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2017年广东省高考英语听说考试真题APart A Reading AloudBy 1850, almost all of New Englands forest had been chopped down, and much of this was turned to farmland, surrounded by stone walls. But then everything changed, as richer farmland and gold were discovered in the west. And many of the settlers chased their fortunes elsewhere. Towns like Livermore disappeared as quickly as they had been formed. Slowly, the trees of New England grew around the ruins and reclaimed the land. This new forest was very different. By chopping down the old-growth trees, people had given fast-growing maples and oaks a chance to claim the land. They grew back in greater numbers than ever before.Part B Role PlayW: Hi, Tom. Where did you go for the winter holiday?M: Oh, I went to Australia.W: That must be very exciting! How long was your stay?M: I spent twenty days there.W: Wow! Thats a long holiday. Did you go there with family?M: No. I went there alone, and enjoyed the trip very much.W: Cool. But I dont think I can afford a holiday there. It must be very expensive.M: Not at all. I did that through work exchange.三问部分1.那是什么意思呢?(回答:Well, work exchange is a great way to save money when you travel. You just work to get a free bed and some free food and you meet new people. For example, I worked on a farm this time in Australia. In exchange, the host there afforded me very nice accommodation and food, and I even made a good friend there, who was also on work exchange.)参考答案:What do you mean?What does it/that mean?Whats the meaning of that?2.你有很多空闲时间旅游吗?(回答:Sure. In Australia, I had two days a week for travelling, while last year in India, I worked only three days a week. It really depends. How many hours you work is decided by the host.)参考答案:Did you have a lot of free/spare time for travelling?Was there plenty of spare time for you to travel?Did you have plenty of time to travel?3.游客能找到哪些工作呢?(回答:Therere jobs available in hostels, art galleries, local families and so on. It really depends on the host and the country. For example, in Australia, therere more jobs on farms than in hostels. In some countries, therere many job opportunities offered by local families. The parents of those families mostly want you to teach their kids English. But I guess a hostel job is the most popular one.)参考答案:What kinds of jobs can the travelers/tourists find/get?:五答部分1.Where did Tom spend his winter holiday?参考答案He spent his holiday in Australia.2.How long was Toms stay in Australia?参考答案:He stayed for twenty days.3.What did Tom get from the work on the farm?参考答案:He got very nice accommodation and food.4. Who makes the decision on the working hours of the traveler?参考答案:The host makes the decision on the working hours of the traveler.5.What is the job that the local families mostly offer? 参考答案:The job that the local families mostly offer is to teach their kids English.Teaching their kids English.Part C Retelling故事复述本题24分Mamas JewelMary was not very rich and could not afford any jewels. But she was as beautiful as a queen in the eyes of little Tom, her son. One day, her friend Emma invited Mary to her birthday party. Mary accepted the invitation and went with Tom. She went there simply dressed and wore no rings or necklace. Emma was rich and was wearing a fancy dress and shining jewels. Tom was impressed. At the party, Emma received a lot of gifts and showed them to the guests. Some of them were beautiful jewels. Tom thought his mother must look great with those jewels. He wished his mother could have one of them. So he secretly took one and hid it in his pocket. On their way home, Tom took out the jewel and gave it to Mary. Surprised and angry, Mary blamed Tom for stealing the jewel. Tom cried, “Mom, I just wanted you to have a jewel like a queen.” Mary held Tom in her arms and said, “My dear, you are my jewel. If you cant be an honest person, you break my jewel.” Then they went back, apologized to Emma and returned the jewel.参考答案1:Mary was not rich and couldnt buy any jewels. But her son, Tom, thought she was beautiful like a queen. One day, Marys friend Emma invited Mary to her birthday party. Mary went with Tom. She was simply dressed without any jewels. But Emma wore fancy dress with shining jewels. She showed the guests the beautiful jewels she received as gifts. Tom thought his mother would look great with those jewels, so he stole one of them and hid it in his pocket. On their way home, Tom took out the jewel and gave it to Mary. Mary was angry. She told Tom that he was her jewel and that Tom would break it if he couldnt be an honest person. At last, they returned the jewel and apologized to Emma.