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2022年考博英语-西北师范大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题( )they hope to go home tomorrow, they are resigned to staying on until the end of year.问题1选项A.Much asB.Much thoughC.As muchD.Though much【答案】A【解析】考查状语从句的倒装。句意:尽管他们很希望明天就回家,但他们还是决定一直待到年底。as引导让步状语从句表示尽管时,要将宾语或副词倒装,much as表示尽管很,因此A选项正确。2. 单选题After working all day, he was so tired that he was in no( )to go to the party with us.问题1选项A.tasteB.moodC.senseD.emotion【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项taste“味道”;B选项mood“心情”;C选项sense“感觉”;D选项emotion“情感”。句意:工作了一整天后,他太累了,没有心情和我们一起去参加聚会。本句表示没有参加聚会的心情,因此B选项正确。3. 单选题In most of the human civilization of which we have any proper records, youth has drawn on either art or life for models, planning to emulate the heroes depicted in epics on the shadow play screen or the stage, or those known human beings, fathers or grandfathers, chiefs or craftsmen, whose every characteristic can be studied and imitated. As recently as 1910, this was the prevailing condition in the United States. If he came from a nonliterate background, the recent immigrant learned to speak, move, and think like an American by using his eyes and ears on the labor line and in the homes of more acculturated cousins, by watching school children, or by absorbing the standards of the teacher, the foreman, the clerk who served him in the store. For the literate and the literate children of the nouliterate, there was artthe story of the frustrated artist in the prairie town, of the second generation battling with the limitations of the first. And at a simpler level, there were the Western and Hollywood fairy tales which pointed a moral but did not, as a rule, teach table manners.With the development of the countermovement against Hollywood, with the efflorescence of photography, with Time-Life-Fortune types of reporting and the dead-pan New Yorker manner of describing the life of an old-clothes dealer in a forgotten street or of presenting the “accurate”, “checked” details of the lives of people whose eminence gave at least a sort of license to attack them, with the passion for “human documents” in Depression daysa necessary substitute for proletarian art among middle class writers who knew nothing about proletarians, and middleclass readers who needed the shock of verisimilitudea new era in American life was ushered in, the era in which young people imitated neither life nor art nor fairy tale, but instead were presented with models drawn from life with minimal but crucial distortions. Doctored life histories, posed carelessness, “candid” shots of people in their own homes which took hours to arrange, pictures shot from real life to scripts written months before supplemented by national polls and surveys which assured the reader that this bobby soxer did indeed represent a national norm or a growing trendreplaced the older models.1.This article is based on the idea that( ).2.Stories of the second generation battling against the limitations of the first were often responsible for( ).3.The countermovement against Hollywood was a movement( ).4.The author attributes the change in attitudes since 1910 to( ).5.The word “distortions” at the end of the 1st sentence in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to( ).问题1选项A.people today no longer follow modelsB.people attach little importance to whoever they followC.people generally pattern their lives after modelsD.people no longer respect heroes问题2选项A.inspiring literate immigrantsB.frustrating educated immigrantsC.preventing the assimilation of immigrantsD.instilling into immigrants an antagonistic attitude toward their forebears问题3选项A.toward realismB.toward fantasyC.against the teaching of moralsD.away from realism问题4选项A.a logical evolution of ideasB.widespread moral decayC.the influence of the pressD.a philosophy of plenty问题5选项A.presentationsB.misinterpretationsC.influencesD.limitations【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段第一句In most of the human civilization of which we have any proper records, youth has drawn on either art or life for models, planning to emulate the heroes depicted in epics on the shadow play screen or the stage, or those known human beings, fathers or grandfathers, chiefs or craftsmen, whose every characteristic can be studied and imitated.