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1 江西省吉安市第八中学 九年级英语上学期入学考试试题 一 单项填空 15 分 1 Will your mother you if you the English exam Yes she will A be angry to won t pass B be angry to don t pass C be angry with don t pass D be angry with won t pass 2 It s ten o clock now I must go It s raining outside Don t leave it stops A when B since C until D while 3 Isn t Nick Black back yet No he isn t He in a week A will return B has returned C returns D returned 4 Would you mind me the pet while I m away No not at all A helping feeding B helping feed C to help to feed D help to feed 5 Have they ever been to Canada Peter No They have been there A yet B already C still D never 6 Where s Jim I have something unusual to tell him You find him He London A may not has gone to B may not has been to C can not has gone to D can not has been to 7 Do you mind if I sit here It s for Mr Brown A Not at all B Never mind C Better not D Of course not 8 Can you stay here longer but I have to be back tomorrow A No problem B I m afraid not C I d love to D No thank you 9 We here for nearly ten years When you here In 2000 A have been did come B came did come C have been do come D came have been 10 This dress was last year s style I think it will look even though it has gone out this year A well B clean C perfect D badly 11 Do you think it will rain tomorrow It hasn t rained for a long time The weather is too dry A I hope not B I m afraid so C I hope so D I think not 12 It s time dinner Why see the table 2 A have you not B to have not C for don t D having don t 13 I ve to stay at home to look after my mother She was ill I hope she ll be all night soon A It s nothing B I m sorry to hear that C So she is D Nothing serious 14 Lucy didn t come to school this morning did she She was ill in bed A No she did B Yes she did C No she didn t D Yes she didn t 15 Would you like me to call a taxi for you but my driver is coming to meet me here Thank you just the same A Please do B No I needn t C I think so D It s very kind of you 二 完形填空 25 分 A 先阅读短文 掌握其大意 然后从各小题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选处可填入相 应空白处的最佳答案 15 分 How much do you know about manners 礼仪 Different countries have 16 manners In 17 Asian countries it is good manners to take off your 18 before you go into a house 19 in European 欧洲 countries even if they sometimes become very dirty this is not done If you are a 20 in a Chinese house when you have a meal you usually do not 21 the food You often leave a little to 22 that you have had enough But in England a visitor always finishes food to show that he has 23 it We must know the customs 风俗 of other 24 so that they will not think 25 bad mannered People all over the world 26 that a well mannered person should be kind and 27 to others If you 28 this at least you will not go very far wrong 29 likes a person with good manners but no one likes a person with bad manners 30 your manners 16 A same B different C some D interesting 17 A some B any C other D few 18 A bags B shoes C coats D hats 19 A And B So C But D Or 20 A stranger B traveller C visitor D foreigner 21 A need B finish C choose D have 22 A say B see C understand D show 23 A finished B enjoyed C taken D drunk 24 A countries B villages C cities D places 25 A them B me C us D him 26 A find B know C guess D agree 27 A careful B helpful C hardworking D healthy 28 A forget B remember C learn D study 29 A Somebody B Anybody C Nobody D Everybody 3 30 A Take B Make C Mind D Keep B 先阅读短文 掌握其大意 然后从方框中所给的词中选出最恰当的 10个 并用其适当 形式填空 每个词只限用一次 10 分 they excited win from happen fast Japan watch when are All over the world sports fans cheer when they watch their favorite players on TV More and more people like 31 various sports games such as the Olympics and the World Cup Fans 32 180 countries watch soccer the most popular sport in the world In Italy everything stops 33 their soccer team is on TV The same thing 34 in Brazil and other countries When their team scores a goal 进球 the shouts of the fans fill the streets Likewise 同样的 basketball fans are 35 when their favorite team wins a match In Asia the number of TV basketball fans is growing 36 than in any other place People in China 37 and South Korea are now big NBA basketball fans TV sports fans watch all kinds of sports from ice skating to tennis from high jump to volleyball For them sports 38 entertainment 娱乐 Sports bring excitement to 39 lives When their team wins the fans feel like 40 too 三 阅读理解 40 分 A 阅读下列短文 根据短文内容从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳答案 一 Big Ben is not the name of a man It is the name of a huge clock in London London is the capital of England This clock has four faces So no matter where you stand you can read the time on the face of Big Ben Each face is the size of a double decker 层 bus The hands are about four metres long It is about the size of two people standing on top of each other If you go to London you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament 国会大厦 There you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament Maybe you will hear it as well as see it The huge clock makes such a loud noise Ding dong ding dong it goes every quarter of an hour The clock was named after a big man He was Sir Benjamin Hall This man did much building work in London many years ago 41 Big Ben is A a double decker bus B a huge clock C the name of Ben D a building 42 The clock strikes every of an hour 4 A ten minutes B fifteen minutes C thirty minutes D forty five minutes 43 You can read the time of Big Ben A at the top of the clock tower B in the Houses of parliament C on the hands of the huge clock D on the four faces of the clock 二 Dream may be more important than sleep We all need to dream Some scientists say Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time People have several dreams each night Dreams are like short films and they are usually in color Some dreams are like old films They come to us over and over again That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer Some people get new ideas about their work from a dream but often we can t remember our dreams Dreams can go quickly from the memory Too much dreaming can be harmful 有害的 The more we sleep the longer we dream The mind is hard at work we dream That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired 根据短文内容 选择最佳答案 44 Dreams are like films and usually A very long B in color C about work D very sad 45 Why do some people dream about their work A Because they are tired in the daytime B Because they are not interested in their work C Because they may think about their work all day D Because they have too much work to do 46 Which of the following is NOT true A Dream may be helpful to people