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深圳市福田区2018年中考模拟英语试卷一、词汇题1(1分)Its very strange that she didnt reply to our letter()AanswerBgive outChear from2(1分)Moyans new novel will be published next month()Acome outBput outCrun out3(1分)Please give me a hand to hang up this picture()Agive me your handBhelp meClet me down4(1分)Ones success depends on his hard work and wisdom()Ais filled withBis used asCis decided by5(1分)We use water power in place of coal power in making electricity()Ainstead ofBinsteadCexcept for6(1分)I like reading very much and there are plenty of books on my bookshelf()Aa great number ofBa large amount ofCa few7(1分)The young man is very rude and often loses his temper()Agets annoyedBfeels lonelyCfeels cheerful8(1分)In Shenzhen, the city center will be connected to all the districts by metro soon()Aclosed toBjoined toCadded to9(1分)A_is a plan that lies all the work that someone has to do and when he or she must do it()AprogressBintroductionCschedule10(1分)An_means a picture, a set of words, or a film that is used to advertise a product or service()AadvertisementBachievementCexperiment11(1分)Look at the sign No Smoking Sorry, Ill_my cigarette(香烟)at once()Aput upBput outCput on12(1分)When the weather turns cold in the autumn, what will_?Leaves will turn brown and fall off the trees()Atake placeBtake upCtake off13(1分) the green house effect, the Earths temperature is increasing People are taking actions to stop it()AAs a result ofBTo a certain degree ofCIn the shape of14(1分)Mr Lee, can you tell me your opinion on my speech?Its awesome and_()AI was in the presentBIt cant be betterCIt cant be worse15(1分)He is a man full of_I agree with you People never feel_when staying with him()Asurprise; ashamedBhumour; embarrassedChappiness; excited二、完形填空16(10分)Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came out She pointed to something and asked Mike what it was Mike felt very (1) , but he told her it was a sparrow and got back to reading Several minutes later, his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same question again Mike got a little angry but (2) answered her question After a little while, his mother did the same thing once more This time Mike could not (3) his temper He shouted at her for asking him the same thing again and again The old lady silently (4) and old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Mike Though he was a little (5) , Mike began to read it Today, I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike ponied to a bird on the (6) and asked me what it was I(7) at him, said it was a sparrow and kissed him After a while, Mike asked me what it was again, I (8) answering his question and kissing him every time Something gently (9) Mikes heart His face turned red with (10) for being so impatient with his mother, and he hugged her tight Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, but you may not realize that they are gone(1)AangryBlonelyCsurprised(2)AstillBalwaysCalready(3)AshowBcontrolCdiscover(4)Aset outBput outCdrew out(5)AawkwardBimpatientCjoyful(6)AgrassBsquareCplayground(7)AlaughedBshoutedCsmiled(8)AcontinuedBstoppedCtried(9)AtouchedBhitCcaptured(10)AinterestBhappinessCshame三、阅读理解www.z#%z&st*17(8分)A recent survey of 2,005people by the China Youth Daily showed that 93.8% of the people joined the family WeChat group Some people think that family groups can improve the relationship among family members, but others disagree about it Would you like to join the family WeChat group? YesXing Yuxi, 12, ChongqingId like to have a family group on WeChat Its important to have a good relationship with our Wfamily members In the group, we often share photos, talk about our work, school, or even entertainment