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单词29 rescue to save sth from a dangerous or harmful situation 营救 援救 抢救 rescue sth/sb from n 营救 抢救 a rescue team 营救队 rescue worker 营救员30 trap v (often passive) to keep sb in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get out of but cannot 使落入险境 使陷入困境 trap sb ; 卡住 夹住 n (捕获动物的)陷阱 罗网 夹 the mice trap 老鼠夹 ;难以逃脱的困境 牢笼 the unemployment trap 失业困境31 electricity a former of energy from charged elementary particles, usually supplied as electric current through cables, wires,etc for lighting, heating, driving machines, etc 电 电能 a waste of electricity 浪费电 electrician a person whose job is to connect, repair, etc, electrical equipment 电工 电气技师 electric (usually before noun) connected with electricity using, produced by or producing electricity 电的 用电的 电动的 发电的 an electric light 电灯 an electric guitar 电吉他 electrical connected with electricity; using or producing electricity 电的 用电的 发电的 electrical equipment 电器设备(与electric 相比, electrical 更多用语笼统名词 比如 equipment wiring等词。 不过两者的区别在现在英语中越来越小往往可以换用 electrical/electric shock 电击 electrical/electric power 电力)32 disaster 灾难 灾祸 灾害 a natural disaster 自然灾害;不幸 祸患 Losing the job is a disaster. Disaster area 灾区33dig out to remove sth/sb from somewhere by digging the ground around them or it挖掘出; to find sth that has been hidden or forgotten for a long time 找出 发掘 发现(藏着或被遗忘的东西) ; dig in used to tell sb to start to eat 开始吃吧 Help yourself, please Dig in.请随意,开始吃吧。 To wait or deal with a difficult situation, with great patient耐心等待 忍耐 忍受34 bury to place a dead body in a grave埋葬 安葬 bury sb/sth ; to hide sth in the ground 把(某物)掩藏在地下 埋藏35 mine a deep hole or holes under the ground where minerals such as coal, gold, etc, are dug矿井 矿 a diamond mine 钻石矿 v 开矿 采矿 miner 矿工36 shelter a structure built to give protection, especially from the weather or from attack (尤指用于躲避风雨或攻击的) 遮蔽物 庇护处 逃难处 an air-raid shelter 防空洞 ; 遮蔽 庇护 避难 shelter from sth take shelter from the storm 躲避暴风雨 v 保护 掩蔽 shelter sth/sb from adj sheltered 有遮蔽物(不受恶劣天气侵袭)的 a sheltered beach 有天然屏障的海滩 ; 受保护的 have a shelter childhood 备受呵护的童年37 a great number of 许多 大量的 38 title the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music etc(书 诗歌 图画 乐曲等)名称 标题 题目 ; (人名前表示地位 职业 婚否等的)称呼 头衔 职称 称谓 title bar计数机屏幕顶端的标题栏 entitle 给取名39 reporter a person who collects and reports news for newspaper, radio and television 记者 通讯员 (- journalist) a reporter from CCTV 中央电视台记者 reporting 新闻报道 40 bar 块 条 41 frighten to make sb suddenly feel afraid 使惊吓 使惊恐(强调突如其来) frighten sb away把吓走 n fright 惊吓 恐怖 frightened 感到害怕的 惊吓的 frightening 引起恐怖的 使感到恐惧的 frightful 糟糕的 极坏的 (- awful terrible) a frightful mess 脏透了42 congratulation 祝贺 恭贺 send ones congratulations to sb 向道贺 congratulate 向(某人)道贺 祝贺 43 judge 法官 审判员 ; 裁判员 评判员(比赛中 )v 判断 断定Dont judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人 n judgement 判断力 识别力 good judegement 判断力强44 sincerely in a way that shows what you really feel or think about sb/sth 真诚地 诚实地 I sincerely believe that 我由衷的相信 yours sincerely (sincerely your 或者 sincerely) 正式信函署名前的套语 只用于以收信人姓名相称呼的信函 sincere adj 真诚的 诚挚的 (genuine=) a sincere apology 诚恳的道歉; 诚实的 坦率的 (=honest)45 outline a description of the main facts or points involved in sth 概述 梗概 draw up an outline 列一个提纲 ; 概述 略述 (=sketch)46 headline the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters, especially at the top of the front page (报纸的)大字标题 v 给(文章 报道)加标题47cyclist 骑自行车的人


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