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2022年考博英语-中国矿业大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题He said there was a great gap between the views expressed in the media and what( )people were thinking问题1选项A.usualB.generalC.normalD.ordinary【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他说媒体表达出来的观点与普通大众所想之间存在巨大的差距。usual “普通的”; general “一般的”;normal “正常的;正规的”;ordinary “普通的,平凡的”。ordinary people “普通人,一般人”。根据句意,选项D符合题意。2. 单选题The artist of the Renaissance was an all-round man. From his studio one could order a painting for the church altar, a carved wedding chest, a silver ewer, or a crucifix. The master of the workshop might be sculpturing a Venus for the dukes garden while his apprentices were roughing statues for the new chapel. Many of the well-known painters of that golden period were goldsmiths, workers in glass, enamel or iron. The engineer was artist and the artist was engineer. The great Leonardo, famous today as the painter of The Last Supper and Mona Lisa, was perhaps equally well known in the 16th century for his engineering projects and his scientific experiments. Our own Thomas A. Edison pronounced him the greatest inventive genius of his time.1.An important century in the Renaissance was( ).2.When we want to say that a man could do many things, we say he is( ).3.The word for helper in this passage is( ).4.The painter of the Last Supper was( ).5.A word for inventive is( ).问题1选项A.the twelfthB.the eighteenthC.the fourteenthD.the sixteenth问题2选项A.an artist-engineerB.a painterC.equally well-knownD.an all-round man问题3选项A.masterB.workerC.apprenticeD.goldsmith问题4选项A.Mona LisaB.a dukeC.LeonardoD.Thomas Edison问题5选项A.creativeB.scientificC.engineerD.genius【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。文章中提到达芬奇生活在16世纪,本段说的就是文艺复兴时期的艺术家。因此可推断16世纪就是文艺复兴时期的一个重要世纪。D选项正确。2.语义推断题。文章第一句就称文艺复兴时期的艺术家为“all-round man 全才”从第二句开始就描写了一个艺术家的多重身份,由此可知,具备多方面的才能的人就是“全才”,D选项正确。3.语义推断题。A选项master“主人;大师”;B选项worker“工人;劳动者”;C选项apprentice“学徒;生手”;D选项goldsmith“金匠”。这四个身份中,唯一与helper“助手”相关的词应是C选项学徒,第三句说到 “The master of the workshop might be sculpturing a Venus for the dukes garden while his apprentices were roughing statues for the new chapel.作坊的大师可能正在为公爵的花园雕刻维纳斯雕像,而他的学徒们则在为新教堂雕刻雕像的毛坯。”说明学徒们只是助手角色,因此C选项正确。4.事实细节题。在倒数第二句中提到“the great Leonardo, famous today as the painter of The Last Supper and Mona Lisa”可知Leonardo是The Last Supper 的画家。C选项正确。5.语义推断题。Incentive在文中是爱迪生用来形容Leonardo(达芬奇)的,后面的名词是genius“天才”。A选项creative“创造性的”;B选项scientific“科学的”;C选项engineer“工程师”;D选项genius“天才”。C和D词性不符合,B选项一般不用来形容天才,因此A选项正确的。incentive本义表示“发明的”。3. 单选题His illness first( )itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.问题1选项A.expressedB.manifestedC.reflectedD.displayed【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项express“表达;快递”;B选项manifest“表明;(病症)显现”;C选项reflect“反映;反射”;D选项display“显示;表现”。句意:他的病最初为严重的胃痛和头痛。与“病症”相关的“表现症状”只有B选项符合。4. 单选题Absolutely one of the finest buys on the market. Spacious home with large living room, separate 15-foot dining room with crystal chandelier and built-in buffet, paneled family room with fireplace, huge kitchen with lots of cabinets, big cheery breakfast room, 2.5 baths, 4 huge bedrooms (one is separate and could be a playroom or offers complete privacy with separate entrance for guests). There is a covered patio and landscaped yard. Better than new with draperies and new air compressor. $160,000. Call Lane Hitcher (home) 926-6043.1.What room in the above advertisement is described as having several possible uses?2.Which room is described in the most detail?3.What detail is emphasized in the description of most rooms?4.One feature of the house that is not mentioned is( ).5.The “buffet” mentioned in the description is( ).