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2022年考博英语-湖南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题We all want to stand first in line, first in the hearts of our country, first in the polls, first in the standings. The (1)of Number One is surely an important thing in sports, but for universities, being first is not as important as being (2) the best.The twenty-first century shows no (3)of interest among researchers, institutions, donors, boards of trustees, and governments in using various university rankings to (4)the performance of higher education institutions. Most national research universities measure themselves (5)a wide range of dimensions that the institutions believe important for determining improvement and success. At the same time, no single indicator or composite number (6) represents what an individual institution has done, can do, or will do. To improve the quality and productivity of a (7)national research university, its faculty, students, staff, and supporters need to (8) a number of indicators that,(9)together, give a reasonable approximation of accomplishment and strength (10)to the best universities in the country.Many indicators (11) this purpose, but most observers know that research (12) more than anything else in (13) the best institutions. In its annual reports, The Center provides both the (14) research and development expenditures and the highly-competitive federally (15)research and development expenditures as indicators of research scale. (16)the dollars give a good approximation of research activity, (17) is the faculty who provide the critical resource for university success, and The Center reports the number of members of the National Academies among an institutions faculty along with the number of significant faculty awards earned as indicators of faculty distinction. Students provide a (18)indicator by reflecting both the externally perceived quality of the institution and (19) with their own credentials an important contribution to that quality. For the graduate and research instructional dimension, The Center provides the number of doctorates (20)and the number of postdoctoral appointments supported; and The Center offers median SAT scores as indicators of student competitiveness.问题1选项A.eagerB.ambitionC.pursuitD.desire问题2选项A.inB.amongC.forD.on问题3选项A.fewerB.lesseningC.weakerD.worsening问题4选项A.assessB.assumeC.commentD.reflect问题5选项A.asB.forC.onD.in问题6选项A.moderatelyB.accuratelyC.equitablyD.fairly问题7选项A.majorB.mainC.basicD.fundamental问题8选项A.pursueB.evaluateC.followD.appraise问题9选项A.takenB.gotC.gettingD.taking问题10选项A.referenceB.superiorC.closeD.relative问题11选项A.meetB.serveC.fillD.integrate问题12选项A.impliesB.meansC.symbolizesD.matters问题13选项A.determiningB.disclosingC.differentiatingD.defining问题14选项A.totalB.wholeC.majorD.sum问题15选项A.recognizedB.sponsoredC.sponsoringD.recognizing问题16选项A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.WhileD.Nevertheless问题17选项A.thatB.whichC.thisD.it问题18选项A.secondB.doubleC.twiceD.twin问题19选项A.providingB.provideC.providedD.provision问题20选项A.wonB.awardedC.awardingD.winning【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:C第9题:A第10题:D第11题:B第12题:D第13题:D第14题:A第15题:B第16题:C第17题:D第18题:B第19题:A第20题:B【解析】(1)语义连接。此处表示对第一的争夺, 追求。Eager 渴望; ambition抱负; pursuit追求; desire要求。(2)逻辑分析。.for universities, being first is not as important:对许 多大学来说,成为第一并不重要.。universities:用的是复数形式,可推测此处为:在一堆的大 学中进行比较,故选择B项。(3)语义连接。第一段提到到处可以见到争“第一”的现象,所以这种现象在现在依旧没有减少,由此得出选择B:减轻,变小,no lessening:没有减小,符合句意。Fewer 更少; lessening 减轻,变小;weaker较弱的; worsening 恶化的。(4)动词辨析。空格处选A, 意思是: 评估高等院校的绩效。A:评估; B:假设; C:评论; D:反映。(5)固定搭配。on a wide range of dimensions:在一个更为广阔的空间。(6)副词辨析。上一句提到评估要在一个更为广阔的空间进行, 所以下一句句意为: no single indicator or composite number .represents:单个的指标或合成数不能准确地反映出情况,选B:精准地,准确地。A:适度地; C:公正地; D:公平地。(7)固定搭配。major national research university:重点国家级研究型大学。(8)动词辨析。对大学的评估要依据不同的指标,故选择C,依据。A:追赶; B:评价,评估; D:评价,鉴定。(9)固定搭配。taken together:总算,合起来。(10)短语辨析。give a reasonable approximation of accomplishment and strength 20 to the best universities in the country: 对其成绩与实务给出一个合理的近似值,参照国内最好的大学。由此得出选择D: relative to:相对于,涉及,有关。A:参考, 参照,是名词,后面不接介词。B: superior to:优于,比.越。C: close to:接近。(11)动词辨析。上文提到对研究院的考核要遵循一些指标,故Many indicators serves this purpose:许多指标服务于这个目的,故选择B:服务。(12)动词辨析。句意: 研究院的成果对学院的考核很重要。因此D项符合句意。A:暗示; B:手段,方式; C:象征,代表; D: 要紧。(13)动词辨析。此处句意为: 依据指标对研究院进行考核,再评定其是不是最好的学院。故D项符合句意。A:测定,决定; B:公开; C:区分; D:定义,界定。(14)形容词辨析。In its annual reports意思是: 在年度报告中。所以推测此处为: 搜集全部的资料。故选A。(15)动词辨析&语法分析。此处指的是联邦政府对大学的赞助。这里应该用sponsor的过去分词形式, 表示已经发生。(16)逻辑分析。此处表示: 从事研究所需的经费到齐之时。故选择C:当.时 候,引导时间状语从句。(17)语法分析。此处为强调句型:It is/was +被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状 语)+ that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其他部分。故选择D。A:那个; B:哪个; C:这个。(18)语义连接。句子中用到:both.and: 两者都.,可知这两方面 都发挥了作用,故选择B:双重的,两倍的。(19)动词辨析。