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英语写作知识积累 舒金环历届高考英语书面表达中使用过的词组总汇1.a boy of 14. 2.a brief discussion 3.a heated discussion about 4.a waste of time5.a wilderness survival program 6.achieve this goal7.after a short rest 8.afterclass activities9.agree with what sb says 10.air pollution11.an English speech contest 12.arrive at an agreement13.as far as I know 14.as for myself15.as is shown on Chart 2 16.as we all know17.as well 18.at home and abroad19.at the age of 20.at weekends21.attend classes 22.attractive and meaningful23.be about to do-when 24.be against the idea of25.be available 26.be fond of27.be healthier and more energetic 28.be on the point of doing sth when29.be trained 30.Best wishes31.break the rules 32.build a “harmonious society33.catch sight of 34.charge fees for 35.chat with friends online about 36.cheating in examinations37.collect stamps 38.get close to nature39.cover the entrance fees 40.deal with this problem41.develop its economy scientifically42.develop rapidly 43.do a lot of harm44.do endless homework 45.early in the morning46.express thanks to 47.fail in the exams48.follow ones own interests 49.for one reason, for another reason50.for this purpose 51.form/ develop/get into a bad habit52.free of charge 53.get along well with54.get better results 55.get cheated56.get everything ready for 57get rid of/ kick off58.get the free medical care 59.get the position60.get well prepared for 61give sb a warm welcome62.give sb some advice on how to do sth63.give sb some wonderful performances64.go to the countryside for a change65.Good luck in your coming examination 66.group discussion67.have some trouble doing sth 68.have a discussion about69.have a history of 200 years 70.have confidence in oneself71.have much knowledge in many fields 72.head west73.hear from 74.hold a party75.heavy traffic 76.improve ones English study77.improe our study methods 78.in favor of79.in ones early/late thirties 80.in rush hour81.in the past ten years 82.introduce sb to sb83.it is convenient for sb to do sth 84.Its ones duty to do sth85.It is pretty hard for sb 86.its been a dream for sb to do sth87.join sb in doing sth 88.lay a solid foundation for89.learn more about nature 90.let ones imagination fly91.let out a cry of joy 92.lie to the east of93.listening and speaking abilities 94.living condition95.look forward to 96.make a trip to97.make arrangements 98.make friends online99.make ones decision as soon as possible100.May I have your attention ? 101.miss the good/golden chance/opportunity102.noble spirit 103.opinions are divided on the question104.organize a tour around the city 105.pay a visit to106.prepare lunch 107.promote the students abilities108.recommend 109.reduce learning load110.result from 111.result in112.satisfy ones needs 113.sb be required to be there on time114.school rules 115.shortly after116.show interest in 117.show ones love for118.show ones talent 119.show sb around120.sign up 121.sign your name122.solve the problem 123.spare no efforts to do sth124.sports activities 125.spread Chinese culture126.start school 127.sth is drawing near.128.stick to the post 129.take advantage of130.take sb to some places of interest131.sb cant tear oneself away from 132.the air is fresh and the water is nice and clean133.the college entrance examination 134.the coming examination135.the English summer camp 136.the green house effect137.the students of Senior Grade Three138.There is an old saying which says 139.traffic jam140.too excited to control oneself 141.unselfish fine quality142.welcome to 143.whats worse144.whats more 145.with the help of146.work as/serve as 147.work out a new program148.Opinions are divided among the students. Some think it is good, while others believe it is poor.