(在我们有记录的大多数人类文明中,青年都以艺术或生活为范本,计划模仿在皮影戏屏幕或舞台上演出的史诗中描绘的英雄,或那些有名的人类、父辈或祖辈、酋长或工匠,他们的每一个特征都可以研究和模仿。),说明有史以来年轻人都会将各种各样的人作为偶像来模仿,整篇文章都是围绕着这个观点展开论述的。因此C选项“人们通常会模仿偶像的生活”正确。A选项“今天的人们不再模仿偶像”,由原文可知,现在这还是美国的普遍情况,所以A错误。B选项“人们对模仿的人都不重视”,D选项“人们不再尊重英雄”在文中没有提及,所以B,D错误。2.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段倒数第二句For the literate and the literate children of the nouliterate, there was artthe story of the frustrated artist in the prairie town, of the second generation battling with the limitations of the first.(对于努士人的文人和文人子女来说,有艺术的故事在大草原城镇失意的艺术家的故事,第二代人与第一代人的局限性斗争的故事。),说第二代移民艺术家努力克服父辈缺陷的故事是用来激励移民变得有文化。因此A选项“激励有文化的移民”正确。B选项“使受过教育的移民感到失望”,C选项“防止移民的同化问题”,D选项“向移民灌输对其祖先的敌视态度”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C,D错误。3.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段第一句With the development of the countermovement against Hollywood, with the efflorescence of photography, with Time-Life-Fortune types of reporting and the dead-pan New Yorker manner of describing the life of an old-clothes dealer in a forgotten street or of presenting the “accurate”, “checked” details of the lives of people whose eminence gave at least a sort of license to attack them, with the passion for “human documents” in Depression daysa necessary substitute for proletarian art among middle class writers who knew nothing about proletarians, and middleclass readers who needed the shock of verisimilitudea new era in American life was ushered in(随着反好莱坞运动的发展,随着摄影的兴起,随着时代-生活-财富式的报道,以及纽约客用死板的方式描述一个被遗忘的街道上的旧衣商的生活,或者说是用“准确”的方式来呈现,“检查”了一些人的生活细节,这些人的显赫地位给了至少一种许可攻击他们,随着大萧条时期对“人类文献”的热情在对无产阶级一无所知的中产阶级作家和需要真实性冲击的中产阶级读者中,这是无产阶级艺术的必要替代物美国生活迎来了一个新的时代。),说明在反对好莱坞的运动中,真实的现实生活被呈现出来,开启了美国的新时代。因此A选项“走向现实主义”正确。B选项“走向幻想”,C选项“违背道德教育”,D选项“脱离现实主义”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C,D错误。4.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段第一句With the development of the countermovement against Hollywood, with the efflorescence of photography, with Time-Life-Fortune types of reporting and the dead-pan New Yorker manner of describing the life of an old-clothes dealer in a forgotten street or of presenting the “accurate”, “checked” details of the lives of people whose eminence gave at least a sort of license to attack them, with the passion for “human documents” in Depression days(随着反好莱坞运动的发展,随着摄影的兴起,随着时代-生活-财富式的报道,以及纽约客用死板的方式描述一个被遗忘的街道上的旧衣商的生活,或者说是用“准确”的方式来呈现,“检查”了一些人的生活细节,这些人的显赫地位给了至少一种许可攻击他们,随着大萧条时期对“人类文献”的热情),说明1910年以来人们态度变化的原因是多种多样的。因此D选项“丰富的理论”正确。A选项“思想的逻辑演变”,B选项“普遍的道德败坏”,C选项“新闻界的影响”均不符合题意,所以A,B,C错误。5.语义推测题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段倒数第二句the era in which young people imitated neither life nor art nor fairy tale, but instead were presented with models drawn from life with minimal but crucial distortions.(在这个时代,年轻人既不模仿生活,也不模仿艺术或童话,他们看到的是生活中的偶像,这些偶像就没有受到关键的扭曲。),说明在反好莱坞运动中,年轻人不再模仿生活中、或艺术及电影中的偶像,而是看到了真正来自于生活的没有被扭曲的偶像人物,此处“distortions”指的是偶像人物被误解。所以B选项“误解”正确。A选项“介绍”,C选项“影响”,D选项“限制”均不符合题意,所以A,C,D错误。4. 单选题There is already( )clear to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change.问题1选项A.witnessB.certificationC.identityD.evidence【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项witness“证人”;B选项certification“证明”;C选项identity“身份”;D选项evidence“证据”。句意:已经有明确的证据表明,动植物正受到气候变化的影响。本句表示明确的证据,因此D选项正确。5. 单选题Many women still feel that they are being( )by a male culture, particularly in the professional services sector.问题1选项A.held backB.held forthC.held onD.held out【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项held back“阻碍”;B选项held forth“提供”;C选项held on“坚持”;D选项held out“伸出”。句意:许多女性仍然感到男性文化阻碍了她们的发展,尤其是在专业服务领域。本句表示男性文化阻碍了女性的发展,因此A选项正确。6. 