外研(新标准)版七年级下册Module 2 Unit1 I can play the piano.同步练习B卷

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外研(新标准)版七年级下册Module 2 Unit1 I can play the piano.同步练习B卷_第1页
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第 1 页 共 10 页 外研 新标准 版七年级下册 Module 2 Unit1 I can play the piano 同步练习 B卷 一 词汇运用 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 共 8题 共 15分 1 1 分 2018八上 泗阳期中 Linda always 主动提出 me a lot of help when I meet with all kinds of problems 2 1 分 2017七上 兴文期中 My 最喜欢的 subject is English 3 1 分 The Reads enjoy 看 newspapers 4 1 分 The news on these board is interesting 5 1 分 Can I help you I d like to 预订 a room with two bedrooms 6 1 分 2016八上 长汀期末 I my classmate a black pen but she gave me back a red one 借出 7 1 分 How much 漂亮 she looks without her glasses 8 8 分 词型转换 be 过去分词 country 复数 study 过去分词 young 比较级 go 过去分词 Asia 形容词 Japan 形容词 India 形容词 二 英汉互译 共 2题 共 28分 9 25 分 英译汉 1 once upon a time 2 第 2 页 共 10 页 go for a walk 3 all alone 4 pick up 5 just right 10 3 分 你参加战斗了吗 Did you the fighting 三 句型考查 共 2题 共 6分 11 5 分 2017七下 三原月考 根据汉语完成下列各句 1 clean the classroom 轮到她打扫教室了 2 The of the competition is a very young boy 比赛的获胜者是一个非常年轻的男孩 3 Why are you to sell your house 你为什么要匆忙卖掉你的房子呢 4 Can you tell me some tips on how to 你能告诉我一些怎样保持健康的提示吗 5 You should your family and friends when you have problems 当你遇到问题时 应该与家人和朋友交流沟通 12 1 分 2018 陕西 昨天我买了两张 厉害了 我的国 的电影票 第 3 页 共 10 页 I bought two movie to Amazing China yesterday 四 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 共 5题 共 7分 13 1 分 Where be Meimei born In Beijing 14 1 分 Now electricity appliances have entered into ordinary families 15 3 分 she like read books Yes she does 16 1 分 Good lucky to you 17 1 分 We could see the happy on his face after he heard the bad news 五 单项选择 共 8题 共 16分 18 2 分 Jack often plays piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up A a B an C D the 19 2 分 Class was over but some students continued in the classroom A study B studied C studies D studying 20 2 分 Children sit in the front seat of the car It s too dangerous A need B needn t 第 4 页 共 10 页 C must D mustn t 21 2 分 2018八上 苏州期末 Are you sleepy when No I am not I know when to have a rest A driving stopping B driving to stop C to drive stopping D to drive to stop 22 2 分 2018 镇江模拟 Sorry I forgot to take money with me Maybe I can t buy the book you like Mum you worry about it We can pay by Alipay 支付宝 A can t B needn t C mustn t D shouldn t 23 2 分 we are all here let s begin our meeting A Because B Since C For 24 2 分 Look Stella is there That be her She doesn t like singing A mustn t 第 5 页 共 10 页 B can t C needn t D won t 25 2 分 2017八下 景德镇期中 I m sorry I ve broken your glasses A Never mind B No problem C Bad luck D You re welcome 六 根据汉语意思完成句子 共 1题 共 50分 26 50 分 完成句子 1 去年我在长城上遇见了她 2 去年我在长城上遇见了她 3 我有一些有趣的事情要告诉你 4 我有一些有趣的事情要告诉你 5 他离开的时候把电话号码留给了我 6 第 6 页 共 10 页 他离开的时候把电话号码留给了我 7 刘翔是世界上最受欢迎的体育明星之一 8 刘翔是世界上最受欢迎的体育明星之一 9 你妈妈想知道你是否已经安全到校 10 你妈妈想知道你是否已经安全到校 七 补全对话 方框中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 10分 27 10 分 2019八上 宁县期末 补全对话 A Hi Mark Long time no see Where are you going B To the gym 健身房 A How often do you exercise B a week on Friday and Sunday A What makes you start exercising B You know I m too I need to lose weights 减肥 A That sounds good I want to exercise too But I am so that I hardly have free time B Don t forget that comes first Without it you can do nothing at all A I certainly know its But do you know my job I do lots of work every day I have to sit in front of the computer and use the Internet all day long B Well you re busy you should exercise more often 第 7 页 共 10 页 A Err When I get back home I am tired enough I don t think I can do but rest B So how often do you exercise A I really don t have any time B Oh I have to say when you re old many illnesses will come to you Those are the of not exercising 八 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 28 10 分 2016七下 山西期末 阅读下列短文 从每小题所给的 A B C 三个选项中 选出一个最佳 选项 B Hi Kate I saw your name and address in Penfriend magazine 杂志 and I would like to be your penfriend First I will tell you some things about myself My name is Sidney I m fourteen years old I m of medium height I have short black hair and brown eyes My hobbies 爱好 are playing computer games and playing chess I live with my parents They came to England about 30 years ago They came from Hong Kong but I never went there No w my parents have a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle We live in a small house near our restaurant I was born 出生 in Newcastle in 2000 I can speak Chinese but I can t write it very well Edwin is my brother He is 23 and works as an architect 设计师 in London I m in Walker School It is near my house so I can walk to school I like my school because the teachers are friendly My school has many sports fields 运动场地 I like sports very much I enjoy playing rugby 橄榄球 and badminton in winter and tennis in summer My favorite subject is physics I want to be an engineer 工程师 I ll send you a photo of myself with my school friends I am in the middle I hope you will write to me soon and tell me all about you 1 Sidney wants A to tell Kate about her family 第 8 页 共 10 页 B to make friends with Kate C to tell Kate about her school life 2 How many people are there in Sidney s family A Three B Four C Five 3 What s Sidney s favorite sport in winter A Tennis B Computer games C Badminton 4 Which is Sidney in the photo A The first one on the right B The first on the left C The one in the middle 5 Which of the following is NOT TRUE A Sidney s favorite subject is math Sidney s school has many sports fields B Sidney is of medium height with short black hair and brown eyes C Sidney knows Kate s name and address in a magazine 第 9 页 共 10 页 参考答案 一 词汇运用 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 共 8题 共 15分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 二 英汉互译 共 2题 共 28分 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 三 句型考查 共 2题 共 6分 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 四 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 共 5题 共 7分 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 第 10 页 共 10 页 五 单项选择 共 8题 共 16分 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 六 根据汉语意思完成句子 共 1题 共 50分 26 答案 略 七 补全对话 方框中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 10分 27 答案 略 八 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 28 答案 略

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