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2022年考博英语-江苏大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题Markets in stocks and commodities form a vital part of the American economic system. Millions of individuals buy and sell small lots of stocks and commodities while mutual funds and trusts trade in large lots. In good times, when it appears that prices will rise, money from savings or from other types of investment comes into market. When this happens, prices are driven higher. Often a period of speculation follows in which the “bull”, those who make money on a rising market, are in the ascendancy. When the market can no longer sustain the speculative fever, a reaction sets in, selling develops, and prices begin to fall. At this point the “bears”, or those who make money in a falling market, are fortunate. Americans buy almost everything on credit, and stocks are no exception. Usually an investor can make a stock purchase by paying 50 percent down and getting a loan on the remainder. This is called “margin” of 50 percent. The balance is borrowed from the brokerage as security.【答案】股票和期货市场构成了美国经济系统中的一个重要环节。数以百万计的个人买卖少量的股票和期货,而进行大量共同基金和信托的交易。在景气时期,当价格上涨时,储蓄资金或其他类型的投资资金就会进入市场。当这种情况发生时,价格就会被推高。通常接下来会有一段时间的投机买卖,在这段时间里,趁市场行情上涨而赚钱的“多头”占了上风。当市场不再持续投机热,就会出现抛售反应,价格开始下跌。在这一点上,“看跌者”或那些在市场行情下跌中赚钱的人是幸运的。美国人几乎什么都是赊购,股票也不例外。通常情况下,投资者可以先付50%的首付,剩下的部分再贷款购买股票。这叫做用50%的“定金”来购买股票。投资人向经纪行借差额,把股票存放在经纪行里作抵押。2. 不定项选择题The age at which young children begin to make moral discriminations about harmful actions committed against themselves or others has been the focus of recent research into the moral development of children. Until recently, child psychologists supported pioneer developmentalist Jean Piaget in his hypothesis that because of their immaturity, children under age seven do not take into account the intentions of a person committing accidental or deliberate harm, but rather simply assign punishment for transgressions on the basis of the magnitude of the negative consequences caused.According to Piaget, children under age seven occupy the first stage of moral development, which is characterized by moral absolutism (rules made by authorities must be obeyed) and imminent justice (if rules are broken, punishment will be meted out).Until young children mature, their moral judgments are based entirely on the effect rather than the cause of a transgression. However, in recent research, Keasey found that six-year-old children not only distinguish between accidental and intentional harm, but also judge intentional harm as naughtier, regardless of the amount of damage produced. Both of these findings seem to indicate that children, at an earlier age than Piaget claimed, advance into the second stage of moral development, moral autonomy, in which they accept social rules but view them as more arbitrary than do children in the first stage.Keaseys research raises two key questions for developmental psychologists about children under age seven: do they recognize justifications for harmful actions, and do they make distinctions between harmful acts that are preventable and those acts that have unforeseen harmful consequences? Studies indicate that justifications excusing harmful actions might include public duty, self-defense, and provocation. For example, Nesdale and Rule concluded that children were capable of considering whether or not an aggressors action was justified by public duty: five-year-olds reacted very differently to “Bonnie wrecks Anns pretend house” depending on whether Bonnie did it “so somebody wont fall over it” or because Bonnie wanted “to make Ann feel bad.” Thus, a child of five begins to understand that certain harmful actions, though intentional, can be justified; the constraints of moral absolutism no longer solely guide their judgments.Psychologists have determined that during kindergarten children learn to make subtle distinctions involving harm. Darley observed that among acts involving unintentional harm, six-year-old children just entering kindergarten could not differentiate between foreseeable, and thus preventable, harm and unforeseeable harm for which the perpetrator cannot be blamed. Seven months later, however, Darley found that these same children could make both distinctions, thus demonstrating that they had become morally autonomous.66. Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole?67. According to the passage, Keaseys findings support which of the following conclusions about six-year-old children?68. According to the passage, the research of Nesdale and Rule suggests which of the following about five-year-old children?69. According to the passage, Darley found that after seven months of kindergarten six-year-olds acquired which of the following abilities?70. According to the passage, Piaget and Keasey would NOT have agreed on which of the following points?问题1选项A.A confirmation of an established authoritys theory.B.An expanded definition of commonly misunderstood terms.C.An analysis of a dispute between two theories.D.A discussion of research findings in an ongoing inquiry.问题2选项A.They have the ability to make autonomous moral judgments.B.They regard moral absolutism as a threat to their moral autonomy.C.They do not understand the concept of public duty.D.They accept moral judgment made by their peers more easily than do older children.问题3选项A.Their reactions to intentional and accidental harm determine the severity of the punishments they assign.B.They, as perpetrators of harmful acts, disregard the feelings of the children they harm.C.They take into account the motivations of actions when judging the behavior of other children.D.They view public duty as a justification for accidental, but not intentional harm.问题4选项A.Differentiating between foreseeable and unforeseeable harm.B.Identifying with the perpetrator of a harmful action.C.Justifying harmful actions that result from provocation.D.Evaluating the magnitude of negative consequences resulting from the breaking of rules.问题5选项A.The kinds of excuses children give for harmful acts they commit.B.The age at which children begin to discriminate between intentional and unintentional harm.C.The intentions children have in perpetrating harm.D.The circumstances under which children punish harmful acts.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole? 1. 下面哪个选项最好地描述了这篇文章的整体?A. A confirmation of an established authoritys theory. A. 对权威理论的确认。B. An expanded definition of commonly misunderstood terms. B. 对常被误解的术语的扩展定义。C. An analysis of a dispute between two theories. C. 两种理论之争的分析。D. A discussion of research findings in an ongoing inquiry. D. 在正在进行的调查中对研究发现的讨论。【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】首先根据文章第一句“幼儿在什么年龄开始对自己或他人有害的行为做出道德区分,一直是最近儿童道德发展研究的焦点”可知,文章的内容是围绕儿童拥有道德自主的年龄来展开,然后文章主要是讨论了皮亚杰和凯西的研究发现,用Nesdale和Rule,以及Darley的研究做补充说明,综合理解可知,这篇文章主要是对儿童拥有道德自主的年龄进行的研究发现的讨论,D项“在正在进行的调查中对研究发现的讨论”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“对权威理论的确认”,文章并没有对某种理论进行确认,该项属于反向干扰;B项“对常被误解的术语的扩展定义”,文中没有提到对术语的误解,该项属于无中生有;C项“两种理论之争的分析”,原文谈到了不止两种理论,该项属于曲解原文。2.【选项释义】2. According to the passage, Keaseys findings support which of the following conclusions about six-year-old children? 2. 根据文章,凯西的发现支持以下关于六岁儿童的结论中的哪一个?A. They have the ability to make autonomous moral judgments. A. 他们有能力做出自主的道德判断。B. They regard moral absolutism as a threat to their moral autonomy. B. 他们认为道德绝对主义是对他们道德自主的威胁。C. They do not understand the concept of public duty. C. 他们不理解公共义务的概念。D. They accept moral judgment made by their peers more easily than do older children. D. 他们比年龄较大的孩子更容易接受同龄人做出的道德判断。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第二段最后两句“然而,在最近的研究中,凯西发现,六岁的孩子不仅会区分意外伤害和故意伤害,而且他们认为不管造成的伤害有多大,故意伤害更淘气。这两项发现似乎都表明,儿童在比皮亚杰声称的更早的年龄就进入了道德发展的第二阶段,即道德自主,在这个阶段中,他们接受社会规则,但认为它们比第一阶段的儿童更武断。”可知,凯西发现六岁的孩子能够自主区分意外伤害和故意伤害,这表明他们进入了道德自主阶段,综合理解可以推断,凯西的发现支持了六岁儿童能够做出自主的道德判断的观点,该题选择A项“他们有能力做出自主的道德判断”符合题意。【干扰项排除】C项“他们不理解公共义务的概念”虽然在原文提及,但与题干无关,该项属于出处错位;B项“他们认为道德绝对主义是对他们道德自主的威胁”和D项“他们比年龄较大的孩子更容易接受同龄人做出的道德判断”没有提到,该项属于无中生有。3.【选项释义】3. According to the passage, the research of Nesdale and Rule suggests which of the following about five-year-old children? 