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八年级上册各单元词组归纳Unit One1.how often 多久一次 2.hardly ever 几乎不 3.as for 至于 4.junk food 垃圾食品5.a lot of 许多 =lots of=many+much 6.of course 当然 7.look after 照顾=take care of=babysit8. eat less meat 少吃肉9. how many hours 多少小时 10.surf the Internet 上网11.Animal World 动物世界 12.do homework 做家庭作业13.a healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式 14.get good grades 获得好成绩15.get up 起床 16.keep in good health 保持健康 =keep healthy 17.once or twice a week 每周一两次18.eating habits 饮食习惯 19.ten to eleven times 十到十一次20.pretty healthy=very healthy 相当健康 21.go to the movie 去看电影 22.watch TV 看电视23.read books 看书 24.the result for “watch TV” 看电视调查结果25.be good for 对有益 be good at擅长。 be good with 与。相处的好 26.want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事=would like sb.to do sth27.the result of/for 。的结果 28.junk food 垃圾食品29.once a week 一周一次 twice a week 一周两次30.in Class5, Grade 7 在七年级五班31.start with=begin with 以。开始32.on weekends 在周末33.go shopping 去买东西34.always=all the time 总是35.sometimes=at the times 有时 some times 几次sometime 将来的某个时候some time 某段时间36all/most/some/no+名词 all/most/some/one of+名词37.at/ in *middle school 在.中学38.do ones homework 做某人的作业 do ones housework 做某人的家务39.the best student 最好的学生 I like pop best.我最喜欢流行乐。(like.best=favorite)40.drink/have milk 喝牛奶41.try to do sth.试着做某事42.study better/more 学的更好/更多43.TV program 电视节目Unit Two1.the matter=the trouble=wrong 2.a few 有些 (与few; a little;little的区别) 3.at the moment 此时现在=now4. be ill =be sick 生病 5. be tired 劳累的 6.have a fever/cold 发烧/感冒7.lie down and rest 躺下来休息 8.see a dentist 看牙医 9.three days ago 三天前10. too much/too many+名词 太多的. much too +形容词 太. 11.hot tea with honey 热茶加蜂蜜 12.be stressed out 紧张13.go to bed early 早睡觉 14.listen to music 听音乐 15.go to the concert 参加音乐会16.on the other hand 在另一方面 17.not.until 直到.才18.traditional Chinese doctors 传统中医 19.a balance of yin and yang 阴阳平衡20.That sounds interesting.那听起来有趣That sounds like a good idea.那听起来像是一个好主意 21.a balanced diet 饮食平衡22.go out at night 在晚上出去 23.feel well 感觉舒服 24.be popular in 在受欢迎25.stay healthy=keep healthy=keep in good health保持健康 26.You should go to bed early. 你应该早点睡觉.(should do sth.) You shouldnt go to the party. 你不应该去参加聚会.27.Whats the matter(with.)? .怎么了? Whats the trouble(with)? Whats wrong(with.)?28.(1)身体部位+ache (2)sore+身体部位 (3)a pain in+身体部位 (4)There is something wrong with+身体部位(1)have a stomachache 肚子疼 have a headache 头疼have a toothache 牙疼(2) have a sore throat 嗓子疼 have a sore back 背疼(3)have a pain in my head 我头疼(4)There is something wrong with my head.我的头疼29.I think so.我这么认为。 I dont think so.我不这么认为。30.for example 例如31.Its+形容词+to do sth.做.怎么样。32.take some medicine吃药 take ones temperature 量体温Unit Three1.at home 在家 2.Great Lakes 五大湖 3.get back to school 回到学校来 get back to=come back to 回到。4.think about 思考 think of sth/sb. 想起 think over 仔细思考 5.decide on 决定选定 6.decide to do 决定去做某事 7.the Great Wall 长城8.go fishing 去钓鱼 go camping 去野营 go hiking 徒步行 go bike riding 骑自行车行go sightingseeing 去观光 go fishing 去钓鱼go swimming 去钓鱼 go shopping 去购物 9.take a vacation度假 =be on vacation 10.something different 不同的东西11. go to +地点=visit+地点=go to visit+地点 12.go away for long time 离开太长时间13.have a good time 玩得愉快 14. in/at the countryside 在农村15. forget to do 忘记去做 forget doing 忘记做过 16. ask sb. about sth 问某人关于某事17.ask sb. to do 要求某人去做某事 18.rent videos 租录像带 rent sth. to/from sb.19.take walks 去散步 20.vacation plans 假期计划 21.plan to do sth 计划去做某事 22.make a movie 拍一部电影23.famous movie star 著名的电影明星 (famous=well-known)24.be famous for/as 因。