardships, sweetened, however, by the recollections of a devoted mother, and a father who, if somewhat her inferior in education, was no less ambitious for the advancement of his children. They were quiet, unpretentious people, religious, after the fashion of that time, and of sterling morality, and they taught their children the simple virtues of the Old Testament and Poor Richards Almanac.”Bartley could not deny himself this gibe; but he trusted to Laphams unliterary habit of mind for his security in making it, and most other people would consider it sincere reporters rhetoric.1 The narrator includes the fact that Lapham met Bartley “in his private office by previous appointment” to suggest that Lapham _.2. Laphams reaction to Bartleys arrival in his office can best be described as _.3. Bartley informs Lapham that he is an orphan himself for all the following reasons EXCEPT: _.4. According to Bartleys sketch of Lapham, Silas credits his parents with _.5. Throughout the passage, Bartleys attitude toward Lapham can best be described as one of _.问题1选项A.managed to squeeze Barley into a busy schedule of appointmentsB.has hired an office staff to attend to the details of the businessC.wishes to enhance his image and statusD.knows that Bartley plans to ask him personal questions问题2选项A.antagonistic; he takes an instant dislike to BartleyB.casual; he wants to appear an easygoing fellow and laid backC.cordial; he treats Bartley like a welcome guestD.indifferent; he has more pressing matters to attend to问题3选项A.to insinuate that Laphams deprivations were not uniqueB.to win Laphams sympathyC.to establish rapport with LaphamD.to lighten up the conversation问题4选项A.bestowing on him an honest and open personalityB.motivating him to succeed in lifeC.exposing him to the Old Testament and Poor Richards AlmanacD.toughening him up for a career as a businessman问题5选项A.cynicismB.resentmentC.contemptD.Ingratitude【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The narrator includes the fact that Lapham met Bartley “in his private office by previous appointment” to suggest that Lapham _. 1 叙述者描述了拉帕姆与巴特利“在他的私人办公室会面”的事实,以此暗示拉帕姆_。A. managed to squeeze Barley into a busy schedule of appointments A. 设法把巴利挤进了繁忙的会议日程中B. has hired an office staff to attend to the details of the business B. 已雇用办公室职员来处理业务细节C. wishes to enhance his image and status C. 希望提升自己的形象和地位D. knows that Bartley plans to ask him personal questions D. 知道巴特利打算问他一些私人问题【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段“当巴特利哈伯德代替报纸上的项目发起人去采访塞拉斯拉帕姆的波士顿的好人系列时,拉帕姆按照事先的约定在他的私人办公室里接待了他”,由此可推断,在私人办公室进行的采访肯定会涉及一些私人问题,并且下文对于他们两个谈话的描述也可以看出,巴特利采访涉及到了拉帕姆从出生开始到以后的事情,所以该题选择D项“知道巴特利打算问他一些私人问题”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“设法把巴利挤进了繁忙的会议日程中”和C项“希望提升自己的形象和地位”没有提到,这两项属于无中生有;B项“已雇用办公室职员来处理业务细节”,文中没有提到办公室职员,只提到一个取信的男孩,该项属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】2. Laphams reaction to Bartleys arrival in his office can best be described as _. 