高考书面表达题中可能出现的词组1、给某人提建议 2、接受某人的建议3、打车 4、下载文件5、陷入沉思 6、与某人同住一间房间/同打一把伞/同玩一件玩具/同一志趣7、向某人表示由衷的感谢 8、熟睡9、伸手去够某物 10、查阅字典/电话号码/住址/网址11、认真对待某事 12、严格要求某人13、破坏心情/假日 14、做大扫除15、帮某人一把 16、与某人相处好17、参加社会实践 18、获一等奖19、与某人谈心 20、与某人争论有关21、把放归自然 22、打工23、向某人挥手致意 24、报名参加竞赛25、申请职位 26、送某人到门口27、呈现高兴的神情 28、熬夜29、退学 30、占太大空间31、自带午餐 32、收集事实/资金33、合着音乐唱歌/跳舞 34、把某事留给某人35、在取得进步 36、带某人参观37、享有同等的权力 38、热泪盈眶39、通知某人做某事 40、提醒某人某事41、安排某人做某事 42、请三天假43、在大量训练 44、为集体争光45、以某人为榜样 46、给某人树立榜样47、以为例 48、对某事有深厚兴趣49、保持传统 50、为引以为自豪51、做自我介绍 52、想出好主意53、畅销 54、为某事付出昂贵代价55、克服困难 56、向某人求救/助57、提供优质服务 58、给某人一个惊奇59、调查某事 60、罚款61、讲礼貌 62、情绪高涨63、为做准备 64、帮助某人摆脱困境65、取消会议 66、全力以赴做某事67、依然如旧 68、塑造性格69、发展个性实用佳句背诵1.There are two sides to every question.2.Every advantage has its disadvantage.3.Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.4.Hoping to receive your letter early.5.Ive learned from your ads that your company needs an English typist. I wish for this job.6.I felt very tired when I got home, but I was very happy. I will never forget this wonderful and exciting day.7.An activity will be organized/ A party will be held- Everyone who is interested in it is welcomed.8.We should try our best to overcome these difficulties.9.Computers are playing an important role in our daily life./ Computers are benefiting us a lot.10.The reasons for this are as follows.11.By taking exercise, we can always keep healthy.12.Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.13.It is time the government took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.14.So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it.15.If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can master English. 16.We have reasons to believe that the Beijing Olympics will be surely a great success.17.Whenever I look at this photo, I cannot but feel homesick.18.With the advance of science and technology, English is becoming more and more important.19.Needless to say that cell phone is playing an important part in our daily life.20.As lungs are to the animal, so are leaves to the plant.21.My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.22.Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years.23.The rent is 500 Yuan a month.24.It has been a dream for me to go to a key university.25.Very glad to receive your letter of March.3.26.Im Li Hua from Kun Ming No.3Middle School.27.Some of my classmates are in favor of the move.28.With the coming of the Bei Jing Olympics, more and more foreigners are eager to know more about China.29.In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.30.In the countryside I can enjoy a comfortable and quiet life.31.I would like to get close to nature. I can enjoy some fresh air and learn more about nature.32.Success comes from hard work. So what are you waiting for?33.Welcome to our school if you have any chance.34.Without efforts nothing can be achieved. as the saying goes: No cross, No crown.35.Opinions are divided on the question.36.Im glad to have received your letter you sent me 2 weeks ago.37.Im glad to learn that you are coming to YunNan and will stay at my home. Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you.38.So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture and history.39.Recently, our class has had a heated discussion about whether high school students can bring cell phones to school.40.Sparenoeffortto+V(不遗余力的)Weshouldsparenoefforttobeautifyourenvironment.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。各种常用句型表示原因的常用句型 1.There are three reasons for this. 2 The reasons for this are as follows. 3 The reason for this is obvious. 4 The reason for this is not far to seek. 5 The reason for this is that. 6 We have good reason to believe that. 表示好处的常用句型 1 It has the following advantages. 2 It does us a lot of good. 3 It benefits us quite a lot. 4 It is of great benefit to us 表示坏处的常用句型 1 It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2 It does us much harm. 3 It is harmful to us. 表示措施的常用句型 1 We should take some effective measures. 2 We should try our best to overcome (conquer )the difficulties. 3We should do our utmost in doing sth. 4We should solve the problems that we are faced with. 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1)It is important(necessary,difficult, convenient)possible for sb. to do sth. 2 We think it necessary to do sth. 3 It plays an important role in our life. 