freely It is nice to communicate with people who know me wellWang Wenyi,12, GuangdongWeChat family groups can help us do lots of things For example, if you have a big announcement to make to your family, you can just send a message to the group instead of telling each member separately It can save much time NoMa Jingwen, 14, SichuanI used to be in my familys WeChat group, but I dont think it is useful Every morning, my family members all send the same emoji, which says good morning, my friends the emoji look really oldfashioned Theyre annoying to me On weekends, they share many pictures while I m trying to study My phone keeps ringing, which really distracts(使分神)meHong Weicheng, 12, GuangdongMany people share their photos, addresses, and other private information in their WeChat family groups, which is not safe Also, the long texts an continuous voice messages are annoying to me My family members often talk about things that has nothing to do with me and checking the messages causes me to spend more time on my phone It is bad for my eyes(1)The survey is about AIf its good to join the family WeChat groupBIf we should improve the relationship between family membersCHow to make an announcement in the family WeChat groupDHow to protect our private information(2)Xing Yuxi thinks joining a family WeChat group can ASave much timeBImprove the relationship among family memberCProtect herDSend a message to the group separately(3)The family WeChat group distracts Ma Jingwen because AThe emoji are out of dateBPeople send private information in itCHis phone keeps ringingDHe checks the messages all the time(4)What does the underlined words has nothing to do with me mean? AAre bored withBArent fresh toCArent interested inDArent related to18(8分)When it comes to Spider Man, its easy to forget that behind this brave superhero is Peter Parker, a normal teenager He actually has to do his homework after saving the world In the latest movie Spider Man: Homecoming, which came out in the Chinese mainland on Sept.8th, Parker returned as a nervous high school student He is not sure of himself, both in and out of schoolWhat makes this movie special is that the Spider Man often fails this time Having this young hero fail so often is a bit of a gamble After all, were used to seeing superheroes succeed But here, the young Spider Man experiences more failure than success He crashes into building and trees as many times as he beats bad guys Although he makes mistakes, Parker is always ready to save the world We can see it in the movies fight scenes The movies bad guy is a flying criminal(犯罪分子)known as Vulture He is dangerous Still, Parker beats him at last At the same time, he has to deal with problems in his personal life at high school In school hes not a hero, but a nerd(书呆子) sometimes, other boys make fun of him, even though he could easily throw then across the football field if he wanted to But he doesnt all these real situations make the movie more like a real students life(1)Why does the Spider Man do his homework in this latest movie? ABecause he is willing to save the worldBBecause he is a normal high school studentCBecause he is nervous about his school lifeDBecause he is not confident(2)What is special in the movie Spider Man: Homecoming? AThe Spider Man never failsBThe Spider Man goes into buildingsCThe Spider Man has a fight with bad guysDThe Spider Man often fails(3)Which of the following is TRUE? AThe Spider Man is not smartBThe Spider Man is afraid of VultureCVulture is beaten by the Spider ManDThe Spider Man fools his classmates(4)where can we see this passage? AIn a newspaperBIn a science magazineCIn a movie theaterDIn a storybook19(8分)If you were in Xian in Shangxi