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Part one general expressions 1 Good morning afternoon evening sir madam 早上好 下午 晚上好 好 先生 夫人 2 How do you do how do you do 您好 3 Hello or hi 您好 4 How is everything with you 您的 一切都好吗 5 How are you getting on or along these days 这几天过得怎么样 6 How are you Fine thank you and you 您的身体好吗 7 Glad nice to see you 见到您很高兴 8 Welcome to our hotel 欢迎到我们的酒店来 9 It s nice to meet you again Mr Johnson 再次见到您太好了 约 翰逊先生 10 Good bye or bye bye 再见 11 Good night 晚安 晚间告别用 12 Have a good rest 祝您休息好 13 See you later tomorrow 以后 明天 见 14 Hope to see you again soon 希望不久再见到您 15 Have a good time 祝您过得愉快 16 We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel 愿您在我们饭店过得愉快 17 Please don t leave anything behind 请不要遗忘你的东西 18 Mind or watch your step 请走好 19 We wish you a pleasant journey 祝您旅途愉快 20 Have a nice trip 一路平安 21 All the best 万事如意 22 Take care 多保重 23 Good luck 祝您好运 24 Thank you very much 谢谢您 非常感谢 25 Thanks a lot 多谢 26 Thank you for coming 谢谢您的光临 27 Thank you for staying in our hotel 感谢您在我们饭店下榻 28 I m very grateful to you 非常感谢您 29 It s very kind of you 谢谢 您真客气 30 You are most welcome 不用谢 不用客气 31 Not at all 不用谢 32 Don t mention it 不用谢 33 My pleasure or with pleasure 很高兴能为您服务 34 Glad to be of service 很高兴为您服务 35 At your service 乐意为您效劳 36 I m sorry 很抱歉 37 Excuse me 对不起 38 I m terribly sorry It s my fault 非常抱歉 那是我的过错 39 I m awfully sorry for my carelessness 对于我的粗心大意 我非常抱歉 40 Sorry to have kept you waiting 对不起 让您久等了 41 Sorry to interrupt you 对不起 打扰了 42 That s all right 这没什么 43 It doesn t matter 没关系 44 Never mind 不要紧 没关系 45 Let s forget it 算了吧 46 What can I do for you 我能为您干点什么 47 Can I help you 48 我能为您干点什么 49 Is there anything I can do for you 有什么能为您效劳的吗 50 Just a moment please 请稍等一下 51 Don t worry about it 别担心 52 I beg your pardon or Pardon 对不起 请再说一遍好吗 53 You are wanted on the phone Mr Bellow 贝罗先生 有您的电话 54 Who is speaking please 请问您是谁 电话用语 55 I ll switch you to Room 1120 我马上给您接 301 房间 56 What number are you calling 请问对方什么电话号码 57 Who would you like to talk to 请问受话人姓名 58 Could you hold the line please 请 拿着话筒 稍等一会好吗 59 Here are come letters for you 这是您的信 60 What a shame 多可惜 61 I m sorry to hear that 听到这事我很难过 62 We are all sorry to hear of your illness 听说您病了都很担心 63 There there Now try not to get too upset about it 好啦 不要为这事太烦恼了 64 I wish you good health 祝您健康 65 Let me wish you every success 祝您一切顺利 66 Happy New Year 新年快乐 67 Merry Christmas 圣诞节快乐 68 Happy birthday to you 祝您生日快乐 69 Congratulations 祝贺您 恭喜 70 My hearty congratulations 衷心祝贺您 71 As you wish or like 随您的便 72 Certainly 当然可以 73 Of course 当然可以 74 Go ahead and do what you like 干吧 你喜欢干什么就干什么 75 I m sorry that s not allowed 对不起 这是不允许的 76 No I m afraid not 不 恐怕不行 77 Out of the question I m afraid 恐怕不可能 78 Walk straight ahead 一直往前走 79 Turn left right 往左 右 转 80 Go upstairs downstairs 上 下 楼 81 Take the lift to the third floor 乘电梯到三楼 82 The lifts are in the lobby near the main entrance 电梯间在大厅靠大门外 83 The bellman will show you the way to the banquet hall 大堂服务员将领您去宴会厅 84 There is a washroom at the end of the corridor 洗手间在走廊尽头 85 The post and cable service is opposite the bar 邮电所在酒吧对面 86 The bank is next to the shop 银行在小卖部隔壁 87 You can get your money changed at the cashier s desk 你可以收银外兑换钱 88 How much would you like to change 你要兑换多少呢 89 The rates of exchange are on the board there 兑换率写在那这的黑板上 90 There are some local products on sale here 这里出售一些地方产品 