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中考英语总复习第一轮教案第一单元 七年级上册第一章Unit1-Unit6一.重点单词nice meet you first family spellWatch friend photo under know take have us play interesting they tomato eat healthy 二。重点短语last name first name in English lost and found thanks for watch TV play sports phone/telephone number 三重点句型1.Whats your name? 2. Whats your phone number? 3. Is this your pen? 4.What can I do for you? 5. Here you are? 6.When is your birthday? 7.What time do you usually get up? 8.Have a great time|!四.重点语法重点句型1一般现在时2名词的复数3人称代词和物主代词4冠词(a/anthe)五。典型例题(c)1(2011)My uncle isengineer. He works very hard A the B a Can(A)2(201I广安) 一How much is the pair of Shoes? 一Twenty dollarsenough A is B are C am(D)3(2011重庆)I called you,but nobody Answered .Whereyou? A is B are C was D were(c)4(2010-成都)一Excuse me .I want to buy some stamps. Where can I find a post office? _ I know _ not far from here .You can easily find. A that:it B it:0ne Cone;it(D)5(2010宜宾)一Do you know everyone from Class One? ER,I know some of_. A they B their C theirs D them五解读中考 1. how是疑问副词,意为“怎么样”,经常用来提问健康状况或程度。how可以单独使用,也可以与别的词搭配使用来询问各种情况,如删how y,how much,how often等。 例一was the film you saw last night?- _It was great I like it. A What B How C Where 解析:根据句意“你昨天晚上看的电影一?”好!我喜欢。”可知问句问的是对电影的看法怎么样 2. where 的用法3 do 的用法4 some 与any的区别 第二章 Unit7-Unit12一考纲提要1掌握与电影、文艺、书画、学科、13期、日常生话等相关的词汇。 2掌握含有实义动词的一般现在时的肯定句、否定句与疑问句的用法, 3学会用英语提出建议、讨论好恶、询问价格、感谢他人和谈论日期等;舍用英语谈论喜好、制定计划、询问和表达时间、谈论日常作息习惯,并会用英语表述理由。二策略 历届中考命题,对本章知识考查的重点有: 词汇:动词want ,afford前用法;interestinteresting和interested;show的用法;情态动诃can和may的用法。 语法:have和do的各种时态的肯定句、否定与句与疑问句,由why引导的特殊疑问句,宾语从句,感叹句。 题型:多以听力、单项选择题的形式出现,也常出现用所给单词的适当形式填空、句型转换等题型。 复习时要注意知识点的识记和积累,联系生活实际,加强练习。三重点短语Sale black help come buy birth go kind find someone funny sad really think learn new successful swim paint speak show teeth start write tell busy strict life四重点短语On sale have a look how old get up do homework go home get to have a shower do home work go to a movie what time by bus play the guitar basketball game be strict with sb.五重点句型1.How much are the pants?2.I like comedies and I also like Beijing opera. 3.He thinks he can learn about Chinese history. 4.Can I help you? 5.What club can you join? 6.what a funny time to eat breakfast! 7.Our teacher is a strict with me and Im usually very tired after class.六重点语法l_感叹旬2序数词3日期与时刻的表达4情态动词can的用法七例题1.when did the car accident happen?_It happened _a rainy night.A at B on C in2.I usually get up _7:00_the morning.A in; at B at; in C in; in D at on3._Dad, May I watch tv?_No, you cant. You _finish your homework first.A must B can C may4.Betty will ring me up when she _in Beijing.A arrive B arrives arrived D will arrive5.He said that light _much faster than sound.A has traveled B went C travels D traveled6._Tom wants to know if you will have a picnic tomorrow._Yes. But if it_,we will play chess instead.A will rain B rained C is raining D rains第二单元 七年级下第一章Unit1-Unit6一考纲1.