3. 根据文章,Nesdale和Rule的研究表明,以下哪一个是五岁左右的孩子?A. Their reactions to intentional and accidental harm determine the severity of the punishments they assign. A. 他们对故意伤害和意外伤害的反应决定了他们所指定惩罚的严重程度。B. They, as perpetrators of harmful acts, disregard the feelings of the children they harm. B. 作为有害行为的作恶者,他们无视他们所伤害的儿童的感情。C. They take into account the motivations of actions when judging the behavior of other children. C. 在判断其他孩子的行为时,他们会考虑行为的动机。D. They view public duty as a justification for accidental, but not intentional harm. D. 他们认为公共义务是意外伤害而非故意伤害的正当理由。【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至文章第三段对Nesdale和Rule的研究的描述,由最后两句“Nesdale和Rule得出的结论是,儿童能够考虑侵犯者的行为是否符合公共义务因此,五岁的孩子开始明白,某些有害的行为,尽管是故意的,也是合乎情理的;道德绝对主义的约束不再仅仅指导他们的判断。”可知,Nesdale和Rule的研究表明,五岁的儿童在做出判断时,不再仅仅依靠道德绝对主义,而是会考虑某些行为的动机,C项“在判断其他孩子的行为时,他们会考虑行为的动机”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“他们对故意伤害和意外伤害的反应决定了他们所指定惩罚的严重程度”,根据解题思路可知,原文定位处没有提到惩罚,该项属于曲解原文;B项“他们作为有害行为的作恶者,无视他们所伤害的儿童的感情”在原文没有依据,该项属于无中生有;D项“他们认为公共义务是意外伤害而非故意伤害的正当理由”,文中提到即便有些有害行为是故意的,但是了解了行为的动机后,孩子们也会认为是情有可原的,所以不管是意外伤害还是故意伤害,他们都会考虑到公共义务,该项属于曲解原文。4.【选项释义】4. According to the passage, Darley found that after seven months of kindergarten six-year-olds acquired which of the following abilities? 4. 根据文章,Darley发现,在七个月的幼儿园之后,六岁的孩子获得了下列哪一种能力?A. Differentiating between foreseeable and unforeseeable harm. A. 区分可预见和不可预见的伤害。B. Identifying with the perpetrator of a harmful action. B. 认同一个有害行为的作恶者。C. Justifying harmful actions that result from provocation. C. 为因挑衅而导致的有害行为辩护。D. Evaluating the magnitude of negative consequences resulting from the breaking of rules. D. 评估违反规则所导致的负面后果的严重程度。【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至最后一段最后两句“Darley观察到,在涉及无意伤害的行为中,刚刚进入幼儿园的六岁儿童无法区分可预见的、可预防的伤害和不可预见的伤害,而这些伤害不能归咎于肇事者。然而,七个月后,Darley发现这些孩子能够做出这两种区分,从而证明他们已经变得道德自主。”从中可知,六岁的孩子在幼儿园呆了七个月后,能够对可预见的、可预防的伤害和不可预见的伤害做出区分,A项“区分可预见和不可预见的伤害”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“认同一个有害行为的作恶者”,在七个月的幼儿园之后,六岁的孩子能够区分可预见伤害和不可预见伤害的后果,该项属于反向干扰;C项“为因挑衅而导致的有害行为辩护”不是Darley的研究发现,该项属于出处错位;D项“评估违反规则所导致的负面后果的严重程度”,Evaluating在原文没有提到,该项属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】5. According to the passage, Piaget and Keasey would NOT have agreed on which of the following points? 5. 根据文章,皮亚杰和凯西不会就以下哪一点达成一致?A. The kinds of excuses children give for harmful acts they commit. A. 孩子们为他们所做的有害行为给出的各种借口。B. The age at which children begin to discriminate between intentional and unintentional harm. B. 儿童开始区分故意伤害和非故意伤害的年龄。C. The intentions children have in perpetrating harm. C. 孩子们实施伤害的意图。D. The circumstances under which children punish harmful acts. D. 儿童惩罚有害行为的环境。【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据第二段第一句“皮亚杰认为,七岁以下的儿童处于道德发展的第一阶段,这一阶段的特征是道德绝对主义(必须遵守权威制定的规则)和即将到来的正义(如果违反规则,将会受到惩罚)”,和第三句“然而,在最近的研究中,凯西发现,六岁的孩子不仅会区分意外伤害和故意伤害,而且会认为故意伤害更淘气,不管造成的伤害有多大。”可知,皮亚杰和凯西对于儿童是否有道德自主的年龄有不同的分歧,所以该题选择B项“儿童开始区分故意伤害和非故意伤害的年龄”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“孩子们为他们所做的有害行为给出的各种借口”是凯西的研究所发展出来的问题,与题干无关,该项属于出处错位;C项“孩子们实施伤害的意图”和D项“儿童惩罚有害行为的环境”没有提到,这两项属于无中生有。3. 单选题Most environmental _ from climate changes to freshwater and forest habitat losshave become markedly worse.问题1选项A.symptomsB.highlightsC.indicatorsD.symbols【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. symptoms症状;征兆 B. highlights最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分C. indicators指示信号 D. symbols象征;符号【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】空格后用了破折号,说明破折号的内容是补充解释空格处所要填的名词,根据破折号内的内容“从气候变化到淡水和森林栖息地的丧失”可知,这是环境恶化的征兆,故空格处表示“征兆”,该题选择A项符合句意。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】大多数环境症状从气候变化到淡水和森林栖息地的丧失已经明显恶化。4. 单选题In 1911, the forces of Sun Yat-sen established the Chinese Republic, and Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was forced to _.问题1选项A.accreditB.abdicateC.tossD.accede【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. accredit认为;委任 B. abdicate退位;失(职)C. toss(轻轻或漫不经心地)扔,抛 D. accede同意(请求、建议等);就任【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据空格前的was forced to可知,be forced to do sth.