91 It s sold by weight yard meter 这个按重量 码 米 计价出售 92 Sorry it s sold out 对不起 卖完了 93 How do you like this 您看这个怎么样 94 What about that one 你看那个好吗 95 Here is your change 这是找您的钱 96 Here is your receipt 这是你的收据 97 Air mail or ordinary mail 是航空信还是平信 98 An air mail letter for abroad is 1 60 寄往国外的航空信需 1 60元 99 The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking 饭店的旅行社代办各种预订票 100 Please don t smoke here 请不要在这里抽烟 Part two reception 11 30 a m to 1 30 p m for lunch 6 30 p m to8 30p m for dinner 早饭 7 00 到 9 00 餐厅供应时间是 午饭 11 30 到 下午 1 30 晚饭 6 30 到 8 30 224 May I have your name please 请问您的姓名 225 Can you give me your name please 我可以问您的姓名吗 226 Here s the menu 这是菜单 227 I ll bring you the menu sir 先生 我给您拿菜单 228 Here are the menu and wine list 这是菜单和酒单 229 Are you ready to order 您现在点菜吗 230 Would you like to order now 您现在点菜吗 231 May I take your order now 您现在可以点菜了吗 232 What have you decided on 您决定吃什么了吗 233 Would you like Chinese food or Western food 您要吃中餐还是西餐 234 What would you like 您想吃点什么 235 What would you like to start with 您先来点什么 236 What would you like to follow 您下一道菜点什么呢 237 Would you like something to drink 您想喝点什么吗 238 What would you like for a drink 您想喝什么 239 Would you like to order aperitif 想要点开胃酒吗 240 Would you like an aperitif before lunch 饭前您想吃点开胃的东西吗 241 What kind of drink would you like 您要点什么饮料 242 What kind of juice do you want 您要茶还是咖啡 243 Will you have tea or coffee 你要喝茶还是咖啡 244 Do you like your coffee black or white 您喜欢清咖啡还是牛奶咖啡 245 Would you like green tea or black tea 您喜欢绿茶还是红茶 246 Would you like to try MaoTai the best Chinese spirits 您想尝尝中国最好的酒 茅台酒吗 247 Would you prefer Shanghai cocktail 您喜欢上海鸡尾酒吗 248 Why don t you try a glass of dry white wine 干吗不尝一杯干白葡萄酒吗 249 What kind of Chinese food do you want 您想吃哪种中国食物 250 What kind of vegetables would you like 您想吃什么蔬菜 251 We have steak roast chicken and vegetables today 我们今天供应牛排 烤鸡和蔬菜 252 Today s special is roast leg of lamb 今天的特别菜是烤羊腿 253 Everything is a la carte 这里只能点菜 254 Would you like to dine a la carte or table d hote 您是吃点菜还是公司菜 255 We have a buffet You can have all you want for 10 我们有自助餐 您交十元钱可以随便 吃 256 How would you like your eggs 您喜欢几成熟的鸡蛋 257 How would you like your streak well done medium or rare 您喜欢几成熟的牛排 是熟透的 还 是适中的 还是半生的 258 How about trying some lobster 您是不是尝一尝大虾 259 I suggest you have a taste of Sichuan dishes 我建议您尝尝四川菜 260 I d recommend this dish to you 我愿意向您推荐一个菜 261 I m sure you ll enjoy it 我肯定您会喜欢它 262 It s delicious and worth a try 它鲜美可口 值得一尝 263 I m sorry there are no chops left 对不起 没有排骨了 264 We haven t any more lobster today 今天的大虾已经卖完了 265 This is the soup you ordered 这是您点的汤 266 We are short of help today 我们今天人手少 267 I ll see about your order 我会去看看您点的菜做得怎样了 268 Do you care for a dessert 您是不是想吃点甜食 269 What do you want for dessert 你要吃什么甜食 270 I ll get you another one 我再给您端一份来 271 What else do you want 您还要别的什么吗 272 Is there anything else 您还要别的什么吗 273 Could I serve you anything else 还需要我给您点什么吗 274 If you need anything else just feel free to tell me 如果您还需要别的什么 尽管告诉我 好了 275 What s the problem sir 先生 出了什么问题 276 I ll take to the chef and see what he can do 我去和厨师商量一下 看看他能否给 予补救 277 If you don t like this dish how about getting you another one 如果您不喜欢这道菜 是不是换个别 的 278 Would you like it cooked a little more 您愿意把它再煮一下吗 279 Once it s ordered and served it can t be exchanged 凡是点的菜上桌以后是不能换的 280 Regretfully not 遗憾的是不行 281 I m really sorry but