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2022年考博英语-江西师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题They _ on a cure for tuberculous while they were doing research on something else.问题1选项A.founderedB.stumbledC.fumbledD.tripped【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. foundered 破产,沉没 B. stumbled 蹒跚而行C. fumbled 笨手笨脚地做 D. tripped 将绊倒【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】由宾语a cure for tuberculous(治疗肺结核)可知,“发现”符合语境,而stumble on为固定搭配,表示“意外发现,偶然发现”。因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C选项都不与on搭配;D选项trip on表示“在上失误”,不符合句意。【句意】他们在研究其他东西的时候偶然发现了一种治疗肺结核的方法。2. 翻译题II. Translate the following passage into English on your ANSWER SHEET. (10%)中国坚持走低消耗、低排放、高效益、高产出的新型工业化道路,是国际社会加强环境保护、应对气候变化、实现可持续发展努力的重要组成部分。我们期待得到包括东亚国家在内的国际社会的大力支持。中国将本着“共同但有区别的责任”原则,承担应有的国际责任和义务。【答案】China is striving to embark on a new path to industrialization that features low consumption of resources, low emissions, high efficiency and high output, and this is an integral part of international efforts to protect the environment, address climate change and achieve sustainable development. We look forward to the strong support for our efforts from the international community, particularly our East Asian neighbors. China will shoulder its due international responsibilities and obligations in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.3. 翻译题III. (本题3段,每段10分)Theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics constitute a system of scientific theories including Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development and other major strategic thoughts. This system represents the Partys adherence to and development of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and embodies the wisdom and hard work of several generations of Chinese Communists leading the people in carrying out tireless explorations and practices. It is an open system that keeps developing. Practices since the publication of the Communist Manifesto nearly 160 years ago have proved that only when Marxism is integrated with the conditions of a specific country, advances in step with the times arid, is tied to the destiny of the people can it demonstrate its strong vitality, creativity and appeal. In contemporary China, to stay true to Marxism means to adhere to the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Education should be wild, exciting, intoxicating. These days, more and more tertiary education establishments specialize in courses that took like a short-cut to a sexy job: you can study sport, or journalism, or television, or pop music, even fashion. The errorthe heresyis to think that the entire purpose of education is to get you a better job; that the entire function of an individual life is to make as much money as possible. Its a terrible shame, and I feel horribly sad for the people who must go through it all, carrying the burden of economic expectation rather than the spirit of exploration and adventure. We were all too busy trying to suss out the meaning of life to be sidetracked by such side-issues as careers, until the time came to meet reality head on. The purpose of modern education is to make you a wealthy person.In a speech that will set Chinas direction for the future, he spoke of the need to address the problems of environmental degradation, political corruption and income inequality between the rich cities on the eastern seaboard and villages in the poor western interior. He told Chinese: “Growth is not our only goal. Sustainability and cutting inequality is high on agenda.” But, he admitted that the party had struggled to keep pace with the rapid changes in society. “While recognizing our achievements, we must be well aware that they still fall short of the expectations of the people.” he said, “The government capability of the party falls somewhat short of the need to deal with the new situation and tasks.”