掌握与国家,公共场所,问路,指路,动物,天气以及职业相关的词汇2.掌握不定代词other与another的用法3.会用英语谈论人们来自哪里,描述动物,表达喜好,问路,指路及谈论工作,天气4。掌握there be 句型和现在进行时的肯定,否定与疑问句的用法二策略1.词汇:不定代词other the other others anther的用法2.介词:though across cross 3.动词:arrive reach get to4.语法:there be句型,三考点识记(一)重点单词Canada Australia Japan county pay clean fun clever beautiful sleep leaf policeman give dangerous late child teach read wait shop rain weather cook study pretty lie improve open hope zoo (二)重点短语 across from next to in front of on the right/ left go straight take a walk in the neighborhood have fun kind of at night on vacation look at have a good time take a photo wait for (三)重点句型 1.Where is your pen pal from? She is from Janpan.2.What does your father do? 3. What language does she speak? She speaks English.4.Why do you like koalas? Because they are cute. 5.What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.四。(重点语法)1.地点介词的用法 2.现在进行时的用法 3.therre be句型四 例题分析1.Look at the wall .There are some picture _it.A in B on C to D at2.Mrs Green is _her purse, but she cant _it.A looking for find B looking at find C seeing looking for D finding look for3.It _hard outside .You have to say at home.A rain B is raining C rained4.The food _my country is quiet different _that here.A in like B to from C from to D in frome第二章 七年级下Unit7-Unit12一,考纲提要 1掌握动词过去式、过去分词的规则变化与不规则变化。 2掌握与周末生活、娱乐、假日生活相关的词汇。 3会用英语描述人们的外表,会用英语订餐,谈论假日生括等。 4掌握现在进行时的肯定、否定和疑问句用法会用英语谈论人们正在做的事。 5掌握动词在一般过去时的肯定句、否定句和疑问句中的用法。会用英语谈论已经过去和刚过去的事情。二考试趋势及复习策略 就本章知识,这些年中考命题的重点有: 词汇:代词that、one和it的用法,动词stop、remember、make、mind、decide与would like的用法,非谓语动词、介词的用甚,情态动词have to的用法。 语法:一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问句。 题型:考查的形式多以根据句意及首字母、汉语提示或所给单词的适当形式完成句子,以及选择题、句型转换和翻译句子等。三考点识记知识分类教材考点:重点单词1 tall adj高的_(反义词)2 high adj.高的一_n. 高度3 thin adj.瘦的一_(反义词)4 heavy adj。重的一_(反义词)5 always adv总是一_(反义词)6 popular adj.受欢迎的一adv._7rememher v.牢记;记住_(反义词)8 potato n.土豆一(pl.)_9 large adj. 大的一_(反义词)10 do v. 做一_(过去分词)11 go v. 去一 went (过去式)12 have v.做;进行一_(过去式)13 spend v. 度过;花费一_(过去式)14 see v. 看见一_(过去式)15 sit v. 坐;使坐下一_(过去式)16 expensive adj.吐昂贵的一_(反义词)17 cry v. 哭泣,流泪一_(过去分词)18 make v. 使;促使_(过去式)19 feel v. 感到;觉得一_(过去式)20 decide v. 决定n._21 discuss v. 讨论n._22 stand v. 忍受 一_(过去式)23.agree v.同意,赞成 n._24 say v. 说一_(过去式)25 fight v. 打架一_(过去分词)26 outside adv.在外面的一_(反义词)重点短语1 not _ _ 不再 2.a little _ 一点儿,少许3._ home在家4._ some reading 阅读5.go _ 购物6 go_a _ 去散步7think_ 思考8_ the corner 在角落里9 agree _ 赞同 10 _ to 不得不 11 _ shoes 运动鞋 12helpsb_sth 13_ fact 实际上 14 decide_do sth 决定(不)做 15 no _ 禁止说话 重点句型1一What does he _ _?他长的什么样, -Hes_.他很高大。 