此处意思为: 学生们提供了一些指标反映学院的实力, 故选择A:提供,现在分词表伴随, 表主动。B:提供; C:假如; D:规定,条款。(20)固定搭配。doctorates awarded:被授予博士头衔。2. 单选题We all know that Mary has had a strict ( ).问题1选项A.growthB.upbringingC.developmentD.cultivation【答案】B【解析】名词辨析。句意:我们都知道Mary家教严格。growth:成长,生长; upbring成长; development:发展,容易排除; cultivation: 侧重指“开垦,耕作”。 a strict upbring意为“严格的教养”。3. 判断题测试使用的判断题,请勿组到其他试卷中,该试题只用于后台测试,造成不便请多包涵问题1选项A.对B.错【答案】A【解析】试题解析4. 单选题Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become( )to her economy and politics over forty years association.问题1选项A.integralB.unilateralC.rationalD.hierarchical【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。句意: 日本依然和西方保持着关系,因为这层关系是他40年社交出来经济和政治的不可分割的一部分。integral构成整体所必需的,完整的。unilateral单边的;植单侧的;单方面的。rational合理的;理性的。 hierarchical分层的;等级体系的。5. 单选题More often than not, it is difficult to( ) the exact meaning of a Chinese idiom in English.问题1选项A.exchangeB.transferC.conveyD.convert【答案】C【解析】动词辨析。句意: 多数情况下,人们很难用英语 ( )中国成语的意思。Exchange 交换 , 例如 exchange ideas 交换意见; transfer 交换,改变; convey 表达 ; convert 使转变,改变信仰;。故C项符合句意。6. 单选题The key to this new material development is researchers increasing ability to ( )substances at the molecular level.问题1选项A.formulateB.manipulateC.regulateD.stimulate【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。句意: 这种新材料开发的关键在于研究人员需要提升如何在分子水平上合成物质的能力。formulate:规划,制定,用公式表示。manipulate:控制,操纵,影响。regulate: 约束,管理,控制。stimulate:使兴奋,促进,激励。因此A项符合句意,在句子中语义为 “合成”。7. 判断题判断题测试0.0问题1选项A.对B.错【答案】A【解析】试题解析T.T8. 单选题The press is constantly reminding us that the dramatic increase in the age of our population over the next 30 or so years will cause national healthcare systems to collapse, economies to crumple under the strain of pension demands and disintegrating families to buckle under increasing care commitments. Yet research at Oxford is beginning to expose some of the widespread myths that underlie this rhetoric. Demographic aging is undoubtedly a reality. Life expectancy in developed countries has risen continuously over the past century, increasing the percentage of those over the age of 60 relative to those under the age of 15. By 2030 half the population of Western Europe will be over the age of 50, with a predicted average life expectancy of a further 40 years. By then, a quarter of the population will be over 65 and by 2050 the UKs current numbers of 10,000 centenarians are predicted to have reached a quarter of a million. Some demographers have even suggested that half of all baby girls bom in the West today will live to see the next century.(1)Indeed, if this could be achieved throughout the world, it would surely count as the success of civilization, for then we would also have conquered the killers of poverty, disease, famine and war.Decreasing mortality rates increasing longevity and declining fertility mean smaller percentages of young people within populations. Over the past 20 years life expectancy at birth in the UK has risen by four years for men (to 75) and three years for women (to 80). Meanwhile fertility rates across Europe have declined more or less continuously over the past 40 years and remain well below the levels required for European populations to be able to replace themselves without substantive immigration. But again, rather than seeing this as a doom and gloom scenario, we need to explore the positive aspects of these demographics. The next 50 years should provide us with all opportunity to enjoy the many advantages of a society with a mature population structure.(2)The first of these is the current political rhetoric which claims that health services across the Western World are collapsing under the strain of demographic ageing.(3)The second myth is the view that the ratio of workers to non-workers will become so acute that Western economies will collapse, compounded by a massive growth in pension debt, While there are undoubted concerns over current pension shortfalls, it is also clear that working lives will themselves change over the next few decades, with a predicted increase in flexible and part. Time work and the probable extension of working life until the age of 70. Indeed, we have to recognize that we cannot expect to retire at the age of 50 and then be able to support ourselves for another 40 or so year. Neither a solid pension scheme nor savings can carry people that long.(4)A further myth is that we will all live in loose, multigenerational families, experiencing increased emotional distancing from our kin. Evidence from a variety of studies across the developed world suggests that, if anything, the modern family is actually becoming more close-knit. Work carried out by the Oxford Institute in Scandinavia and in a Pan-European Family Care Study, for example, shows that despite the influence of the welfare state, over the past 10 years, people have come to value family relationships more than previously.