【答案】中国特色社会主义理论体系,是包括邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观等重大战略思想在内的科学理论体系。这是我们党对马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的坚持和发展,是几代中国共产党人领导人民不懈探索和实践的智慧和汗水的结晶。它是一个不断发展的开放体系。共产党宣言发表近160年来的实践证明,马克思主义只有同具体国情相结合、与时俱进、同人民命运紧密相连,才能展现出强大的生命力、创造力和感召力。在当代中国,坚持马克思主义,就是坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系。教育应该是狂野的、令人兴奋的和令人陶醉的。如今,越来越多的高等教育机构专门开设一些课程,这些课程似乎是获得一份有吸引力的工作的捷径:你可以学习体育,或新闻,或电视,或流行音乐,甚至时尚。错误的一个想法(异端邪说)就是,认为教育的全部目的就是为你找到一份更好的工作,而生活的全部目的就是尽可能多地赚钱。这是一种可怕的耻辱,我为那些必须经历这一切的人感到非常难过,他们背负着经济期望的重担,而不是探索和冒险的精神。 我们总是忙于追寻人生的意义,直到现实砸在我们的脑袋上之前,我们都不考虑一些次要的事情,比如职业什么的。现代教育的目的就是让你成为一个富有的人。在这篇将为中国未来指明方向的演讲中,他谈到了解决环境恶化、政治腐败以及东部沿海富裕城市与西部贫困内陆农村之间收入不平等等问题的必要性。他对中国人说:“增长不是我们唯一的目标。可持续发展和减少不平等是议程上的重点。” 但他承认,共产党一直在努力跟上社会的快速变化。他说:“我们在看到成绩的同时,也要清醒地看到,我们的成绩与人民的期待之间有差距;党的管理能力与处理新形势新任务的需要有一定差距。”4. 翻译题洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。我觉察他去的匆匆了,伸出手遮挽时,他又从遮挽着的手边过去,天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐地从我身上跨过,从我脚边飞去了。等我睁开眼和太阳再见,这算又溜走了一日。【答案】【参考译文】The day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands; vanishes in the rice bowl when I have my meal; passes away quietly before the fixed gaze of my eyes when I am lost in reverie. Aware of its fleeting presence, I reach out for it only to find it brushing past my outstretched hands. In the evening, when I lie on my bed, it nimbly strides over my body and flits past my feet. By the time when I open my eyes to meet the sun again, another day is already gone. I heave a sigh, my head buried in my hands.5. 单选题The leader went his own way in _ of the public opinion, which aroused great anger among the people.问题1选项A.defianceB.reflectionC.obedienceD.upgrade【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. defiance 违抗,反抗 B. reflection 反映C. obedience 顺从,服从 D. upgrade 升级,提高【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】由went his own way(一意孤行)和aroused great anger(引起了极大愤怒)可知,空格部分表示“违抗民意”,且in defiance of为固定搭配,表示“不顾,无视”。因此,该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项都不符合句意。【句意】领袖不顾民意,一意孤行,引起了人民的极大愤怒。6. 单选题If I see the twin brothers apart I dont know _.问题1选项A.who is whoB.who is whomC.which is whichD.who is which【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. who is who 谁是谁 B. who is whom 谁是谁C. which is which 哪个是哪个 D. who is which 谁是哪个【考查点】习语用法。【解题思路】由if条件句的意思“如果我把这对孪生兄弟分开看”,可知I dont know _应该表示“我分不清谁是谁”,而which is which通常用于区分两个十分相似的人或事物。故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A选项表示人们的情况,如姓名、工作、身份等,如When I go to those family reunions, I can never remember whos who.(我去参加那些家庭团圆聚会时,从来记不住谁是谁。);B、D选项没有这个用法。【句意】如果我把这对孪生兄弟分开看,我分不清谁是谁。7. 单选题Indeed, almost every scientist now finds it is impossible to read all the works relevant to his own subject, _ extensively outside of it.问题1选项A.much more to readB.much less to readC.much less readingD.still more reading【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. much more to read 要读得更多B. much less to read 更不用说去读C. much less reading更不用说读 D. still more reading 仍然更多的阅读【考查点】比较级的用法。【解题思路】句子中谓语动词find的真正宾语是to read,所以比较成分中同样要用to的不定式;而much less为常见用法,表示“更不用说”,符合句子意思。故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A选项不符合句子意思,与主句语意相矛盾;C、D选项中的reading和主句中宾语成分结构不对等。【句意】事实上,几乎每一位科学家现在都发现,要读完与自己学科相关的所有著作是不可能的,更不用说广泛阅读学科之外的著作了。8. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your Chinese version on Answer Sheet. (10%)Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick up speed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in many fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years than in the entire previous history of science. While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that nuclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenancemaking the consequences of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.【答案】和人口爆炸一样,科技革命在十八世纪开始慢慢加速。