on April 18, you might feel like you were back in ancient China There were catwalk shows and traditional music concerts held by people wearing traditional Chinese clothing, or Hanfu that day Hanfu fans from across the country gathered there to take pictures and post them online for a Hanfu photo contest on the Internet which lasted until MAY 18 People were doing these to celebrate new national holidaythe firstever China Hanfu Day The day is organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League(CCCYL) in cooperation with the video site wwwbilibilicom it aims to encourage young Chinese to be proud of traditional clothing, as well as Chinese culture According to CCCYL, Hanfu includes the traditional clothing of all ethnic groups in China Among them, Hanfu, the traditional clothing of the Hanfu ethnic group, has the most fans and has seen a revival in recent years It is hard to count the number of people who wear Hanfu today But Hanfu clubs have appeared in almost every major university and city China is becoming a leading power in the world, and the Chinese public feels more confident about its traditional culture Chen Chuyu, leader of a Beijingbased Hanfu Institution, told Peoples Daily Online Wearing traditional clothing might be an interesting way of showing fashion(1)You cant see on the firstever China Hanfu DayACatwalk showsBTraditional music concertsCPeople wearing HanfuDA Hanfu photo contest(2)The CCCYL organized China Hanfu Day is to AEncourage young Chinese to take pride in China traditional cultureBEncourage young Chinese to take pictures and post them onlineCEncourage young Chinese to watch the video site wwwbilibilicomDEarn money for the video site wwwbilibilicom(3)We can learn from the passage that AThe firstever China Hanfu Day lasted until May 18BHanfu is the traditional clothing of the Man ethnic groupCHanfu has come back to fashion in recent yearsDChinese traditional culture is leading power in the world(4)What is the best title of this passage? ACCCYL organized China Hanfu DayBHanfu has the most fansCBe confident about our traditional cultureDHanfu is becoming fashionable20(8分)Around this time a few years ago, it was common to see videos of friends on social media having a bucket(桶) of icy water thrown on them Known as the Ice Bucket Challenge, it was created as a way to raise money for the medical condition ALS But now, theres a new challenge and this time, no water is involved What it it? Well, think of a fruit that you had never normally sank(浸透)your teeth into Perhaps youre guessed itLemon Face Challenge Although the taste of the lemons is terrible, the Lemon Face Challenge is popular with people Participants bite into a lemon, taking a photo when they do it before posting the photo online The fun is all about the expressions people make as all that citric acid(柠檬酸)hits their tongue Every expression seems to say, This is worse than freezing water It was started by Aubreigh Nicholas, an 11yearold US kid She was diagnosed诊断 with this unusual brain cancer herself in September 2017, but has raised almost ¥50,000(315,000yuan) to cover her medical fee because of the challenge Obviously, if a challenge is going to raise awareness from people, it has to be something interesting and original And it needs to be something that many people can take part inWith the development of the social media, we can do many things through the Internet Although there are a lot of stories about the disadvantages of social media these days, the charity challenges show online culture can bring help to the people who most need it(1)Why does the writer mention the Ice Bucket Challenge in the 1st paragraph? ATo lead in the topicBTo introduce this fun activelyCTo