
上传人:灯火****19 文档编号:101490474 上传时间:2022-06-05 格式:DOCX 页数:4 大小:19.55KB
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1. It was about 600 years ago the first clock with aface and an hour hand was made.2. It wasnot untilshetookoff her dark glasses I realizedshe was a famous filmstar.3. It is necessarythat he (remember) thesewords.4. is reported that another man-made satellite has bee n put into orbit .5. Another man-made satellite is reported(put) into orbit.6. is reported, another man-madesatellite has been put into orbit.7. is reported is that another man-made satellite has been put into orbit.8. It is suggested that the meeting(put) off.9. It is a pity that such an important essay(have) so serious a mistake.10. It was ordered that we (arrive) there in two ho urs.11. It is high time that tough measures (take) to solve the problem.12. That was the last time that I(see) her.13. It is important that we ( learn) English well.14. It is typical him to tell lies when he does something wrong.15. It 5 years since his father died.16. It was October 1 st China was founded.17. It was 3 days he went to Beijing.18. It (碰 巧)that he encountered an old friend in the street.19. It took thousands of people many years (build)the Great Wall.20. It is no good (learn) English without speaking E nglish.21. It willbenot long hefinishes his job.22. It seemedasif he (be) mad.23. is a hard job forthepolice tokeeporderin animportant football match.24. used to be thoughtthat the earth wassquare.25. We had to be patient because it some time we got the full results.26. It four years since I joined the army.27. It s the thirdtime thatyou (arrive)late this month.28. It istomorrow they will have a meetingin the hall.29. It is the ability to do the job matters not wher e you come from.30. It is the prevention of disease rather than its successf ul treatment has led to the rapid increase of the wor ld s population.31. I ve already forgotten (究竟是在 哪)youput the dictionary.32. It is suggested that he(leave) his office right now.33. It was his remarks left me wondering about his rea l purpose.34. is no wonder that he looks so exhausted.35. It remained (see) whether he would be accepted as a volunteer.36. Nobody knows exactly how long it has been the war broke out.37. is up to you(decide) where to go.38. It is no fun just (watch) them repeat the lines again and again.39. It/( 突然想起)me that I can take another method as an alternative.1. If you don t go,I.(我也不去)2. I play soccer everyday,the weather.不管3. I play soccer everyday,the bad weather.即使4. A rainy day always me.(使我抑郁)5. His ambition is(become) an actor.6. Patience(combine) with diligence is necessary for success.7. He is clever butdoesn t work hard./(她妹妹也一样)8. I am writing to see if is possible for you to provide me withinformation(regard) the job.9. Is this the classroom the professor is going to give us a report10. Draw on/upon11. 一定会;务必会 be / to do12. 让某人欣慰的是13. 为纪念14. Be free to do15. 突然间=16. 认真对待某事17. Relieve sb. Of sth18. I gave him the letter the moment when I saw him.19. Critical20. Prejudice21. Unpredictable22. Care about Care for23. nothing but Anything but24. 在指导下25. 陷入;被困在中be in26. Make an attempt 试图做某事27. 伴着音乐跳舞28. Present ( 前置)(后置)29. It is such a professional reference book is widely used worldwide.30. It was such an appealing idea we accepted it without hesitation.31. We were about(set) off it suddenly began to rain.32. 更不用说;33. 恢复正常34. Your attitude affects others, which( 反过来)affects you.35. 与某人关系好36. 从长期来看37. 就.而言38. Make out39. arouse vt. 汉 P PP arise vi 汉 P PP40. Rise vi. 汉 P PP raise vt. 汉 P PP41. 对.失去兴趣 为.的利益


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