问题1选项A.the dining roomB.the family roomC.one bedroomD.the playroom问题2选项A.the living roomB.the dining roomC.the family roomD.the kitchen问题3选项A.cheerfulnessB.built-insC.type of chandeliersD.size问题4选项A.the draperiesB.the walk-in closet in the bedroomC.the landscaped yardD.paneling in the family room问题5选项A.a light fixtureB.a large mealC.a bookcaseD.a serving table for food【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.事实细节题。由题干关键词room定位到文章第二句,句中详细提到了许多功能房间,有一个例外,括号中提到“one is separate and could be a playroom or offers complete privacy with separate entrance for guests一个独立的房间,可以是一个娱乐室或提供完全的私密空间”,而这个房间是4个大卧室中的一间。因此C选项正确。2.事实细节题。本题需要找出描写最详细的房间,依然在第二句中观察,只有餐厅使用了“separate单独的”、“15-foot 15英尺长”、“crystal chandelier水晶吊灯”和“built-in buffet内置餐台”修饰,因此对于餐厅的描述最为详细。B选项正确。3.事实细节题。本题需要找出的是房间描述中最为强调的细节。A选项cheerfulness“高兴”相关词汇cheery仅出现在早餐室的描述中;B选项builts-ins“内置设施”出现在厨房的描述中,在描述家庭活动室时使用了“paneled with fireplace镶嵌着壁炉”同样也是内置设施;C选项“type of chandeliers吊灯类型”出现在对餐厅的描述中;D选项“size尺寸”只出现在对餐厅的描写中。因此B选项正确。4.判断推理题。这所房子没有提到的一个细节需要用排除法解决。A选项the draperies“装饰织物”出现在倒数第二句;C选项the landscaped yard“带景观的源自”出现在倒数第三句;D选项paneling in the family room“家庭娱乐室的镶板”出现在第二句中。因此B选项符合题意。5.词义推断题。Buffet出现在对餐厅的描述中。A选项a light fixture“灯具;照明设备”;B选项a large meal“一顿大餐”;C选项a bookcase“一个书柜”;D选项a serving table for food“放置食物的餐桌”。待售房屋的餐厅中应该有的是餐桌,D选项正确。5. 单选题The Aleuts, residing on several islands of the Aleutian Chain, the Pribilof Islands, and the Alaskan Peninsula, have possessed a written language since 1825, when the Russian missionary Ivan Veniaminov selected appropriate of the Cyrillic alphabet to represent Aleut speech sounds, recorded the main body of Aleut vocabulary, and formulated grammatical rules. The Czarist Russian conquest of the proud, independent sea hunters was so devastatingly thorough that tribal traditions, even tribal memories, were almost destroyed. The brutal killing of the majority of an adult generation was sufficient to destroy the continuity of tribal knowledge, which was dependent upon oral transmission. As a consequence, the Aleuts developed a passionate devotion to their language as their only cultural heritage.The Russian occupation placed a heavy linguistic burden on the Aleuts. Not only were they compelled to learn Russian to converse with their overseers and governors, but they had to learn Old Slavonic to take an active part in church services as well as to master the skill of reading and writing their own tongue. In 1867, when the United States purchased Alaska, the Aleuts were unable to break sharply with their immediate past and substitute English for any one of their three languages.To communicants of the Russian Orthodox Church knowledge of Slavonic remained vital, as did Russian, the language in which one conversed with the clergy. The Aleuts came to regard English education as a device to withdraw them from their religious faith. The introduction of compulsory English schooling caused a minor rebirth of Russian culture as the Aleut parents sought to counteract the influence of the schoolroom. The harsh life of the Russian colonial rule began to appear more happy and beautiful in retrospect.Regulations forbidding instruction in any language other than English increased its unpopularity. The superficial alphabetical resemblance of Russian and Aleut linked the two tongues so closely that every restriction against teaching Russian was interpreted as an attempt to eradicate the Aleut tongue. From the wording of many regulations, it appears that American administrators often had not the slightest idea that the Aleuts were secretly reading and writing their own tongue or even had written language of their own. To too many officials, anything in Cyrillic letters was Russian and something to be stamped out. Bitterness bred by abuses and the exploitations the Aleuts suffered from predatory American traders and adventurers kept alive the Aleut resentment against the language spoken by Americans.1.The author is primarily concerned with describing( ).2.According to the passage, which of the following was the most important reason for the Aleuts devotion to their language?3.Which of the following is NOT one of the “three languages” mentioned at the end of Paragraph Two?4.Which of the following statements about the religious beliefs of the Aleuts can be inferred from the passage?5.Which language was needed with the Russian Orthodox Church?6.The passage shows that it is sometimes difficult to identify the differences between( ).7.The passage is developed primarily by( ).