2-What_ of noodles _ you like? 你想要哪种面条? 一Id like_ _ _ noodles. 我想要牛肉番茄面。 3一_was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样? 一It was _. 过得不错。 4一where did you go on vacation?你假期上哪儿去了? I _ to _ camp.我去夏令营了。 5一What do you think of_ _ ? 你认为谈话节目怎么样? -I cant stand them我不喜放它们。 重点语法 l_一般过去时的构成与用法。 2祈使句的用法。 挑战中考( )1(2011德阳)Please tell the boys_ any noise. My baby is sleeping Anot make B to make C. not to make( )2(2011凉山)Hello_ Mike speaking. Is Ann in? -Sorry,shes gone to BeijingA. I am B This is C That is( )3(201l泸州)The population of the world_ still _now. Awill;grow B have;grown Cis;growing D is;grown( )4(2011遂宁)This morning I had hardly got to my school when it_to rain Ahad begun B was beginning Cbegan D begins( )5(2011自贡)一Ive got a ticket for the basketball game tonight. Cool!How_you_it? A had;got B did;get Cwere; getting D will;get( )(2011绵阳)一Have you ever been to Canada? 一Yes,I_there last year with my parentsA have been B have gone C went D go( )7(2010广元)Jame,Im too tired. Lets stop _ a rest. A having B have Cto having D to have( )8(2010自贡)They spent all night_the work. A doing B did C to do( )9(2010宜宾)Whilel I was walking along the lakeI saw some fish_out of water A jumped B to jump C jumping Dare jumping语法聚焦:一般过去时1. 概念:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如last year,yesterday等;也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作,常和often,always等频度副词连用。2. 构成:通常由动词过去式表示,动词过去式构成如下:(1) 规则动词过去式的构成:一般动词在末尾直接加上-ed。如looklooked以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加-d。如:live-lived。末尾只有一个辅音字母且重读闭音节的动词先双写辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop-stopped。末尾是“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-ed。如:study-studied。(2)不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。如:amis,-was,are-were,go-went,take-tookhave(has)-had等。例(2011凉山)Her father had an accident on his way home while riding his motorcycle and his _legs A loses Blost Close此题考查一般过去时态。由“Her father had an accident onhis way home”可知事情发生在过去,故应用lose的过去式lost。 答案:B 第三单元 八年级上册第一章 Unit1-Unit6考纲提要:1掌握与饮食、课余括动、身体各部位名称、身体的种种不适相关的词汇,掌握与交通工具和距离相关的词汇,掌握与学校日常生活相关的词汇,掌握频率副词及其短语。 2掌握时间状语从句、让步状语从句及不定式作主语的用法;掌握形容词的比较级与最高级的用法。 3会用英语谈论从事的活动的频率,谈论人的身体健康、对未来的计划,会用英语提出建议;会用英语谈论如何合理安排行程并会合理选择交通工具,懂得如何用英语发出、接受、拒绝邀请,会用英语谈论义务、个人的特点及进行人们之间的比较:中考趋势及策略 这些年中考命题对这一章知识考查的重点有: 词汇:形容词different、same、和famous的用法;副词however的用法;动词leave与forget的区别,join、join in、take part in与attend的区别;动词keep、try、plan、matter、depend的用法,代词both的用法;take和by与表示交通工具的词语的搭配以及副词fast、quikly与soon的区基;情态动词must的用法。 语法:until引导的状语从句、alhough或though引导的让步状语从句和现在进行时表将来;形容词的比较级与最高级。 题型:考查的题型以选择填空、用所给词的适当形式填空、句型转换、完成对话等形式为主。 在复习进程中要注意知识点的识记和积累,加强对形容诃比较级和最高级表达方法的学习。考点识记重点单词1active adj.活跃的一_(反义词2 drinkv.喝;饮一_(过去式)3 health n.一adj._4same adj.相同的-_(反义词)5.maybe adv. 