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北师大版2020届九年级下学期英语第二次模拟考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)1. (8分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确的答案。A Play: Four ButterfliesCharacters: Red Butterfly (RB), Green Butterfly (GB), Green Tree (GT), Rose (R), Grandpa Sun (GS)Look! There are four butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, one is green, and the other one is white. They play games and dance together every day, and they are very happy. One day, its fine. Four butterflies are playing a game in the garden. Suddenly it is full of dark clouds and it begins to rain hard.1) GB: Oh, its raining hard. Green Tree is over there. She canhelp us.GB: Green Tree, our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.GT: Green Butterfly, I like you. We have the same color. You can come in, but the other three butterflies must go away.GB: No, thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.RB: Rose is over there. She can help us.2) RB: Rose, our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.R: Red Butterfly, I like you. We have the same color. You can come in, but the other three butterflies must go away.RB: No, thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.3) GS: What good friends they are! This is a real friendship. I must help them.The sun drives the clouds away and asks the rain to stop. Soon the sun gives off bright light and dries up their wings.4) Four butterflies: Oh, the sun comes out. Our wings are dry. Lets play and dance again.(1)How many butterflies are there in the garden? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(2)What are the butterflies doing when it starts to rain? A . They are flying.B . They are dancing.C . They are playing a game.D . They are staying under the leaves.(3)Who helps the butterflies at last? A . Rose.B . Rain.C . Grandpa Sun.D . Dark clouds.(4)What is the main idea of the play? A . Butterflies cannot fly if their wings are wet.B . The four butterflies are sisters and brothers.C . Grandpa often helps others.D . A real friendship means that friends stay together when they are in trouble.2. (8分)阅读理解C Liang Xianghua, a 22-year-old girl from Guangxi University, has been well-known in China for her sand painting since her first work was used by CCTV. Sand paintings really attracted me while I was watching a video performance, I was surprised by how this artwork melted peoples heart in minutes said Liang. I fell in love with the way the sand pictures, music and the light combined(融合)with each other to make a flow of emotion(情感). You can express things freely. In order to master the skills, Liang practised for several hours every day. She said that she couldnt even do the first step well of throwing sand onto the glass. But she didnt give up. After finding success with her first show, she was invited to do many performances. This made her quite tired. She decided to give a stop and focus on her study. But an invitation from Malaysia changed her mind just as she was about to wash the sand from her hands. This spring, she was invited by a Malaysia middle school to give a performance. Liang didnt want to do a live show, but agreed to do a video for the school, showing its development over the years. She received praise for her work and the performance was described as an eye-opener for the students. This made her wonder if her art would be more meaningful if she made it for the poor students. As a volunteer this time, she plans to take part in a summer programme offering help to pupils in a mountain area, and give the most wonderful show in her life.(1)Which of the following helps you understand the underlined word performance? A . show.B . painting.C . success.D . invitation.(2)Why did Liang fall in love with sand painting? A . Because she wanted to be famous.B . Because she wanted to be a volunteer.C . Because sand paintings melted her heart.D . Because she loved watching video programmes.(3)What is the implied(隐含)meaning of the underlined sentence “shehands, in Paragraph 4? A . It means Liang decided to wash the sand off her sands.B . It means Liang wanted to make a new sand painting.C . It means Liang wanted to do voluntary work in summer.D . It means Liang decided to give up doing sand paintings.(4)Whats the writers purpose of writing the third paragraph? A . To tell us that Liang is good at making sand pictures.B . To explain why Liang fell in love with sand pictures.C . To show that Liangs success comes from hard work.D . To express that Liang enjoys throwing sand onto the glass.3. (10分)根据表格信息,选择正确答案。 