2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 4 Stage and screen单元写作练习 外研版必修第二册

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 4 Stage and screen单元写作练习 外研版必修第二册_第1页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 4 Stage and screen单元写作练习 外研版必修第二册_第2页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 4 Stage and screen单元写作练习 外研版必修第二册_第3页
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单元写作写作五步成文(读后续写)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Whats the best way to experience America? I advise one step at a time. And thats exactly what I set out to do in 2006 when I tried to visit all the fifty_states in fifty days and run a marathon in each of them while staying there.On a warm day in September, I decided to begin my trip of running fifty marathons, in fifty states, in fifty days with the Lewis & Clark marathon in St. Charles, Missouri. It seemed like a fitting place to begin, because it was the 200th anniversary of the Lewis & Clark expedition (探险) After visiting Missouri, my plan was to head west across the country, stopping in each state to visit, explore and run a marathon. As you might imagine, the preparations, including the schedules and research, were every bit as challenging as the running itself. Due to the embarrassing timing of different marathons across the nation, we werent always able to follow a straight line from one state to the next. Instead, we could only travel across the country in a complex (复杂的) web. But that was what made the travel so interesting. Besides the complex web of travel, the presence of my family made my trip more meaningful. My wife, a dentist, had changed her schedule to join me, and our two children Alexandria and Nicholas would be taking fifty days off school, so they wanted to travel with us. My mom, a retired school teacher, would also be part of the team. My_father also came along. Well, were from Greece, where one family member goes, the others are soon follow. All of them supported my expedition. It might be easy to conclude that seeing the country so quickly would lead to an unclear impression,_ but just the opposite was true. I remember every single state and every detail very clearly, even on this very day, more than a decade later.注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1: After we made careful preparations, my expedition play began finally._Paragraph 2: My good physical quality was shown in the expedition._ 步骤一:品读语篇抓住要点很关键 前文概要 审体裁:记叙文 审时态:一般过去时 审前文大意以及要点 who:the author when: in September, 2006 where: St. Charles, Missouri what: running fifty marathons, in fifty states, in fifty days why: stopping in each state to visit, explore and run a marathon 第一段:作者计划通过每天跑一次马拉松长跑,跑过五十个州,亲身体验美国。 第二段:在9月份一个暖和的上午开始了体验美国的马拉松赛事。 第三段:作者在每个州停下来参观、探索和跑马拉松,但是准备工作,包括日程安排和研究,都和跑步本身一样具有挑战性,这正是旅行如此有趣的原因。 第四段:家人的出现使作者的旅行更有意义,他们都支持作者的探险运动。 第五段:作者看到这个国家,清楚地记得每一个州和每一个细节,甚至永远不会忘记。 步骤二:戴着镣铐跳舞研读首句,高度融合原文,合理想象情节 第一段:根据所给第一句“After we made careful preparations, my expedition play began finally.”可知,作者从密苏里州开车到科罗拉多州,参加博尔德越野马拉松。这一地区的地势越来越低,气候变化很大,开始寒冷,突然之间就炎热起来。 第二段:根据所给句子“My good physical quality was shown in the expedition.”可知,作者在马拉松比赛过程中,经常接触一些名人,了解他们的不同文化。身体健壮是一个原因,但喜欢这次活动的主要原因是得到了家人的支持。 步骤三:斟酌打磨丰富续写词汇,生动描述情节已给提示词汇: fifty states, marathon, warm, expedition, challenging, travel, family, my father, support, impression话题激活词汇: serious, feel tired, experience, expectation, successfully, drop, become, help, need, find, enjoy, meet, give up, finish, drive, along the highway, fly to, daily marathon routine, after every marathon, wetness, changes became more serious, be healthy and strong句式翻译 1.