而著名 25. spend time with friend 和朋友一起度过26.Sb. spend time on sth 花钱买某物27.Sb. spend time (in) doing sth.花时间做某事28.It takes sb. some time to do sth 做某事花了某人多长时间29.Sb. pay money for sth. =sth cost some money某人花了多少钱买某物30.What are you doing for vacation?假期你打算做什么? (现在进行时用来表示按计划或安排将要进行的动作)31.-Who are you going with? 你打算和谁一起去? -I am going with my parents.我打算和我的父母一起去.32.-How long are you staying?你打算呆多长时间? -Im staying for a week. 我打算呆一周.33. in Asia 在亚洲34.send me a postcard from Hong Kong(send sb. Sth.=send sth. to sb.) 从香港寄给我一张明信片35.show me your photos (show sb. Sth.= show sth. to sb.) 给我看你的照片36.cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事37. a good place to do sth.做某事的好地方38.relax at home 在家休息39. finish doing sth 做完某事Unit Four1.get to school 到校 get to=arrive in/at=reach2.ride a bike to 骑自行车去 =go toby bike 3.take the subway to 乘地铁去=go toby subway4.take the train to.乘火车去=go toby train 5.take a bus to乘公共气车去=go toby bus 6.take a taxi 乘出租车去=go toby taxi7.walk to school 走到学校 =go to school on foot 8.drive to=go toby car开车去。 9.bus station 公共气车站bus stop10.have a quick breakfast 匆匆吃过早饭 11.leave for 前往.12.the early bus 早班车 13.the bus ride 公共气车之行 14.at about six thity 在大约六点半15.around the world 全世界=all over the world 16.North America 在北美 17.the most popular means of transportation 最流行的交通方式18.a number of(大量的)the number of (的数量) 19. depend on 取决于.,依赖于. 20.be ill/sick in the hospital 生病住院 a sick man 一个生病的人(不能说 a ill man)21.a map in Chinese 中文地图 22.speak Chinese 讲汉语 23.thank you so much 非常感谢你 24.dont worry 不要担心 Worry about=be worried about担心.25.be different from与不同 the difference between.and。与。的不同点26.-How do you get to school?你怎样去学校? -I walk to school. 我步行去学校。27.-How long does it take? 要花多长时间? -It takes me 25 minutes to walk to shool.步行去学校要花25分钟。28.-How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远? -Its three miles. 3英里。29. ask for help 寻求帮助30.must be 一定是 may be 也许是31.five minutes walk/ride 五分钟的路程Unit Five1. 来参加我的晚会 come to my party2. 在周六下午 on Saturday afternoon3. 上钢琴课 have a piano lesson=take a piano lesson4. 去看医生 go to the doctor=see the doctor5. 太多家庭作业 too much homework6. 谢谢邀请 Thanks for asking./inviting/your invitation.7. 玩得高兴 have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself8. 去商业街 go to the mall9. 棒球比赛 baseball game10. 后天 the day after tomorrow11. 前天 the day before yesterday12. 为考试而学习 study for a test13. 在度假期间 be on vacation14. 保持安静 keep quiet15. 打网球 play tennis16. 足球比赛 football match17. 文化俱乐部 culture club18. 整天 the whole day=all day19. 过来 come over to20. 去看牙医 go to the dentist=see the dentist21. 来加入我们 Come and join us.22. 我愿意 Id love to23. 下一次 another time24. 临时照看他的妹妹 babysit his sister25.你能来参加我的聚会吗?-Can you come to my party? -Sure, Id love to /Sorry, I cant. I have to help my mom.Unit Six1. 在某些方面 in some ways2. 看起来一样 look the same3. 看起来不同 look different4. 喜欢参加晚会 enjoy going to the parties5. 多于; 超过 more than6. 共用; 共有 in common7. 同一样 asas8. 擅长; 在方面做得好 be good at9. 与一样 the same as10. 使我大笑 make me laugh(make sb. do sth.)11. 大多数 most of12. 我的照片(照片上是我)photos of me13. 