单选题Londons Heathrow Airport is notorious for queues and delays. Why is this happening and what can you do to avoid the frustration?In the film Catch Me If You Can, Leonardo DiCaprio plays a dashing young con artist who fools an airline into believing he is one of their captains. He strolls through a sleek and futuristic air terminal flanked by a gaggle of stewardesses, his progress serene. The message is clear: Air travel is glamorous, sexy and a total breeze.Cut to Heathrow, 2007, and what is still the worlds largest airport (by passenger numbers) is stretched to breaking point, beset by delays and hampered by a creaking infrastructure. Ken Livingstone, Londons garrulous Mayor, says the airport is “shaming London”. How did it come to this?In a sense, Heathrows key role in the development of Britains (and the worlds) aviation industry has been its undoing. First opened to commercial fights in 1946, Heathrow has always been there first; consequently, it has inherited a legacy of aging terminal buildings. Then September 11 happened, and security protocols went through the roof. The 2005 London bombings didnt help matters.The queues to clear Heathrows security can take hours to clear, especially when not all the X-ray machines are open. At the other end of the process, passengers have faced seemingly never-ending waits for luggage. A recent Association of European Airlines report showed that between April and June this year the luggage system at Heathrow broke down 11 times.The British government, spurred on by angry airlines, passenger groups and an increasingly vocal media, has announced an enquiry into how the airport is run. Heathrow, like seven other major airports in the UK, is run by the British Airports Authority (BAA), who has been accused of putting the profits from the vast shopping malls in each terminal before investment in security and staff. Ryanair, British Airways and the head of the International Air Transport Association have all criticized the running of the airport, blaming under-investment.A spokesman for Heathrow notes that all may not be lost quite yet. Ninety-seven per cent of passengers get through security after less than 10 minutes of queuing. The baggage rules for using UK airports have been the same for a while now, so travelers should be getting used to the plastic bags and one item of hand-luggage rule. And BAA is recommending that people dont turn up earlier than they shouldthree hours for long-haul, two for short haul and 90 minutes for domestic should be fine. Heathrow has also employed 500 new security staff and opened nine new security lanes this year.And then theres Terminal Five, the gleaming, light-filled Richard Rodgers creation, complete with a landscaped civic space, due to open in March 2008. It will be British Airways new home and should take the pressure off the rest of the airport. Far more suitable for a Leonardo-style sashay.1.Leonardos performance conveys the idea that air travel is( ).2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?3.It can take hours to pass the airport security, especially when( ).4.Whos to blame for the under-investment in British airports?5.According to BAA, when should domestic passengers arrive at the airport?问题1选项A.enchantingB.dangerousC.frustratingD.time-consuming问题2选项A.Heathrow Airport has the largest surface area in the world.B.The significant position of the airport in history has become the main cause for its present situation.C.Heathrow Airport is about to collapse as a result of huge passenger numbers.D.The airport is determined to renovate its old terminal buildings.问题3选项A.only some of the X-ray machines are openB.all the X-ray machines are shut downC.luggage checked over and over againD.the luggage system breaks down问题4选项A.British Airports Authority.B.Association of European Airlines.C.Heathrow Airport.D.International Air Transport Association.问题5选项A.1 hours before boarding.B.2 hours before boarding.C.3 hours before boarding.D.1.5 hours before boarding.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.