表示变化的常用句型 1 Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 2 A great change will certainly be produced in the worlds communications. 3 The computer has brought about many changes in education. 表示比较的常用句型 1)Compared with A,B. 2) A and B have several points in common. 3) A and B differ in several ways. 4) The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 5) I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 表示事实、现状的常用句型 1 We cannot ignore the fact that. 2 No one can deny the fact that. 3 There is no denying the fact that. 4 There is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 表示数量的常用句型 1 It has increased(decreased)from.to. 2 The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000. 3 The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January. 表示看法的常用句型 1People have/hold different attitudes towards sth. 2People have different opinions on this problem. 3People take different views of(on)the question. 表示结论的常用句型 1 In short, it can be said that . 2 It may be briefly summed up as follows. 3 From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that . 部分常用套语 1 Its well known to us that . 2 As is known to us. 3 This is a topic that is being widely talked about. 4 From the graph(table, chart)listed above, it can be seen that . 5 As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way. 表观点的句型1.In my opinion, we should believe him this time.依我看,这次我们应该相信他.2. In my view, he will surely forgive you if you apologize. 我觉得,如果你道歉的话,他肯定会原谅你的3. I suppose (that) the book will be helpful to you.我觉得这本书对你会有帮助.4. I maintain that nothing can take the place of hard work.我认为,没有什么能取代努力.5. As far as Im concerned, everyone should be given an equal opportunity.在我看来,每个人都应该有公平的机会.6. As I see it, this is of great importance.依我看来,这非常重要.7. From where I stand, what he just said was somewhat reasonable.从我的立场来看,他刚才说的话有些道理。8. It seems to me that he doesnt know what he is doing. 我觉得他好象不知道自己在干什么.9. From my point of view, health is the most valuable wealth.在我看来,健康是最宝贵的财富.10.Its my feeling that attitude is more important than ability.我觉得态度比能力更重要.下面是我们中学阶段已学过的表达不同功能的常见的主要高级句式例举: 1、祈使句 / 名词词组 + and / or +陈述句(祈使句 / 名词词组表示“条件”) Work hard, and youll succeed. Hurry up, or youll be late. A little more efforts, and you will make it. 2、it作形式主语的句型 It is well-known that China is a developing country It is no use talking to him again. 3、it作形式宾语的句型 We feel it exciting to work with you. I owe it to him that Ive achieved so much. 4、It is / was + 被强调部分 + that / who表示“强调” It is they that/who have gone to the Great Wall. It was not until he took off his sunglasses that I recognized him. 5、to / in order to/ so as to/ so that/ in order that表示“目的” Check your composition to/ so as to/in order to avoid mistakes. He worked hard in order that they can serve his country well. 6、There be 句型及其扩展形式表示“存在” There lived an old man in that village. There stands a tower on the top of the mountain. 7、分词短语作状语 Hearing the news, he burst into tears. When asked where he came from, he didnt reply. 8、With 结构作状语或定语 He likes to sleep with the door open/closed. She came in, with tears in her eyes/tears in eyes. After a few minutes, a woman with a baby in her arms got on the bus. 9、who / whom / whose / which / that / when / where / why / as引导定语从句 He won the first place in the competition, which made him happy. I, who am your friend, will help you. As is known to us all, he is the best student in his class. 10、what / that / whether / when / where / who / why等引导的名词性从句 What we need is more time. That he couldnt come made us unhappy. Who will go makes no difference.