之后这场正在进行的革命也突然呈指数地加速。例如,在过去十年中发生的重大新发现比以往整个科学史上的发现都要多,这已成为许多科学领域的一个公理。虽然没有任何一项发现产生了像核武器对我们与战争的关系所产生的影响一样,对我们与地球的关系产生了如此大的影响,但总的来说,它们完全改变了我们为维持生存而不断积累的开采地球的能力,这使得无节制开采的后果与无节制的核战争的后果一样难以想象。9. 单选题The girl in the photo wears a broad smile, her wavy hair _ over her shoulders.问题1选项A.flowsB.flowC.flowingD.flowed【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. flows 流动,飘垂(单数形式) B. flow流动,飘垂(原形)C. flowing流动,飘垂(现在分词) D. flowed流动,飘垂(过去分词)【考查点】独立主格结构。【解题思路】这个句子已经有主谓宾,所以空格处的动词只能以非谓语的形式出现;而空格处的逻辑主语与主句的逻辑主语不一致,所以后半部分应该为独立主格结构。独立主格结构的形式是:名词/代词 + 分词/不定式/介词短语/名词/副词,这里flow和hair之间是主动关系,所以用flowing,C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项不是非谓语形式,不符合句子语法结构;D选项表示被动,不符合语义逻辑。【句意】照片中的女孩笑容灿烂,波浪般的头发飘垂在肩上。10. 单选题Mary has just bought herself _ dress.问题1选项A.an expensive blue cottonB.a cotton blue expensiveC.a blue expensive cottonD.a cotton expensive blue【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. an expensive blue cotton 一条昂贵的蓝色的棉质的 B. a cotton blue expensive 一条棉质的蓝色的昂贵的C. a blue expensive cotton 一条蓝色的昂贵的棉质的 D. a cotton expensive blue 一条棉质的昂贵的蓝色的【考查点】形容词排序。【解题思路】英语中当名词前有多个形容词做定语时,这些形容词通常遵循一定的排序规则:限定词(冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数词等)+表示观点的描述性形容词+形状、大小、长短、高低+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区+物质材料+中心词;所以这里的空格应该填an expensive blue cotton,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项都不符合形容词排序规则。【句意】玛丽刚给自己买了一件昂贵的蓝色棉质裙子。11. 填空题Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to add a word, cross out a word, or change a word. Put your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)e.g., 1. The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction in the ANSWER SHEET: begunbegane.g., 2. Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtains went up. Correction in the ANSWER SHEET: (Scarcely) had (they)e.g., 3. Never will 1 not do it again.Correction in the ANSWER SHEET: not Stephen William Hawking, one of the greatest theoretical physicists in the world, suffers from a rare slow-progressing form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease. 21. As ALS has made Stephen William Hawking a virtual prisoner in his own body, 22. it has left his courage and humor intact, his intellect freely to roam. 23. And roam it does, from the infinitesimal to the infinite, from the subatomic realm to the far reaches of a universe. In the course of these mental expeditions, 24. Hawking has conceived startling new theories about black holes and the disorderly events that immediately followed the Big Bang in which the universe sprang.25. Without his wife Jane, Hawking has always emphasized, his career might ever have soared. 26. She married him shortly after he diagnosed with ALS, fully aware of the dreadful, progressive nature of the disease, giving him hope and the will to carry on with his studies.They had three children in the early stages of their marriage, and later, 27. as he became increasingly disabled, she devoted herself to care for his every need. 28. After years of apparently harmonious marriage, therefore, serious disagreements began appearing. As awards poured in for Stephen, Janecompetent and intelligent herselfbegan to resent living in his shadow. Deeply religious, she was also offended by his disbelief of the existence of the God. 29. Particularly annoyed to her was his concept that the universe might be completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, no beginning or end. If that were true, he asked challengingly, “What place, then, for a creator?” 30. Still, friends were shocked in 1990 when Hawking abruptly ended their 25-year marriage, moving in with one of his nurse.【答案】21. AsWhile /Although22. freelyfree23. athe24. infrom25. evernever26. (he) was (diagnosed)27. carecaring28. thereforehowever29. annoyedannoying30. nursenurses【解析】21.as引导让步状语从句时主句需要部分倒装,而句子是陈述语气所以需要把as换成although或者while。