或许;大概 _(同义词) 6. although conj.虽然,即使一_ (同义词)7.keep v.保持_ (过去式)8. foot n.脚一(pl.)_9 tooth n.牙齿一(Pl.)_10.illness n. 疾病一_(同义词)11 early adj.adv.早的(地)一_(反义词) 12 hear v.听见;听说_(过去式)13send v.发送;寄一_(过去分词)14 ride v.乘骑一_(过去式)15 famous adj.著名的-_(同义词)16 Europe n.欧洲一adj._17 leave v. 离开一_(过去式)18nature v.大自然一adj._19far adj. 远的;遥远的一_(比较级)20 quick adj. 快的一_(反义词)21 ill adj.生病的;不健康的一_(同义词)22.serious adj.严肃的一adv._23mean v.“表示的意思一n._24 laugh v.笑;感到好笑一_(过去式)25care v. 对在意adj._重点短语_l how_ 多久一次2 the same _!同一样3look _照顾4_ lot_大量;许多5as_ 至于;关于6_ many 多少7 of _ 当然8 have a _ 受凉;感冒9 (be) stressed _ 有压力的;紧张的10 a _ 有些;几个;少数11 at the _ 此时;现在12 how_ 多久;多长时间13get _ 回来14._ a vacation去度假15.a _ 很;非常16 how_ 多远17 depend _ 视 而定;决定于18_ boat 乘小船19 the day_ tomorrow 后天20.come _ 顺便来访21._ common 共有的22 be good_ 擅长23 begin _ 以 .开始24more _ 超出.重点句型1._do you_?你多久锻炼一次?2Whats the _ ?你怎么啦?3 Im sorry _ _ _ youre not feeling well.听到你不舒服的消息我感到很难过。4 What are you doing _ _?你准备假期干什么?5一Can you_ my party_ Wednesday 星期三你能来参加我的聚会吗?Sure.Id love to.当然,我很愿意去。6 He _ _ going to Greece or Spain, but decided_Canada.他考虑去希腊或西班牙,但最终决定去加拿大。7 What do you_ _the transportation _your _?你认为在你的镇交通情况怎样?8.Thank you for _ _.多谢您的邀请。9 I like to have friends who _ _ _.我喜欢交和我性格相同的朋友。I0Im_ _younger_her.我稍微她小。11 As you can see,in some ways we _ _ _, and in some ways we _ _.正如你所看到的,在某些方面,我们看起来一样,同时在某些方面又有些不同。重点语法: 1频度副词alwaysusuallyoftensometimeshardly never的用法.2 allmostsomeno的用法.3情态动词should shouldnt的用法.4现在进行时表将来5对变通方式的提问及其回答。6形容词的比较级用法。考题精练( )1(2011南充)一which do you prefer,green tea or coffee? 一_,thanksId like a glass of water. AEither B Neither C Both( )2(201I广安)一I feel tired and sleep? Why not stop_for a while? A rest B.to rest C.resting D rested( )3(2011泸州)一Are you satisfied with the result of the exam? 一Not at allI cant have_. A a worse one B a better one C the worst one D the best one( )4(2011。重庆)I go to school_bus every morning. Ain B on C at D by( )5(20ll巴中)Dont try to do everything at once. Take it a bit_. Aat times B at that time Cat all time D at a time(遥一)( )6(2011自贡)一Its so cold today. Yes,its_colder than it was yesterday A some B more C very D much( )7(2011.内江)Now China has joined WTO (世贸组织),so I think English is_usefulthan before. A more B most C much D many( )8(20ll宜宾)One of the difficulties we have_English is how to remember new word and expressions. A to learn Bin learning C learn Dlearned( )9(2011遂宁)The mountain_with snow all year roundso its hard to climb it. Acovered B was covered C. is covered D covers( )10(2011乐山) Is it from Le shan to Cheng du? A How soon B How far C How fast根据句子及所给汉语提示,完成单词,使句子通顺。1(2010广安)we shouldnt_(依靠) too much on our parents.2(2010南充)Its_(有必要的)for us to master some life skills第二章 Unit7-Unit12 考纲提要1掌握与假日旅游、职业、未来理想、生活经历、成就、个人好恶等相关的词汇。 