高中英语必修二Unit Using languagePPT课件

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高中英语必修二Unit Using languagePPT课件_第1页
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高中英语必修二Unit Using languagePPT课件_第2页
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高中英语必修二Unit Using languagePPT课件_第3页
第3页 / 共47页
Listening, reading and speakingListening, reading and speaking1. How your life would change if you 1. How your life would change if you became famous overnight. Think became famous overnight. Think about the advantages and about the advantages and disadvantages of being famous. Make disadvantages of being famous. Make a list.a list.第1页/共47页p dip p tadpolep lilyp confidentp grown-upp knock intop feel downp appreciate2. Make sure you know the meaning 2. Make sure you know the meaning of the following words.of the following words.第2页/共47页 This story is about a singer who joined a band and became a singer.3. Listen to the story of “Freddy the 3. Listen to the story of “Freddy the Frog (1)” once and then write Frog (1)” once and then write down the main ideas.down the main ideas.第3页/共47页4. Listen to the tape and decide which 4. Listen to the tape and decide which are true and which are false.are true and which are false.1. Freddy had changed from a man to 1. Freddy had changed from a man to a frog.a frog.F FFreddy in the story remains a frog.Freddy in the story remains a frog.第4页/共47页2. He felt lonely in his lake till he met 2. He felt lonely in his lake till he met his friends on the lily leaf.his friends on the lily leaf.3.The singers of the band could sing 3.The singers of the band could sing very loudly.very loudly.T TT THe swims towards the musicians He swims towards the musicians because he feels lonely. The song is because he feels lonely. The song is about loneliness.about loneliness.They sang with a fine deep sound.They sang with a fine deep sound.第5页/共47页4. Freddy thought he could sing as 4. Freddy thought he could sing as well as the other singing frogs.well as the other singing frogs.5. Freddy was very confident about 5. Freddy was very confident about his singing.his singing.F FF FHe wanted to join in and make He wanted to join in and make friends with the other frogs.friends with the other frogs.Freddy was shy about his singing Freddy was shy about his singing and asks them politely if he can join and asks them politely if he can join in.in.第6页/共47页6. He sang the song to ask the other 6. He sang the song to ask the other frogs to be his friends.frogs to be his friends. T THe joined in because he wanted He joined in because he wanted the other frogs to be his friends.the other frogs to be his friends.第7页/共47页FREDDY, THE FROGFREDDY, THE FROGFreddy the frog dipped his long, thin Freddy the frog dipped his long, thin legs into the water. Within a few short legs into the water. Within a few short weeks he had changed from a small weeks he had changed from a small tadpole into the beautiful animal he tadpole into the beautiful animal he was now.was now.Listening textListening text第8页/共47页He smiled to himself. Then He smiled to himself. Then suddenly he heard a fine deep suddenly he heard a fine deep sound that carried far into the sound that carried far into the darkness of the quiet night. darkness of the quiet night. Freddy looked up. “Other frogs! I Freddy looked up. “Other frogs! I must try and find them,” he must try and find them,” he thought. “It is so hard being a thought. “It is so hard being a grown-up frog on my own.”grown-up frog on my own.”第9页/共47页He began to swim slowly towards the He began to swim slowly towards the sound. Suddenly he knocked into a sound. Suddenly he knocked into a large water lily pad. On it sat three large water lily pad. On it sat three confident frogs and they were playing confident frogs and they were playing instruments. Freddy climbed onto the instruments. Freddy climbed onto the leaf. “Can I sing with you?” he asked leaf. “Can I sing with you?” he asked quietly. “Of course,” they said. He quietly. “Of course,” they said. He opened his mouth wide and began: opened his mouth wide and began: 第10页/共47页Help! I need somebody, Help! I need somebody, Help! Not just anybody.Help! Not just anybody.Help! You know I need someone, Help! Help! You know I need someone, Help! When I was young and so much When I was young and so much younger then today, younger then today, I never needed anybodys help in any I never needed anybodys help in any way.way.第11页/共47页But now those days are gone. But now those days are gone. Im not so self-assured!Im not so self-assured!Now I find Ive changed my mind.Now I find Ive changed my mind.Ive opened up the door.Ive opened up the door.Help me if you can, Im feeling down. Help me if you can, Im feeling down. And I do appreciate you being round. And I do appreciate you being round. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Wont you please, please help me!Wont you please, please help me!第12页/共47页FREDDY THE FROG (FREDDY THE FROG () )Reading Reading 第13页/共47页Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone. My name is My name is Freddy.Freddy.第14页/共47页 When Freddy was young, he was a little tadpole.第15页/共47页 As time went by quickly, he soon became a frog.第16页/共47页 One day, Freddy sat on the water lily leaf and dipped his long, thin legs into the water. 