(新课标)2020届高考英语一轮复习 专题二 语法运用 考点十四 短文改错(含解析)

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(新课标)2020届高考英语一轮复习 专题二 语法运用 考点十四 短文改错(含解析)_第1页
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(新课标)2020届高考英语一轮复习 专题二 语法运用 考点十四 短文改错(含解析)_第3页
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考点十四短文改错 Passage 1限时7分钟Do you believe love is the most important? In the early twenty century, homeless people were often brought up in orphanages, in that they received little love At one time, Dr Skeels took twelve children from an orphanage or had a young girl look them each day He also studied another twelve children who are left in the orphanage all day long He followed these children not until they grew up, and the results were shocked The children staying all day in the orphanage were either dead or suffering from serious illnesses However, the twelve children loved by the girl were all healthy and independently The only difference between the life of these childrenthe love, made a great difference to us答案:Do you believe love is the most important? In the early century, homeless people were often brought up in orphanages, in they received little love At one time, Dr Skeels took twelve children from an orphanage had a young girl look them each day He also studied another twelve children who left in the orphanage all day long He followed these children until they grew up, and the results were The children staying all day in the orphanage were either dead or suffering from serious illnesses However, the twelve children loved by the girl were all healthy and The only difference between the of these childrenthe love, made a great difference to 1twentytwentieth考查数词。表示二十世纪,不用基数词要用序数词,故将twenty改为twentieth。2thatwhich考查定语从句。句中包含定语从句,修饰先行词orphanages,关系词在定语从句中作状语,表地点,故定语从句用“介词which”引导,相当于where,故将that改为which。3orand考查连词。此处指Dr Skeels从孤儿院领出了12个孩子,并且让一个年轻女孩照顾他们。前后句是并列关系,不是转折,故将or改为and。4look后加after考查动词短语。此处表示照顾,是look after,故look后加after。5arewere考查动词的时态。此处指被留在孤儿院的另外12个孩子,故事发生在过去,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,故将are改为were。6删除not考查连词。until “直到时”,not until “直到才”,此处指他密切关注这些孩子直到他们长大,根据句意删除not。7shockedshocking考查形容词。此处表示结果是令人震惊的,用shocking。8independentlyindependent考查形容词。此处作系动词were的表语,和and前的形容词healthy并列,也用形容词,故将independently改为independent。9lifelives考查名词。此处指这些被调查的孩子的生活,用复数形式。故将life改为lives。10usthem考查代词。此处指代these children,用they的宾格,故将us改为them。Passage 2限时7分钟Dear Tom, Were so glad youre coming to join us on Saturday Here is what you can find us Well have our picnic in the Peoples Park You know where it is, isnt you? After you entered the park by the main gate, walk straightly on till you come to a stream Cross the stream and turning right After walking for a while and youll come to a hill Walk around to other side of the hill There youll see a lake Well have our picnic here in the small wood by the lake Im sure that youll have no trouble finding us Looking forward to you arrival Yours, Li Hua答案:Dear Tom,Were so glad youre coming to join us on Saturday Here is you can find us Well have our picnic in the Peoples Park You know where it is, you? After you the park by the main gate, walk on till you come to a stream Cross the stream and right After walking for a while youll come to a hill Walk around to other side of the hill There youll see a lake Well have our picnic in the small by the lake Im sure that youll have no trouble finding us Looking forward to arrival Yours, Li Hua1whathow考查表语从句的连接词。表语从句中缺少状语,并且表方式,故把what变成how,意为“如何”。2isntdont考查反意疑问句。反意疑问句的附加部分应与前面的陈述的主句保持一致,此处应借用助动词do来构成反意疑问句的附加部分。3enteredenter考查动词的时态。本文通篇用一般现在时,故应保持时态一致。4straightlystraight考查副词。straight形容词和副词同形,故副词形式为straight。5turningturn考查祈使句。与前面的cross并列,故应用动词原形。6去掉and考查句式结构。本句是一个简单句,介词after引导时间状语,无须再加连词。7other前加the考查冠词。the other side of the hill “山的另一边”。8herethere考查here/there的区别。与前一句中的“there”呼应,且此处表远指,应用there。9woodwoods考查名词。