2. 拉帕姆对巴特利来到他办公室的反应可以用_来描述。A. antagonistic; he takes an instant dislike to Bartley A. 敌对的;他一见到巴特利就不喜欢B. casual; he wants to appear an easygoing fellow and laid back B. 随意的;他想表现得随和C. cordial; he treats Bartley like a welcome guest C. 热诚的;他把巴特利当作受欢迎的客人D. indifferent; he has more pressing matters to attend to D. 漠不关心的;他有更紧急的事情要处理【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段的内容“他没有从写字的桌子上站起来,只是向巴特利伸出左手表示欢迎,然后把他的大脑袋转到一张空椅子上。并说:坐下来!我半分钟后就来找你”,从中可以看出,拉帕姆是有其他事情需要处理,对巴特利的态度是比较冷漠的。因此,该题选择D项“漠不关心的;他有更紧急的事情要处理”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“敌对的;他一见到巴特利就不喜欢”和B项“随意的;他想表现得随和”在原文没有体现,属于无中生有;C项“热诚的;他把巴特利当作受欢迎的客人”由解题思路可知,与原文相反,属于反向干扰。3.【选项释义】3. Bartley informs Lapham that he is an orphan himself for all the following reasons EXCEPT: _. 3. 巴特利告诉拉帕姆,他自己也是一个孤儿,原因如下,除了_。A. to insinuate that Laphams deprivations were not unique A. 暗示拉帕姆的贫困不是唯一的B. to win Laphams sympathy B. 为了赢得拉帕姆的同情C. to establish rapport with Lapham C. 与拉帕姆建立融洽关系D. to lighten up the conversation D. 为了让谈话轻松些【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第十七段“巴特利脸上带着讥讽的友好的微笑(with a smile of cynical good-comradery)说:父母当然很穷,这是白手起家吗?任何形式的早期剥夺,会鼓励年轻的读者去做同样的事情吗?我自己也是个孤儿,你知道的。”和第十八段“拉帕姆默默地看着他,然后带着平静的自尊说:我猜如果你把这些事情看成一个笑话,你就不会对我的生活感兴趣了。”理解可知,当巴特利告诉拉帕姆,他自己也是一个孤儿时,谈话并没有轻松下来。因此,该题选择D项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“暗示拉帕姆的贫困不是唯一的”、B项“为了赢得拉帕姆的同情”和C项“与拉帕姆建立融洽关系”从第十七段的内容可以看出来,这三项符合原文,属于反向干扰。4.【选项释义】4. According to Bartleys sketch of Lapham, Silas credits his parents with _. 4. 根据巴特利对拉帕姆的简报,塞拉斯认为他的父母_。A. bestowing on him an honest and open personality A. 赋予了他诚实和开放的性格B. motivating him to succeed in life B. 激励他在生活中取得成功C. exposing him to the Old Testament and Poor Richards Almanac C. 让他接触了旧约和穷理查年鉴D. toughening him up for a career as a businessman D. 让他成为一名商人【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至倒数第二段巴特利对拉帕姆的简单描述“拉帕姆先生他很快就忘掉了他早年的生活,那贫穷和艰辛的生活,然而,他回忆起一位慈爱的母亲和一位虽不如她受教育程度高,但对孩子们的进步也同样雄心勃勃的父亲,使他的生活变得更加美好。他们是安静、朴实的人,信仰宗教,符合当时的风尚,具有高尚的道德。他们把旧约和穷理查年鉴中的简单美德教给孩子们。”可知,塞拉斯拉帕姆认为即使早年生活贫困,父母教育程度不高,但是他们仍然会尽力使他的生活变得更加美好,激励他进步。因此,该题选择B项“激励他在生活中取得成功”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“赋予了他诚实和开放的性格”和D项“让他成为一名商人”在原文没有提到,属于无中生有;C项“让他接触了旧约和穷理查年鉴”表述比较片面,属于以偏概全。5.【选项释义】5. Throughout the passage, Bartleys attitude toward Lapham can best be described as one of _. 5. 在整篇文章中,巴特利对拉帕姆的态度可以用_来描述。A. cynicism A. 玩世不恭B. resentment B. 愤恨C. contempt C. 轻视,蔑视D. Ingratitude D. 忘恩负义【答案】C【考查点】观点态度题。【解题思路】根据最后一段第一句“巴特利无法克制自己的这种嘲弄(gibe)”,和第十七段最后一句提到“带着讥讽的(cynical)友好的微笑”,从gibe和cynical这两个词可以看出,巴特利对拉帕姆的态度是轻蔑的。因此,该题选择C项“轻视,蔑视”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“玩世不恭”、B项“愤恨”和D项“忘恩负义”根据解题思路可知,这三项


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