(5)In the developed world therefore, we can see actual benefits from population aging: a better balance between age groups, mature and less volatile societies, with an emphasis on age integration. The issues will be very different in other parts of the world.Herein lays another myth: that the less developed world will escape form demographic aging. Instead, the massive increase in the age of populations facing these countries-predicted to be up to one billion older people within 30 years - is potentially devastating. The problem is not only that demographic aging is occurring at a far greater pace than we have seen in Western nations, but also that few if any developing countries have the economic development and infrastructure necessary to provide widespread public pensions and healthcare to these growing elderly populations.As a result, older people are among the poorest in every developing country. They have the lowest levels of income, education and literacy, they lack savings and assets, have only limited access to work, and even in times of crisis are usually the last to be cared for under emergency aid programs. Perhaps of most concern is healthcare, for as we conquer acute diseases, we are going to see a rapid increase in levels of chronic illness and disability, but no long-term care programmes or facilities to tackle this.问题1选项A.Since it is likely that a longer active working life will coincide with a predicted labor shortage resulting from a lack of younger workers, we need to provide the opportunities and training to encourage older men and women to remain economically productive. Our studies show that there are benefits from having an age-integrated workforce. It is another myth that older workers are less productive than younger ones. In fact, the combined energy of younger workers with the experience of older ones can lead to increased productivity something from which young and old alike will benefitB.In 2001. In recognition of the significance of these demographic changes and the global challenges and opportunities that will accompany them, the Oxford Institute of Aging was established at the University. It is made up of researchers in demography, sociology, economics, social anthropology, philosophy and psychology, with links to other specialists in medicine, biology, law and policy in research units across the University. This cross-disciplinary approach has made it possible to challenge some of the most pervasive myths about aging societies.C.As Institute healthcare ethicist Kenneth Howee points out, family obligations towards older relatives may change over the next 20 years. But current indications are that families are retaining a strong responsibility to care. Furthermore, as societys age, the contributory role of older people as grandparents becomes more important. Work by Institute researchers on another European Union study on multi-generational families has highlighted the role that grandparents play by freeing up the responsibilities of die younger reproductive population.D.It is clear that the changing demographic landscape poses challenges for the future. The necessity now is to develop appropriate economic, social and political structures to take advantage of the opportunities that mature societies will bring, while ensuring that there are appropriate safety nets for those left vulnerable within these populations-which will include both young and old alike.E.Rather than fearing such a future, however, we should see this trend as a great success. It must undoubtedly be a major achievement of civilization that most individuals within a society can expect to enjoy a long and healthy lifespanF.George Leeson, a demographer at the Institute, points out that while a number of cross national studies have considered the determinants of spiraling healthcare costs, only one has found the explanatory factor to be the proportion of the population aged 65 and over Rather, it is growth in income, lifestyle characteristics and environmental factors such as technology and drugs that are driving up healthcare costs. In addition, the costs are shifting between population groups. The key here, he adds, is to develop sufficiently flexible health service structures to shift not only economic resources but also personnel.