相反的观点 opposite views14. 善待孩子们 be good with children15. 喜欢讲笑话 enjoy telling jokes16. 招聘老师 teacher wanted17. 停止讲话 stop talking(stop doing停止正在做的事情)18. 呆在家 stay at home19.在网球方面打败我beat me in tennisReview of units 1-61. 以开始 begin with2. 游泳池 swimming pool3. 一起; 总共 all togetherUnit Seven1. 打开 turn on2. 切碎 cut up3. 把倒进 pourinto4. 剥去香蕉皮 peel the bananas5. 多少 how many/much6. 一匙 one teaspoon of7. 做水果沙拉 make fruit salad8. 放进 put in9. 一杯 a cup of10. 混合在一起 mix up11. 一片面包 a slice of bread12. 把放在上 puton13. 把加到上 addto14. 在顶部 on the top15. 一个的食谱 a recipe forUnit Eight1. 郊游 school trip2. 去水族馆 go to the aquarium3. 和朋友闲逛 hang out with friends4. 照相 take photos5. 其它/别的什么 what else=what other.6. 得到他的亲笔签名 get his autograph7. 旅游者中心 the Visitors Center8. 在那之后 after that9. 户外游泳池 the Outdoor Pool10. 礼品店 the Gift Shop11. 在一天结束时 at the end of the day12. 买一个纪念品buy a souvenir13. 睡懒觉 sleep late14. 开车兜风 go for a drive15. 上课 take a class=have class16. 在我的下一个休息日on my next day off17. 一个繁忙的休息日 a busy day off18. 整天 all day19. 看录像 watch videos20. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games21. 把拿出来 putout22. 在院子里 in the yard23. 举行一次庭院出售 have a yard sale24. 有点无聊 kind of boring25. 没有一个人 no one26. 据我看来 in my opinion27. 很快见到你 See you soon.28. 将来 in the future29. 从回来 come back from30. 与在一起 be with sb31. 淋湿 get wet32. 听起来像 sound like (sound 听起来)33. 在你的休息日 on your day offUnit 91.国际体育明星international sports stars2.打破纪录break the record3.太以致于不能tooto4.打高尔夫球 play golf5.一位了不起的中国乒乓球运动员 a great Chinese ping-pong player6.世界纪录名册book of world records7.世界打嗝/打喷嚏纪录 hiccupping/sneezing world record8.在这样的一小时内in such an hour9.由于because of (与because的区别)10.出生于 be born in/on11.成为一个电影明星become a movie star12.学会骑自行车 learn to ride a bicycle(learn to do)13.一个著名的小提琴家/钢琴家 a famous violinist/pianist14.开始滑冰start ice skating15.一位善良而慈爱的奶奶 a kind and loving grandmother16.成为一位滑冰冠军 become a skating champion17.在美国巡回演出tour the U.S.18.学手风琴learn the accordion19.参加take part in20.在国际肖邦钢琴大赛上in the Chopin International Piano Competition21.获一等奖win the first prize22.第一个做 be the first to do sth.23.70年的历史 70-year history24.主修;主研 major in25.哼唱歌曲 hum songs26.你什么时候出生的?-When were you born? 我出生在1990年。- I was born in 1990.27.开始做 start doing sth./start to do sth.28.停止去做 stop to do sth.29.在多大时at the age of=when.years old30.为国家队效力 play for national teamUnit 101.程序师a computer programmer2.学习计算机科学study computer science3.专业演员a professional actor4.上表演课take acting lessons5.练篮球practice basketball (practice doing sth 练习做)6.长大grow up7.搬到有意思的地方move somewhere interesting8.一份语言老师的工作 a job as a language teacher9.时装表演 fashion shows10.存钱 save some money11.找份兼职工作 find a part-time job12.同时 at the same time13.举行艺术展 hold art exhibitions14.取得好成绩 get good grades15.上吉它课take guitar lessons16.学习一门外语 learn a foreign language17.加大锻炼量 get a lot of exercise18.保持健康 keep fit19.周游世界 travel all over the world20.寄到sendto21.新年决心 New Years Resolutions22.与交流communicate with23.一两年 a year or two=one or two years24.为买buy sth.for sb.=buy sb. Sth.25.学习弹一门乐器learn to play an instrument26.组建足球队 make the soccer team27.你长大后打算做什么? What are you going to be when you grow up? 我打算当一名老师。Im going to be a teacher. be going to +do 表示将来时Unit 111.洗碗do the dishes2.扫地sweep the floor3.倒垃圾take out the trash4.铺床make your bed5.折叠衣服fold your clothes6.