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九年级(上)册练习册里的重点句子Module One1. Thats news to me! 我一点儿都不知道!2. How far/long/deep/wide is it? 有多远/深/宽?3. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to see.我知道它就在那儿,但却什么也看不到。4. I looked carefully over them, but it was still too dark to see. 我从上面仔细看它们,但天仍然太黑,以至于什么也看不到。5. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of he canyon, they still wont reach the top.如果你把世界上最高的三座大楼放在谷底,它们仍然不能达到谷顶。Module Two1.Confucius works are still read by many people today, and we are still influenced by his thoughts.今天仍有很多人在读孔子的著作,我们也仍然受到他思想的影响。2. Hes a lovely and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures.他是一个活泼聪明的小男孩,并且经历了众多令人兴奋的惊险事情。3. Everyone is surprised to see him but theyre also pleased to see alive.每个人看到他都很惊讶,但是看到他活着他们也很高兴。4. The theme of the story is to do with children growing up and becoming more serious.故事的主题是关于孩子们的成长以及他们如何变得更加成熟。Module Three1. Dont let them get to you. 不要让他们影响你!2. What does stand for? 代表什么?3. What was the score? 分数是多少?4. You were defeated by你们被打败了。5. What sports do you like? 你喜欢什么运动?6. I think were so good that well be asked to play in the Olympic games. 我认为我们很棒,棒得可以被邀请参加奥运会呢。7. Liu Xiang will be advised by his coach on how to be a great sportsman, and by his manager on how to be a star. 刘翔的教练会建议他如何成为一个伟大的运动员,而他的经纪人则会建议他如何成为一个明星。8. No, Liu Xiang will go for more medals for China because he was trained for gold! 不,刘翔将要为中国夺取更多的金牌,因为他是为金牌而训练的!Module Four1. It doesnt matter. 没关系。2.Ill see to that. 我会负责的。3. Whats wrong with? .怎么?4. Is that clear? 明白(清楚)了吗?5. Here it is. 给你。6. But you must promise that it wont be lent to anyone. 但是你必须保证不借给任何人。7. Paper and printing have been used for ages. 纸和印刷术已经被使用多年了。8. It can be read on screen. 它可以在荧屏上被阅读。9. Can we imagine life without paper or print?我们可以想象一下没有纸和印刷术的生活吗?10. These machines are smaller and lighter than books so that they can be carried very easily. 这些机器比书小也比书轻,所以它们易于携带。Module Five1.come on 过来,快点! 2. Dont 不要3. You must/mustnt你不能,一定不能4. You arent allowed to不允许你 5. Whats the matter? 怎么了?6. Hurry up! 赶快! 7. Hang on a minute! 等一会儿!8. This way! 这边走。 9. No wonder it looks real. 怪不得看起来像真的。10. Its a great way to learn about science because you work things out and try out ideas 这是学习科学知识的好方法,因为你自己解决问题,然后尝试自己的想法。Module Six1. sth. cost sb. some time/money to do 某物花费某人(时间,钱)2. Its better to do sth. 做某事更好3. Nice idea! 好主意4. If we dont, the future is hopeless. 如果我们不这样做,未来就没有希望了。5. Lets ask Zhao Ming to write something. 让我们叫赵明写些东西。6. Do you sort the wastes before throw them away? 你在扔垃圾前给他们分类吗?7. Though we are young, we can still do something to help.虽然我们还年轻,我们可以做些有帮助的事。8. When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad. 当我们确实要买东西的时候,有可能的话尽量选择本地的产品,不要买太多舶来货。9. Find out what can be recycled in your neibourhood and take part in recycling programme.找出邻近地区可以回收些什么,然后参加回收活动。Module Seven1. What are you up? 你在做什么?2. Would you like a hand to find them? 需要我帮助你们找到它们吗?3. Its called它叫做4. Did you see any kangaroos or crocodiles?你看见袋鼠或者鳄鱼了吗?5. Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia. 我正在找你在澳大利亚拍的相片。6. By the way, can I borrow the camera again? 顺便问一下,我可以再借用你的照相机吗?7. I bet you do! 我打赌你借得到。8. What does Tony think of the photo?托尼认为这照片怎么样?9. Its fantastic!它真的太棒了!10. The Aborigines are the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times. 土著是很早时期就居住在澳大利亚的人。11.No worries, mate.朋友,不要担心!12. Dont worry about it. 别担心!13. Everyone else thought it was very funny that my camel kept lying down. 其他人都认为我的骆驼一直赖着不动很有趣。14. Its easy to get to by bus or train from the center of Sydney. 从悉尼市中心坐公共汽车或火车都很方便。15. Whats the name of that dangerous animal? 那种危险的动物叫什么名字?Module Eight1. Well, everyone wants to come to the school dance. 每个人都想来参加学校的舞会。2. You bet! 当然了!3. Hes the photographer who won the photo competition last time! 他就是赢了上次摄影比赛的摄影家。4. Its the band which gets everyone dancing. 就是这个让每个人都跳起来的乐队。5. Those drums are really loud! 这些鼓真是太吵了!6. Maybe Ill go upstairs. 我可能会上楼去。7. Ok, but look after your camera! 好的,但是看好你的照相机!8. How did you get on? 你进展如何?9. There was something wrong with出毛病了。10. Now Im in with a chance to win!现在我有机会赢了。11. You are kidding! 你在开玩笑吧!12. Congratulations to sb.(on sth.)! 祝贺某人!Module Nine1. I know what the ending will be. 我知道结句将会怎样的。2. The cartoons I like have lots of jokes. 我喜欢的动画片有许多笑话。3. This is one of those cartoons which make you laugh. 这是可以让你大笑的卡通之一。4. We need someone like Superman who can save Tony. 我们需要一个像超人那样的人来拯救托尼。5. Could you tell him Id like to have a word with him? 你可以告诉他我想和他讲句话吗?6. Ive got a camera which has got his name on it. 我捡到一台上面有他名字的相机。7. Shall I give it to him? 可以让我给他吗?8. If Tony tells his dad that hes lost the camera he borrowed, hell be in deep trouble. 如果托尼告诉了他爸爸把他借的相机弄丢了,那托尼就有大麻烦了。9. How can we let Tony know that weve got his dads camera? 我们怎样才能让托尼知道我们已经拿到了他爸爸的相机呢?Module Ten1. Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics. 我有一位朋友,他的哥哥正在备战奥运会。2. Whats up? 怎么啦?3. Dont talk to me about that! 别提了!4. Ive just bumped into 我刚刚正好遇到5. In the end, when Jamie persuaded them to try his cooking, they like it!最后,当说服他们去品尝他的厨艺时,他们和很喜欢。ModuleEleven1. How about? 怎么样?2. I dont believe it!我难以置信!3. There need to be需要有4. Its difficult to run管理很难5 What do you think of?你认为怎么样?ModuleTwelve1. I havent got anything我没有。2. Please give a warm welcome to do sb. 请热情欢迎3. Welcome to欢迎来到


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