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D5综合阅读 One day Jacks wife was cleaning out a closet(壁橱).Look at all these umbrellas, Jacks wife said to (A) him . There are eight and they are all broken.Ill take them to the umbrella shop and have them mended, Jack said. “(B) They are too good to throw away”Jack took the eight umbrellas to the shop and left them there. Theyll be ready tomorrow, the shopkeeper said.That evening Jack went home from the office by bus (C) as usual. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor near her. When the bus (D) reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up. Hey! the woman said. Thats my umbrella!Im sorry, Jack said, and at the same time he gave the umbrella to her. I wasnt thinking. Please excuse me.The next day he got back the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus.As he sat down, a voice behind him said, You certainly have a successful day!He turned around and saw the woman whose umbrella had (E) almost been taken by him the day before. She thought he was an umbrella thief.1. 文中划线部分(A)指代的是: 2将文中划线部分(B)改写成为:They are good they cant be thrown away.3. 将文中划线部分(C)译成英语: 4. 从文中找出能说明本文主旨大意的中心词: 5. 写出文中划线部分(D)和(E)的统一词语或近义词语: D 6完型填空Oneyearago,IworkedataChinesetraditionalmedicinestore.Business was not so bad. Everydaywemixed(配制)medicinalherbs(中药)for 1 ,so the store was always full of a strong herbal 2.AfterIhadworkedthereforatime,aboyof13or14 3 comingandsittingonthestairsoutsidethestore forawhileeveryday.Itseemed 4 tome.“Do you like the herbal smell?”Iasked 5 oneday.“Igrewup 6 thiskindofsmell,”hesaid.Hetoldmethathismother 5 herbalmedicineforyears,so he couldmixedtheherbsforhismother,when he was very 8 . He mixed the herbs with deep love, hoping his mother would get 9 as soos as possible.“Isyourmotherwellnow?”Iasked.He10hishead,“Mymotherpassedawaythreeyears11 .”Lookingupintothesky,hewenton.“WhenIfirstpassedbyhereandsmelledtheherbs,Ithoughtofmymother. 12 iscomfortingtorememberthosedayswhenshewasalive.SoIcomehereeverydaytositforamoment.WhenIsit 14 thissmell,I fell as if my mother is still aliveandis15forhermedicineinherroom.”1. A. patients B children C. students D. teachers 2. A. taste B. smell C. smoke D. air3. A. went B started C. needed D. stopped 4. A. sad B. happy C. excited D. strange5. A. him B her C. them D. you 6. A. at B. to C. with D. without7. A. brought B sold C. kept D. took 8. A. healthy B. sick C. old D. young9. A. worse B better C. happier D. sadder 10. A. felt B. touched C. shook D. nodded11. A. later B after C. before D. ago 12. A. It B. That C. This D. One13. A. And B But C. Or D. So 14. A. under B. around C. for D. before15. A. living B looking C. waiting D. paying 阅读回答问题Yesterday was a very busy day. I solved two cases. The first case was about a bank robbery. A man entered a bank in the city centre with a gun. He took away thousands of dollars. The bank manager called the police, but it was too late. The robber got away. The suspect in the case was Tim Smith. At first, Tim denied being the robber. He said he was watching a film in the cinema at the time of the robbery. However, I had a proof. One of the customers in the bank at that time took a photo of Tim. He then admitted his crime.In the second case, a lady called Susan Brown bought a beautiful vase for fifty thousand dollars. The owner of the shop called the police because Susan has used forged(伪造) banknotes( 纸币) to pay for the vase. We Brought her to the police station. She said that she got the notes from the bank and that a bank clerk must have fooled her. However, when I searched her flat, I found half a million dollars in forged notes. She kept them in a safe in the wall. Susan then admitted printing the notes herself. I returned the beautiful vase to the shop.1.What was the first case about?2.Who was Tim Smith?3.Did Detective Ken have any proof in the first case? If so,what was it?4.In the second case, what did Susan Brown buy?5.How much money did Susan Brown pay for it?6. Why did the owner of the shop call the police?7. How many cases did the writer solve in the passage?


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