我们从密苏里州开车到科罗拉多州。(主谓) We_drove_from_Missouri_to_Colorado. 2.我们去那儿要参加博尔德越野马拉松。(介词短语表目的)Were_going_there_for_the_Boulder_Backroads_marathon. 3.沿着公路,湿度越来越低。(比较级) _Along_the_highway_the_wetness_dropped_lower_and_lower. 4.当我们飞往阿拉斯加时,变化变得更加严重了。(主从复合句) The_changes_became_more_serious_when_we_flied_to_Alaska. 5.我们遇到了一场暴风雪!(came across) We_came_across_a_snowstorm! 6.那对我们的探险很有挑战性。(进行时表将来) That_was_challenging_for_our_expedition. 7.幸好北方户外服装公司帮了我们,所以我们有很多温暖的衣服。(主从复合句) Thankfully,as_the_outdoor_clothing_company_The_North_Face_helped_us,_we_had_plenty_of_warm_clothing. 8.暖和的衣服我们并没有穿多久。(主谓宾) We_didnt_wear_warm_clothes_for_long. 9.第二天我们就发现自己在夏威夷的炎热地区了。(主谓宾补) The_next_day_we_found_ourselves_in_the_hot_area_of_Hawaii. 10.除了每天的马拉松比赛之外,我还喜欢与大人物见面。(enjoy doing sth.) Apart_from_the_daily_marathon_routine,I_also_enjoyed_meeting_the_great_people. 11.通过这些名人,我体验了不同的文化。(主谓宾) Through_these_celebrities,_I_have_experienced_different_cultures. 12.虽然每次马拉松后我都觉得很累,但我从未想过要放弃。(although引导让步状语从句) Although_I_felt_tired_after_every_marathon,_I_never_thought_about_giving_up. 13.真正的原因并不是因为我健康强壮,而是因为我得到了所有家庭成员的支持。(lie in) The_true_reason_didnt_lie_in_that_I_was_healthy_and_strong;_it_lay_in_that_I_gained_the_support_from_all_my_family_members. 14.在他们的期望下,我成功地完成了50个州的50场马拉松比赛。(with介词短语) With_their_expectations,I_finished_the_fifty_marathons_in_fifty_states_successfully. 步骤四:创造性表达润色注重细节,句式再造升级 1.将1句和2句变为一个简单句 We_drove_from_Missouri_to_Colorado_first,_for_the_Boulder_Backroads_marathon. 2.将4句用独立主格结构改为一个简单句 We_flying_to_Alaska,_the_changes_became_more_serious. 3.将5句用be caught in改写,且与6句变为一个复合句 We_were_caught_in_a_snowstorm,_which_was_challenging_for_our_expedition. 4.将7句改写为简单句 Thanks_to_the_help_from_the_outdoor_clothing_company_The_North_Face,_we_had_plenty_of_warm_clothing. 5.将8句和9句变为一个复合句 We_needed_it_not_for_long,_because_the_next_day_we_found_ourselves_in_the_hot_area_of_Hawaii. 6.将11句改为10句的非限制性定语从句 Apart_from_the_daily_marathon_routine,_I_also_enjoyed_meeting_the_great_people,_through_whom_I_could_experience_different_cultures. 7.将13句用not. but结构改写 The_real_reason_is_not_because_I_am_healthy_and_strong,_but_because_I_have_the_support_of_all_family_members. 步骤五:高分在即连句成篇,衡水体誊写并标注下划线One possible version:Paragraph 1: After we made careful preparations, my expedition play began finally. We drove from Missouri to Colorado first, for the Boulder Backroads marathon. Along the highway the wetness dropped lower and lower. We flying to Alaska, the changes became more serious. We were caught in a snowstorm, which was challenging for our expedition. Thanks to the help from the outdoor clothing company The North Face, we had plenty of warm clothing. But we needed it not for long, because the next day we found ourselves in the hot area of Hawaii.Paragraph 2: My good physical quality was shown in the expedition. Apart from the daily marathon routine, I also enjoyed meeting the great people, through whom I could experience different cultures. Although I felt tired after every marathon, I never thought about giving up. However, the real reason is not because I am healthy and strong, but because I have the support of all family members. With their expectations, I finished the fifty marathons in fifty states successfully.- 6 -


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