指“树林”时,应用名词wood的复数形式woods。10youyour考查代词。修饰限定arrival,应用形容词性物主代词your。Passage 3限时6分钟Dear Ginni,How are you getting on these days?I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots (结) for me I make them myself with red silk thread, cloth and some other materials They look real beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long or 4 inches wide In China, this knots stand for friendship, love and good lucky People can either give them as gifts for friends or hang them in their houses They are only 1299 dollars everyIf anyone wants to know more about knots, let them write to me Also, do let me know if you are need further informationThank you!Zhang Lin答案:Dear Ginni,How are you getting on these days?I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots (结) for me I them myself with red silk , cloth and some other materials They look beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long 4 inches wide In China, knots stand for friendship, love and good People can either give them as gifts friends or hang them in their houses They are only 1299 dollars If anyone wants to know more about knots, let them write to me Also, do let me know if you need further informationThank you!Zhang Lin1makemade考查动词的时态。句意:我想知道你是否能为我卖一些中国结。我用红丝线、布和一些其他材料制作了一些中国结。制作中国结是过去的行为,故该句要用一般过去时。故将make改为made。2threadthreads考查名词。thread意为“线”,是可数名词,该处应用名词的复数形式。3realreally考查副词。修饰形容词beautiful用副词。4orand考查连词。这些中国结大约长5英寸,宽4英寸。长和宽是并列关系,不是选择关系,故应将or改为and。5thisthese考查指示代词。this指“这个”;these指“这些”。该处指上文提到的这些中国结,故将this改为these。6luckyluck考查名词。作介词for的宾语应用名词。故将形容词lucky改为luck。7forto考查介词。give sth to sb 意为“给某人某物”,是固定短语。故改为to。8everyeach考查不定代词。句意:它们每个售价只有1299美元。当人或物作为个体看待时,应用each,且在本句中意为“每个,各”,故将every改为each。9knots前加the考查冠词。该处特指上文提到的中国结。故要在knots前加the。10去掉are考查动词的语态。句意:如果你需要进一步的信息,一定让我知道。主语you和need之间是主动关系,故应将are去掉。Passage 4限时8分钟Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream Some mentioned the inspired Chinese Dream that was put forward by President Xi And others talked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream We are all believe that this dream will come true in the future I also talked about my own dream I had always wanted to be a doctor Not only can doctors save peoples life but they also are doing a respectably job Doctors can also help people to live a better life without their professional knowledge To realize my dream, I should try to work hardly from now on I must learn as much as I can get into a good medical college, which I can prepare myself fully for the job of a doctor 答案:Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream Some mentioned the Chinese Dream that was put forward by President Xi And others talked enthusiastically about understanding of the Chinese Dream We all believe that this dream will come true in the future I also talked about my own dream I always wanted to be a doctor Not only can doctors save peoples but they also are doing a job Doctors can also help people to live a better life their professional knowledge To realize my dream, I should try to work from now on I must learn as much as I can get into a good medical college, I can prepare myself fully for the job of a doctor 1inspiredinspiring考查形容词。inspired为由过去分词转化来的形容词,inspiring为由现在分词转化来的形容词,本句中,inspire和Chinese Dream之间存在主动关系,应用现在分词转化来的形容词作定语,故把inspired改为inspiring。 2histheir考查代词。分析句子可知,是其他人热情地谈论了他们(their)对中国梦的理解,而不是他的(his)。故把his改为their。3去掉are考查动词。本句中的主语是we,谓语动词是believe,所以are是多余的。而且从语法的角度来说,are后不能直接跟动词原形。故去掉are。4hadhave考查动词的时态。本句意是说“我一直想成为一名医生”,应该用现在完成时,而不是过去完成时,故把had改为have。5lifelives考查名词。分析句子可知,本句说作为医生是能挽救许多人的性命。表示“生命” life为可数名词。故把life改为lives。6respectablyrespectable考查形容词。分析句子可知,此处需要修饰名词,所以不能用副词,而要用形容词,意为“令人尊敬的”,故把respectably改为respectable。7withoutwith考查介词。根据句意可知,本句指的是医生也可以用专业知识帮助人们过上更好的生活。而without意为“没有,无”,因此改为with。8hardlyhard考查副词。work hard意为“努力工作”,其中hard意为“努力地”。而hardly意为“几乎不,简直不”。故把hardly改为hard。9can后加to考查动词不定式作目的状语。