问题2选项A.Since it is likely that a longer active working life will coincide with a predicted labor shortage resulting from a lack of younger workers, we need to provide the opportunities and training to encourage older men and women to remain economically productive. Our studies show that there are benefits from having an age-integrated workforce. It is another myth that older workers are less productive than younger ones. In fact, the combined energy of younger workers with the experience of older ones can lead to increased productivity something from which young and old alike will benefitB.In 2001. In recognition of the significance of these demographic changes and the global challenges and opportunities that will accompany them, the Oxford Institute of Aging was established at the University. It is made up of researchers in demography, sociology, economics, social anthropology, philosophy and psychology, with links to other specialists in medicine, biology, law and policy in research units across the University. This cross-disciplinary approach has made it possible to challenge some of the most pervasive myths about aging societies.C.As Institute healthcare ethicist Kenneth Howee points out, family obligations towards older relatives may change over the next 20 years. But current indications are that families are retaining a strong responsibility to care. Furthermore, as societys age, the contributory role of older people as grandparents becomes more important. Work by Institute researchers on another European Union study on multi-generational families has highlighted the role that grandparents play by freeing up the responsibilities of die younger reproductive population.D.It is clear that the changing demographic landscape poses challenges for the future. The necessity now is to develop appropriate economic, social and political structures to take advantage of the opportunities that mature societies will bring, while ensuring that there are appropriate safety nets for those left vulnerable within these populations-which will include both young and old alike.E.Rather than fearing such a future, however, we should see this trend as a great success. It must undoubtedly be a major achievement of civilization that most individuals within a society can expect to enjoy a long and healthy lifespanF.George Leeson, a demographer at the Institute, points out that while a number of cross national studies have considered the determinants of spiraling healthcare costs, only one has found the explanatory factor to be the proportion of the population aged 65 and over Rather, it is growth in income, lifestyle characteristics and environmental factors such as technology and drugs that are driving up healthcare costs. In addition, the costs are shifting between population groups. The key here, he adds, is to develop sufficiently flexible health service structures to shift not only economic resources but also personnel.问题3选项A.Since it is likely that a longer active working life will coincide with a predicted labor shortage resulting from a lack of younger workers, we need to provide the opportunities and training to encourage older men and women to remain economically productive. Our studies show that there are benefits from having an age-integrated workforce. It is another myth that older workers are less productive than younger ones. In fact, the combined energy of younger workers with the experience of older ones can lead to increased productivity something from which young and old alike will benefitB.In 2001. In recognition of the significance of these demographic changes and the global challenges and opportunities that will accompany them, the Oxford Institute of Aging was established at the University. It is made up of researchers in demography, sociology, economics, social anthropology, philosophy and psychology, with links to other specialists in medicine, biology, law and policy in research units across the University. This cross-disciplinary approach has made it possible to challenge some of the most pervasive myths about aging societies.C.As Institute healthcare ethicist Kenneth Howee points out, family obligations towards older relatives may change over the next 20 years. But current indications are that families are retaining a strong responsibility to care. Furthermore, as societys age, the contributory role of older people as grandparents becomes more important. Work by Institute researchers on another European Union study on multi-generational families has highlighted the role that grandparents play by freeing up the responsibilities of die younger reproductive population.D.It is clear that the changing demographic landscape poses challenges for the future. The necessity now is to develop appropriate economic, social and political structures to take advantage of the opportunities that mature societies will bring, while ensuring that there are appropriate safety nets for those left vulnerable within these populations-which will include both young and old alike.E.Rather than fearing such a future, however, we should see this trend as a great success. It must undoubtedly be a major achievement of civilization that most individuals within a society can expect to enjoy a long and healthy lifespanF.George Leeson, a d


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