高二英语选修六Unit Using languagePPT课件

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高二英语选修六Unit Using languagePPT课件_第1页
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第第1页页/共共30页页Skim the letters and find who the writers are and what their purpose of writing the letters is. 第第2页页/共共30页页The first letter is written by a student who is asking for suggestions for his project global warming.The second letter is written by an editor of Earth Care magazine. He offers the student some suggestions on what to do about global warming. 第第3页页/共共30页页Earth CaressuggestionsCan you carry it out?ReasonsList Earth Cares suggestions and then in groups, discuss whether you think you can carry out each suggestion. If you are not using electrical appliances, turn them off.YesSave energy第第4页页/共共30页页YesSave energyYesSave energyYesSave energyIf youre cold, put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat.Motor vehicles use a lot of energy, so walk or ride a bike if you can.Recycle cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers and buy things made from recycled materials.第第5页页/共共30页页YesSave energyYesPlants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.Plant more trees.Get your parents or friends to buy products that are made to save energy.第第6页页/共共30页页YesTogether, individuals can make a difference.Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what youve learned.第第7页页/共共30页页Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks. What can we do about global warming? Turn a(n) _ off when youre not using it. Put on more clothes instead of turning up the _. Walk or _ instead of taking motor vehicles. electrical applianceheatride a bike第第8页页/共共30页页 _ cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers. Buy things made from _ _. Buy products that are made to save _. _ in your garden or your school yard. Talk with your family and friends about _. recycled materialsenergyPlant treesglobal warmingRecycle第第9页页/共共30页页第第10页页/共共30页页1. I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. on behalf of 代表代表一方,一方, 作为作为的代言人的代言人 (通常在句中作状语通常在句中作状语)e.g. Im writing on behalf of my mother to express her thanks for your gift. 我代表我母亲写信我代表我母亲写信, 对你的礼物表示感谢。对你的礼物表示感谢。 He spoke on behalf of all the members of the staff. 他代表全体教职员工讲了话。他代表全体教职员工讲了话。第第11页页/共共30页页2. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems.有时候我觉得像这样一个巨大的环境问题,个有时候我觉得像这样一个巨大的环境问题,个人是起不了什么作用的。人是起不了什么作用的。 have an/some/much/little/noeffect on对对有有/有一些有一些/很多很多/几乎没有几乎没有/没有影响没有影响(作用作用)The advertisements _ sales.这些广告对销售额并没有起到多大作用。这些广告对销售额并没有起到多大作用。The medicine _ his illness.这药对他的病一点作用也没有。这药对他的病一点作用也没有。didnt have much effect onhave no effect on第第12页页/共共30页页3. advocate 用作动词用作动词, 表示表示“拥护、提倡拥护、提倡”时时, 后接名词或动名词形式后接名词或动名词形式, 如如: He advocates reforming the prison system. 他主张改良监狱制度。他主张改良监狱制度。 用法归纳用法归纳: advocate sth. 提倡提倡, 拥护某事拥护某事 advocate doing sth. 提倡提倡, 拥护做某事拥护做某事 advocate that + 从句从句 主张主张, 提倡提倡 特别提示特别提示: advocate后接从句时后接从句时, 从句谓语需用从句谓语需用 “should do”表示虚拟表示虚拟, should可以省略。可以省略。第第13页页/共共30页页4. commitment n. 表示表示“承诺承诺, 保证保证” make a commitment to sb./sth. “对某人对某人/某事做出承诺某事做出承诺” Our company has a commitment to quality and customer service. 我们公司对质量和顾客服务有承诺。我们公司对质量和顾客服务有承诺。commit v. 1) 使承担义务使承担义务; 使作出保证使作出保证; 使表态使表态2)做做(不合法的、错的或愚蠢的事不合法的、错的或愚蠢的事); 犯犯commit suicide 自杀自杀第第14页页/共共30页页5. Individuals can make a difference. make a difference 有影响;很重要有影响;很重要 make some difference to 对对.