discuss if it is funDTo raise money for sick people(2)the Lemon Face Challenge attract so many people because APeople like taking photosBThe taste of lemon is terribleCThe expression people make is funnyDPeople like citric acid(3)The Lemon Face Challenge was stared by Aubreigh Nicholas to AHelp her go to schoolBHelp her cure her illnessCRaise money for her medical feeDRaise money to hold this activity(4)What is the best title of this passage? AIce Bucket Challenge is popular worldwideBTake the Lemon Face Challenge for charityCThe taste of lemons is terribleDSocial media is helpful for charity21(8分)In Beijing, I dont need to go to a restaurant to find something great to eat Delicious street food is everywhere! One of the most popular Chinese street foods is Jianbing, a fried pancake I tried this snack on my very first night in Beijing I watched it being cooked by a man on the street He covered it with a brown paste酱 and vegetables I had no idea what he was putting on it, but it looked tasty Once it was ready, I took my first bite Each crunchy脆的 mouthful gave me the feeling of tacos墨西哥卷饼 But I had to tell myself that I was in China, not Mexico This fried pancake was cheap, simple, and tasted amazing This is perhaps the reason why Jianbing is becoming a popular snack in the West Take the United States for example Earlier this year, The New Year Times published a story saying how Jianbing used to be made only by Chinese immigrates移民 in New York But now, lots of new businesses are showing up that sell this famous Chinese snack Mr Bing is one of them American Brian Goldberg, the owner of Mr Bing, started his Jianbing business in 2012 in January this year, he opened a shop in a food court in central New York Goldberg said that people like food that is fresh and made right in front of them And in the UK, two ChineseAmerican twins, Oliver and Melissa Fu, started a Jianbing business of their own They even made a website where they introduce Jianbing in detail Jianbing is cool and popular in the West In New York, for example, Jingbing can cost as much as ¥15(99yuan) so next time when you enjoy Jianbing on your way to school, just remember youre eating the coolest snack in New York and London(1)Why is Jianbing popularin the west? ABecause it is crunchy and tastes like tacosBBecause it looks tastyCBecause it is cheap and tastes amazingDBecause it is a Beijing snack(2)Mr Bing is AA ChineseBA fried pancakeCAn EnglishmanDA company that sells Jingbing(3)What is the purpose of the example in the 4th paragraph? ATo show Jianbing is cool and popular in the WestBTo show Jianbing is expensiveCTo show Jianbing is expensiveDTo show the website made by Oliver and Melissa Fu is popular(4)Which is the best title for the passage? ADelicious street food in BeijingBA traditional Chinese snackCJianbing travels to the WestDHow to make Jianbing四、语法填空22(10分)Selfie sticks自拍杆have become popular in recent years People with cameras on the mobile phones use them to take photos of (1) (they) it seems that everyone is taking selfies to put photos on , Twitter and WeChat However, many people are getting angry(2) selfie sticks, especially at those places of internet At Disney Land, one passenger shut the ride down when he used a selfie stick on a rollercoaster Many visitors complained about it From December 1st, people wont(3) (allow) to use selfie sticks in Disney theme parks around the world Universal Studios环球影城is also one of the(4) (company) to do so A Disney spokeswoman explained(5) they decided to ban禁止selfie sticks, We hope to provide a wonderful experience(6) visitors (7) (lucky), selfie sticks have(8) (become) a growing safety concern(担心) for both our guests and workers The PC World magazine