问题1选项A.American governments attempts to persuade the Aleuts to use English as a second language.B.the Aleuts loyalty to their language and the Americans failure to understand it.C.how the Russian occupation of Alaska created a written language for the Aleuts.D.the treatment of Alaskan inhabitants by Russian and the U.S. before and after 1867.问题2选项A.The invention of a written version of their language.B.The destruction of their oral transmission of tribal knowledge.C.The introduction of Old Slavonic or worship.D.Their devotion to the Russian Orthodox Church.问题3选项A.RussianB.Old SlavonicC.The Aleut tongueD.The language taught at school since 1867.问题4选项A.Prior to the Russian occupation they had no religious beliefs.B.American traders and adventures forced them to abandon all religious beliefs.C.At no time in their history have the Aleuts had an organized religion.D.The Russians forced Aleuts to become members of the Russian Orthodox Church问题5选项A.EnglishB.CyrillicC.AleutD.Slavonic问题6选项A.Russian and Aleut.B.British English and American English.C.Russian colonial rules and the American regulations.D.the Americans and Aleuts in terms of religious beliefs.问题7选项A.testing the evidence supporting a theoryB.weighing the pros and cons of a planC.debating about a moral issueD.describing causes and effects of events【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D第6题:A第7题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文主要描述的是俄国统治时期和1867年美国管理阿拉斯加后,阿留申人的遭遇,其内容是从语言方面展开的。A选项“美国政府试图说服阿留申人把英语作为第二语言”只表达了美国管理阿拉斯加的一个方面;B选项“阿留申人忠于自己的语言,而美国人却不懂”前半句符合文意,但后半句在本文中并未提及;C选项“俄罗斯占领阿拉斯加为阿留申人创造了一种书面语言”也只表述了俄罗斯统治阿拉斯加的这一部分内容;D选项“美国和俄国在1867年前后对待阿拉斯加居民的方式”概括了本文内容,因此D选项正确。2.判断推理题。本题需要找出阿留申人热爱自己语言的原因。本文第一段最后两句提到“The brutal killing of the majority of an adult generation was sufficient to destroy the continuity of tribal knowledge, which was dependent upon oral transmission. As a consequence, the Aleuts developed a passionate devotion to their language as their only cultural heritage. (俄国)对大部分成年阿留申人的屠杀导致依靠口口相传的部落只是的消失。因此,阿留申人把他们的语言视作唯一的文化遗产,且十分热爱自己的语言。”因此B选项“他们口头传播的部落知识被破坏”符合文意。3.事实细节题。由排除法可知,第二句中提到了Russian俄语和Old Slavonic古斯拉夫语,第三句提到了1867年后学校里教授的English,因此唯一没有提到的是C选项“阿留申语”。4.判断推理题。题干关键词the religious belief“宗教信仰”并未直接出现在本文中,但仔细浏览可发现与宗教相关词汇。第二段中提到“they had to learn Old Slavonic to take an active part in church services as well as to master the skill of reading and writing their own tongue他们必须学习古斯拉夫语,积极参加教会活动,并掌握读写他们自己的语言的技能”,这里说的教会必然与俄罗斯相关。且第三段第一句就说到“To communicants of the Russian Orthodox Church knowledge of Slavonic remained vital, as did Russian, the language in which one conversed with the clergy对俄国东正教会的信徒来说,斯拉夫语的知识仍然是至关重要的,同样重要的还有与神职人员交谈时使用的俄语”,由此可推知当时阿留申人在被俄国统治时,是被俄罗斯人强制要求成为俄国东正教教徒的。D选项“俄国人强迫阿留申成为俄国东正教的成员”正确。A选项“在俄国占领之前,他们没有宗教信仰”在本文未提及之前是否有宗教信仰;B选项“美国商人和冒险家迫使他们放弃所有的宗教信仰”同样也没有在文章中直接提及;C选项“阿留申人在历史上从未有过一个有组织的宗教”与上述文意相悖,明显曾在一段时间内,阿留申人是俄国东正教教徒的。5.事实细节题。接上题分析,第二段与第三段中均提到,在俄国东正教中,需要使用斯拉夫语。因此D选项正确。6.判断推理题。本体需要找的是两个同类相似事物间的比较。文章最后一段第二句说到“The superficial alphabetical resemblance of Russian and Aleut linked the two tongues so closely that every restriction against teaching Russian was interpreted as an attempt to eradicate the Aleut tongue. 俄语和阿留申语表面上按字母顺序相似,却把这两种语言联系得如此紧密,以至于任何对俄语教学的限制都被理解为试图根除阿留申语。”因此相似的是俄罗斯语和阿留申语。A选项正确。7.主旨大意题。本题偏向文章结构,需要找出作者的写作思路或文章线索。在第一题的分析中就提到,本文主要讲述俄国和美国统治时期,阿拉斯加的阿留申人的遭遇,其中主要讲述了语言方面的发展历程,在这个过程中阿留申人变得热爱自己的语言。因此也就是描述不同统治时期的政策及其结果,D选项“描述事件的原因和结果”符合题意。