22.intellect是名词,但是freely是副词,副词一般修饰动词不修饰名词,所以应该把freely改为其形容词形式。23.universe是专属名词,表示的是独一无二的事物,所以不能用不定冠词修饰,所以应该把不定冠词改为定冠词。24.定语从句中关系代词前的介词主要是根据后面的动词或者形容词的搭配来确定的,从句中的动词只有sprang(spring的过去分词),这里从句句意是“宇宙起源于(大爆炸)”,由此这里的介词应该是from,和spring组成固定搭配 spring from“起源于”。25.这里根据句意应该是“霍金总是强调,没有他的气质,他的事业不会起飞”,所以这里的ever应该改为否定词never。26.这里霍金应该是被诊断出患上渐冻症,所以应该加上助动词。27.这里根据固定搭配devote oneself to doing/ n. 所以应该把care改为caring。28.在多年表面和谐的婚姻之后,两人之间剧烈的分歧开始出现了。两个分句之间不存在因果或者顺承关系,应该是转折关系,所以应该把therefore改为however。29.annoyed“感到生气的”,一般用来形容人She is hurt and annoyed that the authorities have banned her from working with children.“她因当局禁止她做儿童工作而伤心恼怒”,因为政府不让她从事儿童工作,所以她感到恼怒,这时annoyed是用来形容人,生气的人。annoying“令人生气的”,一般用来形容物,Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open“她最让人讨厌的习惯就是张着嘴吃东西”,她张嘴吃饭这个习惯令人很讨厌,这里annoying是形容习惯,让人生气的习惯。根据句意来说是他对宇宙的猜想让她感到生气,这里形容词应该是形容概念,所以应该把annoyed改为annoying。30.one of后面需要加名词的复数形式,所以nurse后面应该用复数形式,根据句意也可以理解虽然霍金只能跟一个人结婚,但是他的护士绝对不止一个。12. 单选题_ my mind, Peter is not a good choice.问题1选项A.WithB.ForC.ToD.On【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. With 带有 B. For 为了C. To 对于 D. On 在上;关于【考查点】固定搭配【解题思路】原句语义为“_我的想法(my mind),Peter不是一个好的选择。”固定搭配to my mind“在我看来;依我看”最符合原句语义衔接。C选项To“对于”符合搭配。【干扰项排除】A选项With“带有”,与原文搭配不当;B选项For“为了”,与原文搭配不当;D选项On my mind表示“惦记;担心;挂念”,没有“依我看”符合原句语义衔接。【句意】依我看,Peter不是一个好的选择。13. 单选题For reasons yet to be fully understood, one out of ten human beings in the world is left-handed, and from one generation to the next, this ratio is roughly preserved. As we know, left-handedness cuts across socioeconomic, ethnic, and gender lines. Yet throughout history prominent figures in scienceto say nothing of religionhave identified in left-handedness signs of viciousness or worse. In 1903, Italian physician Cesare Lombroso identified left-handedness as one of the degeneracy signs of the born criminals. Three years later, Dr. Wilhelm Fliess suggested that left-handedness was a reliable identification of homosexuality. And in 1937 British psychologist Cyril Burt declared left-handedness to be a mark of an ill-organized nervous system.As demonstrated by all the “therapeutic” coercion that left-handed children were subjected to during the first half of the 20th century, these biases had more than just a theoretical impact. Yet even when this gauche predilection was being discouraged, handism was certainly never taken as seriously as racism or sexism now is. Perhaps its the arbitrary nature of the trait that has militated against meaningful discrimination. After all, even when both parents are right-handed, there is still a 10 percent chance that they will bring a left-handed baby into the world. Moreover, a white baby born in Scaresdale is just as likely to be left-handed as a black baby in Hardem. Hence when the left-handed George Bush became President of the United States, it was hardly interpreted as a blow against prejudice. Nor was much attention paid to the fact that Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford were also southpaws.36. Left-handedness is _.37. According to the passage, left-handedness _.38. The word “handism” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _.39. The word “southpaws” at the end of the passage means _.40. Judging from the context, Scaresdale is a place inhabited by _.问题1选项A.a thing that is cultivatedB.a thing that occurs by pure chanceC.a thing of genetic inheritanceD.a thing that occurs more in prominent figures问题2选项A.is discouraged but not discriminated againstB.has caused discrimination as serious as sexism and racismC.is a subject that has drawn more and more attentionD.is an advantage in running for public office问题3选项A.being skillful with ones handsB.quality of being convenientC.discrimination against left-handed peopleD.encouragement to use both hands instead of one问题4选项A.a boxer from the southB.a politician from a southern stateC.a person with extraordinarily large handsD.a left-handed person问题5选项A.white peopleB.black peopleC.mixed racesD.rich people【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】36.