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五年级新概念英语下学期阅读理解实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断下面句子与短文内容是否相符。Im WendyIm from CanadaNow I live in GuangzhouGuangzhou is windy and cool in winterIt doesnt snow, and sometimes its rainyToday is January 28th,Spring FestivalI wear my new sweater and jeansI go to the park with my parents in the morningI visit my aunt Alice in the afternoonIn the evening,I have a big mealI have chicken,beef,fish,mutton, tomatoes and carrotsThey are delicious( )(1)Wendy is from Canada( )(2)It usually snow in winter in Guangzhou( )(3)Spring Festival is on January 28th this year( )(4)Wendy goes to the park with her classmates in the morning( )(5)In the evening,Wendy has a delicious meal2. 阅读对话,判断正误(T或F)。This is Billy and his brothers bedroom . Its not very big , but its very clean . There is a desk between (在.中间)the beds . There are some books on the desk .Some are Chinese books , some are English books . There is a phone on the desk . One is for Billy , and the other (另一个)is for his brother .There is a map of America on the wall . There is a map of the world on the wall too.Billy and his brother like the bedroom very much .1The bedroom is small , and its clean .(_)2There are three desks in the bedroom .(_)3Only Chinese books on the desks .(_)4There are two maps on the wall .(_)5There isnt a phone in the bedroom .(_)3. 阅读短文,判断正误。This is Zhang Pengs room. There is a big bed. There is a desk beside the bed. There are two plants on the desk. The computer is between the plants. There are some photos above the desk.( )(1)There is a small bed in Zhang Pengs room.( )(2)There are some photos under the bed.( )(3)There are two plants and a computer on the desk.4. 阅读理解。Helen: What can you do, Yang Ling?Yang Ling: I can sing. And I can dance. Can you sing Chinese songs, Helen?Helen: No, I cant. But I can play the piano. And my mother can play the piano, too.Yang Ling: What can Mike do? Can he play the piano?Helen: I dont think so. But he can play the guitar.Yang Ling: Oh, my friend Gao Shan can play the guitar, too. He learns how to play the guitar from his father.Helen: How about David and his sister, Nancy? What can they do?Yang Ling: David can ski and skate very well. Nancy can skate but she cant ski. They and their parents often go skating on Sundays.Helen: The family all like skating, right?Yang Ling: Yes, they do. Look, Liu Tao is coming. What can he do?Helen: Liu Tao is very quiet(安静). He can make a model plane.Yang Ling: Hes a clever boy.阅读对话,回答问题。1. What can Yang Ling do?2. Can Helen sing Chinese songs?3. Who can play the guitar?4. Can Nancy ski?5. What do David and his family often do on Sundays?6. What can Liu Tao do?5. 阅读理解。Tomorrow is Saturday. It will be very hot. Children are talking about their plans. Alice is going to see a film in a cool cinema with her parents. She wants to see the film very much. Peter is going to play badminton with his friends. He is good at it. He plays it every weekend. Kitty is going to read at home. She likes reading very much. Joe doesnt have any plans. He just wants to stay indoors with air conditioner and eat ice cream.读一读, 根据所给的提示, 把问题回答完整。(1)What will the weather be like tomorrow?It will be(2)What is Alice going to do?She is going to(3)What is Peter good at?Peter is good at.(4)Does Kitty like reading?(5)Whats Joes plan?He wants to.6. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Dear Sam,How are you? Next week, my family will go to Xian for a holiday. It is in the west of China. Well go there by plane. Well arrive at Xianyang airport in the morning. The weather report says it is very hot in Xian now. There is a very tall pagoda (塔) in the city. Ill visit some interesting places. I think the trip will be great.What are you going to do next week? I miss you very much!Love,Daming( )(1)Next week, Daming will go to Xian for his holiday.( )(2)Xian is in the east of China.( )(3)It is very cold in Xian.( )(4)There is a very tall pagoda in the city.7. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello, Im Blue Cat. Im 6 years old. Im from China. Today is my birthday. All of my friends will come to my birthday party. There are so much food in the living room. My friend Tom likes sandwiches, because theyre tasty. Janes favourite food is rice. She thinks its healthy. Amy likes ice cream so much that she eats it every day, because its sweet. I like apples, milk and lemons(柠檬), because theyre fresh and healthy. My mother likes fried fish(炸鱼)and my father likes meat. And whats your favourite food? Can you tell me?( )(1)Today is Blue Cats birthday.( )(2)Blue cat likes apples, lemons and fried fish.( )(3)Amy likes eating ice cream every day, because its hot.( )(4)Toms favourite food is salad.( )(5)Mother and father like vegetables very much.8. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Hans is a poor(贫穷的)shoemaker(鞋匠)and Joe is a rich trader(商人).They live in the same house. Hans lives downstairs(楼下)and Joe lives upstairs.Hans likes singing very much. He always sings while mending(修补)shoes. He sings loudly(大声地).Joe doesnt like singing. So he says to Hans,“Hans, Ill give you a bag of money every day if you stop singing.” “Very well,”says the shoemaker.So he stops singing and gets a bag of money from the trader every day. Day after day, he becomes(变得)richer and richer, but he feels unhappy and falls ill.One day, he comes to Joes home with all his money(钱). He says to him,“ Take your money back, I cant stop singing. It is my life.” Then he goes home and sings loudly.1Hans and Joe are_.( )A.friends B.brothers C.neighbours(邻居)2Joe gives Hans some money because he _.() A.thinks that Hans is poorB.likes HansC.doesnt want to listen to his singing3Hans gets a lot of money, and he_.() A.becomes rich but unhappyB.makes friends with JoeC.becomes happy4One day, Hans gives back Joes money, because_.() A.he doesnt like money B.he is rich C.he cant stop singing5From this story, we know_.() A.Money is very important(重要).B.Poor people dont like money.C.Happiness is more important than(比)money.9. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesnt know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write. One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What are you writing, Mary?” She asks. “Im writing to my friend, Rose.” “But how can you? You dont know how to write.” Says her sister. “Well,” says Mary, “It doesnt matter. Rose doesnt know how to read, either.”() (1) Is Mary a schoolgirl?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. We dont know.() (2) Who can read and write?A. Mary B. Rose C. Joan() (3) Whats in Marys hand?A. Theres a pen. B. Theres a pencil. C. Theres a crayon.() (4) Whats Mary doing?A. Shes drawing. B. Shes writing to her friend. C. Shes singing.() (5) Can Rose read and write?A. No, she cant. B. Yes, she can. C. We dont know10. 阅读理解。Hello! Im Li Lei .Look,this is my family photo.The man in black shirt is my father.He is a policeman.The pretty woman with long hair is my mother. She is a nurse .Whos the girl with big eyes?Guess! Shes my sister,Li Hua .She is twelve.She is a student .She likes peaches.But I dont.I like pears.( )(1)How many people are there in LiLeis family?A.Four.B.Three.C.Five( )(2)Whos the man in black shirt?A.My fatherB.Li Huas brother.C.Li Leis father( )(3)How old is Li Huas sister?.A.ElevenB.TwelveC.Thirteen( )(4)Whats LiLeis fathers job?A.Policewoman.B.Policeman.C.Nurse( )(5)The woman with long hair is LiLeis.A.brotherB.motherC.sister11. 阅读短文,根据短文内容写出所缺单词。Save Our PlanetSave electricityDont leave the TV on standby(待机) .Switch off all the lights when the room is empty.Tum up the air-conditioning by a couple of degrees. You dont need to live in a fridge.PollutionDont drop litter. Clean up your own mess, whether you are in town or out for a walk in the countryside. Birds and animals eat your leftovers (残余食物) and this can be very harmful (有害的) to them. Litter can also pollute rivers and the sea and can poison (毒死) the fish.Use public transport. Ride a bike or walk. Get your Mum and Dad out of their cars. They waste energy and pollute the air.Encourage your parents to buy eco-friendly ( 环保型的) cleaning products which use fewer harmful chemicals (化学物品) . Despite (尽管) the high price, they are well worth the extra money you spend more to save the environment!WaterTum the tap off when you brush your teeth. We brush our teeth at least twice a day and each time we can waste 2-3 liters of water!Dont overfill the kettle. Put in just the amount you need. You will also save electricity!(1)Dontthe TV on standby.(2)Tum up the air-conditioning by aof degrees.(3)Birds and animals eat your leftovers and this can be veryto them.(4)Litter can also pollute rivers and the sea and canthe fish.(5)Get your Mum and Dad out of their.(6)your parents to buy eco-friendly cleaning products.(7)Turn the tapwhen you brush your teeth.(8)Dontthe kettle. Put in just the amount you need.12. 阅读理解。I have a very happy family. There are four people in my family-my parents, my younger brother and I. My father is a doctor. He works in another (另一个) city. He goes home on Saturdays.My mother is a housewife. She can cook very delicious food and she is busy with some housework (家务). Sometimes, my brother and I help her clean the house after school.I love my family. I hope we can be happy forever (永远) !阅读短文,选择正确答案。1There are _people in my family. () A.five B.four C.three2My father is a_. () A.worker B.teacher C.doctor3My fathers workplace is _our home. () A.far from B.near C.next to4My mother is a_. () A.doctor B.housewife C.worker5_help my mother with some housework. () A.My brother B.I C.Both A and B13. 阅读短文,判断正误。Lingling and Amy are in the park in London. Theyre talking about it.Lingling: Amy, there werent any swings or flowers near the house before. But there are many flowers everywhere now. I like them.Amy: Look there, Lingling. There is a pond.Lingling: Great!Amy: Do you like the park now, Lingling?Lingling: Yes, I do. Its a lovely park. I like swings, slides, ponds, flowers and birds.Amy: I like swings, too.() (1)There is nothing (什么也没有) in the park.() (2)There werent any flowers before.() (3)Lingling doesnt like slides.() (4)The park looks the same now.() (5)Amy likes swings.14. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Paul and Peter are good friends. At school they are good students. Today they help their teacher Miss Li clean their classroom after school. What a messy classroom! There are some pieces of paper on the floor. The desks are not in a line. The windows are dirty. Paul and Peter first clean the floor and windows. Then they tidy the desks. Now the classroom is clean. You are great, Paul and Peter. Thank you, says Miss Li.( )(1)Paul and Peter are good friends and they are good students at school.( )(2)After school, the classroom is clean and tidy.( )(3)Paul and Peter help the teacher clean the classroom.( )(4)Miss Wang is their teacher.15. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。Hello, Im Helen Brown. I have a brother, Mike. My father is a doctor and my mother is a bus driver. They dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. They like swimming on Sundays. They like cooking, but Mike and I dont. We like playing table tennis with our friends. In the evening, we watch TV. Sometimes Mike and I listen to music, but my parents dont. They like reading.( )(1)There arepeople(人) in Helens family.A.threeB.fourC.five( )(2)Mikes father is a.A.bus driverB.doctorC.cook( )(3)Mikes parentswork on Saturdays and Sundays.A.doB./C.dont( )(4)Mike and Ilike playing table tennis with our friends.A./B.dontC.are( )(5)Their parents likein the evening.A.listening to musicB.readingC.watching TV16. 阅读短文,判断正()误()。Hello! My name is Sarah. Im 11 years old. My favorite day is Tuesday. We have music, PE and art on Tuesday. We have chicken and cabbages for lunch on Tuesday. Chicken is my favorite food. My favorite teacher is Miss Lin. Shes our music teacher. Shes kind.() (1) Monday is Sarahs favorite day.() (2) Fish is Sarahs favorite food.() (3) Miss Lin is Sarahs music teacher.() (4) Sarah has chicken and cabbages for lunch on Tuesday.() (5) Sarah has Chinese, English and art on Tuesday.17. 阅读理解。Hi,Im Betty.I come from Sydney.Im a student.I eat breakfast at home.And then I go to school at 8:30.Classes start at 9:00.After school,I usually play sports with my friends.On the weekend,I often take a dancing class and play music.Sometimes I watch TV and read books.My favourite season is summer.Because Christmas is in summer.In Australia,summer is from December to February the next year.I usually go to the beach and swim on Christmas Day.What about you?(1)I go to school at _A.8:30B.8:00C.9:00(2)I usually _ after school.A.play thepipaB.play musicC.play sports(3)I often _ on the weekend.A.watch TVB.take a dancing classC.read books(4)In Australia,summer is from _ to _ the next year.A.November;JanuaryB.December;FebruaryC.October;December(5)I like summer best because _A.I like beachB.I can go swimmingC.I like Christmas18. 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Lucy and Jack are sister and brother. Lucy always gets up early but Jack always sleep much. Lucy likes running in the morning and have some bread and milk for breakfast. She likes vegetables and fruits because its healthy. Lucy is tall and thin. But Jack didnt eat breakfast, and he likes to eat hamburgers and chips for lunch or dinner, so Jack is a little fat. He doesnt like sports at all.1Lucy is Mikes sister.(_)2Lucy likes to sleep much.(_)3Jack always gets up early.(_)4Lucys life is very healthy.(_)5Jack doesnt like sports.(_)19. 阅读短文,回答问题。There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I. My grandmother is very old. She is eighty years old. My father is a businessman. He is very busy (忙绿的). My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. My mother is younger than my father. My father is taller than my mother. My sister and I are students. We are in the same school. She is younger than me. She is ten years old. Im twelve years old. We often help each other (互相).根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1How many people are there in my family?2How old is my grandmother?3What does my father do?4Is my mother younger than my father?5Is my sister a nurse?20. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。My best friend is Ann.She is a girl.She has curly hair. She is from America.She has a yellow schoolbag.Whats in it?Two English books,three storybooks and a math book. She likes English very much. She likes music, too.1Ann has curly hair.(_)2Ann has a red schoolbag.(_)3There are ten English books in her schoolbag.(_)4Ann likes music.(_)5Ann is from Canada.(_)21. 短文阅读。Hello. I am John. Today is Monday. I have three teachers. They are Mr. Carter, Miss Green and Mrs. Black. Mr. Carter is a new teacher, he comes from the U.K and he teaches us math. His class is so funny that we all like him very much. Miss Green is our art teacher, she is strict but shes very kind. Mrs. Black is so smart. They are all nice that we all like them.(1)I have _ new teacher.A.three B.two C.a(2)Mr. Carter is a _ teacher.A.English B.math C.Chinese(3)Tomorrow is_.A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday(4)_ is an art teacher.A.Mr. Carter B.Mrs. Black C.Miss Green(5)_ is smart.A.Mr. Carter B.Mrs. Black C.Miss Green10 / 10


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