
上传人:xgs****56 文档编号:9982651 上传时间:2020-04-09 格式:DOC 页数:5 大小:16.42KB
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音标对应的单词 1 i me she he please teacher 2 i it big six sixty city 3 sir girl skirt work world 4 possible china again breakfast quiet 5 o bought thought wall ball talk 6 o not hot shop hotter shopkeeper 7 u school through boot food room 8 u bedroom classroom good look do 9 a are half class car far 10 cut son love come sun 11 apple bag map man has 12 e pen desk head bread guess 13 ai night right kind child by 14 ei cake take same play way 15 i boy noisy noisier noise noisest 16 i ear here beer museum dear 17 e care air chair airport careful 18 u poor 19 u no home hello slow show 20 au loudly house now down how 21 p shop top hope stop post 音标对应的单词 22 b bag black bed beside 23 t talk tought top tough stopped 24 d do did dog read used 25 k call card uncle stomach cold 26 g dog give gate get gold 27 f frog fox four food floor 28 v five river voice move receive 29 s nice city twice guess answer 30 z bags this apples rivers zoo 31 t it wanted watched stopped teach 32 d need answered read used do 33 she machine moustache shop shopper 34 measure pleasure 35 ts eats students sits minutes shirts 36 dz friends stands hands heads records 37 tr tree try trace 痕迹 tracer 追踪者 train 38 dr drive drink July dream drag drama 39 t China change child children watch 40 d dr 41 m move mother moment mountain milk 42 n answer not line student want 43 think uncle English wrong long 44 h hat help hard hope hot 音标对应的单词 45 r rice room right river reduce 46 l low lot less lose loss 47 w what which when why where 48 j yes use usage usually you 元音音素 i he she me bee key fee see deep jeep leave meet i bill big bit sit hit kit kiss dig dislike give pit e echo bet beg bell desk get let met net pet apple bad bag bat cat dash fat fan gap hat lantern bird burger cur her fur dirty earth girl jerk curl purse first rubber ruler breakfast dollar daughter mother father better doctor loser bus but bug bubble basket cut dump mother son sun a bar basket bar barbecue car dark far father pass salon boss god cock cocktail doll dollar dolphin doctor dog got ball football basketball baseball board sport call door daughter law u book cook full good goodbye could hook look put wood u cool school ruler do fool food goose whose who loose ei base bake cake case date fake face fame gate game 音标对应的单词 ai I Hi my by Mike bike like fly sky try i boy noise joy soy toy voice coin join boil soil u go no boat coat note show oh so hope joke au how now shout doubt mouse mouth cow wow count found i ear here tear dear bear fear gear near clear steer there hair bear dare fare fair care pear pair stair u sure cure durable furious Jura jewel jewelry tourist lure mure 辅音音素 p put purse pass piece pipe pay play pingpong police polite push b bag bad bake bare bear bus but bird t it hit meet take d dig did do duck k cook could school make g guess get engage gap hug bug f fur flower fly fool wolf soft v love glove dove village vollyball voice veichel vocation s school sit see s z zip zero zebra nose bees keys birds hers his theirs yours there this that those the then than them they mother think thin thick thirsty three third thirty birth earth thank she shirt shoe dash mushroom show shake shadow shame shaft pleasure leisure 音标对应的单词 h hope hole how who whose hat r red read ruler rubber rat race t chose chair chain ch d huge large japan january june july j tr tree trousers tr dr dress address dr ts hats cats fats ts dz birds ds m money mother monkey mouth mouse m n nose note no noise n hang gang bang English king thing ng l like loud low ball l l w we will want what why w j yes yesterday yeah yammy young you your


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