第17页/共47页 Suddenly, he heard some music across the lake. Then what would happen?Then what would happen?第18页/共47页We formed a band and soon we became famous and went to Britain to give performances.Then what would happen in Then what would happen in Britain? We would succeed Britain? We would succeed or fail?or fail?第19页/共47页Read Read FREDDY THE FROG (II)FREDDY THE FROG (II) and and summarize the main idea of the story summarize the main idea of the story in one sentence.in one sentence.Freddy and his bands life was Freddy and his bands life was greatly influenced after they became greatly influenced after they became famous, so they chose to go back to famous, so they chose to go back to the lake.the lake.第20页/共47页 Did Freddy and his band get a great success in Britain? Yes, they got a great success and became very popular in Britain.第21页/共47页1. Freddy was now quite confident when he went into the hall. be confident + 从句 对有信心 be confident of (about, in ) 对有信心Language pointsLanguage points第22页/共47页HeHe is is quite quite confidentconfident that hell that hell pass the driving text.pass the driving text.Dont Dont bebe too too confidentconfident in your in your own opinion.own opinion.Tom Tom is confident ofis confident of his ability to his ability to overcome the difficulty.overcome the difficulty.第23页/共47页2. He had to go to London, wear an expensive suit and give a performance to a TV camera. performance n. 表演 performer n. 表演者 perform v. 表演, 履行, 执行, 表现第24页/共47页They put on a They put on a performanceperformance last night. last night.What play will beWhat play will be performedperformed tomorrow?tomorrow?PerformPerform your promise. your promise.The car The car performs performs well on hills.well on hills.One should One should performperform ones duties. ones duties.第25页/共47页3. Then things went wrong, Freddy and his band could not go out without being followed. go wrong 出了毛病 = Something is wrong with = There is something wrong with My watch went wrong yesterday. Whats wrong with you? He was done wrong. 他受了冤枉。第26页/共47页Express your opinion on the Express your opinion on the following questions.following questions.What do you think are the What do you think are the advantages of being famous?advantages of being famous?What are the advantages of not What are the advantages of not being famous?being famous?Do you think you would enjoy being Do you think you would enjoy being famous?famous?DiscussionDiscussion第27页/共47页Do you want to Do you want to form your own form your own band to take part band to take part in the music in the music festival?festival?Speaking and writing 第28页/共47页Form your own band in groups of six. Form your own band in groups of six. Decide who will play what instrument Decide who will play what instrument and who will sing. Decide the name of and who will sing. Decide the name of your band and what kind of band you your band and what kind of band you will be. For example, will you be a will be. For example, will you be a rock band, or a small group of singers? rock band, or a small group of singers? Then, choose an English song for your Then, choose an English song for your “band” to perform. “band” to perform. 第29页/共47页You may find this song on the internet or You may find this song on the internet or on some of your own tapes or CDs. on some of your own tapes or CDs. Practise singing your song to the musicPractise singing your song to the musicand then perform to the class. This may and then perform to the class. This may be just the beginning for you and your be just the beginning for you and your band!band!第30页/共47页S1:S1: Right. Now lets decide who should do Right. Now lets decide who should do what in our band. Who would like to do what in our band. Who would like to do lead vocals? Thats our main singer. lead vocals? Thats our main singer. S2:S2: Why not you? You have a lovely Why not you? You have a lovelysinging voice. Ive singing voice. Ive head you sing before.head you sing before. But youll have to play lead But youll have to play lead guitar too. guitar too. You can do it! You can do it!Sample dialogueSample dialogue第31页/共47页S1:S1: Well, all right. Can you help me out Well, all right. Can you help me out on guitar and vocals? on guitar and vocals?S2:S2: Sure, I can. What do the rest of you Sure, I can. What do the rest of you think? think?Ss:Ss: Yes, we agree. Yes, we agree.S1:S1: So how about you, Ma Xin? Do you So how about you, Ma Xin? Do you think you can try bass guitar? think you can try bass guitar?S3:S3: Im not sure. What does that mean? Im not sure. What does that mean?第32页/共47页S4:S4: It means you keep the beat, or It means you keep the beat, or rhythm, for them on a guitar. rhythm, for them on a guitar.S3:S3: OK. I can give it a try. OK. I can give it a try.S5:S5: What about me? What can I do? What about me? What can I do? S1:S1: Every band needs someone to play Every band needs someone to play the drums. the drums.第33页/共47页S5:S5: Great! I like to hit things to make Great! I like to hit things to make noise! noise!S4:S4: OK. What will we call ourselves? OK. What will we call ourselves?S2:S2: How about The Chopsticks. We work How about The Chopsticks. We work together. together.S3:S3: Nope, I dont like it. How about We Nope, I dont like it. How about We Er Hu? Get it? Er Hu? Get it?