you see my difficulty 真对不起 但也希望您能体谅我的难 处 282 I m sure everything will be satisfactory again next time you come 相信下次您再来时 一切都会使您称 心满意 283 I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish 实在对不起 我把菜送错了 284 I seem to have misserved a dish 我好象上错了一道菜 285 I ll change it immediately for you 我马上给您换 286 I can offer you some oyster soup Compliments of the chef 我可以向您免费提供一些牡蛎汤 算 是厨师的一点敬意 287 Is everything all right 一切都还好吗 288 How was the food 饭菜还好吗 289 How do you like the fish cooked this way 您觉得鱼这样烧怎么样 290 Is everything to your satisfaction 吃得满意吗 291 What s your opinion of our service 您对我们的服务有什么意见吗 292 Would you like to sign for that 您准备签字挂帐吗 293 Would you like to put it on your hotel bill 您准备将这个费用记到您饭店的总帐 吗 294 Could you sign here please 请您在这儿签字 295 May I also have your room number please 我可以问一下您的房间号码吗 296 In our hotel we don t accept tips 我们饭店是不收小费的 297 The minimum charge for a dinner party of 200 people is 6000 yuan FEC excluding drinks 200 人的宴会最低的 6000 人民币况 换券 不包括饮料 298 May I have a look at your invitation card 我可以看一个您的请柬吗 299 At a Chinese party the guests usually arrive 5 10 minutes early 中餐宴会客人通常提前五至十分钟到 达 300 It s not good to be late 迟到是不好的 Part four hotel English 第四部他 饭店服务英语 301 We have single rooms double rooms suites and deluxe suites in our hotel 我们宾馆有单间 双人间 套间和豪 华套间 302 Did you have a reservation with us 您在我们这儿预订房间了吗 303 Did you make a reservation 您预订房间了吗 304 How long do you expect to stay 你想待多长时间 305 Room 707 on the 7th floor is vacant 七楼 707 房间没人住 306 I m sorry we don t have any single rooms left would you like a double room 对不起 我们没有剩余的单间了 你 想要双人间吗 307 I m sorry we re rather full at the moment can I recommend you to another hotel 对不起 我们这儿目前客满 我将为 您推荐到另一家宾馆好吗 308 The price lf one single room id 70 dollars per day 单间是每天 70 美元 309 Would you please fill in this registration form 您填写一下这张登记表好吗 310 Would you please show me your passport 请出示一下您的护照好吗 311 I ll get a attendant to send your luggage up 我会叫服务员把您的行李拿上去的 312 Could you please show me your room card 请让我看一上您的房卡好吗 313 Here s your room key 这是您的房间钥匙 314 I ll show you to your room This way please 我会领您去您的房间的 这边请 315 Channel 6carries programs in English 第 6 频道播放英语节目 316 For local telephone calls please press 9 first and then dial the number 若打本地电话 请按 9 然后再拔号 317 What kind of currency do you have 您有什么货币 318 What currency do you want 您要什么货币 319 I regret to say that we don t accept personal chaques here 很遗憾 我们这儿不受理私人支票 320 How much do you want to convert 您想换多少钱 321 Would you please endorse this check 请在这张支票上签个字好吗 322 Please count the money 请把这钱数一下 323 We have different kinds of accounts here Which kind would you like to open 我们这儿有各类帐户 您想开那一种 324 Would you like a deposit account or a current account 您想存定期 还中活期 325 How do you want to send this letter 您想如何邮寄这封信 326 Ordinary mail or air mail 您寄普通邮件 还是航空邮件 327 Normally it takes about one week for an air mail letter to reach America 通常情况下 航空邮件到达美国需要 大约一个星期 328 Your letter is overweight and you have to pay one yuan more 你的信超重 你得再付一块我 329 What does this parcel contain 这个包裹里包的什么东西 330 What s in side this parcel 这包裹里是什么 331 Do you want to register this letter 你想寄信挂号信吗 332 You need a box to send these bottles 寄这些瓶子需要一个箱子 333 Whom do you wish to speak to 你相同谁讲话 334 Which call do you wish to place first 你想先打哪个电话 335 Do you have the number ad the name of the called party 你有被叫方的号码与名字吗 336 May I know your name and