had(9) answer to this problem It wrote, Maybe you should use the selfie sticks(10) were all born withyour arms五、书面表达23(15分)2018年5月14日,四川航空公司的3U8633航班计划飞往拉萨Lhasa,但是在飞行途中,飞机驾驶座某一玻璃破碎,所有的乘客和机组人员(the crew of Flight 3U8633)处于危险中幸运的是刘传建机长及时采取行动,所有人安全降落,这是一个奇迹加入你是这次时间中的一名乘客Li Hua, 请你根据以下要点给刘机长写一封感谢信,感谢他的英雄事迹要点:(1)在飞行途中,突然飞机晃动厉害,氧气罩掉下来(2)我们感到害怕,机组人员安慰和鼓励我们要坚强(3)对机长经验丰富,能够及时采取行动,并保持冷静,拯救了所有人的生命(4)我们已经脱离危险,和家人团聚(5)希望受伤的机组人员可以早日康复参考词汇氧气罩oxygen mask 安慰comfort 康复recoverDear Captain Liu,Im one of your passengers who planned to travel to Lhasa, Li Hua I want to thank you for saving our lives when we met difficulties in the air参考答案一、词汇题1A【分析】她没有回复我们的信,真是奇怪【解答】分析句子,意思是她没有回复我们的信,真是奇怪这里reply to意思是回复,答复,相当于answerB分发,C收到来信故选:A【点评】本题考查reply to的含义,这里to是介词,意思是回答,相当于answer2A【分析】莫言的新小说将于下月出版【解答】A出版,出来,B扑灭,C用完;根据句意莫言的新小说将于下月出版可知,be published的意思是出版,和come out的意思相同,其它选项语意不通故选:A【点评】考查动词短语,要牢记动词短语的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案3B【分析】请帮助我挂上这张照片【解答】A执子之手,B帮助我,C令我失望;根据句意请帮助我挂上这张照片可知,give me a hand的意思是帮助我,和help me的意思相近,其它选项语意不通故选:B【点评】考查动词短语,要牢记动词短语的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案4C【分析】一个人的成功取决于他的努力和智慧【解答】A充满,B被用作,C是由决定;根据句意一个人的成功取决于他的努力和智慧可知,depends on的意思是取决于,和is decided by的意思相近,其它选项语意不通故选:C【点评】考查动词短语,要牢记动词短语的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案5A【分析】我们用水力代替煤电来发电【解答】根据We use water power in place of coal power in making electricity可知我们用水力代替煤电来发电这里in place of表示代替,coal power 是名词,作of的宾语,这里用instead of代替故选:A【点评】结合上下文,分析语境,根据短语意思得出答案6A【分析】我很喜欢读书,在我的书橱上有很多书【解答】a great number of许多,后面直接加复数可数名词; a large amount of 大量的,修饰不可数名词;a few有点儿根据plenty of books ,因此可知a great number of与plenty of 的意思相近因此可知这句话的意思是我很喜欢读书,在我的书橱上有很多书故选:A【点评】首先要掌握这几个短语的意思以及这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案7A【分析】这个年轻人很粗鲁,经常发脾气【解答】选项A:生气的,选项B:感到孤独的,选项C:心情愉快的,结合句意:这个年轻人很粗鲁,经常发脾气故选:A【点评】本题考查的是动词的固定搭配,理解句意并熟记固定用法是解答本题的关键8B【分析】在深圳,很快城市中心将通过地铁连接到所有地区【解答】选项A:离近,选项B:连接到,选项C:增加,结合句意:在深圳,很快城市中心将通过地铁连接到所有地区故选:B【点评】本题考查的是动词的固定搭配,理解句意并熟记固定用法是解答本题的关键9C【分析】进度表就是一个计划,列出了一个人必须要做的所有的工作或者他或她必须要做的【解答】progress进步;introduction介绍;schedule进度表根据a plan that lies all the work that someone has to do and when he or she must do it因此可知这句话的意思是进度表就是一个计划,列出了一个人必须要做的所有的工作或者他或她必须要做的故选:C【点评】首先要掌握这几个词的意思以及这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案10A【分析】广告指的是一幅图片,一套文字,或者一种用来宣传产品或服务的电影【解答】考查名词词义辨析Aadvertisement广告;Bachievement成绩;Cexperiment经验根据that is used to advertise a product or service可知告指的是一幅图片,一套文字,或者一种用来宣传产品或服务的电影故选:A【点评】理解三个选项的含义,根据that is used to advertise a product or service结合选项作答11B【分析】看禁止吸烟标志对不起,我立刻就熄灭香烟【解答】put up的意思是张贴;put out的意思是熄灭;put on的意思是穿上根据Look at the sign No Smoking因此可知这句话的意思是看禁止吸烟标志对不起,我立刻就熄灭香烟故选:B【点评】首先要掌握这几个短语的意思以及这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案12A【分析】当秋天天气变冷的时候,会发生什么?叶子会变黄,会从树上落下来【解答】take place的意思是发生;take up的意思是占据; take off 的意思是起飞根据Leaves will turn brown and fall off the trees因此可知这句话的意思是当秋天天气变冷的时候,会发生什么?叶子会变黄,会从树上落下来故选:A【点评】首先要掌握这几个短语的意思以及这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案13A【分析】由于温室效应的影响,地球的温度正在上升人们正在采取行动阻止它【解答】考查介词短语AAs a result of由于;BTo a certain degree of 在一定程度上;CIn the shape of以形式根据题干the Earths temperature is increasing可知应说由于温室效应的影响,地球的温度正在上升故选:A【点评】理解各个选项的含义,根据上下文的语境进行作答14B【分析】李先生,你能告诉我你对我演讲的看法吗?它是令人惊叹的,不能更好了【解答】考查情境对话A我当时在场B不能更好了C没法更糟糕了结合语境李先生,你能告诉我你对我演讲的看法吗?它是令人惊叹的,_可知,应该是不能更好了故选:B【点评】考查情境对话,在日常学习中要从实际情景交际中多练习,掌握一些习惯用语结合语境,分析选项,选择正确的回答,完成练习15B【分析】他是一个充满幽默感的人我同意你的看法和他在一起时,人们从不感到尴尬【解答】考查形容词A惊讶 ,羞耻的B幽默,尴尬的C幸福,兴奋的结合语境他是一个充满_的人我同意你的看法和他在一起时,人们从不感到_可知,应该是充满幽默的人,不会感到尴尬故选:B【点评】此题知识点是考查名词和形容词辨析分析形容词和名词词意,结合语境,选择合适的搭配完成试题二、完形填空16 1 C考查形容词辨析angry生气的; lonely孤独的; surprised令人惊讶的根据短文but he told her it was a sparrow and got back to reading但告诉她是一只麻雀然后继续读书,可知 母亲问这样的问题令迈克感到奇怪


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