第34页/共47页S5:S5: Thats silly. Why not name the Thats silly. Why not name the band The Silk Shirts? band The Silk Shirts?S3:S3: Yeah, we all like silk clothes! Yeah, we all like silk clothes!Ss:Ss: Sure, so The Silk Shirt it is. Sure, so The Silk Shirt it is.S1:S1: Fine. Now lets decide what song Fine. Now lets decide what song well play. well play.第35页/共47页Writing for practical purpose: Writing for practical purpose: Asking for adviceAsking for advice1) I would be grateful if you could 1) I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. give me some advice.2) How can I 2) How can I 1. Useful expressions for asking for 1. Useful expressions for asking for advice and suggestions.advice and suggestions.WritingWriting第36页/共47页3) What can you suggest?3) What can you suggest?4) I would appreciate your reply offering 4) I would appreciate your reply offering some suggestions. some suggestions.5) Do you have some good advice on 5) Do you have some good advice on 6) Does anyone has any tips on 6) Does anyone has any tips on 7) I cant decide whether 7) I cant decide whether 8) I would like to know how can I 8) I would like to know how can I 第37页/共47页9) I am a little bit confused. I am looking 9) I am a little bit confused. I am looking forward to receiving your advice forward to receiving your advice letter and thank you in advice.letter and thank you in advice.10) I really dont want to bother you, 10) I really dont want to bother you, but but Would you offer me some advice? Would you offer me some advice?第38页/共47页2. You and your friends want to 2. You and your friends want to start your own band. However, you start your own band. However, you have never played in a band before. have never played in a band before. You write an e-mail to Freddy for You write an e-mail to Freddy for his advice. The e-mail is started for his advice. The e-mail is started for you, but you have to finish it.you, but you have to finish it.第39页/共47页Dear Freddy:Dear Freddy:My name is Li Hua. Im beginning a My name is Li Hua. Im beginning a band with my friends. However, we band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Can have never been in a band before. Can you please give us some advice? I you please give us some advice? I would like to know what music to would like to know what music to play and we cannot decide.play and we cannot decide.Sample letter 1Sample letter 1第40页/共47页I like pop music but most of my friends I like pop music but most of my friends like rock and roll. Liu Mei likes rap. How like rock and roll. Liu Mei likes rap. How are we to decide what to play? Do you are we to decide what to play? Do you suggest we play a little of all of these suggest we play a little of all of these types of music? Or should we only play types of music? Or should we only play one kind of music? How did you and one kind of music? How did you and your friends decide what to play? your friends decide what to play? 第41页/共47页I would also like to know how to choose I would also like to know how to choose a name for our band. I like the name The a name for our band. I like the name The Chopsticks because that means working Chopsticks because that means working together. Wang Jun wants us to be called together. Wang Jun wants us to be called The Legs because there are four of us The Legs because there are four of us like the legs of a chair. What do you like the legs of a chair. What do you think?think?Yours sincerely, Li HuaYours sincerely, Li Hua第42页/共47页Dear Freddy, Dear Freddy, My name is Zhou Yufei. Im starting a My name is Zhou Yufei. Im starting a band with some friends. However, we band with some friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Could have never been in a band before. Could you please give us some advice? I would you please give us some advice? I would like to know what we should consider like to know what we should consider when choosing a place to practice our when choosing a place to practice our music. music. Sample letter 2Sample letter 2第43页/共47页Should we practise where others can see and hear us? Should we invite our friends to listen to us and give us suggestions? Should we find a quiet place where we will not bother others with our noise? You see, Freddy, Im worried that we wont be able to find a suitable place第44页/共47页The place where we live doesnt have The place where we live doesnt have any empty rooms or buildings for us to any empty rooms or buildings for us to practise in. Nor is there a park close to practise in. Nor is there a park close to us where we can practise. What should us where we can practise. What should we do, in your opinion? Any advice we do, in your opinion? Any advice will be a big help. Thanks. will be a big help. Thanks. Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, Zhou YufeiZhou Yufei第45页/共47页HomeworkHomeworkFind out a famous singer or musician. Find out a famous singer or musician. You may go to the Internet or the You may go to the Internet or the library, or even teen magazines to find library, or even teen magazines to find the information. Discover what is the information. Discover what is unique about this person and why unique about this person and why he/she loves music. he/she loves music. 第46页/共47页感谢您的观看!第47页/共47页


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