分析句子可知,“我”必须尽“我”所能,以便上一所好的医学院。因此can后缺少动词不定式符号to。故在can后加to。10whichwhere考查非限制性定语从句的引导词。分析句子可知,本句中“a good medical college”为先行词,引导词在定语从句中作状语,且表示地点。故把which改为where。Passage 5限时7分钟The environment pollution is more and more seriously today We have no clean water to drink it because of water pollution And when trees cut down, some animals disappear There was more and more dirty smoke in the air Peoples health has been greatly affecting by air, noise and water pollution Many people have died of disease caused by pollution In order to live the better life, its time for us to protect our worldFirstly, we shouldnt throw away rubbish everywhere And we should recycle, reduce and reuse things, what saves money and reduces pollution Use things so long as possible Dont use plastic bags Besides, we must plant more trees and stop people cut them down We hope our world will be more and more beautiful答案:The environment pollution is more and more today We have no clean water to drink because of water pollution And when trees cut down, some animals disappear There more and more dirty smoke in the air Peoples health has been greatly by air, noise and water pollution Many people have died of caused by pollution In order to live better life, its time for us to protect our worldFirstly, we shouldnt throw away rubbish everywhere And we should recycle, reduce and reuse things, saves money and reduces pollution Use things long as possible Dont use plastic bags Besides, we must plant more trees and stop people them down We hope our world will be more and more beautiful1seriouslyserious考查形容词。作表语应用形容词。2去掉it考查动词不定式作后置定语。“have no clean water to drink”中drink的宾语是“no clean water”,故it多余,需删除。3trees后加are考查动词的语态。因两句话中出现了连词when,故前后两句话必须有主语和谓语动词,故用are cut down作谓语,表被动。4wasis考查动词的时态。上下文时态应保持一致,故用一般现在时。5affectingaffected考查动词的语态。此处指人类健康受到影响,故应用被动语态。6diseasediseases考查名词。diseases指“多种疾病”。7thea考查冠词。这里表示泛指,意为“过更好的生活”,且better的发音以辅音音素开头,故将the改为a。8whatwhich考查定语从句的引导词。what不能用来引导定语从句,只能用来引导名词性从句,在定语从句中,指代前面的内容,表示“这一点,这件事”,并且是非限制性定语从句,应用which来引导。9soas考查固定结构。as形容词/副词原级as,在否定句中可把第一个as换成so,但是其他情况下不能把as换成so。10cutcutting考查非谓语动词。stop sb (from) doing sth “阻止某人做某事”。Passage 6限时7分钟Daniel was born with a brain disorder Because of it, he was differently from other children As a boy, he likes to play alone and acted strangely To many of his classmate, Daniel seemed unusual and we laughed at him This hurt Daniel deeply, but he became very shy As a teenager, things were changed Daniel found he could solve difficult maths problems almost instantly He also discovered other talent: he could learn to speak a language very quickly Today, he is fluent in twelfth languages As adult, Daniel has overcome his shyness He has written two books and now he travels constantly to talk to people with his life答案:Daniel was born with a brain disorder Because of it, he was from other children As a boy, he to play alone and acted strangely To many of his , Daniel seemed unusual and laughed at him This hurt Daniel deeply, he became very shy As a teenager, things changed Daniel found he could solve difficult maths problems almost instantly He also discovered talent: he could learn to speak a language very quickly Today, he is fluent in languages As adult, Daniel has overcome his shyness He has written two books and now he travels constantly to talk to people his life1differentlydifferent考查形容词。 结合前面的系动词was可知,此处是be different from “与不同”,故改为形容词different作表语。2likesliked考查动词的时态。综合全文,讲述过去的事情即介绍Daniel还是小男孩时的情况,因此此处应该为一般过去时,故将likes改为liked。3classmateclassmates考查名词。结合前面的many可知,后面的名词应该是复数形式,故将classmate改为classmates。4wethey考查代词。结合语境,此处表示他的很多同学嘲笑他,因此此处属于人称指代错误,故将we改为they。5butso/and考查连词。根据语境,此处表示由于这深深伤害了他,因此他变得很害羞,同学们嘲笑Daniel让Daniel很受伤和Daniel变得很害羞这两件事并不是转折关系,而是因果或并列关系,因此把but改成so/and。6删除were考查动词的语态。根据语境,此处表示事情发生了变化,是一种主动的行为,故将were删除。7otheranother考查限定词。other后加可数名词复数形式,而且talent后有一个冒号,在解释说明talent的内容,他能够很快地学会一门新语言。