【选项释义】36. Left-handedness is _. 36. 左撇子是_。A. a thing that is cultivated A. 需要后天培养的B. a thing that occurs by pure chance B. 一种纯属偶然的现象C. a thing of genetic inheritance C. 一种遗传现象D. a thing that occurs more in prominent figures D. 多出现在杰出人物身上【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第二段第三和第四句“也许是这种特征的随意性(arbitrary nature)阻碍了有意义的歧视。毕竟,即使父母都是右撇子,他们生下左撇子婴儿的几率仍有10%。”,理解可知,左撇子并不受遗传影响,从arbitrary nature(随意性)可以看出,左撇子是偶然发生的。故该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“需要后天培养的”从原文可知,左撇子是天生的,该项反向干扰;C选项“一种遗传现象”也与原文相反,反向干扰;D选项“多出现在杰出人物身上”从第一段第二句“我们知道,左撇子跨越了社会经济、种族和性别的界限”可以看出,左撇子在所有的社会、人种和性别中都有,并不是在杰出人物中更多,所以该项曲解原文。37.【选项释义】37. According to the passage, left-handedness _. 37. 根据文章,左撇子_。A. is discouraged but not discriminated against A. 是不被鼓励的,但不是被歧视的B. has caused discrimination as serious as sexism and racism B. 已经造成了像性别歧视和种族歧视一样严重的歧视C. is a subject that has drawn more and more attention C. 是一个越来越受到关注的话题D. is an advantage in running for public office D. 是竞选公职的一个优势【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】从第二段中的第二和第三句“然而,即使这种笨拙的偏好被劝阻时,它从来没有像现在的种族主义或性别歧视那样被严肃对待。也许是这种特征的随意性阻碍了有意义的歧视。”,从中可知,左撇子并没有受到歧视,只是生活中有些气馁。所以A选项“是不被鼓励的,但不是被歧视的”符合题干。【干扰项排除】B选项“已经造成了像性别歧视和种族歧视一样严重的歧视”和C选项“是一个越来越受到关注的话题”与原文表述并不符合,曲解原文;D选项“是竞选公职的一个优势”文中未提及,无中生有。38.【选项释义】38. The word “handism” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _. 38. 第二段中的“handism”一词很可能是_的意思。A. being skillful with ones hands A. 双手灵巧B. quality of being convenient B. 方便的特点C. discrimination against left-handed people C. 对左撇子的歧视D. encouragement to use both hands instead of one D. 鼓励人们用两只手而不是一只手【考查点】词义推测题。【解题思路】根据题干定位到第二段第二句“handism从来没有像现在的种族主义或性别歧视那样被严肃对待(handism was certainly never taken as seriously as racism or sexism)”,从中可知handism是与racism和sexism类似的构词法,而racism和sexism都是表示歧视的意思,所以推测handism也表示“对使用左手的歧视”。C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“双手灵巧”、B选项“方便的特点”和D选项“鼓励人们用两只手而不是一只手”都与原文不符,无中生有。39.【选项释义】39. The word “southpaws” at the end of the passage means _. 39. 文章最后的单词“southpaws”的意思是_。A. a boxer from the south A. 来自南方的拳击手B. a politician from a southern state B. 一位来自南部州的政治家C. a person with extraordinarily large hands C. 手特别大的人D. a left-handed person D. 一个左撇子的人【考查点】词义推测题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至文章最后一句“罗纳德里根和杰拉尔德福特也是(were also)southpaws,这一点也没有引起太多关注”,从were also可以看出,这一句是上一句的承接句,表示和上一句相同的意思;根据上一句内容“因此,当左撇子(left-handed)乔治布什成为美国总统时,很难被理解为是对偏见的打击”,综合理解可知,southpaws是left-handed的意思。因此,该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“来自南方的拳击手”和C选项“手特别大的人”文中没有提及,无中生有;B选项“一位来自南部州的政治家”对原文表述不符,曲解原文。40.【选项释义】40. Judging from the context, Scaresdale is a place inhabited by _. 40. 从文章来看,斯卡斯代尔是_居住的地方。A. white people A. 白人B. black people B. 黑人C. mixed races C. 混合种族D. rich people D. 富人【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据关键词Scaresdale定位到第二段倒数第三句“此外,出生在斯卡斯代尔的白人婴儿和出生在哈德姆的黑人婴儿一样,都有可能是左撇子”,从中可知,斯卡斯代尔是白人居住的地方,而哈德姆是黑人居住的地方。因此,该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“黑人”是居住在哈德姆,而不是斯卡斯代尔,张冠李戴;C选项“混合种族”和D选项“富人”没提及,无中生有。14. 填空题Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding bland. If you add a word, put on insertion mark () in the correct place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and be sure to put a slash (/) in the blank. (10%)Example:When art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) anit never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) neverthem on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibitThe twins occur about once in eighty-seven human births.A little more than one quarter of these is identical twins, 36. _which develops from the equal division of a fertilized egg. 37. _Identical twins are always the same sex and ha


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