参考答案2:Mary was not rich and didnt have any jewels. But in her son Toms eyes, she was the most beautiful. One day, they were invited to Marys friend, Emmas birthday party. Mary went there simply dressed. Emma was rich and she wore a beautiful dress with shining jewels. Tom was impressed. When Emma showed the guests the jewels she received, Tom wished his mother could have one of them. He took one of them secretly and put it in his pocket. When they went back home, Tom showed Mary the jewel. Surprised and angry, Mary blamed Tom. Tom cried and said he just wanted his mother to have a jewel. Mary told him that he was her jewel and if he couldnt be honest, he broke the jewel. Then they returned the jewel to Emma and apologized.2017年广东省高考英语听说考试真题BPart A Reading AloudAging is happening to us all of the time. Our own family is often our best guide to what it will mean. When we imagine our older age, a lot of us look at our parents. We know weve inherited their genes and suspect that whats happening to them now may well be what happens to us in the future. And thats something were likely to have mixed feelings about. Because we inherit our parents genes, we might also be vulnerable to some of the same illnesses. Our skin cells simply cant replace themselves as well as they did. Even if you have spectacular genes, eventually well start to look older.Part B Role PlayW: Hi, Tom. Whats your plan for the summer holiday? M: Im learning to drive this summer. And I hope I can pass the driver test soon. Would you like to join me? W: No. I hate driving. I wish I could have a self-driving car. M: Hey, I heard that some self-driving cars are being tested. We might not need human drivers very soon. Actually, experts predict robots will take over 30% of our jobs within ten years.三问部分1.你认为机器人有一天会取代人类吗?(回答:Probably yes. Actually, robots can do a lot nowadays. They can even do many difficult jobs like analyzing data and translating documents. So I think robots have some advantages over humans. They make fewer mistakes and they dont get bored.)参考答案:Do you think that robots will replace humans one day?2.机器人可以做哪些危险的工作?(回答:Therere a lot. Robots can work in areas that cannot be reached by humans. They help save people from natural disasters. For example, in Japan, robots have already been used in rescue work. Robots could even go outside the space station to help do scientific work.)参考答案:What kinds of dangerous jobs can robots do?Are there any dangerous jobs that robots can do?3. 如果我们被机器人取代了该怎么办?(回答:Some people are now worried about job lost. But I dont think its going to be a very big problem. I believe that some jobs will never be completely replaced by robots, such as teaching and acting. Whats more, new jobs will appear anyway. I think we should take the opportunity to do some more interesting work and view robots as teammates.)参考答案:What can we do if robots take place of us?What should we do if we are replaced by robots?五答部分1.What is Toms plan for his summer holiday?参考答案:Learning to drive.He is learning to drive this summer holiday.2. How soon will robots take over 30% of our jobs?参考答案:They will take over 30% of our jobs within ten years.3. What advantages do robots have over humans?参考答案:They make fewer mistakes and they dont get bored.4. What can robots help to do in space?参考答案:They can help to do scientific work.5.What jobs will not be completely replaced by robots?参考答案:Theyre acting and teaching.Part C RetellingA Taxi RideTom was a taxi driver. One day he picked up a passenger at midnight who was an old lady in her eighties. Taking her suitcase, Tom assisted her to walk slowly towards the taxi. When they got in the taxi, the lady asked Tom to take her to the airport and requested him to drive through downtown. Tom immediately told her that it was not the shortest way. But the lady said she was not in a hurry because the fly was in the morning. She told Tom that she has been living her entire life in this city but she was moving abroad to live with her children and not coming back. Hearing her words, Tom started the car without saying anything. For the next several hours, they drove through the city. She showed Tom the places which meant a lot to her, like the church where she got married and the factory where she used to work. At dawn, she finally said, “Lets go now.” Then they drove in silence to the airport. When they arrived there, Tom gave her a hug. The lady held on to him tightly and said, “Thank you! You gave an old lady a little moment of joy.”参考答案1:Tom was a taxi driver. One day he picked up an old lady at midnight. She was about eighty years old. The lady asked Tom to drive through downtown and take her to the airport. Tom told her that it was not the shortest way to the airport. The lady said she was not hurried. She has been living her entire life in the city but she was moving abroad and would not come back. Without saying anything, Tom started the car. They drove through the city for several hours and the old lady showed him the places which meant a lot to her. They finally drove to the airport at dawn. They hug each other and the old lady thanked Tom for giving her a little moment of joy.