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Module1 单词过关1._ prep. 横过;穿过 2._ n. 长统靴;皮靴3._adj. 大陆的;大洲的 4._ vt. 面向;面对5._ n. 山脉 6._n. 标志性建筑7._n. 美术馆;画廊8._adj. 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的9._ n. 象征;符号 10._ adj. 位于11._n. 建筑师 12._n. 计划;项目;工程13._n. 雕刻;泥塑 14._ n. 发源地15._ n. 文明 16._adj. 古代的17._ prep. 在对面 18._ vt. 签署19._ n. 协议;契约 20._ adv. 在哪里21._ vt. 统治;治理 22._n. 领袖;领导人23._n. 代表 24._ n. 国会;议会25._ n. 地区;区域 26._adj. 地理的27._n. 特点 28._ n. 产品;农产品Module 1 短语1、face的用法_面临,面对_面对, 在 面前_面对面这个房子朝南。2、_陷入困难的状况_摆脱困难的状况_挽回局势3、坐落于,位于(3种)_ _ _4、_在(离开海面的)海岸上_沿着海岸_海岸上5、_从事某事, 做工作;忙于_设计;制订,安排_着手于;开始工作6、因为,由于;多亏了(5个短语)_ _ _ _7、三分之一/三分之二_ _8、_被覆盖9、_因而著名_作为而闻名_为某人所熟知10、_保持头脑清醒_惊慌失措,失去理智_朝着前进11、_根据,从方面来说,从的观点_就长/短期而言_达成协议,和好_与某人交情好/不好12、_比较A和B_把比作_与比较起来,较之13、_对有控制权_无法控制_被控制住_失去控制_对失去控制14、_一方面另一方面15、There+ be/exist/lie/stand/appear+主语 有,存在16、表示倍数的四种句型:这座桥是那座桥的三倍长。这个厂今年的汽车产量是去年的3倍。名词词汇:大小 长度 宽度 高度 深度 年龄 语法填空 (A )Despite all the different problems people face,they can find happiness in the virtue of kindness. One of my close friends developed cancer and 16._(send) to a hospital in town a couple of months ago.17._ was definitely shocking for him to find himself 18._(affect) by the killer disease. At first,he felt hopeless and depressed and even 19._ (stop) talking to anyone else.In my friends room there was an elevenyearold boy suffering 20._ cancer as well. The treatment for the terrible disease was 21._ (extreme) painful and even my friend,a 35year adult,found it hard to bear sometimes. The boy never cried. Instead,he was always smiling while talking to his parents. My friend was impressed and couldnt help talking to that little boy. Gradually 22._ attitude changed to be positive.23_ this sight,I was deeply moved. It was 24._ little boy who inspired my friend to be optimistic. I heard a clear voice from the bottom of my heart telling me that this was kindness. Everyone is benefited by this magic word,25._ value has no bounds.(B)Finishing their shopping at the supermarket, a middleaged couple found their new car 1._ (steal)They filed a report 2._the police station and a detective drove them back 3._ the parking lot to look for evidence.To their 4._ (amaze), the car had been returned 5._ there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car.My wife was having a baby and I had to send her to the 6._ as soon as possible. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets 7._ tonights Rowan Atkinson concert.”Their faith in humanity restored(恢复)The couple attended 8._ concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found that their house 9._(be) ransacked (洗劫)On the bathroom mirror was 10._ note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, dont I?” (C)1_ artist had a small daughter.Sometimes he painted women 2._ any clothes on, and he and his 3._ always tried to keep the small girl out 4._ he was doing this, “She is 5._ young to understand,” they said.But one day, when the artist 6._ (paint) a woman with no clothes on, he forgot to lock the door, and the girl suddenly ran into the room.Her mother ran up the stairs 7._ her, but when she got to the room, the little girl was already in the room and looking at the woman.8._ her parents waited for her to speak. For a few seconds the little girl said 9._, but then she ran to her mother and said 10._ (angry), “Why do you let her go about without shoes and socks on when you dont let me?”由世界各国的专家联合发布的一项新的全球水资源缺乏指数显示,由于人口不断增长,世界上的水资源已经远远不能满足人类的需要。而据报道:西方发达国家人均一天的用水量是非洲发展中国家的6倍。请写一篇英语短文,发给China Daily,说明你的看法。【写作内容】1简要说明这一现象;2你的看法和建议。【写作要求】1必须使用5个句子介绍所给出的全部内容;2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:resource资源【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。CCTV广告我国每年约生产450亿双一次性筷子, 需要砍伐600万棵大树 一棵树的生态价值是其所造筷子价值的9 倍 假如你是李华,请根据电视上的广告内容,用英语给China Daily写信,引用广告中的事实,阐述树木(森林)对保持良好环境的重要性,列举生产一次性筷子对环境的危害,提出你的建议。注意:1.词数100左右;信的格式已为你写好,不计人 词数。 2.参考词汇:throwaway chopsticks一次性筷子;ecological value生态价值 Dear Editor, We are astonished to learn from a CCTV ad that each year, _Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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