高考英语写作必备短语Above all by accident be active in admit ones mistake Take/ follow ones advice give advice on against ones willAchieve ones will be filled with anger take a correct attitude towards sthAttract ones attention from beginning to end a safety beltAll the best burst into tears a burst of laughterA call for help a summer camp rain cats and dogsFree of charge give sb a clap get close to compete in a contestCongratulate sb on sth be cruel to sb make a decision do good deedsWithout delay deliver a speech beyond description With the development of industry have difficulty in doing in all directionsUnder discussion drive sb mad have a great effect on a happy endingEnglishspeaking country take/ have an examination fall behindcarry out a medical examination feel ones pulse hurt ones feelinghave/ run a hive fever a key figure take a new lookpay no notice to sb take an active part in take pleasure in doing sthbe present at a meeting exchange presents take pride insolve the problem out of ones reach realize ones hopereception desk be rich in make room forbe rude to sb run out of rush hoursave ones strength catch sight of smooth away difficultiessquare kilometer in a good state stick to ones word/promisebe caught in the storm struggle to ones feet supply sb with sthtell a story be thankful to sb for sth traffic jambe in trouble pay a visit to sb wear outbe dressed in white make wonders make a fool of sbtry ones fortune a frequent visitor a fresh handgeneration gap get into trouble have a gift for musicgrasp ones meaning have high hope for sb in the hope of doing sthmake a good impression on sb inform sb of sth an inspiring speechthe key to success break/obey the law lead a simple life leave out attend a lecture on teach sb a lessonlet out a cry of surprise let out the news traffic lightslose heart be mad withjoy make up for ones mistakehave good manners go to a meeting change onesmindenjoy a change 常见标志: BUSINESS HOURS OFFICE HOURSFRAGILE THIS SIDE UP OPEN CLOSEDMENU NO SMOKING NO PARKINGNO PHOTOS PULL PUSH IN DANGERENTRANCE EXIT STOP PAUSE PLAYINSTRUCTION书面表达常用词句:1.个人情况1.She was born on February 18,1978.2.He is a boy of 23.= he is a 23-year-old boy.3.He was born of/in a poor family.Beijing is his birthplace.4.She graduated from a famous university.5.She was a top student when she was in a junior middle school.6.She has been fond of English since she was a child.7.He likes sports, such as basketball and badminton.8.She is good at computer. She is a social girl and good at communication.9.She wants to find a good job.10.He has a gift/ talent for singing.11.Im sure my career will take off sooner or later.12.She was a singer/ dancer.13.My dream is to be a teacher because I like children.2.学校生活1.put ones heart into study 2.be interested in3.take part in an English speech contest4.hold a math/ physics competition 5.Get the first/second place 6.be tired of doing sth 7.be tired from8.have no choice but to do9.be busy doing a pile of homework10.be free from piles of homework11.be fond of/ go in for/like sports12.be good at/ do well in be poor at/ be weak in13.make rapid/great progress in14.improve oneself in 15.set a good example to sb16.copy/ follow the example 16.be active in class17.lay a good foundation 18.make wonders19.Where there is a will,there is a way. May you succeed.20.be confident of 21.make every effort to do sth22.do good deeds for sb3.师生关系1.get on well with 2.like to be with students3.be gentle with sb 4.be kind/friendly to sb5.be patient with sb 6.be careful with ones work7.be hard on sb 8.think of/regard sb as/treat sb as9.praise sb for sth 10.inspire/encourage sb to do11.make lessons lively and interesting12.devote all ones life to the teaching work13.work heart and soul 15.work in high spirits16.be popular with sb4.人际交往1.get/keep in touch with sb 2.be out of touch with sb3.send an e-mail to sb 4.make a phone call to sb5.write a letter saying/telling sb that6.take a message for sb/send a message to sb7.hear from sb/get/receive a letter from sb8.express ones idea/feeling in English9.remember sb to sb else/give ones regards/best wishes to sb10.make a speech at the meeting 11.take sbs side/be on ones side12.argue/quarrel with sb 13.make e-friends/e-pals with sb14.chat on the internet 15.stick to ones promise16.break ones word5.节假日活动1.spend ones time in many different ways 2.kill/waste time3.we can do what we like. 4.have a lot of activities at/on weekends5.a football match between Class5 and Class66.go for an outing 7.see the sights of sw


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