这是一种技能,是除了“他能很快解决数学难题”外的“另一”技能,故把other改成another。8twelfthtwelve考查数词。结合语境,此处表示他已经能够很流利地说12种语言了,此处表示数量,而不是第十二种语言,因此将twelfth改为twelve。9adult前加an考查冠词。结合语境,adult是可数名词,而且根据前文“as a boy”, “as a teenager”可知,这里是as an adult。此处表示作为一个成年人,他克服了他的害羞,因此在adult前加an。10withabout考查介词。此处是talk to sb about sth “和某人谈论某事”,因此将with改为about。Passage 7限时7分钟Dear Steven, Im so glad to hearing from you You gave me a great time on the Great Wall that day, so I want to say thank you I returned to my school while I got back from Beijing My school life is busy but interested Ive joined the English club and took part in many English activities after class, so my English has improved a lot of The proverb you mentioned come from a poem by Mao Zedong, first Chairman of China Its meaning is “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man” The Great Wall stands by difficulties a hero wants to overcome You are a true men now, aha!Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear Steven,Im so glad to from you You gave me a great time on the Great Wall that day, so I want to say thank you I returned to my school I got back from Beijing My school life is busy but Ive joined the English club and part in many English activities after class, so my English has improved a lot The proverb you mentioned from a poem by Mao Zedong, first Chairman of China meaning is “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man” The Great Wall stands difficulties a hero wants to overcome You are a true now, aha!Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua1hearinghear考查非谓语动词。be glad to do sth “因为做了某事感到高兴”。2whilewhen考查连词。while引导的从句中需用延续性动词,when引导的从句中动词可以是延续性,也可以是非延续性。这里got back是非延续性动词短语,故用when。3interestedinteresting考查形容词。描述事物的特征,意为“有趣的”,应用interesting。4tooktaken考查动词的时态。and连接两个并列成分,前面时态为现在完成时,后面也应用现在完成时。5去掉of考查副词短语。a lot可充当副词短语来修饰动词。6comecomes考查主谓一致。单数名词作主语时,在一般现在时中,谓语动词用第三人称单数。7first前加the考查序数词的用法。表顺序时,序数词前需加the。8ItsIts考查代词。修饰名词需用形容词性物主代词。9byfor考查固定短语。stand for意为“代表,象征”。10menman考查名词。由a true可知,名词应用单数形式,故用man。Passage 8限时6分钟The other day, some of my classmates and I took a bicycle trip along the Renmin Road, where was specially built for people to relax ourselves The scenery along the road was fascinating, with trees, flowers, hills and lakes on both side We stopped by a lake for a rest, where a good many of people were playing happily But something unpleasant catch our attention There was rubbish here or there, and there were many plastic bags and bottles floated on the surface of the lake Such beautiful place was so serious polluted What a shame! In the end, we couldnt help collecting the rubbish after we left答案:The other day, some of my classmates and I took a bicycle trip along the Renmin Road, was specially built for people to relax The scenery along the road was fascinating, with trees, flowers, hills and lakes on We stopped by a lake for a rest, where a good many people were playing happily But something unpleasant our attention There was rubbish here there, and there were many plastic bags and bottles on the surface of the lake Such beautiful place was so polluted What a shame! In the end, we couldnt help collecting the rubbish we left1wherewhich考查定语从句的引导词。此处the Renmin Road作先行词,指物,引导词在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,故把where改为which。2ourselvesthemselves考查代词。建这条路的目的是让人们放松他们自己。relax oneself “放松自己”,根据句意可知,把ourselves改为themselves。3sidesides或botheither考查名词或限定词。both sides和either side都表示“路的两边”,故本题有两种改法,把side改为sides或把both改为either。4去掉of考查固定短语。a good many名词复数形式,意思是“许多”,故去掉many后的of。5catchcaught考查动词时态。根据文章开头“The other day”可知,此处用一般过去时,故把catch改为caught。6orand考查固定短语。固定搭配:here and there “到处”,故把or改为and。7floatedfloating考查非谓语动词。在湖面上漂浮着很多塑料袋和瓶子。此处是现在分词作后置定语,故把floated改为floating。8Such后加a考查冠词。一个如此美丽的地方受到如此严重的污染。place是单数,故在Such后加a。9seriousseriously考查副词。副词修饰动词,故把serious改为seriously。10afterbefore/when考查状语从句的连接词。