6. 单选题Is this the TV set which you wish( )?问题1选项A.to have it repairedB.to repair itC.to have repairedD.will be repair【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句的用法。句中which引导定语从句修饰先行词the TV set从句中有一个固定用法have sth. repaired“修复某物”,可知which指代the TV set在从句中充当被修理的宾语。因此C选项正确。7. 单选题Arrogance and pride are similar in meaning, but there is a(n)( )difference between them.问题1选项A.submergedB.indecisiveC.indistinctD.subtle【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:傲慢与骄傲字面上意思接近,但是二者有细微的区别。submerged “水下的”;indecisive “犹豫不决的”;indistinct “模糊的”;subtle “微妙的,细微的”。根据句意,选项D符合题意。8. 单选题A(n)( ) test is a rough measure of a childs capacity for learning, particularly for learning the kinds of things required at school.问题1选项A.proficiencyB.intelligenceC.psychologyD.speed【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:智力测试是对儿童学习能力的大致评估,尤其是对学校所要求的科目的学习能力。proficiency “熟练度”;intelligence “智力”;psychology “心理学”;speed “速度”。根据句意,选项B符合题意。9. 单选题Within ten years they have tamed the( )hill into green woods.问题1选项A.vacantB.barrenC.weirdD.wasteful【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项vacant“空虚的;空的;空闲的”;B选项barren“贫瘠的,荒芜的;不生育的;无益的”;C选项weird“怪异的;超自然的”;D选项wasteful“浪费的;不经济的;奢侈的”。句意:十年之内,他们将那座山开垦成了绿林。由句意可知此处表示“荒山”,能表示此义的只有B选项barren hill“荒山”。10. 单选题Henry went through the documents again carefully for fear of( )any important data.问题1选项A.relayingB.overlookingC.deletingD.revealing【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。空格前是介词of,后面是名词data,结合选项可知此处需要填入动名词。A选项relay“传达;转发;转播”;B选项overlook“忽略;俯瞰;远眺”;C选项delete“删除”;D选项reveal“显示;透露;泄露”。句意:亨利又仔细地检查了一遍文件,生怕什么重要的数据。由“检查文件”、“数据”等关键词可知,此处应表示“生怕遗漏重要数据”。B选项符合题意。11. 单选题You cannot imagine how I feel( )with my duties sometimes.问题1选项A.overflowedB.overthrownC.overwhelmedD.overturned【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项overflow“溢出;挤满”;B选项overthrow“推翻;瓦解;背弃”;C选项overwhelm“淹没;压倒;受打击”;D选项overturn“推翻;倾覆”。句意:你无法想象有时我被工作的感受。此处必然是强调工作内容过多的感受,overwhelm可表示“被工作淹没”,但一般与by搭配,可排除。只剩下A选项overflow with duties,表示“满载重负”。12. 单选题It is no secret among athletes that in order to improve performance youve got to work hard. However, hard training breaks you down and makes you weaker. It is rest that makes you stronger. Improvement only occurs during the rest period following hard training. This adaptation is accomplished by improving efficiency of the heart and certain systems within the muscle cells. During recovery periods these systems build to greater levels to compensate for the stress that you have applied. The result is that you are now at a higher level of performance.If sufficient rest is not included in a training program, imbalance between excess training and inadequate rest will occur, and performance will decline. The “overtraining syndrome(综合症) is the name given to the collection of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms due to overtraining that has persisted for weeks to months. It is marked by cumulative exhaustion that persists even after recovery periods.The most common symptom is fatigue. This may limit workouts and may be present at rest. The athlete may also become moody, easily imitated, have altered sleep patterns, become depressed, or lose the competitive desire and enthusiasm for the sport. Some will report decreased appetite and weight loss. Physical symptoms include persistent muscular soreness, increased frequency of viral (病毒性的)illnesses, and increased incidence of injuries.The treatment for the overtraining syndrome is rest. The longer the overtraining has occurred, the more rest required. Therefore, early detection is very important, If the overtraining has only occurred for a short period of time (e.g. 3-4 weeks) then interrupting training for 3-5 days is usually sufficient rest. It is important that the factors that lead to overtraining be identified and corrected. Otherwise, the overtraining syndrome is likely to recur. The overtraining syndrome should be considered in any athlete who manifests symptoms of prolonged fatigue and whose performance has leveled off or decreased. It is important to exclude any underlying illness that may be responsible for the fatigue.1.The first paragraph of the passage tells us that( ).2.By “overtraining” the author means( ).3.What does the passage tell us about the “overtraining” syndrome?4.What does the phrase “level off (Line 7, Para, 4) most probably mean?5.The author advises at the end of the passage that( ).