参考答案2:Tom was a taxi driver. One midnight he picked up an old lady in her eighties. After the old lady slowly got into the taxi, she told Tom to drive her to the airport through downtown. Tom told her that it was not the nearest way but the lady said she was not in a hurry because the flight was in the morning. The old lady told him that she was moving abroad and would never come back. She has spent all her life in this city. Hearing this, Tom started the taxi without saying anything. On their way, the lady showed him some important places in her life to Tom. At dawn, they drove to the airport. Tom gave a hug to the old lady and she held on to him tightly. She thanked Tom for bringing her a little moment of joy.2017年广东省高考英语听说考试真题CPart A Reading AloudAt the time Hawking was working on black holes, hed achieved amazing insights into the workings of these objects. Black holes are the most terrifying places in the universe. Created when a giant star dies, at their dark hearts is a point of infinite gravity. So powerful, nothing can escape it, not even light. Black holes, instead of lasting forever, as everyone thought, eventually disappear, leaving no trace of anything, including information. Every black hole has a boundary. Its the point of no return. If anything passes the boundary, it takes its information with it. Part B Role PlayW: Dr. Brown, welcome to our campus video program. M: Thank you. W: I know youre going to publish a new book in December. Whats it about? M: Its about how parents can help their children who are picky eaters. W: Picky eaters? What are they like? M: Picky eaters are those who may choose one or two food they like and refuse to eat anything else, or those who are unwilling to try new foods. W: Oh, my little brother often refuses to eat certain foods only because of the taste or the colour. My mum is worried. M: Well, I understand how she feels.三问部分1. 为什么家长认为这是个问题?(回答:Parents dont understand the taste varies from person to person. Some children are picky about their food choices because they are more sensitive to what they see, feel, hear and taste. )参考答案:Why do parents think it/that is a problem?2. 这仅仅发生在童年吗?(回答:Yes. Research shows picky eating mostly happens to children under the age of seven. Picky eating is normal at preschool age. About 20% of the children eat only a very small number of food. However, when they get older, such behaviors will go away with time. )参考答案:Does it only happen in childhood?Does it only occur in our childhood?Does it only take place during our childhood?3. 你有什么建议给家长呢?(回答:First, parents dont have to worry if their children refuse to eat certain foods. They should stop forcing children to eat foods at meals because children will connect the table with unpleasant experiences. Second, parents can try introducing children to new foods at different times and help them become willing to try new things. )参考答案:What is your advice for parents?What suggestions do you have for parents?Can you give some advice to parents?Do you have any suggestions to parents?五答部分1.When will Dr. Browns book be published?参考答案:It will be published in December.2.Why does your little brother refuse to eat certain foods?参考答案:He refuses to eat certain foods because of the taste or the colour.Because he doesnt like the taste or the colour of certain foods.Because he is sensitive to the taste or the colour of certain foods.3.What are picky eaters more sensitive to?参考答案:What they see, feel, hear and taste.4.When will picky eating behaviors go away?参考答案:When people get older, picky eating behaviors will go away.5. Why should parents stop forcing children to eat foods at meals? 参考答案:Because they will connect the table with unpleasant experiences.Part C RetellingToms HolidayToms mother was very sick. He had to spend all his free time taking care of his mother. Tom had never taken a holiday with his family because they had neither time nor money. One day, Tom learned about a writing competition from a newspaper. The prize was a holiday in France. He learned that the weather in France was good for his mothers health. Tom wanted to win this holiday for his family, so he took part in the competition. To his joy, he won. He thought he could give his family a free holiday. When he went to receive the prize, Tom learned that only the flights were free but he had to pay for the hotel accommodation. It was not possible for his family to afford the hotel. Tom was disappointed. He told the story to his best friends, who encouraged him to put his story on a website. Very soon, his story was widely read. He received many encouraging emails from all over the world. And he was even offered a free holiday for his family by a social organization. Tom was very happy that he finally won a free holiday. 