最后,我们离开之前/离开的时候,我们情不自禁地捡垃圾。根据句意可知,把after改为before/when。Passage 9 限时7分钟When it came to city and country life, I think they all have their own advantages and disadvantages For city life, you know, the traffic is too convenient that you can arrange your life flexible and easily At same time, there are many great opportunity for you when looking for jobs Also, there is no doubt that the quality of life is fantastic Unfortunately, lived in cities, you will suffer much stress and heavy air pollutionFor country life, as we all know it, the life is peaceful and the environment is beautiful, which is both good for your health Therefore, it is inconvenient for people to go out Besides, the communication isnt easy答案:When it to city and country life, I think they have their own advantages and disadvantages For city life, you know, the traffic is convenient that you can arrange your life and easily At same time, there are many great for you when looking for jobs Also, there is no doubt that the quality of life is fantastic Unfortunately, in cities, you will suffer much stress and heavy air pollutionFor country life, as we all know , the life is peaceful and the environment is beautiful, which both good for your health , it is inconvenient for people to go out Besides, the communication isnt easy1camecomes考查动词的时态。全文用一般现在时,描述作者的观点,故此处也应用一般现在时。2allboth考查代词。they指代的是上文city and country life两种情况,应用both。3tooso考查固定句型。so that “如此以至于”。4flexibleflexibly考查副词。修饰动词arrange应用副词。5At后加the考查固定搭配。at the same time “与此同时”。6opportunityopportunities考查名词。前有many修饰,故用复数形式opportunities。7livedliving考查非谓语动词。在句中作状语,主语you与live之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。8去掉it考查as引导的定语从句。因as作关系代词,在句中作know的宾语,故去掉it。9isare考查主谓一致。which指代上文两种情况,故谓语动词用复数形式。10ThereforeHowever考查副词。表转折关系,且在本句中作副词,应用however, 意为“然而”。Passage 10限时7分钟Mao Zhaomu drop out of high school several years ago Now the selftaught English learner has been admitted to one of Chinas top foreign language university, Sichuan International Studies University, that he used to deliver food to students Mao once worked a delivery man for a restaurant And he chatted happy with English learners online in her spare time There were much grammatical mistakes, but that didnt prevent him from chatting To seize every chance to study English, he would memorize words while wait for customers Mao said that how he hoped very much to become an interpreter Whoever have a dream and dares to seek it is a loveliest person答案:Mao Zhaomu out of high school several years ago Now the selftaught English learner has been admitted to one of Chinas top foreign language , Sichuan International Studies University, he used to deliver food to students Mao once worked a delivery man for a restaurant And he chatted with English learners online in spare time There were grammatical mistakes, but that didnt prevent him from chatting To seize every chance to study English, he would memorize words while for customers Mao said that he hoped very much to become an interpreter Whoever a dream and dares to seek it is a loveliest person1dropdropped考查动词的时态。几年前,毛朝牧从高中辍学。根据时间状语“several years ago”可知,用一般过去时。故将drop改为dropped。2universityuniversities考查名词。句意:现在,这位自学英语的人已经被中国一流的外国语学院录取。因为one of后用名词复数形式。故将university改为universities。3thatwhere考查定语从句的引导词。句中先行词为Sichuan International Studies University,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where。故将that改为where。4worked后加as考查介词。短语work as意为“任职,当”。故在worked后加as。5happyhappily考查副词。在他空余时间,他愉快地与英语学习者在线交谈。动词chatted后用副词修饰。故将happy改为happily。6herhis考查人称代词。根据主语he可知,这里用his。故将her改为his。7muchmany考查形容词。虽然有很多语法错误,但那并不阻止他交谈。因为grammatical mistakes为可数名词复数形式,故前用many修饰。故将much改为many。8waitwaiting考查非谓语动词。当等顾客的时候,他会记单词。逻辑主语he与wait之间存在主动关系,故用现在分词。故将wait改为waiting。9去掉how考查宾语从句。毛说,他希望成为一名口译员。根据句意可知,这里不需要how。故将how去掉。10havehas考查


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