Chinese languagePPT课件

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The development of the The development of the Chinese languageChinese languageChinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family.Chinese initiated about 5000years ago based on pictographic and ideographic form.第1页/共15页第2页/共15页Three stages The first stage Dated from the earliest period when Cangjie(仓颉) is said to have produced and recorded Chinese characters.第3页/共15页 仓颉,仓颉,是中国上古传说中的人物,是中国上古传说中的人物,仓颉面长四目,天生睿德,常观奎仓颉面长四目,天生睿德,常观奎星圆曲之势,察鸟兽蹄远之迹,依星圆曲之势,察鸟兽蹄远之迹,依其类像之形首创文字,革除当时结其类像之形首创文字,革除当时结绳记事之陋,开创文明之基,被尊绳记事之陋,开创文明之基,被尊奉为奉为“文祖仓颉文祖仓颉”。第4页/共15页Three stages The first stage Dated from the earliest period when Cangjie(仓颉) is said to have produced and recorded Chinese characters. The second stage When Qinshihuang unified the Chinese written dialects and languages into seal characters.第5页/共15页大篆 、小篆与隶书第6页/共15页第7页/共15页Three stages The first stage Dated from the earliest period when Cangjie(仓颉) is said to have produced and recorded Chinese characters. The second stage When Qinshihuang unified the Chinese written dialects and languages into seal characters. The third stage At the beginning of the 20th century ,Chinese language was simplified into bai-hua-wen form.第8页/共15页The main features of the Chinese language 1. Chinese vocabulary 2. Chinese pronunciation 3. Chinese grammar第9页/共15页Chinese vocabularyChinese character falls within ideographic in no connection with pronunciation, it is form that decides meaning. 如: 忍 ,人 第10页/共15页Chinese character are composed of basic units and other elements.radicalsstrokes第11页/共15页Chinese pronunciation 1.Chinese as a tonal language, it has four tones. 2.Romanized pronunciation 3.homonym: have repetitions in pronunciation but vary in meaning.第12页/共15页Chinese grammar Flexibility in sentence structure: (SVO、SOV、ASV 、SV ) No tense or inflection occurs to verbs (adverbial signifiers, “将”,“要”,“打算”,“正在”,“已经”,“过”) Elliptical elements in sentences or conversations:(subjects omitted,no verb appears) 第13页/共15页Thank you for Your time!第14页/共15页感谢您的观看。第15页/共15页


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