是固定搭配,表示“被迫做某事”,空格处应该填入一个动词,由关键信息the forces of Sun Yat-sen established the Chinese Republic(孙中山的军队建立了中华民国)和the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty(清朝末代皇帝),结合历史常识可知,空格处表示“退位”符合句意,故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】1911年,孙中山的军队建立了中华民国,清朝末代皇帝溥仪被迫退位。5. 单选题The modern huge building looks _ in that old-fashioned village.问题1选项A.immeasurableB.inopportuneC.incongruousD.importunate【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. immeasurable不可估量的;无限的 B. inopportune不合时宜的C. incongruous不合适的;不相称的 D. importunate再三要求的;纠缠不休的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“这座现代化的巨大建筑看起来_在那个老式的村庄里”可知,现代建筑和老式房屋是不相协调的,所以空格处表示“不协调的,不相称的”符合句意,故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项不符合句意。【句意】这座现代化的高楼大厦在那个老式村庄里显得很不协调。6. 单选题The talks have become _ with both sides refusing to compromise any further.问题1选项A.irrationalB.irreconcilableC.irreparableD.irreplaceable【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. irrational不合逻辑的;没有道理的 B. irreconcilable矛盾的;不可调和的C. irreparable无法弥补的;不能修复的 D. irreplaceable(因贵重或独特)不能替代的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键信息with both sides refusing to compromise any further(双方都拒绝进一步妥协)可知,这次谈判是不可调和的,B项符合句意,故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】由于双方都拒绝进一步妥协,谈判变得不可调和。7. 单选题What we call nature is, _, the sum of the changes made by all the various creatures and natural forces in their intricate actions and influences upon each other and upon their places.问题1选项A.in common senseB.from a senseC.by the senseD.in a sense【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. in common sense普通常识 B. from a sense从一种感觉C. by the sense凭感觉 D. in a sense在某种意义上【考查点】插入语。【解题思路】分析句子可知,句子结构意义完整,而空格处位于系动词和表语之间,且用逗号隔开,可推知空格处填入一个插入语,按照句意“我们所称的自然,_,就是一切不同的生物和自然力在其相互作用和相互影响的过程中所发生的变化的总和”可知,空格处填入D项符合句意,故该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项都不符合句意。【句意】从某种意义上说,我们所称的自然,就是一切不同的生物和自然力在其相互作用和相互影响的过程中所发生的变化的总和。8. 单选题Everyone should be free to enjoy the rights and freedoms _ in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.问题1选项A.laid outB.laid intoC.laid downD.laid off【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. laid out展示;安排 B. laid into痛打;痛斥C. laid down放下;制定 D. laid off解雇;休息【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】根据关键信息the rights and freedoms(权利和自由)和the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(世界人权宣言)可知,世界人权宣言规定了人们享有的权利和自由,空格处表示“制定,规定”符合句意,故该题选择C项恰当。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项不符合句意。【句意】人人都应享有世界人权宣言规定的权利和自由。9. 不定项选择题In the world of entertainment, TV talk shows have undoubtedly flooded every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one varies in style and format. But no two shows are more profoundly opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey show.Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “trash talk”. The topics on his show are as shocking as shocking can be. For example, the show takes the ever-common talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, guilt, hate, conflict and morality to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is a display and exploitation of societys moral catastrophe, yet people are willing to eat up the intriguing predicaments of other peoples lives.Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its extreme, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show focuses on the improvement of society and an individuals quality of life. Topics range from teaching your children responsibility, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.Compared with Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being dumped on society. Jerry ends ever with a “final word”. He makes a small speech that sums up the entire moral of the show. Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The shows main target audiences are middle-class Americans. Most of these people have the time, money, and stability to deal with lifes tougher problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of an association with the young adults of society. These are 18 to 20 year olds whose main troubles in life involve love relationship, sex, money and peers. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned underneath the shows exploitation.While the two shows are as different as night and day, both have ruled the talk show circuit for many years now. Each one caters to a different audience while both have a strong following from large groups of fans. Ironically, both could also be considered pioneers in the talk Show world.1. Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows are _.2. Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear distasteful, the audience _.3. Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?4. Despite their different approaches, the two talk shows are both _.5. We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows _.问题1选项A.more family-orientedB.relatively formalC.more profoundD.unusually popular问题2选项A.remain fascinated by themB.are ready to face up to themC.remain indifferent to themD.are willing to get involved in them问题3选项A.A new type of robot.B.Racist hatred.C.Family budget planning.D.Street violence.问题4选项A.ironicalB.sensitiveC.instructiveD.cynical问题5选项A.have monopolized the talk show circuitB.exploit the weaknesses in human natureC.appear at different times of the dayD.are targeted at different audiences【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.【选项释义】1. Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows are _. 1. 与其他电视脱口秀节目相比,无论是杰瑞施普林格还是奥普拉温弗瑞的节目都是_。A. more family-oriented A. 更多的以家庭为中心的B. relatively formal B. 相对正式的C. more profound C. 更深刻的D. unusually popular D. 异常受欢迎【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段最后一句“但没有哪两个节目在内容上比杰瑞施普林格和奥普拉温弗瑞的脱口秀更截然相反,同时又在其他节目中脱颖而出(at the same time standing out above the rest)”可知,杰瑞施普林格和奥普拉温弗瑞的脱口秀节目都是脱颖而出的,即非常受欢迎,该题选择D项“异常受欢迎”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“更多的以家庭为中心的”、B项“相对正式的”和C项“更深刻的”并不是杰瑞施普林格和奥普拉温弗瑞的脱口秀节目的共同特点,这三项属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】2. Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear distasteful, the audience _. 2. 虽然杰瑞施普林格谈论的社会问题令人不快,但观众_。A. remain fascinated by them A. 保持对它们的兴趣B. are ready to face up to them B. 准备好面对他们C. remain indifferent to them C. 对他们保持冷漠D. are willing to get involved in them D. 愿意参与其中【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据第二段最后一句“显然,杰瑞施普林格的节目是对社会道德灾难的展示和利用,但人们乐于接受别人生活中有趣的困境”理解可知,观众对杰瑞施普林格的节目中谈论的社会问题保持兴趣,A项“保持对它们的兴趣”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“准备好面对他们”和D项“愿意参与其中”没有提到,这两项属于无中生有;C项“对他们保持冷漠”与原文相反,该项属于反向干扰。3.【选项释义】3. Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show? 3. 以下哪项可能会成为奥普拉温弗瑞的节目的话题?A. A new type of robot. A. 一种新型机器人。B. Racist hatred. B. 种族仇恨。C. Family budget planning. C. 家庭预算计划。D. Street violence. D. 街头暴力。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段最后两句“这个节目聚焦于社会和个人生活质量的提高。话题范围从教你的孩子的责任,管理你的工作周,到了解你的邻居。”从中理解可知,奥普拉温弗瑞的节目主要讨论的话题是关于人们生活质量的提高,C项“家庭预算计划”是属于其中一个方面,故该题选择C项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“一种新型机器人”是属于科技方面的话题,不是奥普拉温弗瑞的节目可能讨论到的,该项属于无中生有;B项“种族仇恨”和D项“街头暴力”是杰瑞施普林格的节目可能讨论到的话题,这两项属于张冠李戴。4.【选项释义】4. Despite their different approaches, the two talk shows are both _. 4. 尽管他们的方式不同,这两个脱口秀节目都是_。A. ironical A. 讽刺的B. sensitive B. 敏感的C. instructive C. 有启发性的D. cynical D. 愤世嫉俗的【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段第二句“这个节目(奥普拉脱口秀)聚焦于社会和个人生活质量的提高”,以及第四段内容“杰瑞总是以最后一句话结尾。他做了一个简短的演讲,总结了整个节目的寓意。希望这是大多数人能学到非常有价值的东西的部分。”可知,奥普拉脱口秀和杰瑞脱口秀同样都传递了有价值的东西给受众群体,可推断,这两个脱口秀都是具有启发意义的,该题选择C项“有启发性的”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“讽刺的”、B项“敏感的”和D项“愤世嫉俗的”都不是两个脱口秀的共同特点,这三项属于曲解原文。5.【选项释义】5. We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows _. 5. 我们可以从文章中得知这两个脱口秀_。A. have monopolized the talk show circuit A. 垄断了脱口秀的线路B. exploit the weaknesses in human nature B. 利用人性中的弱点C. appear at different times of the day C. 出现在一天的不同时间D. are targeted at different audiences D. 针对不同的受众【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据最后一段内容“虽然这两个节目有着天壤之别,但


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