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2022年考博英语-湘潭大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题Doing a PhD is certainly not for everybody, and I do not recommend it for most people. However, I am really glad I got my PhD rather than just getting a job after finishing my Bachelors. The number one reason it that I learned a hell of a lot doing the PhD, and most of the things I learned I would never get exposed to in a typical software engineering job.The process of doing a PhD trains you to do research, to read research papers, to run experiments, to write papers, to give talks. It also teaches you how to figure out what problem needs to be solved. You gain a very sophisticated technical background doing the PhD, and having your work subject to the intense scrutiny of the academic peer-review process - not to mention your thesis committee.I think of the PhD a little like the Grand Tour, a tradition in the 16th and 17th centuries where youths would travel around Europe, getting a rich exposure to high society in France, Italy and Germany, learning about art, architecture, language, literature, fencing, riding, ect. all of the essential liberal arts that a gentlemen was expected to have experience with to be an influential member of society.The top PhD programs set an incredibly high bar: a lot of coursework, teaching experience, qualifying exams, a thesis defense and of course making a groundbreaking research contribution in your area. Having to go through this process give you a tremendous amount of technical breadth and depth.Some important stuff I learned doing a PhD is as follows.How to write papers and give talks. Being fluent in technical communications is a really important skill for engineers. Ive noticed a big gap between the software engineers Ive worked with who have PhDs and those who dont in this regard. PhD-trained folks tend to give clear well-organized talks and know how to write up their work and visualize the result of experiments. As a result, they can be much more influential.How to figure out what problem to work on. This is probably the most important aspect of PhD training. Doing a PhD will force you to cast away from shore and explore the boundary of human knowledge. (Matt Mights cartoon on this is a great visualization of this.) I think that at least 80% of making a scientific contribution is figuring out what problem to tackle - a problem that is at once interesting, open and going to have impact if you solve it. There are lots of open problems that the research community is not interested in. There are many interesting problems that have been solved over and over and over. Theres a real trick to picking good problems and developing a taste for it is a key skill if you want to become a technical leader.So I think its worth having a PhD, especially if you want to work on the hardest and most interesting problems. This is true whether you want a career in academia, a research lab or more traditional engineering role, but as my PhD advisor was fond of saying, “doing a PhD costs you a house.” (In term of the lost salary during the PhD years)【答案】攻读博士学位的过程能训练你做研究、读文献、做实验、写论文和做演讲。它还会教你如何弄清楚需要解决的问题。顶尖的博士计划设置了一个极高的标准:大量的课程作业、教学经验、资格考试、论文答辩,当然,还包括在你的领域做出了开创性的研究贡献。接受博士训练的人往往能发表条理清晰而有组织的演讲,并且知道如何详细记录他们的工作,并将实验结果可视化。因此,他们具有很大的影响力。如何找出需要解决的问题,这可能是博士培训最重要的方面。攻读博士学位会迫使你远离当下领域,探索人类知识的边界。所以,我认为,读博是值得的,尤其是如果你想研究最难且最有兴趣的问题。无论你是想在学术界、实验室或者更传统的工程职业中谋职,读博都是正确的选择。2. 单选题Once a duckling has identified a parent, the instinctive bond becomes a powerful( ) for additional learning since, by( )the parent; the duckling can acquire further information that is not genetically transmitted.问题1选项A.impulse. surpassingB.referent. recognizingC.inspiration. emulatingD.channel. mimicking【答案】D【解析】名词和动词词义辨析。