Beishan Snow World Ski ParkTicke1 Price: 20 yuanActivity Price: 50 yuan/ hour on weekdays70 yuan/hour on weekendsOpening Time: 10: 00 am-3: 00 pmTel: S595885Volunteers WantedCan you speak English? Can you work hard? Do you know much about Jilin? Do you want to work as volunteers?Age: 20- -50Please call 8951568.FoundA sports bag. Its black.There is a basketball and a pair of running shoes in it.Come to Classroom 201.Tel: 3215535Movies in Wanda Cinema TodayBetter Days(少年的你): 8: 00 am-10: 00 amMy Dear Liar(受益人): 1: 30 pm-4: 00 pmWeathering With You(天气之子):6: 00 pm-8; 00 pmTicket price: 25 yuanCome and have fun!Booking office tel: 8601002ON SALEAll kinds of school things: bags, exercise books, rulers, pens are cheaper now. Come quickly! Only this week.Welcome to Sunshine Shop.On Guanghua Street.Tel : 6765163Save 40%(1)If you want to pay less money, you can go skiing on _. A . SaturdayB . SundayC . Friday(2)I spent 30 yuan on a pen in Sunshine Shop last week. But Li Ming spent only _ on the same kind of pen in Sunshine Shop this week. A . ¥16B . ¥18C . ¥12(3)The owner of the sports bag may be good at _. A . swimmingB . skatingC . basketball(4)Lin Tao wants to be a volunteer. he must speak _ well. A . FrenchB . EnglishC . Chinese(5)Mr. Brown wont be free until 4: 30 pm. Which movie can he see? A . My Dear LiarB . Better DaysC . Weathering With You4. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Job interviews can be very different from country. An interviewers “body language” and questions, and the form of an interview are not the same around the world.If youre at a job interview in Japan, dont look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. It is considered impolite. But if youre at an interview in the US, you should make eye contact(交流) with the interviewer. If you dont, the interviewer may think you are not sure about your ability.In the US and some other countries, interviewers arent supposed to ask questions about family and personal information. In most countries, however, personal questions are very common during job interviews.In Germany, your interview might begin with a very short conversation followed by a formal(正式的) interview. In Mexico and many other countries, the whole interview might not be formal.(1)In Japan, looking directly into the eyes of the interviewer is _. A . boringB . impoliteC . humorousD . dangerous(2)What is suggested at an interview in the US according to the text? A . Sitting by the interviewer.B . Making eye contact.C . Talking about family background.D . Asking personal information.(3)In _, a short talk usually begins before a formal interview. A . JapanB . the USC . GermanyD . Mexico(4)In which part of a magazine can we read the text? A . science.B . Geography.C . Culture.D . Sports.二、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)5. (5分)任务型阅读, 新年即将到来,请为下面五个同学选出适合他们的新年礼物,其中有一项为多余_Lin Yang: I like Yao Ming. He is great. I want to play basketball with myfriends._Liu Mei: Its very cold here, but I have only an old coat. Its my mothers.I need new clothes._Wang Li and Wang Xia: We are sisters. We dont know the time to go toschool. We dont want to be late for school._Zheng Lei: Books are our friends. I want to read many books._Dai Xu: My shoes are broken. My parents have no money to buy a pair for me.6. (5分)任务型阅读(D)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。There are lots of students in China. They go to school every day._How do they go to school every day? Read the words, you can find some interesting things.Beijing is a very big city. Most students go to school by subway here. And it often takes them a long time to get to school.Changchun is a big city, too. But there isnt a subway line in this city._There are many bus lines in Changchun.Suizhou is a small city._They walk to school every day and it only takes them a short time to get to school.In some places in the south of China, there are many rivers. _I think it must be more fun than taking the bus.But in a small village in China, its not easy for the students to go to school. There is a very big river between their school and the village._So these students have to go on a rope way to school.A. So the students there often go to school by boat.B. So many students here go to school on the bus.C. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly.D. Many students live near their school.E. But they go to school in different ways.三、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共2题;共10分)7. (5分)根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式。 (短文由Unit 2的课文改写而来)good,bad,meat,remember,healthyWhats_food and drink for children?A lot of ice creamhamburgers and cola and too much_and sugarThey are_for childrenWhats healthy food and drink for children?Carrots,eggs,sweet potatoes,milk,cheese,fish and chicken soup are_for childrenSo_to eat well and stay healthy8. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。kill take pride in wide nineteen wealthy(1)It is Toms_ birthday and were gathering together to celebrate.(2)A few weeks ago, Sallys pet dog _ in a car accident.(3)English is used_ in many countries.(4)Knowledge makes one laugh, but _ makes one dance.(5)I _ the inventions by Chinese in ancient times.四、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)在新课改模式下,有人喜欢传统的教学模式,例如不称呼老师名字,端正做,仔细听,做笔记,举手发言等。有人喜欢新的教学方式,如小组合作,学生面对面做,轻松讨论,自由谈论等。最后请谈谈你个人的观点。短文需包括以上信息,可适当发挥,字数80词左右。 With the development of teaching-reform, some differences between traditional class and modern class have appeared in our study.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、二、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)5-1、6-1、三、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共2题;共10分)7-1、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、四、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)9-1、


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