问题1选项A.the harder an athlete trains, the better his performance will beB.rest after vigorous training improves and athletes performanceC.strict systematic training is essential to an athletes top performanceD.improvement of an athletes performance occurs in the course of training问题2选项A.a series of physical symptoms that occur after trainingB.undue emphasis on the importance of physical exertionC.training that is not adequately compensated for by restD.training that has exceeded an athletes emotional limits问题3选项A.It occurs when athletes lose interest in sports.B.It appears right after a hard training session.C.The fatigue it results in is unavoidable in the athletes training process.D.It manifests itself in fatigue which lingers even after a recovery period.问题4选项A.Slow down.B.Become dull.C.Stop improving.D.Be on the decline.问题5选项A.overtraining syndrome should be treated as a serious illnessB.overtraining syndrome should be prevented before it occursC.an athlete with overtraining syndrome should take a lengthy restD.illness causing fatigue should not be mistaken for overtraining syndrome【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。这类题需要找段落中心句。第一段中心句出现在转折词however之后“However, hard training breaks you down and makes you weaker. It is rest that makes you stronger. Improvement only occurs during the rest period following hard training. 然而,艰苦的训练会让你崩溃,让你更虚弱。是休息使你更强壮。只有在艰苦训练之后的休息期间才会有进步。”浏览四个选项可知B选项中出现了关键词rest“剧烈训练后的休息能提高运动员的成绩”,因此B选项符合文意。2.语义推断题。由关键词定位到文章第二段“If sufficient rest is not included in a training program, imbalance between excess training and inadequate rest will occur, and performance will decline.如果在训练计划中没有充分的休息,就会出现过度训练和休息不足之间的不平衡,从而导致成绩下降。”紧跟着下一句就提到“the overtraining syndrome”,可知过度训练和休息不足就会产生“过度训练综合征”,这个症状就是休息不足所造成的,因此C选项“休息不能充分补偿的训练”符合题意。3.判断推理题。文章对于“the overtraining syndrome”的描述出现在第二段与第三段中。由上题可知,它发生在过度训练和休息不足之状态失衡时,因此A选项“它发生在运动员对运动失去兴趣的时候”和B选项“它出现在一次艰苦的训练之后。”排除;C选项“运动员在训练过程中产生的疲劳是不可避免的”在文章中并未正面提及。4.语义推断题。本句句意:过度训练综合症可能出现在任何表现出长期疲劳症状的运动员身上,也可能是在表现已经或下降的运动员身上。因为过度训练,可能造成运动员状态不佳,很难出现冒尖的运动表现,只可能下降decrease或表现平平,由此推测level off就表示“趋平”。C选项“停止进步”符合文意。5.观点态度题。A选项“过度训练综合症应该被视为一种严重的疾病”未在最后一段中体现,提到其治疗方法就是“rest”,可知也不应视为严重的疾病;B选项“过度训练综合症应该在发生之前预防”不符合段意,本段未提及预防的问题;C选项“患有过度训练综合症的运动员应该进行长时间的休息”不符合文意,文章讲到的是需要“sufficient rest足够的休息”而不是“长时间休息”。D选项“引起疲劳的疾病不应被误认为是过度训练综合症”,符合最后一句中“要排除可能造成疲劳的疾病存在的可能”,不要把所有的疲劳都归于“过度训练综合征”。13. 单选题It was a foolish question to ask. It(1)more sense for me to have learned if she had(2) or a point of view, but it was(3) for that now and I supposed that the(4) Relation Office had(5) her before granting the interview. I didnt have time to read(6) pieces about corporate rainmakers and their golden parachutes or women at a midtown law firm(7) six times my salary but whining about breaking the(8) ,ceiling.“Wont waste your time,” she (9). “ if the details on your(10) are accurate and the articles Laura(11) me have correct background, we wont have to(12)that.” I(13) . in approval. She was obviously a(14) , and an intelligent one(15) . It was always(16) to sit for a(17) when the questioner spent the first hour asking what schools I had(18) , how long(19) ,and whether I liked my job. “Is it all right (20)you if we start with some information about the Sex Crimes Prosecution Unit?”“Id like that, I replied.


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