A选项的impulse “推动,冲动,刺激”; surpass “优于或超过某人、某物”; B选项的referent “指示物”;recognize “认出,识别,承认”; C选项的inspiration “灵感,鼓舞或激励人的人或事物,好主意”;emulate “与竞争,模仿,仿效”; D选项的channel“通道,频道,海峡”; mimicking“模仿,仿效”根据句意 一旦某只小鸭辨认出其父母,这种带有本能性质的纽带便变成一条极有用的进行额外学习的渠道,因为通过模仿其父母,小鸭能进一步获取那些单靠基因遗传所无法传输给它的信息可知应选D项。3. 单选题Organized volunteering and work experience has long been a vital companion to university degree course. Usually it is left to(1)to deduce the potential from a list of extracurricular adventures on a graduates resume,(2)now the University of Bristol has launched an award to formalize the achievements of students who(3)time to activities outside their courses. Bristol PLUS aims to boost students in an increasingly(4)job market by helping them acquire work and life skills alongside(5)qualifications.“Our students are a pretty active bunch but we found that they didnt(6)appreciate the value of what they did(7)the lecture hall,” says Jeff Good man, director of careers and employability at the university. “Employers are much more(8)than they used to be. They used to look for(9)and saw it as part of their job to extract the value of an applicants skills. Now they want students to be able to explain why those skills are(10)to the job.Students who sign(11)for the award will be expected to complete 50 hours of work experience or(12)work, attend four workshops on employability- skill, take part in an intensive skill-related activity,(13)crucially, write a summary of the skills they have gained.(14)efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award. Those who(15)best on the sports field can take the Sporting PLUS Award which fosters employer-friendly sports accomplishments.The experience does not have to be(16)organized. Were not just interested in easily identifiable skills, says Goodman. “(17)one student took the lead in dealing with a difficult landlord and so(18)negotiation skills. We try to make the experience relevant to individual lives.”Goodman hopes the(19)will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active(20)to take up activities outside their academic area of work.问题1选项A.advisorsB.specialistC.criticsD.employers问题2选项A.whichB.butC.unlessD.since问题3选项A.divideB.devoteC.deliverD.donate问题4选项A.harmoniousB.competitiveC.resourcefulD.prosperous问题5选项A.artisticB.technicalC.academicD.interactive问题6选项A.dominantlyB.earnestlyC.necessarilyD.gracefully问题7选项A.outsideB.alongC.overD.through问题8选项A.generousB.considerateC.enlighteningD.demanding问题9选项A.originB.initialC.popularityD.potential问题10选项A.relevantB.responsiveC.reluctantD.respective问题11选项A.outB.offC.awayD.up问题12选项A.casualB.electiveC.domesticD.voluntary问题13选项A.orB.thusC.soD.and问题14选项A.OccasionalB.ExceptionalC.InformativeD.Relative问题15选项A.performB.conveyC.circulateD.formulate问题16选项A.roughlyB.randomlyC.formallyD.fortunately问题17选项A.For instanceB.In essenceC.In contrastD.Of course问题18选项A.demonstratedB.determinedC.operatedD.involved问题19选项A.deviceB.sectionC.schemeD.distraction问题20选项A.attendantsB.agentsC.membersD.peers【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C第6题:C第7题:A第8题:D第9题:D第10题:A第11题:D第12题:D第13题:D第14题:B第15题:A第16题:C第17题:A第18题:A第19题:C第20题:D【解析】(1)词义辨析。advisors顾问,指导教授,劝告者;specialist专家;critics评论家;批评者;employers雇主;本文谈论大学生课外实践与就业的关系,根据空格后的关键部分“on a graduates resume在毕业生的简历上”可知,D选项“雇主”正确。(2)逻辑词。根据上下文的内容长期以来,有组织的志愿活动和工作经验一直是大学学位课程的重要伴侣。通常情况下,由雇主从毕业生的简历上列出的课外经历中推断出他们的潜力,现在布里斯托尔大学推出了一项奖励,以正式确定学生的成就。,以及关键词“usually通常”和“now现在之间的对比关系,确定B项“但是”表转折和对比正确。(3)固定搭配。根据上下文语境,此处表示“花费时间干什么事”,且介词to后面是名词,B选项构成搭配“devote .to.把用于,投入.”,所以B选项正确。(4)词义辨析。harmonious和谐的,和睦的;协调的;competitive 竞争的,有竞争性的,有竞争力的;resourceful资源丰富的;足智多谋的;prosperous繁荣的;兴旺的;此处句意是“Bristol PLUS旨在通过帮助学生获得工作和生活技能来增强他们在劳动市场的”,因此,根据语境可知,B项“竞争力的”正确。(5)词义辨析。