打扫起居室clean the living room7.让某人搭便车give sb a ride8.开会have a meeting9搭便车 get a ride10.做家务do chores11.呆在外面很晚 stay out late12. 下周见 see you next week13.向某人借某物borrow sth from sb14.洗衣服 do the laundry15.邀请某人去某地 invite sb to somewhere16.去商店 go to the store17.买饮料和零食 buy drinks and snacks18.带他去散步 take him for a walk19.忘记做某事 forget to do sth与forget doing sth.20.搬新家 move to a new house21.从事 work on22.向某人寻求帮助 ask sb for help23.厌恶做某事 hate to do/doing sth24.和它一起玩 play with him25.生气get/be angry26.英语课外作业English project27.去渡假 go on vacation28.需要一些帮助 need some help29.饲养狗f eed dogs30.做早餐 make breakfast31.做鬼脸 make a face32.在的帮助下 with the help of. 33.请你打扫一下你的房间好吗? Could you please clean your room? (礼貌的请求) Yes, sure./ Sorry,I cant. I have to do my home work. Could/Can/Will you please do?请你做什么好吗?34.我可以去看电影吗? Could I go to the movies? Yes, you can./ No, you cant. Could/Can I do.? (请求允许)Unit 121.舒适的座位comfortable seats2.大屏幕 big screens3.友好的服务 friendly service4.离家近 close to home5.在城里有趣的地方in a fun part of town6.最好的电影院 the best movie theatre7.服装店 a clothing store8.电台 a radio station9.质量好的衣服 good quality clothes10.相当差 pretty bad11.最有趣的人 he funniest person12.质量最差 the worst quality13.最佳表演者 the best performer14.上周的才艺展示 lasts week talent show15.对做调查 do a survey of.16.的价格 the price of.17.削价 cut ones price(s)18.在中国的北部in the north of China=in northern china19.冰雪节Ice and Snow Festival20.海南省 Hainan Province21.特价屋 Bargain House22.露天电影院 showtime cinema23.播放最有趣的音乐play the most interesting music24.赢得奖win the prize for25.跳舞无音乐伴奏dance without music26.你认为是.? What do you think is?27.你认为谁是? Who do you think is?28.方位介词 in(在范围内);on(交界);to(不交界)29.要求某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.30.根本不 notat all八年级上册语法归纳时态一般现在时:表通常发生的行为、习惯或动作。1.结构:(1)be-am/is/are例:I am a teacher. She is a student. We are girls.(2)行为动词-动词原形/动词三单 例:They go to school on foot. She does her homework On Sunday.2.标志词:usually、often、everyday、always、every year、on Monday等3.否定句:(1)是be动词则在be后面加not例:I am a teacher. -I am not a teacher.(2)是动词原形则在动词前加dont;是动词三单则在动词前加doesnt,动词恢复原形。例:They want to be teachers.-They dont want to be teachers. She walks to school.-She doesnt walk to school.4.一般疑问句:(1)是be动词则在把be提到句首 例:She is at home.-Is she at home?(2)是动词原形则在句前加do;是动词三单则在句前加does,动词恢复原形。例:I have a dog.-Do you have a dog? Lucy has a dog.-Does Lucy have a dog?一般过去时定义:发生在过去的事情结构:(1)be-was/were例:She was ill yesterday.否定:was/were后面加not She wasnt ill yesterday. 一般疑问句:把was/were提到句首 Was she ill yesterday?(2)动词的过去式did 例:They played basketball five days ago. 否定:在动词前加助动词didnt,然后把动词恢复原形didnt do: They didnt play basketball five days ago. 一般疑问句:在句首加助动词do,然后把动词恢复原形did.do: Did they play basketball five days ago?标志词:yesterday; last night; just now; in 1987; five years ago.(表示过去的时间)一般将来时定义:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。(事情还没有发生)结构:(1)be going to+动词原形do例:She is going to play basketball this afternoon.否定:在be后面加not She isnt going to play basketball this afternoon.一般疑问句:把be提到句首 Is she going to play basketball this afternoon?(2)will+动词原形do 例:She will buy a gift for her mother.否定:在will后面加not She wont buy a gift for her mother.一般疑问句:把will提到句首Will she w buy a gift for her mother?