2掌握选择疑问句、简单句写复合句的转化、表示委婉请求的句式的用法,一般将来时、一般过去时、形容词的最高级的用法。 3会用英语描述事情的过程,谈论对过去的事情的感受,谈论未来的打算,礼貌地提出请求,讨论喜欢的东西并会进行比较。考试趋势及策略 就本章的知识来讲,历届中考常考的知识点有: 词汇:动词become、get、turn与grow的区别,动词win与beat的区别,动词lend、borrow与keep的区别,动词need的用法,turn与put短语的用法,形容词alive、live与living的区别,复合形容词的用法,常用的动词短语,形容词enough的用法,介词without的用法。 语法:侧重考查too to 句式、表示委婉请求的句式、一般将来时、一般过去时、形容词的最高级的用法。 题型:主要以根据首字母或用所给的适当形式完成句子、单项选择、句型转换、补全对话等题型出现。考点识记知识分类教材考点重点单词1 cutv.切;割-_(过去分词)2 instruction n.命令;指示一v._3 salt n盐;食盐一adj._4 top n.顶;上部一_(反义词)5 gift n.礼物一_(同义词)6 win v.赢;决胜一_(过去分词)7 went adj.湿的一_(反义词)8 national adj国家的,金色的一 n._9 gold n.金子一adj._10 become v.成为,变成一_(过去式)11 kind adj和蔼的;友好的一adv._12 tour v.在旅行;观光一n._(观光者)13 alive adj活着的一_(反义词)14 Asia n.亚洲-adj._15 grow v.生长;成长一_(过去式)16,dream n.梦;梦想一v._17 artist n.艺术家-_n.艺术18 hold v. 举行一_(过去式)19 rich adj.富有的;富裕的一_(反义词)20 travel v.旅行一_(现在分词)2l fit adj.强健的;健康的一_(同义词)22foreign adj.外国的一n. _外国人23sweep v.扫除;清扫一_(过去式)24.hate v.憎恨一_(同义词)25 invite v.邀请一n._26.feed v. 喂养;饲养一_(过去式)27 close adj.近的一_(反义词)28 bad adj.坏的一_(比较级),- _(最高级)重点短语1 turn on 打开2 cut up切碎3 add _ 把加到上4 hang_闲逛,闲荡5 sleep _ 睡过头;起得晚6 day_ 休息;不工作;不上学7_.to太以致不能8 ice _ 滑冰9_ part(in)参加 ;参与10 _ of 因为:由于11_ in主修:专研12 grow_成长;长大13 _the same _ 同时14 all _ 到处;遍及各处15 do the _ 洗餐具16 _ out取出17_ onesthe bed整理床铺18 work _ 从事;忙于19 do _ 处理琐事;干家务20 do the_ 洗衣服21 take_of 照看,照顾22(n ot)_ all丝毫(也不);一点(也不)重点句型1_the milk _the blender把牛奶倒进搅拌机。2.Heres a recipe_a great turkey_! 这是超级三明治的烹调法。3 They took the bus_ _ school.他们乘公共汽车回学校。4 Im_ you didnt_ _ on your_.你放假玩得不开心,我很抱歉。5 You are never_ young_start doing things. 你何时开始做事都不嫌早。6 What can I do to_?我怎样做才能出名?7 Im going to do what I_.我将做我想做的事。8 They want to_ _ _their kids他们想和他们的孩子交流。9 She found a job as _ _ teacher她找到了一份当外语教师的工作。10 Dont _ _ _ his bed不要忘记了整理他的床。11 When he_ a small boy,he could hum songs and difficult _ _ music. 当他还是个小男孩时,他能哼唱歌曲和难度大的曲子。12 We did_ _ _ our readers and this is _ we learned. 我们对读者做了一项调查,这是我们所了解到的情况。重点语法1一般过去时2 be going to的用法3 tooto的用法4表示委婉请求及请求允许的句式5形容词的最高缎挑战中考( )1(2011南充)China is one of _ countries in the world. A larger B largest C the largest( )2(2011广安)一Do you mind my opening the window? 一Please do it now. A Of course not. B Yes,1 do C.Certainly( )3(2011雅安)一which month has_ days in a year? 一Febuary. A few Blittle C the least D the fewest( )4(20ll达州)xian is one of _ capital_ in China A older;city B the older;city C oldest;cities D the oldest;cities( )5(2010内江)Lucy was_excited_ say anying when she heard the good news. A so;that B so;to C too;to( )6(2010自贡)一Good morming,madam. Can I help you?- Sure,Id like_for cooking vegelables A.two cups of tea B. three pieces ofbread C .five kilos of oil( )7(2010-南充)-Does the child need any help? -No, She is_to dress herself. A enough old B young enoughC old enough( )8 What a nice picture of a house!It would be_with some green tree around it. A best B better Cworse重点语法引导 用法:表示三者或三者以上人或事物之间的比较,其中有一个在某一方面超过其他几个。