参考答案1:Tom had to spend all his free time looking after his mother, because she was very sick. Tom had never taken a holiday with his family. One day, He learned about a writing competition, the prize of which was a holiday in France. Tom wanted to win this holiday for his family, so he took part in the competition. To his joy, he won the competition. When Tom went to receive the prize, he learned that only the flights were free but he had to pay for the hotel accommodation. It was impossible for his family to afford the hotel. Tom was disappointed, so he told his story to his friends, who encouraged him to put the story on a website. Very soon, Tom received many encouraging emails from all over the world. Finally, he was offered a free holiday by an organization. He felt very happy.参考答案2:Toms mother was very sick and he had to take care of his mother in his free time. Tom had never taken a holiday with his family. One day, Tom learned about a writing competition from a newspaper, the prize was a holiday in France. Tom took part in the competition because he wanted to win this holiday for his family. He was very happy that he won the competition. However, he got to know that only the flights were free but he had to pay for the hotel accommodation. His family cant afford the hotel. Tom felt disappointed, so he told his best friends about it. They encouraged him to put the story on a website. Soon Tom got many encouraging emails from all over the world. Tom was very happy that a social organization offered him with a free holiday for his family.2017年广东省高考英语听说考试真题DPart A Reading AloudWhen do we first become aware of ourselves? To address that very question, watch a well-established experiment known as the mirror test. First up is 16-month-old Owen. If Owen knows who he is, he should notice the mark and know it is on his cheek. Next its the turn of Bethan. Her mum puts the mark on her face as instructed. Time and time again this test demonstrates that its between the ages of 18 and 24 months that we become self-aware. It is this that distinguishes us from other animals and gives us a unique relationship with the world. Part B Role PlayW: Hi, Tom! Havent seen you for ages. How have you been? M: I was on the sick list actually. W: Oh! What happened? M: I hurt my legs when climbing the mountain alone. W: My goddess! What did you do with that? M: I was so lucky. I had an e-doctor help me at that very moment. W: E-doctor? What do you mean? M: My family registered with an e-doctor three months ago. E-doctors are the ones that can give you medical advice through mobile phones or computers. Its a good choice when you cant visit the doctor in person. When I fell off a rock, I couldnt move. So I called him immediately.三问部分1. 那个医生是如何帮助你的?(回答:Through the camera on my mobile phone, he guided me through a self-exam on my leg. When he was sure that there was nothing serious, he advised me to walk slowly and to find a walking stick. He also sent me the information of the nearest hospital, so I went there for help.)参考答案:How did the doctor help you?What did the doctor do to help you?2. 现在有很多人以这种形式看病吗?(回答:Yes. Its very convenient. You dont need to wait long before you see a doctor. Besides, you dont have to take a day off to see a doctor. )参考答案:Do many people see/visit their doctors in this way nowadays/these days?Nowadays, do many people use this method to see their doctors?Are there many people who see a doctor by this means?3. 网络医生看病的弊端是什么?(回答:While patients are generally satisfied, there are still some problems. For example, e-doctors may make mistakes because they cant touch or feel the patients during camera exams. Many doctors still insist patients go to their offices, and then they can have face-to-face communication. )参考答案:What are the problems of seeing an e-doctor?What are the disadvantages of visiting e-doctors?Can you tell me the problems of seeing e-doctors?Are there any problems of seeing an e-doctor?五答部分1. What happened to Tom when he climbed the mountain alone?参考答案:He hurt his legs.2.When did Toms family register with an e-doctor?参考答案:Three months ago.3. What advice did the e-doctor give Tom?参考答案:He advised Tom to walk slowly and to find a walking stick.He suggested Tom should walk slowly and find a walking stick.4. Why is it convenient to visit e-doctors?参考答案:Because people dont need to wait long before they see a doctor.Because we dont have to take a day off to see doctors.5. What do many doctors insist? 参考答案:They insist patients go to their offices.Part C RetellingThe Sign Language TranslatorMary is a eleven-year-old girl. Her mother is a sign language translator. Mary learned sign language from her mother when she was a small child. One afternoon, Mary went back home by school bus. When she got off the bus, she saw an ambulance and heard people talking about a car accident across the street. Instead of going home, Mary went over and staye


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