有些关系有些关系 make no difference to 对对. 没有关系没有关系That makes no difference to me.那对我没有影响。那对我没有影响。Exercise can make a great difference to your health.锻炼对你的健康产生很大的影响。锻炼对你的健康产生很大的影响。第第15页页/共共30页页6. We don not have to put up with pollution. put up with 忍受,容忍忍受,容忍e.g. He couldnt put up with the noise, so he kept the windows shut all day long. 他忍受不了嘈杂声,所以整天窗户紧他忍受不了嘈杂声,所以整天窗户紧 闭。闭。第第16页页/共共30页页I cant put up with her another day she never stops complaining.她整天抱怨,我一天也不能忍受了。她整天抱怨,我一天也不能忍受了。第第17页页/共共30页页7. It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it if not, turn it off! so long as 只要,也可以用作只要,也可以用作as long ase.g. You will do all right so long as you follow my advice. 只要你听我的建议只要你听我的建议, 你一定会做好的。你一定会做好的。 I am happy so long as you are happy. 只要你高兴,我就高兴。只要你高兴,我就高兴。第第18页页/共共30页页8. Recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers if circumstances allow you do. circumstance n. 环境,情况环境,情况e.g. I know I can trust her in any circumstance. 我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。 You should soon accommodate yourself to the new circumstance. 你应尽快适应新环境。你应尽快适应新环境。第第19页页/共共30页页under the circumstances under no circumstances在这种情况下,既然如此在这种情况下,既然如此绝不,无论如何不绝不,无论如何不第第20页页/共共30页页9. Your contribution counts! 你的贡献有价值。你的贡献有价值。 count n. 计数;计算计数;计算 vt. 计算;指望,依赖计算;指望,依赖 vi. 计数;有价值计数;有价值=mattercount nothing 一点价值都没有一点价值都没有count on =depend on /rely on 指望;依赖指望;依赖First impression really do count.第一印象确实很重要。第一印象确实很重要。You can count on him to help you.你可以指望他帮忙。你可以指望他帮忙。第第21页页/共共30页页I. 根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. The cool water r_ John after his long sleep.2. This is a formal party so youd better not wear c_ clothes.3. I was asked to give a short p_ on the aims of the plan.refreshedcasualpresentation第第22页页/共共30页页4. The companys _ (承诺承诺) to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.5. It is very difficult to see doctors, so many people _ (提倡提倡) building more hospitals.6. Its the best result that could be expected under the _ (情况情况).circumstances commitmentadvocate第第23页页/共共30页页7. Youll need three large c_ of paint.8. I got out of the car but left the m_ running.9. They decided to set up a(n) _ (核的核的) power station.10. Ill heat it up in the _(微波炉微波炉).ansotor nuclearmicrowave第第24页页/共共30页页II. 根据汉语提示,补全下列句子。根据汉语提示,补全下列句子。1. Im writing _ (代表我母亲代表我母亲) to express her thanks for your gift.2. I _ (再也再也不能忍受不能忍受Ivy了了) she never stops complaining.3. I dont care about the price, _ _ (只要这块只要这块儿表质量好儿表质量好). on behalf of my mother cant put up with Ivy any more so long as the watch is of good quality第第25页页/共共30页页4. If you know a foreign language you can tell your foreign friends about _ _ (你的家你的家 庭、学习等情况庭、学习等情况). 5. To the doctors disappointment, the medicine _ (对这个病人几乎不起作用对这个病人几乎不起作用). your family, your study and so onhas little effect on the patient第第26页页/共共30页页6. In sport _ (重要的是重要的是) is not the winning but the playing. 7. The doctor told Paul to _ _ (少抽烟少抽烟). what really counts cut down on smoking第第27页页/共共30页页8. I dont mind your knowing it _ (只要事情不进一步发展只要事情不进一步发展).9. If you want to save energy, youd better not use the air conditioner, the heater _ (等等等等) when it is not necessary.so long as it goes no furtherand so on第第28页页/共共30页页第第29页页/共共30页页感谢您的观看。感谢您的观看。第第30页页/共共30页页


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