五年级英语下册 unit 4 he lives in a village (partb)课件 陕旅版.ppt

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五年级英语下册 unit 4 he lives in a village (partb)课件 陕旅版.ppt_第1页
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五年级英语下册 unit 4 he lives in a village (partb)课件 陕旅版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4Helivesinavillage girlbirthdayfirstskirt Let stry datecaketakemake snake lake TheyliveinavillageSummeriscoming Abirdlivesinavillagenearalake Ariverrunsby Thebirdissinginghappilyinatree Suddenly Thereisabignoise 很大噪音 Thebird Who Who Shefindsasnake itisrunningintheriver Thebird Whydoyoumakeabignoise Thesnake I mhungry Iwanttohavesomefood Thebird Therearesomepotatoesandtomatoes doyoulikethem Thesnake No Idon t Thebird Oh therearesomeeggsnearthehouse doyoulikethem Thesnake Yes Ido Wow Hownice En Yummy Yummy Thebirdsingshappilyagain Answerthesequestions please 可以在文中画出来 1 Isthevillagebeautiful 3 Whatdoesthesnakewanttohave Whatdoeshehaveatlast 最终 2 Whatisthebirddoinginatree TheyliveinavillageSummeriscoming Abirdlivesinavillagenearalake Ariverrunsby Thebirdissinginghappilyinatree Suddenly Thereisabignoise 很大噪音 Thebird Who Who Shefindsasnake itisrunningintheriver Thebird Whydoyoumakeabignoise Thesnake I mhungry Iwanttohavesomefood Thebird Therearesomepotatoesandtomatoes doyoulikethem Thesnake No Idon t Thebird Oh therearesomeeggsnearthehouse doyoulikethem Thesnake Yes Ido Wow Hownice En Yummy Yummy Thebirdsingshappilyagain Listenandanswer please 可以在文中画出相关句子来 1 Isthevillagebeautiful 2 Whatisthebirddoinginatree TheyliveinavillageSummeriscoming Abirdlivesinavillagenearalake Ariverrunsby Thebirdissinginghappilyinatree Suddenly Thereisabignoise 很大噪音 Thebird Who Who Shefindsasnake itisrunningintheriver Thebird Whydoyoumakeabignoise Thesnake I mhungry Iwanttohavesomefood Thebird Therearesomepotatoesandtomatoes doyoulikethem Thesnake No Idon t Thebird Oh therearesomeeggsnearthehouse doyoulikethem Thesnake Yes Ido Wow Hownice En Yummy Yummy Thebirdsingshappilyagain Answerthesequestions please 可以在文中画出相关句子来 1 Isthevillagebeautiful 3 Whatdoesthesnakewanttohave Whatdoeshehaveatlast 最终 2 Whatisthebirddoinginatree TheyliveinavillageSummeriscoming Abirdlivesinavillagenearalake Ariverrunsby Thebirdissinginghappilyinatree Suddenly Thereisabignoise 很大噪音 Thebird Who Who Shefindsasnake itisrunningintheriver Thebird Whydoyoumakeabignoise Thesnake I mhungry Iwanttohavesomefood Thebird Therearesomepotatoesandtomatoes doyoulikethem Thesnake No Idon t Thebird Oh therearesomeeggsnearthehouse doyoulikethem Thesnake Yes Ido Wow Hownice En Yummy Yummy Thebirdsingshappilyagain po to ta potato to ma to tomato potatoestomatoes TheyliveinavillageSummeriscoming Abirdlivesinavillagenearalake Theriverrunsby Thebirdissinginghappilyinatree Suddenly Thereisabignoise 很大噪音 Thebird Who Who Shefindsasnake itisrunningintheriver Thebird Whydoyoumakeabignoise Thesnake I mhungry Iwanttohavesomefood Thebird Therearesomepotatoesandtomatoes doyoulikethem Thesnake No Idon t Thebird Oh therearesomeeggsnearthehouse doyoulikethem Thesnake Yes Ido Wow Hownice En Yummy Yummy Thebirdsingshappilyagain let sreadandact Let splayagame 星级挑战 在故事中很多被遮盖的地方 看谁可以猜读出来 每一次都要从开始读到猜对对的那个位置 TheyliveinavillageSummeriscoming Abirdlivesinavillagenearalake Ariverrunsby Thebirdissinginghappilyinatree Suddenly Thereisabignoise 很大噪音 Thebird Who Who Shefindsasnake itisrunningintheriver Thebird Whydoyoumakeabignoise Thesnake I mhungry Iwanttohavesomefood Thebird Therearesomepotatoesandtomatoes doyoulikethem Thesnake No Idon t Thebird Oh therearesomeeggsnearthehouse doyoulikethem Thesnake Yes Ido Wow Hownice En Yummy Yummy Thebirdsingshappilyagain 星级挑战 Let sshare Let smakeourvillage 每个小组有一个资料袋 袋内装着关于 village 的图片 请发挥你的想象 一起合作在白纸上贴出一幅 OurVillage 的图画 并且在5分钟内 写出尽可能多的句子 然后共同分享 小组长注意要分工明确 确保有1个人书写 1个人分享 每个人都发言 Homework A 必做题 一 Read Let stalk atage27 Andanswerthesequestions 朗读27页上的 Let stalk 并且回答下面问题 1 HowaboutTourist svillage 2 Isthevillagenearthecity 3 Whatarethere 二 完成导学案中的2 Let scompleteB 选做题 结合本节课小组创编的图画和内容 发挥丰富的想象小组内尝试创编一个小故事 并且演一演 Let sreadandcomplete Thereisabeautifulv Summeriscoming Ablivesinavillagenearal Therrunsby Thebirdissinginghappilyinat Shefindsas itisrunningintheriver Thesnakewantstohavesomefood Therearesomepandt Butthesnakedoesn tlikethem Atlast hehassomeeggsnearthehouse


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