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2017年英语二大小作文真题+范文+解析51 Directions:Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students. Write a reply to 1)Accept the invitation, and 2)Introduce the key points of your presentation. You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead. Do not write the address .(10 points)范文:Dear Professor Williams,I feel really delighted and honored to be invited by you to give a presentation to the foreign students, and I will certainly be careful to prepare for the making of it.To let the overseas students know much about our Chinese culture, I think that my presentation is supposed to include at least two key points. On the one hand, I will put much stress on the history of China. You must know that our China is an ancient country with a pretty long history. On the other hand, my second strong point should be put on the main diet in China. The reason is that Chinese people in different regions have totally different inclination to choose food and Chinese food everywhere is quite delicious.Those two points are what I would like to emphasize, and I would like to know of your opinions on this and I wish you could give me some further ideas on it. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 真题解析 今年的小作文可谓既特别又不特别。特别之处在于历史上真题从来没有提及过presentation写法相关的话题被提到且并非直接考察邀请,而是考察对于邀请的回复;而并不特别的地方在于考察形式非常稳定,依然是书信,这个类别是平时考生除了拿出10%的精力在告示类题目上之外依然需要90%的精力去复习的内容。 此书信从内容上看与2012年英语一真题小作文的写法如出一辙,2012年的真题是要求给留学生提出一些校园生活的建议。而2017年的这一篇非常技巧性地拐了两个小弯,一个是邀请信不直接考而考察回复的句型,另一个是表面上是做presentation的准备而实质上在表达上完全是建议信的套路。 从该书信的称呼来看,属于知道对方姓名且知其职业或身份,那么如果写成Dear Sir or Madam, 或者To Whom It May Concern,是不合理的,而且直呼其名不加头衔也同样不合适,因此要使用Dear Professor Williams. 注意这几个单词全部都需要大写开头字母。尤其大家直接用笔来写的时候,一定要尽量突出首字母。该书信首段需要表达对于威廉姆斯教授的邀请的接受,由于考纲明文规定除关键词外任何字词都最好不要照抄,因此如果为了避免照抄accept这个词,可以首先表达高兴和荣幸的心情,然后直接说自己一定会好好准备。第二自然段实际上就是建议信,一般大家都会写对别人的建议,而这封信相当于给自己写建议,分条列款写出presentation的内容,但是千万不要忘记分别解释原因,因为如果单纯写内容会是什么而不写原因,会让内容显得非常没有逻辑,且更加现实的一个理由是,不解释原因很可能导致文章的字数会不够。而考生在思考具体内容落脚点的时候,应该尽量选取比较简单的词汇和比较好扩展原因的方面,比如中国的历史文化、饮食文化等等,这样一来我们的文章会更加有话可说。 而第三段则可以作一个小总结。最后期待一下对方的建议和回复即可。落款: Yours sincerely, 特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名: Li Ming特别注意 Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。 落款和前面左、右对齐都可以。 52. Directions:Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)You should1) interpret the chart, and2) give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15points) The chart shows great changes in the number of museums and their vistors during the period from 2013 to 2015. According to the data given, what we can not fail to see is that there is a sharp growth in the amounts of museums from 4165 to 4697 over the period from 2013 to 2015, while it is also pronounced that the number of their vistors increased sharply from 637.8 million to 781.1 million during this period. At least two fundamental factors could be identified to contribute to this phenomenon. To begin with, it is widely admitted that with the rapid economic development in the whole social climate has been the dramatically upgraded living standard, which results in the common phenomenon that people in growing numbers can afford the once-deemed-expensive experience. In addition, there is no denying that the authorities concerned have issued a series of preferential policies to protect and promote the development of cultural industry, which encourages a widespread extension of visitors.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that this trend will certainly maintain for quite a while in the near future, which will be of great benefits to our country and individual as well.解析:今年的大作文备考方向和我们压的方向完全相同,具体体现在几下几方面。第1、 出题形式。2015年和2016年连续两年考到的是饼状图,所以预测中我们已经讲到今年第一备选题型为柱状图和折线图(这两种图形属于同一种描述方式),而今年考得是折线图,正中押题中心。第2、 考试内容:英语二的考试内容一般为社会正向风气的拓展和人数的增加而今年又正中下怀。此外今年的话题方向其实和真题的出题方向也是一致的,如2010年发展中-发达国家手机订阅量发展、2011年2008,2009年国内轿车市场品牌市场份额以及2015年我国某市居民春节假期花销比例的出题方向完全相同。第3、 下面我们来解析今年的大作文这一部分首先,拿到图表,我们应该观察其主要特征。在以往课堂中我们讲到柱状图和折线图主要描写事物变化趋势。所以,第一段第一句话总写图表是关于什么的,第二三句分写细节。其次,第二段我们一般进行分析原因论述,为什么会有上图现象。一般会包含两到三点。最后一段一般是三种情况,包括总结,解决措施和预测趋势。其中预测趋势最为简单明了。具体范文如上,大家可以参考。文章来源:跨考教育


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