形容词的最高级的前面一般要加冠词the,后面可带of或in短语来说明比较的范围。例如: She is the best student in her class. 形容词的最高级一般是在形容词词尾加-est构成;以e结尾的,加-st;以重读闭音节结尾的,且词尾只有一个辅音字母。先双写这个辅音字母,再加-est;以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,先变y为i,再加-est。多音节词和部分双音节在词前加most构成最高级。注意:副词的最高级与形容词的最高级大致相同。 不规则变化的形容词或副词最高级需特别记忆。例(2011广安)一which is the_season of a year? - Summer A hot B hotter C hottest 解析:此题考查形容词的最高级。夏天是一年中最热的季节,要用hot的最高级形式:双写t再加一est。 答案:c考题精练:( )1(2011上海)Mr Smiththought the Century Park was the second _in Shanghai. A large B large C largest D large迎战中考( )1 There_a talk show on CCTV-3 at eight this evening A is going to be Bis going to have Cwill have( )2.He won the prize_in the speech contest. A success B.successfully C.succeed( )3They often take_walk after dinner. Aa B C the D an( )4 Julia is very clever. In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has_1Q. Aa high Ba higher Cthe higher Dthe highest( )5_a big party in our school in two weeks. AIt is B It will be C There was DThere going to be( )6 Which country is fhe_ in the world? A bigger Bbig C biggest( )7 Li Lei is_the two boys A tall B the taller C.the tallest( )8 John was so busy_ a novel that he forgot _dinner. Areading;to have B reading:having C to read:to have( )9 1 hope to visit the USA_in the future. Asometimes B some times Csometime D some time( )10 The teacher told Lucy_too much time_computer games. A not to spend;in B to not spend;on C didnt spend;play D not to spend;playing第四单元 八年级下册第一章 Unit1-Unit5考纲提要 1掌握与自然、人文、社会科学及家庭生活、学校生括有关的词汇,掌握与成绩报告、个人想法等相关的词汇。 2掌握一般将来时、过去进行时、现在完成时、由if引导的条件状语从句、直接引语与间接引语的转换。 3会用英语预测未来,谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种问题,谈论过去发生的事情,谈论个人的业余爱好等。中考趋势及策略 在历届中考命题中,对本章考查的重点知识有: 词汇:in与after ,except与besides的区别,不定代词every与each的区别,alone与lonely的区别,连词since、as soon as、副词away的用法,动词suppose、happen的用法。 短语:less的比较句式,疑问副词和代词后接不定式的用法,动词短语take off的用法,句型have trouble in doing sth的用法。 语法:一般将来时和过去进行时的运用,由If引导的从句、现在完成进行时,直接引语与间接引语的转换,由when、while引导的时间状语从句的用法。 题型:在中考命题中,多以单项选择、用所给词的适当形式完成句子、句型转换、补全对话等题型出现。 在复习过程中,要注意知识的识记和积累,掌握when和while引导的时间状语从句时,从句的时态是中考考查的重点。中考对直接引语与间接引语的考查更多是以考查宾语从句的形式考查,考生应多做这方面的练习。考点识记重点单词l few adj少的;几乎没有一_(比较级)2 building n.建筑物;楼房一_v.建造3fly v.飞行_ (过去式)4fall v.落下;跌落_(过去式)5 poubabIy adv大概;或许一adj._6interview v. 面试一n._n.面试者-_n.面试官_7 scientist n.科学家一_n.科学8simple adj.简单的一_(反义词)9 possible adj.可能的_(反义词)10argue v.争吵,争论-n._11wrongadj.错误的,不合适的一_(反义词)12 except prep.除以外一_(同义词)3fail v.失败一n._14fit v. 适应;适合_(过去式)15 include v.包括;包含adj._16 freedom n.自由adj. _17 experience n.经历;体验-v._18 imagine v.想象-n.


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