your telephone number 我可以知道您的名字和电话号码吗 337 Please hold the line I ll put you through in a minute 请拿好电话 马上就可以为您接通 338 I m sorry the extension is busy just now 对不起 电话分机刚才占线 339 I m sorry the line to Paris is very heavy this morning 对不起 今天早上巴黎的线路很忙 340 Please take a seat I ll let you know when the call comes 请坐 电话来了我会叫您的 341 Would you like to postpone or cancel your call 您随后打电话 还是不打了 342 Mr Wilson New York is on the line Go ahead please 威尔逊先生 纽约接通了 请讲吧 343 You will not be put down through until this afrernoon 到今天下午你的电话才能接通 344 Please put down your name address and telephone number at the bottom of the form 请将您的名字 地址 电话号码写在 这张表的下面 345 That s altogether 26 words And the charge is 总共 26 个字 共计费 346 Will you please fill in this laundry sheet 你将这张洗衣单填写一下好吗 347 What color do you want your coat dyed into 我想将你的大衣染成什么颜色 348 We re terribly sorry that your shirt was damaged 十分对不起你的衫衣给弄坏了 349 How about this table over there 那边那张餐桌可以吗 350 I m sorry We re rather full tonight 对不起 今晚我们这儿客满 351 How about this beef dish 这道牛排怎么样 352 What about the soup 这个汤怎么样 353 Would you like any drink 喝点什么吗 354 We have rice noodles steamed bread and jiaoai for your choice 我们在大米 面条 馒头和饺子供你 选择 355 What would you take for dessert 你想要点什么甜点 356 What liquor do you prefer 你喜欢什么饮料 357 Would you like something stronger 来点度数高的酒好吗 358 What are you going to have 你想要点什么 359 We have different kinds of strong drinks here for your choice 我们有各种不同烈性酒供你选择 360 Would you like it with soda or ice cubes 你想加苏打还是冰块 361 How would you like it single or double 怎么个要法 要单份还是双份 362 Would you like anything to go with your drinks 你想要点什么菜下酒吗 363 This style is very popular now 这个款式现在很流行 364 What brand do you want 你想要什么牌子 365 You look very nice in that dress 你穿上那件衣服显得很漂亮 366 The scarf goes very well with the coat 这个围巾配上这件上衣显得很得体 367 They are all there on the shelf 它们都在那边的那个货架上 368 I m sorry they re sold out 对不起 它们都卖完了 369 I regret to say they are out of stock at the moment 很遗憾眼下缺货 370 Shall I wrap it up for you 我给你包一下吧 371 Thank you for shopping at our store 谢谢你光临我店购物 372 When do you plan to leave 你计划什么时候离开 373 Which train do you want to take 你想搭那一趟车 374 Your ticket is available now 你的票现在有效 375 Would you like a single or a return ticket 你想要单程票还是往返票 376 I m sorry the flight is fully booked for the 20th 对不起 20 日的航班已全部预订完 了 377 I ll check with the booking record 我可查一下订票纪录 378 Please call again one week before your departure date for reconfirmation 请在您出发前一周再给我打一个电话 落实一下 379 Please come to pick up your ticket tomorrow 请明天来取票 380 You will need another on hour to get to the airport 到达机场还得一个小时 381 I m sorry there aren t any tickets left for the Express 16 对不起 16 次特快没剩余的票了 382 Here is your ticket Then train leaves at 1756 from platform 2 这是你的票 火车将于 17 点 56 分从 2 站台出发 383 How shall I make it Separate checks or one common bill 怎么给你们结帐 分开结还是一块结 384 May I introduce myself 自我介绍一下吧 385 May I introduce Mr Wilson to you 把威尔逊先生介绍您好吗 386 I m very happy to meet you 见了您真高兴 387 What do you think of this itinerary 您觉得这次旅程安排如何 388 What do you have to say to this plan 对这个计划你有什么意见 389 How do you like this proposal 你觉得这个建议怎么样 390 Do you have anything to add to the plan 这个计划你有什么补充吗 391 Do you have any special suggestions 你有什么特殊建议吗 392 What are the historical sites in this area 这个地区有什么历史遗迹 393 What is the garden famous for 这个花园为什么出名 394 What a splendid scene 多么壮丽的景观啊 395 How stately it looks 它是多么庄严肃穆 