artistic艺术的;风雅的;有美感的;technical工艺的,科技的;技术上的;academic学术的;学院的;interactive交互式的;相互作用的;空格处修饰名词qualifications“资格;合格证书”,而且与“work and life skills工作和生活技能”并列,所以C项构成“academic qualifications学历”符合搭配和语境。(6)词义辨析。dominantly有统治权地,支配地;earnestly认真地;诚挚地;necessarily必要地;必定地,必然地;gracefully优雅地;温文地;空格后表示“appreciate the value重视价值”,空格处的副词要修饰动词“appreciate欣赏;感激;看重”,C选项“必要地”搭配合适,正确。(7)介词辨析。根据上下文以及本句 “they didnt necessarily appreciate the value of what they did the lecture hall.大学生们没有必要地看重他们在讲堂所做的事情的价值”可知,此处填入介词表示“在之外”,即 A选项正确。(8)词义辨析。generous慷慨的,大方的;宽宏大量的;considerate体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的;enlightening使人领悟的,有启发作用的;demanding苛刻的,要求高的;根据后面两句中关于过去和现在的状况对比可知本句句意是现在比以前的要求更高一些,D选项“要求高的;苛求的”正确。(9)词义辨析。origin起源;原点;initial词首大写字母popularity普及,流行;名气;potential潜力,潜能根据后文 “saw it as part of their job to extract the value of an applicants skills将其视为他们工作的一部分,以获得申请人的技能价值”可知,it是指代前文空格处的内容,D选项“潜力”符合语境。(10)词义辨析题。relevant相关的;切题的;中肯的;responsive响应的;应答的;reluctant不情愿的;勉强的;respective分别的,各自的;根据上下文的语境,此处表达的是雇主希望学生们能够解释为什么那些技能与工作是相关的,所以A选项“相关的”正确。(11)固定搭配。“sign up for选课;报名参加”符合语境和搭配,D选项正确。(12)词义辨析。casual临时的,非正式的,随便的;elective选修的,选任的;domestic国内的,家用的,家庭的;voluntary自愿的;志愿的;自发的;根据文章首句可知,此处是首句信息复现有组织的志愿活动和工作经验,所以D选项正确。(13)逻辑关系。根据关键词“crucially关键的是”以及后文句意“写一份他们所获技能的简介”可知,此处前后的逻辑关系表示并列或递进,D选项符合语境。(14)词义辨析。Occasional偶然的,临时的;Exceptional优越的;杰出的,例外的;Informative提供有用信息的;教育性的;Relative相对的;有关系的;根据后文“Outstanding Achievement Award杰出成就奖”可知,空格处修饰“efforts努力”最为合适的是B项“优越的;杰出的”。(15)词义辨析。perform执行;表现;完成;convey传达;运输;circulate使循环;使流通;formulate规划;用公式表示;此处表示“在体育方面做得很好的人”,A选项“表现,完成”正确。(16)词义辨析。roughly粗糙地;概略地;randomly随便地,任意地;formally正规地,正式地;fortunately幸运地;此处的副词修饰动词“organized组织的”,根据上下文可知,此处表示“经历不一定要正式组织的活动”,C选项“正规地,正式地;”符合。(17)固定搭配。For instance例如,比如;In essence本质上,大体上;In contrast与此相反;of course一定,当然;前一句说 “Were not just interested in easily identifiable skills.我们不是只对能够被简单确认的(学生的)技能感兴趣”,后一句谈及一个学生不仅善于应对一个麻烦的房东,而且也擅长谈判的技巧,所以后文是对前文的例子体现,A选项正确。(18)词义辨析。demonstrated演示,展示;示范;determined决定;断定; operated运转;动手术;起作用;involved包含;牵涉;使陷于;空格处与“took the lead in.在方面擅长/领头”并列,以及根据宾语“谈判技巧”可知,A选项“展示;示范;表明”符合搭配,正确。(19)词义辨析。device装置;策略;设备;section部分;部门;地区;scheme计划,规划;distraction注意力分散;消遣;根据后文“fill in any gaps填补空白”可知,空格处是指前文谈及到的一些与生活相关的内容等,所以C项“规划”符合语境。(20)词义辨析。attendants服务员;侍者;agents代理人,代理商;members成员;会员;peers同僚;同伴;空格处对应的是前文的“students学生”,所以D选项“同僚;同伴”符合语境。4. 单选题Joseph Heller is a great novelist who has thrilled thousands of leaders, ( )many American accomplished novelists kneel at his feet and cant help singing his praises.问题1选项A.in thatB.so much so thatC.sinceD.while【答案】B【解析】连词词义辨析题。A选项的in that “因为,由于,既然”;B选项的so much so that “到这 样程度以至于,甚至”;C选项的since通常用于现在完成时态,表示“自从”;D选项的while “当时候,然而”。根据句意约瑟夫海勒是个伟大的小说家,震惊了成千上万的领导人,甚至很多美国著名的小说家都臣服于他的才华,情不自禁地赞扬他确定B选项正确。5. 单选题China and U.S. made a( )trade agreement.问题1选项A.unilateralB.unanimousC.sophisticatedD.reciprocal【答案】D【解析】A选项 “单边的,单方面的”; B选项 “无异议的”; C选项 “精致的,久经世故的”; D 选项“互惠的”;根据句意中国和美国达成了互惠贸易协定。确定D选项正确。6. 单选题Had the explosion broken out, the passengers in the plane should have been killed, for it was( )timed with the planes take-off.问题1选项A.spontaneouslyB.instantaneouslyC.simultaneouslyD.conscientiously【答案】C【解析】副词辨析题。A选项的spontaneously “自发地,非筹划安排地”;B选项的instantaneously “即刻,突如其来地”;C选项的simultaneously “同时地”;D选项的conscientiously“凭良心地,认真地,负责尽职地”。根据句意 如果炸弹爆炸,飞机上的乘客就会被炸身亡。因为这是一个与飞机起飞同步的定时爆炸的炸弹确定C选项正确。7. 单选题Antarctica has actually become a kind of space station- a unique observation post for detecting important changes in the worlds environment. Remote from major sources of pollution and the complex geological and ecological systems that prevail elsewhere, Antarctica makes possible scientific measurements that are often sharper and easier to interpret than those made in other parts of the world.Growing numbers of scientists therefore see Antarctica as a unique observation distant-early-warning sensor, where potentially dangerous global trends may be spotted before they show