sometimes B Too much dreaming may be bad for health C People always remember their dreams clearly D People sometimes wake up tired if they have a lot of dreams while sleeping 47 The story mainly tells us A what a dream is B people like to sleep C dreams are like films D we always remember sleeping 三 From the world s heaviest apple the oldest lady to the world s smallest dog these are all part of a group of the world s strangest people and things And they are all in the Guinness Book of Records 吉尼斯纪录 The book is going to celebrate its birthday this August It began exactly half a century ago And it s always one of the best selling books in the world People now can break over 1 000 records every week Why do so many people want to break the records Do they want their names in the book or meet more 5 people around the world It gives people a chance to show they re the best in the world said one of the record keepers Stewart Newport The book was started by Hugh Beaver from Britain In 1951 he went shooting birds and talked with his friends about the fastest bird in Europe Three years later they were still talking about it So Beaver believed that people must have different ideas So he decided to start a book to record the world s truly greatest people and things in it The newest book came out last Tuesday This book has a lot of interesting records Here are two A British dog Whitney is the world s smallest dog It s only 76mm tall An American woman Lee Redmond has the longest fingernails 指甲 They grew as long as 600mm She made the record in 1971 48 We can see everything in the Guinness Book of Records except the heaviest fruits and animals the smallest people and animals the strangest people and things very ordinary people and things 49 New Guinness Book of Records has been one of the best selling books for their names could be kept in the world records their names could be seen by the whole world they could meet more people all over the world they could be known as the greatest by the world 50 Which of the following is right according to the passage Newport started the Guinness Book of Records in Britain More than four thousand records are broken each month The Guinness Book of Records started in the year 1954 D he newest book of Guinness Book of Records 51 The writer of this passage wants to A tell us strangest records in the world B show us the beginning of the Guinness Book of Records C give us an introduction to the Guinness Book of Records D let us know the most interesting things in the world 四 I have never taken cooking classes I learned cooking from my mother because she was really interested in teaching me how to cook The main reason for this was because when my mother got married she didn t know how to cook anything not even an egg My grandmother never allowed her to stay in the kitchen when she was cooking My mother did not start to cook until she was 25 years old In the beginning it was very hard for her Therefore she had to take cooking classes to prepare our meals After having that experience she decided to teach me how to cook because she didn t want me to have the same experience 6 I remember I was seven years old and my mother was cooking I was with her in the kitchen enjoying cooking I always helped her Sometimes we prepared meals that my mother already knew how to make and sometimes we prepared them from recipes Nowadays I am really thankful for that experience because I don t need help to cook a meal I can cook for me alone or for a group of people it doesn t matter I will do the same with my children because I don t want them to have the same experience as my mother If one day I am with them I want to be sure that they can carry on their lives without me 52 The writer s mother learned cooking from the writer s grandmother all by herself by taking cooking class from cooking books 53 The writer s mother taught the writer how to cook because she wanted the writer to be more independent the writer was interested in cooking she thought it a must for a woman to learn she needed more help when she was cooking 54 We can learn from the passage that the writer s children will A hate cooking B learn cooking C teach cooking D forget cooking 55 The writer must think cooking is to learn in life A interesting B difficult C enjoyable D important B 根据短文内容 从下面方框中的七个选项中 选择五个还原到文章中 使短文意思通顺 结构完整 I like fishing with my parents at the weekend But my friends always ask me How can you sit with your parents for hours like that 56 I just smile Last Sunday I went fishing with my parents by a river They sat far away from me I threw some bait 饵 into the river and sat down to watch my float 浮子 Suddenly I saw it move 57 After an hour I still didn t catch a fish so I went to see my mom and dad I thought they might luckier than me 58 Let s fish together Dad said Maybe we ll be lucky later I got my things and sat down beside them We started to have a chat 59 We talked and laughed for the rest of the day Soon the sun started to set We didn t have any fish but we had a great day I knew my parents better On the way home I told mom that I wanted to have fish for dinner That s a good idea We can buy one at the market she said 60 At that moment I realized how much my parents loved me A I told them some interesting things that happened in school B When they ask me that question I never say a word 7 C We caught a big fish and had a good dinner that evening D We all looked at each other and laughed loudly E I pulled it out of the water but there was no fish on my line F Unluckily they didn t catch any either G I didn t understand what my parents had said so I went away 四 补全对话 5 分 A Excuse me Sir 61 B Go along the street then turn right at the second crossing The museum is on your right You can t miss it A 62 B It s about one kilometer A That s a long way B Well to get there faster you can take the No 33 bus A 63 B Only two A 64 B It s across from the street A In front of the cinema B Yes that s it There s a bus every five minutes A 65 B You re welcome 五 书面表达 15 分 假如你是 Brown 你校试行在课间播放音乐 你们班的同学对此进行了讨论 看法不一 大 多数同学赞同 而部分同学反对 请你根据表格中提供的信息 给你们校长写封信 介绍 大家的观点 同时谈谈自己的看法 要求 词数 80左右 短文的开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 参考词汇 study efficienly 学习效率 expected 预期的 be lost in 沉浸在 中 赞同者及原因 反对者及原因 音乐给人们带来快乐 使大脑得到放松 能提高下一节课的效率 1 课间时间太短 播放音乐达不到预期效 果 2 有时上课还沉浸在课间音乐中 对上课 有影响 8 附 参考答案 一 单项填空 CCABD CCBAC CBBCD 二 完形填空 BABCC BDBAC DBBDD to watch from when happens excited faster Japan are their winners 三 阅读理解 BBDBC CADDB CCABD BEFAD 四 补全对话 61 Can you tell me the way to the museum 62 How far is it from here 63 How many buses are there 64 Where s the bus stop 65 Thanks 五 书面表达 略


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