客观细节题。由题干关键词“Leonardo”可以定位到文章第二段,第二段最后一句说到The message is clear: Air travel is glamorous, sexy and a total breeze.(传达出的信息很明确:航空旅行是充满魅力、性感和轻松的。),说明莱昂纳多的表演传达了航空旅行是迷人的。因此A选项“令人神往的”正确。B选项“危险的”,C选项“令人沮丧的”,D选项“耗时的”均不符合文章表达的内容,所以B,C,D错误。2.客观细节题。由A选项关键词“largest”可以定位到文章第三段第一句what is still the worlds largest airport (by passenger numbers)(按乘客数量计算是世界上最大的机场),说明希思罗机场的世界最大是按照乘客数量计算的,而不是面积,所以A选项“希思罗机场是世界上面积最大的机场”错误。由C选项关键词“collapse”可以定位到文章第三段第一句is stretched to breaking point, beset by delays and hampered by a creaking infrastructure(被延误和老化的基础设施所困扰,已经到了崩溃的边缘),说明希思罗机场濒临崩溃的原因是延误和老化的设施,而不是旅客数量,所以C选项“希思罗机场因旅客数量巨大而即将崩溃”错误。D选项“机场决心对老旧航站楼进行改造”在文中没有提及,所以D错误。由B选项关键词“significant position”可以定位到文章第四段第一句Heathrows key role in the development of Britains (and the worlds) aviation industry has been its undoing.(希思罗机场在英国,乃至世界航空工业发展中的关键作用导致了它的毁灭。),说明导致希思罗机场现状的原因是它的在历史上的关键作用。因此B选项“机场在历史上的重要地位成为造成其现状的主要原因”正确。3.客观细节题。根据题干关键词“airport security”可以定位到文章第五段第一句The queues to clear Heathrows security can take hours to clear, especially when not all the X-ray machines are open.(希思罗机场安检的长队可能需要数小时才能通过,尤其是当X光机没有全部开放的时候。),说明只开放了部分X光机时,安检排队时间尤为漫长。因此A选项“只有部分X光机是开放的”正确。B选项“所有的X光机都被关闭”,C选项“反复检查行李”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C错误。D选项“行李系统出现故障”是希思罗机场的问题之一,但原文没有说它是造成安检时间特别漫长的原因,所以D错误。4.客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第六段第二句Heathrow, like seven other major airports in the UK, is run by the British Airports Authority (BAA), who has been accused of putting the profits from the vast shopping malls in each terminal before investment in security and staff.(希思罗机场和英国其他七家主要机场一样,都是由英国机场管理局运营的,该管理局被指责把每个航站楼的大型购物中心的利润放在安全和员工投资之前。),说明英国机场投资不足是英国机场管理局之过。因此A选项“英国机场管理局”正确。B选项“欧洲航空公司协会”,C选项“希思罗机场”,D选项“国际航空运输协会”均不符合题意,所以B,C,D错误。5.客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第七段第四句And BAA is recommending that people dont turn up earlier than they shouldthree hours for long-haul, two for short haul and 90 minutes for domestic should be fine.(BAA建议乘客不要早到长途登机前3小时,短途登机前2小时,国内航班登机前90分钟就可以了。),说明国内航班的旅客应在登机前90分钟到达机场。因此D选项“登机前1.5小时”正确。A选项“登机前1小时”,B选项“登机前2小时”,C选项“登机前3小时”均不符合题意,所以A,B,C错误。7. 单选题Nine is to three( )three is to one.问题1选项A.whenB.thatC.whichD.what【答案】D【解析】考查方式状语从句。A is to B what C is to D是固定句式,意思是“A对于B来说就等于C对于D一样”,what在句中引导方式状语从句,表示“好比,正如”。句意:九比三等于三比一。因此D选项正确。8. 单选题Nancys gone to work but her cars still there, she( )by bus.问题1选项A.must have goneB.should have goneC.ought to have goneD.could have gone【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词的用法。A选项must have gone表示肯定的猜测,“她一定是坐公交车去的”;B选项should have gone和C选项ought to have gone表示本来应该,“她本应该坐公交车去的”;D选项could have gone表示本来可以,“她本可以坐公交车去的”。句意:南希去上班了,但她的车还在那儿,她一定是坐公交车去的。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题The productivity of Americans employed in private businesses has declined. The productivity of workers in countries such as Japan and Germany is increasing. American machine tools, on average, are old, relatively inefficient, and rapidly becoming obsolete, whereas those of our competitors overseas, in comparison, are newer and more efficient. We are no longer the most productive workers in the world. We are no longer the leaders in industrial innovation. We are an immensely wealthy nation of educated men and women who seem to have lost sight of the fact that everythingfrom the simplest necessities to the finest luxuriesmust be produced through our own collective hard work. We have come to expect automatic increases in our collective standard of living, but we seem to have forgotten that these increases are possible only when our productivity continues to grow.One thing that must change is the rate at which we substitute capital equipment for human labor. Simply put, our labor force has increased at a far greater rate than has our stock of capital investment. We seem to have forgotten that our past productivity gains, to a large extent, were realized from substitutions of capital for human labor. Today, 3 times as many robots are listed as capital assets