up to the north. One promising field of investigation is glaciology. Scholars from the United States, Switzerland, and France are pursuing seven separate but related projects that reflect their concern for the health of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, a concern they believe the world at large should share.The Transantarctic Mountain, some of them more than 14,000 feet high, divide the continent into two very different regions. The part of the continent to the east” of the mountains is a high plateau covered by an ice sheet nearly two miles thick. West of the mountain, the half of the continent south of the Americas is also covered by an ice sheet, but there the ice rests on rock that is mostly well below sea level. If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared, the western part of the continent would be reduced to a sparse cluster of island.While ice and snow are obviously central to many environmental experiments, others focus on the mysterious dry valley of Antarctica, valleys that contain little ice or snow even in the depths of winter. Slashed through the mountains of southern Victoria Land, these valleys once held enormous glaciers that descended 9,000 feet from the polar plateau to the Ross Sea. Now the glaciers are gone, perhaps a casualty of the global warming trend during the 10,000 years since the ice age. Even the snow that falls in the dry valleys is blasted out by vicious winds that roar down from the polar plateau to the sea. Left bare are spectacular gorges, rippled fields of sand dunes, clusters of boulders sculptured into fantastic shapes by 100-mile-an-hour winds, and an aura of extraterrestrial desolation.Despite the unearthly aspect of the dry valleys, some scientists believe they may carry a message of hope of the verdant parts of the earth. Some scientists believe that in some cases the dry valleys may soak up pollutants faster than pollutants enter them.1.What is the point the author made in Paragraph One?2.How are east and west of Transantarctic Mountain different from each other?3.What would the result be if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared?4.Which of the following about dry valleys is true?5.What is the best title for this passage?问题1选项A.Antarctica is a space station established by USA .B.Antarctica imitates world environment.C.Antarctica has serious pollutions.D.Antarctica is a better place to do certain scientific research.问题2选项A.East side is warmer than west side.B.East side is more than 14000 feet high.C.Ice in east side is above sea level.D.Ice in west side is above sea level.问题3选项A.The western part of the continent would be disappeared.B.The western part of the continent would be reduced.C.The western part of the continent would become scattered Islands.D.The western part of the continent would be reduced to a cluster of Islands.问题4选项A.they have nothing left inside and becomes discarded.B.they may be the hope of environmental problems in our planet.C.they never held glaciers in its long history.D.They are useless to scientists as nothing is left behind.问题5选项A.Antarctica: Earths Early-Warning station. .B.Antarctica and environmental Problems.C.Antarctica: a Unique Observation Post.D.Antarctica: a Mysterious Place.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。题目提问作者在第1段中提出了什么要点?文章第一段大意是“南极洲实际上已经成为一种太空站:一个独特的观测站,用来探测世界环境的变化。南极洲远离污染,又不同于其它任何地方,普遍存在着复杂的地质和生态环境,所以,这里可以得到更敏锐又易解释的科学测量结果。”所以作者提出的要点是D选项“南极洲是进行某些科学研究的更好之地”。2.细节事实题。题目提问跨南极山脉的东西有何不同?根据文章第三段中第二句和第三句“The part of the continent to the east of the mountains is a high plateau covered by an ice sheet nearly two miles thick. West of the mountain, the half of the continent south of the Americas is also covered by an ice sheet, but there the ice rests on rock that is mostly well below sea level. 