396 What a beautiful sight 多么美丽的景色啊 397 I think you must be pretty tired after the long flight 我想你在经过这么长时间飞行后肯定 很累了 398 I m sorry I didn t quite catch what you said 对不起 我确实没弄清你说的啥 399 The music was a little too noisy 这支曲子有点太躁杂了 400 Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please 女士们 先生们 大家请注意一下好 吗 Part five English in tourism 第五部分 旅游接待英语 401 Could you please lend me your ears for a moment 请听我说几句好吗 402 This is the end of our tour today shall we turn back 我们今天的观光到此为至 我们回去 吧 403 Here s the main gate again 又到正门啦 404 Perhaps you d like me to answer some questions now 或许现在你想让我解释几个问题 405 May I invite you to this Waltz 我请您跳华尔兹好吗 406 Will you accept my arm 请您跳个舞好吗 407 Can you oblige me with a dance 可以请您跳个舞吗 408 Would you like to join me again me again for this disco dance 同我们一起来蹦迪好吗 409 You re the best partner I ve ever danced with 你是我经历过的最好的舞伴 410 Good bye and good luck 再见 祝您好运 411 Bon voyage 一路顺风 412 Goodbye and happy landing 再见 顺利到达 413 May you have a wonderful journey home 回家旅途愉快吗 414 I feel very sad to see you go 你要走 我心里感到很难过 415 It s very difficult for me to say goodbye to you 真不想对你说再见 416 I shall miss all of you 我会想念你们大家的 417 Let s keep in touch 让我们保持联系吧 418 Please write to me as often as you can 有时间请给我写信 419 Please drop me a line once a while 有空请给我写信 420 May we meet again someday 有朝一日我们会再见面的 421 Thank you very much for your cooperation and consideration 非常感谢 谢谢你的合作 谢谢你的 关心 422 Do you prefer bath or shower 你喜欢盆浴还是淋浴 423 Would you like breakfast 吃点早饭好吗 424 We can confirm a room for May 30 我们可以预订一间 5 月 30 日的房子 425 Here is your room key please keep it 这是您的房间钥匙 请保存好 426 After you please 您先请 427 Let s take the elevator up to the second floor 让我们乘电梯上二楼 428 The room is at the end of the corridor 这间房子在走廊的尽头 429 May I help you with your suitcase 我帮你提箱子好吗 430 Allow me sir 对不起 先生 431 Here is your luggage Please check and see if it s all right 这是你的行李 请查一下看看是不是 对了 432 It s located on Zhongyuan Road 它位于中原路 433 It s not far from here 它离这儿不远 434 It s just near the post office 它就在邮局附近 435 It s beside the square 它就在广场旁边 436 Go straight until you get to the crossing 别拐弯 就可走到十字路口 437 Did you have breakfast this morning 你今天早上吃饭了吗 438 Did you make any phone calls from your room 你在房间打电话了吗 439 How many phone calls did you make 你打了多少电话 440 Here is your bill Would you like to check it 这是你的帐单 你核对一下吧 441 Please calm yourself sir Then perhaps we can help you 请冷静点 先生 这样没准我们可帮 您 442 Would you like to come with me please 请跟我来 好吗 443 Would you like to follow me please 请随我来 好吗 444 Will this table be all right 这张餐桌行吗 445 I m sorry this table is already reserved 对不起 这张餐桌已经有人了 446 I ll bring you the menu 我去给你拿菜单 447 Where would you like to sit 你想坐在哪儿 448 Your table is ready now 您的餐桌已经准备好了 449 We have a buffet You can have all you want 我们有一个自助餐馆 你可吃到所有 你想吃的东西 450 What kind of food beverage would you like 你想要哪种餐 饮料 451 How would you like it 你觉得怎么样 452 Would you like it prepared done 把菜给您先做好吗 453 Why don t you try some 为什么你不尝尝呢 454 Would you like to sign for that 您在这上面签一下字好吗 455 I ll speak to the chef and see what he can do 我会同主厨谈的 我要看看他能做什 么菜 456 I m afraid all the tables are taken 恐怕所有的桌子都有主儿了 457 The style is quite the rage now 这种式样现在很流行 458 This style is the fashion this year 这种款式今年流行 459 The style is out of fashion now 这种样式现在过时了 460 What s color do you like 你喜欢什么颜色 461 What s your favorite color 你最喜欢哪一种颜色 462 Which color