by Japanese firms as by United States firms.There is no doubt that robots will become a common sight in American factories. Representing a new generation of technology, robots will replace factory labor much as the farm tractor replaced the horse. Robot technology has much to offer. It offers higher levels of productivity and quality at lower costs; in promises to free men and women from the dull, repetitious toil of the factory; it is likely to have an impact on society comparable to that made by the growth of computer technology.1.The word “obsolete” (Para. 1) most probably means( ).2.The author is anxious about( ).3.According to the author, in his country( ).4.So far as the influence on society is concerned,( ).5.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to show that( ).问题1选项A.weakB.oldC.newD.out of date问题2选项A.his people no longer taking the lead in industrial innovationB.his country no longer being a wealthy nationC.his people forgetting to raise their productivityD.his country falling behind other industrial nations问题3选项A.the proportion of labor force to capital investment is quite lowB.the growth rate of labor force should be greater than that of capital investmentC.the productivity increases should be achieved by the increases of labor forceD.capital investment should have increased more rapidly than labor force问题4选项A.robot technology seems to be much more promising than computer technologyB.computer technology has less to offer than robot technologyC.robot technology can be compared with computer technologyD.robot technology cannot be compared with computer technology问题5选项A.robots will help increase labor productivityB.robots will rule American factoriesC.robots are cheaper than human laborersD.robots will finally replace humans in factories【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.语义推测题。由题干关键词“obsolete”可以定位到第一段第三句American machine tools, on average, are old, relatively inefficient, and rapidly becoming obsolete(平均而言,美国的机床比较老旧,效率较低,而且很快就会过时),说明“obsolete”在文中的意思是过时的。因此D选项“过时”正确。A选项“弱的”,B选项“老的”,C选项“新的”不符合题意,所以A,B,C错误。2.推理判断题。由A选项关键词“industrial innovation”可以定位到文章第一段第五句We are no longer the leaders in industrial innovation.(我们不再是产业创新的领导者。),A选项“他的人民在产业创新方面不再处于领先地位”表述正确,但文中没有提到作者对此感到焦虑,所以A错误。由B选项关键词“wealthy nation”可以定位到文章第一段第六句We are an immensely wealthy nation of educated men and women(我们是一个由受过教育的男男女女组成的非常富有的国家),说明美国是非常富有的,所以B选项“他的国家不再是一个富有的国家”错误。D选项“他的国家落后于其他工业国家”在文中没有提及,所以错误。由C选项关键词“productivity”可以定位到第一段最后一句We have come to expect automatic increases in our collective standard of living, but we seem to have forgotten that these increases are possible only when our productivity continues to grow.(我们期望集体生活水平会自动提高,但我们似乎忘记了,只有当我们的生产力持续增长时,这种提高才有可能实现。),说明美国现在面临的问题关键在于人民忘记了提高生产力,这正是作者感到焦虑的地方。因此C选项“他的人民忘记了提高生产力”正确。3.推理判断题。由A选项可以定位到文章第二段第二句our labor force has increased at a far greater rate than has our stock of capital investment.(我们的劳动力增长速度远远超过了我们的资本投资存量。),说明美国劳动力与资本投资的比例很高,所以A选项“劳动力与资本投资的比例相当低”错误。由C选项可以定位到第二段第三句our past productivity gains, to a large extent, were realized from substitutions of capital for human labor.(过去生产力的提高在很大程度上是通过资本替代劳动力而实现的。),说明生产率的提高应通过资本投资的增加来实现,所以C选项“生产率的提高应通过劳动力的增加来实现”错误。由B选项和D选项可以定位到文章第二段第一句One thing that must change is the rate at which we substitute capital equipment for human labor.(有一件事必须改变,那就是我们用资本设备替代劳动力的速度。),美国资本投资的增长速度是远低于劳动力的增长速度的,而这一点必须改变,说明劳动力的增长速度应低于资本投资的增长速度,所以B选项“劳动力的增长速度应大于资本投资的增长速度”错误。因此D选项“资本投资的增长速度应该高于劳动力的增长速度”正确。4.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段最后一句it is likely to have an impact on society comparable to that made by the growth of computer technology.(机器人技术对社会的影响很可能与计算机技术的发展相媲美。),说明机器人技术和计算机技术是相当的。因此C选项“机器人技术可与计算机技术相提并论”正确。A选项“机器人技术似乎比计算机技术更有前途”,B选项“计算机技术与机器人技术相比优势较小”在文中没有提及,所以A,B错误。D选项“机器人技术不能与计算机技术相比”和原文的表述相反,所以D错误。5.观点态度题。由A选项可以定位到文章第三段第四句It offers higher levels of productivity and quality at lower costs(它能以较低的成本提供更高的生产力和质量),说明机器人技术有助于提高生产力。因此A选项“机器人将有助于提高劳动生产力”正确。B选项“机器人将统


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