山脉“东部”的大陆部分是一个被近两英里厚的冰原覆盖的高原。在山脉的“西部”,美洲南部大陆的一半也被冰原覆盖,但是那里的冰主要是在低于海平面的岩石上。”确定C选项“东部的冰高于海平面” 正确。3.细节事实题。题目提问如果南极西部冰盾消失,结果会是什么?根据文章第三段中最后一句“If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared, the western part of the continent would be reduced to a sparse cluster of island. 如果南极西部冰盖消失,大陆西部将会变成一个稀疏的岛屿群。”确定D选项“大陆西部成为一群岛屿”正确。4.细节事实题。题目提问关于干河谷,下列哪个是真的?根据文章第五段第一句“Despite the unearthly aspect of the dry valleys, some scientists believe they may carry a message of hope of the verdant parts of the earth. 尽管这些干谷看上去不像地球,但一些科学家认为,它们可能为地球上青翠的地方带来了希望。”确定B选项“他们可能为地球上绿色地区带来了希望的信息”正确。5.主旨大意题。题目提问这篇文章最适合的标题是?文章谈论南极洲科研考察的重要性,以及介绍其相关的环境特色和问题,所以B选项“南极洲和环境问题”是最适合的标题。8. 单选题Politicians, environmentalists and businessmen from all over the world assembled to discuss the way of( )atmosphere pollution.问题1选项A.cutting upB.cutting downC.cutting offD.cutting out【答案】B【解析】动词短语辨析。根据句意来自世界各地的政治家、环保人士和商人们都聚集在一起来讨论减少大 气污染的方法。可知此处是指要讨论减少大气污染的方法,因 此应填表示“减少”的含义,A选项cut up “切碎”; B选项cut down “砍倒,减少”;C选项cut off “切断,隔绝”;D选项cut out “切断,删掉”。 B选项正确。9. 单选题Some cinema-goers in Leipzig even confessed that the film had made them feel emotional and slightly( )for their recent past.问题1选项A.nostalgicB.instinctiveC.intuitiveD.mirthful【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。A选项 “乡愁的,怀旧的”; B选项 “本能的,天生的,直觉的”; C选项 “直觉的”; D 选项“愉快的,高兴的”;根据关键词emotional和their recent past以及句意莱比锡的一些电影观众甚至承认,这部电影触动了他们的情感,有点怀念他们的过去确定A选项正确。10. 单选题The actual( )of Wilsons position was always( )by his refusal to compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.问题1选项A.outcome; foreshadowedB.logic; enhancedC.rigidity; betrayedD.uncertainty; alleviated【答案】C【解析】第一个空是考查名称的辨析, outcome “结果,效果”;logic “原理,逻辑性”;rigidity “严格,刻板”;uncertainty “不确定性”;根据句子后半部分的意思可以推断出第一个空应该填rigidity,表示立场的固执僵化;第二个空是考查动词的辨析, foreshadow “成为前兆,暗示”; enhance “提高,增加(价值,品质,吸引力等)”;betray “泄露,出卖,背叛(原则 或信仰)”,根据句意由于威尔逊在最初同意谈判以达成协议之后又拒绝让步妥协,因此,其立场实际的固执僵化总是得以暴露无遗可知第二个空应该填betrayed,所以C选项正确。11. 单选题Visa to Melina. R.D. got the surprise of her career last year, when the Seattle-based vegetarian nutritionist was asked to give a seminar on vegetarianism at a senior citizen center. “I thought thered be four or five people,” she says. Instead, the room was packed with seniors who had paid a $5 fee to hear her advice. And their interest in better health wasnt only keen; it was informed. Theyve obviously been paying attention to new research,” she says.If Melina studied demographic trends for a living, she probably wouldnt have been so surprised. Trend watchers have verified an intriguing new phenomenon. Older people are turning to a vegetarian diet in ever-increasing numbers. Not surprisingly, demographics are driving the drift. By the year 2005, people bom between 1949 and 1963 the Baby Boom Generation, will make up 38 percent of the American population. Furthermore, statistics suggest this educated, health-conscious, rebellious and relatively affluent contingent fits the traditional vegetarian profile. Add to the fact that older people seek natural, pleasant ways to combat problems associated with aging - weight gain, higher cholesterol and blood pressure, increased cancer risk and impaired digestion - and you have real motivation to go meatless, says Suzanne Havala, R.D., author of the American Dietetic Associations position paper on vegetarianism.Quantifying this new trend isnt easy, but a 1994 study by Health Focus Inc., an independent research organization based in Des Moines, Iowa, found that shoppers over age 50 are cutting down on their consumption of red meat or eliminating it from their diets entirely. More compelling evidence for the senior surge toward vegetarianism comes from vegetarian groups nationwide, which report a swell in th


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