do you prefer pink or orange 你喜欢什么颜色哪一种颜色 粉红色 还是桔黄色 463 What dose it cost 它卖多少钱 464 How do you sell it 你这东西怎么卖 465 How much are they per dozen 每打多少钱 466 Can you cut the piece a bit 再便宜一点行吗 467 This is the same price as that one 这同哪种是一样的价 468 The sizes make no difference in the price 不论规格大小价钱都一样 469 What size shoes do you wear 你穿多大型号的鞋 470 I want a medium sized one 我要一个中号的 471 Have you got a size larger 你们这儿有大一些的型号吗 472 It s too tight loose 太紧了 太大了 473 It s all right It suits me comfortably 正好 我穿上很舒服 474 Where do you want to go sir 您想去哪儿 先生 475 Where to sir 往哪儿去 先生 476 It s only about half an hour s drive 仅需大约半小时的车程 477 Let me put your luggage in the truck 让我帮你把行李放到车上去 478 Please fasten your safety belt 请系好你的安全带 479 I m sorry I m on reserve 对不起 我已经预订好了 480 I m lad to be at your service 很高兴为您服务 481 Here we are 我们到了 482 How do you want it 你怎么个要法 483 Would you like a shampoo 你想要香波吧 484 Shall I put some oil on 给你头上点油吧 485 Shall I shave off your beard 给你把胡子刮一下吧 486 Would you like it washed 想洗一下吗 487 Do you want it cut short or just trimmed 你想将它理短 还是仅仅削一下 488 How do you usually wear your parting 你通常头发是怎么分的 489 How would you like your hair set 给您的头发怎么定型 490 What style would you like 你喜欢什么发型 491 Do you want a cold wave or an ordinary perm 你想要冷烫 还是热烫 492 How shall I cut it 你要什么发式 493 Please don t disturb 请勿打扰 494 Don t touch the exhibits 展出之物 请勿乱动 495 You are not to talk to the guest like that 你对客人不能那样说话 496 You mustn t wash the silk shirt in the machine 你不能在洗衣机里洗真丝衬衫 497 You must do it by hand 你必须用手洗 498 You d better not drink too much It ll do you harm 你最好不要喝太多 这对你的身体没 有好处 499 No visitor after 8p m 晚上 8 00 后谢绝会客 500 The air conditioner must be out of order 空调机一定出了毛病 Appendix 1 附录一 Guest house 宾馆 Lobby entrance 门厅进口 Hall 大堂 Corridor 走廊 Inquiry desk 问讯处 Lavatory toilet 洗手间 Ball room 舞厅 Barbershop 理发室 Beauty parlour 美容室 Foreign exchange service 外币况换处 Post and telegraph service 邮电服务处 Billiard room 弹子房 Bowling alley 保龄球场 Receptionist 接待人员 Weather forecast 天气预报 Climate 气候 Bright clear 晴天 Cloudy 多云 Sunny 有太阳 Dull gloomy 阴 Stuffy stifling hot 闷热 Rain 雨 Shower 阵雨 Drizzle 细雨 Snow 雪 Traveler s cheque 旅行支票 Declaration form 申报单 Mellow 醇香 Hong Kong Dollar HK Pound sterling stg French france F F Japanese Yen Australian dollar Canadian dollar Traffic lights 红绿信号灯 Railway station 火车站 Airport 机场 Luggage 行李 Highway 公路 Minibus 面包车 Rush hours 拥挤时间 Peak hours 高峰时间 Single trip 单程 Round trip 往返 Have a high fever 发 高 烧 Have a cough 咳嗽 Have no appetite 没胃口 Have a headache 头痛 Have a sore throat 喉咙痛 Have a heart attack 心脏病发作 Take one s temperature 量体温 Stay in bed 在床休息 Take medicine 服药 Have an injection 打针 Take an x ray 照一张片子 Make a blood test 验血 Light 清淡的 Flu 流感 Gastric illness 胃病 Pain in the chest 胸痛 Chief doctor 主治医生 Dentist 牙科医生 Physician 内科医生 Surgeon 外科医生 Slippers 拖鞋 Bath curtain 浴帘 Bath tub 浴缸 Toilet soap 浴皂 Towel 毛巾 W C Tooth paste 牙膏 Tooth brush 牙刷 Shampoo 洗发水 Comb 梳子 Single room 单人间 Double room 双人间 Standard room 标准间 Suite 套房 Presidential suite 总套 Sitting room 客厅 Manager s office 理经室 Lounge 休息室外 Nightclub 夜总会 Clinic 医疗室 Reservation 预订 No vacancy 客满 Overbooking 超订 Check in Check out Skimpy 味淡的 Room charge rate 房费 Registration form 登记表 Passport Visa 签证 signature 签名 identification 身份证 air conditioner 空调 dressing table 梳妆台 wardrobe 衣柜 bedside cupboard 床头柜 tea table side tabl


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