(3)趋向性动词可以用现在进行时态表示将来时,如:come; go; leave等标志词:tomorrow, next year,等表示将来的时间形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(1)形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成: 不规则变化:good/well-better-bestbad/badly/ill-worse-worst little-less-leastmany/much-more-mostfar-farther/ffurther-farthest/furthestold-older/elder-oldest/eldest总结口诀:“两老、两坏、两多和一少、还有一病、一远和一老” 规则变化:1)单音节词和部分双音节词 一般在词尾加-er或-est 以字母e结尾的词,加-r或-st 重读闭音节词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er或-est 以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词,先把“y”改为“i”,再加-er或-est 2)多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加more或most形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法: 比较级表示两者的比较:主语+谓语+比较级+than+ 比较对象例:Tina is more athletic than Sam. 如果在of two结构中比较级前要加the例:She is the taller of the two girls. 形容词、副词的比较级前有时可加much, a little 表示两者在某一方面相同时用“as+原形+as”例:Science is as important as math. 表示一方在某一方面不及另一方时用“not as/ so+原级+as”例:Science isnt as/so important as math. 最高级表示三者或三者以上的比较,其中有一个在某方面超过其他几个。形容词最高级前面一般要加定冠词the, 后面可带of/in短语来说明比较的范围:主语+谓语+最高级+比较的范围。例:The Screen City is the best theater in our town.Whos the funniest actor of the three.一些常见词语的用法区别归纳:1. how often, how long, how soon的用法区别 how often表示“多久一次”,是对某段时间内进行某个动作的次数提问 -How often do you go to the movies? -Once a week. how long表示“多久,多长时间”,是对一段时间提问-How long do you stay in Beijing every year?-For three weeks. how soon表示“还要多久,通常是对“in+一段时间”提问,常用于一般将来时-How soon can you finish the work?-In half an hour.2. sometimes, some times, sometime, some time的区别sometimes有时候;He sometimes plays basketball.他有时候打篮球。 some times好几次;He has been to Beijing some times.他去过北京好几次了。sometime在某时,有朝一日; Ill come to see you sometime next week. 我会在下周的某个时间来看你.some time一段时间; I stayed in Panzhihua for some time.我在攀枝花呆了一段时间了。3. too, also, either的区别too用在肯定句末;also用在肯定句中;either用在否定句末4. maybe, may be的区别maybe是副词“也许,可能”,在句中做状语,相当于perhaps,常放在句首。Maybe Ill go this afternoon. 我可能今天下午去。在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,是句子的谓语“也许是,可能是”。 He may be a teacher. 他可能是一个老师。may be 和maybe可相互转换 He may be in the office.=Maybe he is in the office.5. How about的用法 How about.?相当于What about.?“(你认为).怎么样?”常用于征询意见、询问情况或提出建议,后接名词,代词或动名词。 How about going out for a walk?出去散步怎么样? How about this movie?这个电影怎么样? Im going shopping, how about you?我要去买东西,你呢?6.get, arrive, reach的区别 get to+地点 arrive in+大地方;arrive at+小地方 reach+地方 7. take, cost, spend, play的区别 take的主语是it,常用于It takes/took sb.some time to do sth. It took me two hours to do my homework last night.昨天晚上我花了两个小时做作业。 cost的主语只能是物或事,常用于sth. cost sb. some money/ sth. cost some money This sweater costs her 200 yuan. 这件毛衣花了 她200元。 spend的主语是人,常用于sb. spend some time/money on sth.或sb. spend some time/money (in ) doing sth. He spent five dollars on the book.他买那本书花了5美元。 pay 主语是人,常用于sb. pay some money for sth. I paid 100 yuan for my bike.我买自行车花了100元。 8. photos of me, photos of mine的区别 photos of me表示照片上的人是我 photos of mine表示照片的所有者是我 9.too.to句型的转化He is too young to go to school.=He isnt old enough to go to school.(把too+形容词换成not 形容词的反义词+enough)=He is so young that he cant go to school.(将too换成so, to短语换成that Sb. cant)10.nobody, no one, none的区别 nobody=no one只指人,做主语时,谓语用单数, 后面不能接of介词短语 Nobody/No one can answer the question. None表示全部否定。指三个或三个以上的“没 有;都不”,既可指人也可指物,常与of连用 None of them have been to Beijing.他们中没有一 个去过北京。


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