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五年级第一学期每日一句子 Unit 1 My New Teachers1.能用Part A 中的: young , funny , tall , strong , kind , old , short , thin 单词造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。 A:I have a new teacher.我有一位新老师。B: Who is your new teacher?谁是你的新老师?A: He is Mr Hu, my Chinese teacher.他是胡老师,我的语文老师。B: Where is he from?他是哪里人?A: He is from Beijing.他是北京人。B: Whats he like?他长什么样?A: He is tall and strong.他又高又壮。3能用所学单词、句型,给家长口头简要描述一位最喜欢的老师或同学,介绍一下他们的长相、性格及爱好等等。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: 1 能用Part B中的:principal , university student , kind , young , strict , smart , active , funny 单词造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A:Who is that young lady?那位年轻的女士是谁? B:She is my new math teacher.她是我的新数学老师。A:Is she strict?她严格吗?B:Yes, she is.是的,她严格。A:Is she active?她外向吗?B:No, she isnt. She is quiet.不,她很内向。3能用所学单词、句型,向家长谈自己的朋友、老师、同学的基本情况,即他们的长相、性格及爱好等等。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: Unit 2 My Days of the Week1 能用Part A中的:Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Sunday , Saturday , Chinese , English , math , music , art , computer , P.E. , science , social studies , moral education 单词造句。2 能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A:How many days are there in a week?一周有多少天? B:There are seven.有七天。A:What day is it today?今天是星期几?B:Its Wednesday.星期三A:What do you have on Wednesdays?星期三你有什么课?B:We have Chinese, English, science and computer.我们有语文课,英语课,科学课和电脑课。A:Do you like Wednesdays?你喜欢星期三吗?B:Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。3能用所学单词、句型,向家长谈谈自己一周在校的五天,上了什么课程,谈谈你最喜欢哪天为什么?家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: 1能用Part B中的:do homework , watch TV , read books , do housework , play computer games 单词造句。2 能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A: Whats your favourite day in a week?一周内你最喜欢哪一天?B: I like Saturday.我喜欢星期六。A: Why do you like Saturday?你为什么喜欢星期六?B: Because I can watch TV.因为我能看电视。A: What do you do on Sunday?星期天你做什么?B: I often do my homework and play basketball. What about you?我经常是做作业和打篮球。你呢?A: I often read books and play computer games.我经常阅读书和玩电脑游戏。3 能用所学单词、句型,向家长谈谈平时自己的周末都在做什么,有什么安排等。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: Unit 3 Whats your favourite food?1能用Part A中的:pork , tofu , mutton , potato , cabbage , tomato , green beans , fish , eggplant 单词造句。2. 能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A: What would you like for breakfast on Mondays? 星期一早餐你喜欢吃什么?B: Id like some bread , an egg and some milk.我喜欢吃些面包,一个鸡蛋和喝一些牛奶。A: What would you like for lunch on Tuesdays? 星期二中餐你喜欢吃什么?B: Id like some cabbage, some pork and rice. 我喜欢吃些卷心菜,猪肉和米饭。A: What would you like for dinner on Wednesdays?星期三晚餐你喜欢吃什么?B: Id like eggplant, mutton and noodles.我喜欢吃茄子,羊肉和面条。3. 能用所学单词、句型,向家长谈谈自己星期六一天三餐想吃些什么,好让家人给你准备。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: 1能用Part B中的:salty , sweet , sour , tasty , fresh , healthy 单词造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A: Whats your favourite food?你最爱的食物是什么?B: My favourite food is dumplings.我最爱的食物是水饺。A: Why do you like dumplings?你为什么喜爱水饺?B: Because they are tasty .因为它们很可口。A: How about fruit ?那你最爱的水果呢?B: Bananas are my favourite. They are tasty and healthy香蕉是我的最爱。它们美味又健康。3 能用所学单词、句型,向家长描述一种自己最喜爱的的食物,说出这种食物的外形、颜色、味道、作用及印象最深刻的一次等。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: Unit 4 What can you do ?1能用Part A中的:sweep the floor , cook the meals , clean the bedroom , water the flowers , empty the trash 短语造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A:Im helpful at home.在家我很有用。B:Really, what can you do ?真的,你会干什么?A:I can clean the bedroom and empty the trash.我会打扫卧室和倒垃圾。B:Is your brother helpful too?你的兄弟也很能干吗?A:Yes, he is.是的,他也很能干。B:What can he do ?他能做什么?A:He can sweep the floor and water the flowers.他会拖地板和浇花。3能用所学单词、句型,告诉爸爸妈妈你长大了你是他们的好帮手,并告诉他们自己在家能做什么。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: 1能用Part B中的:wash the clothes , set the table , make the bed , do the dishes , put away the clothes 短语造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A: Are you helpful at home ?你在家能干吗?B: Sure.当然能干。A: Can you wash the clothes?你会洗衣服吗?B: Yes, I can.是的,我会。A: Can you cook the meals?你会做饭吗?B: No, I cant. But I can do the dishes.不,我不会。但是我会洗碗碟。A: Can you make the bed?你会整理床铺吗?B: No, I cant. But Id like to have a try.不,我不会。但是我愿意试一试。3. 能用所学单词、句型,向父母说说在家自己会做什么不会做什么。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: Unit 5 My New Room1能用Part A中的:curtain , air-conditioner , closet , mirror , end table , trash bin 单词造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A:I have my own room now.现在我有了自己的新房间。B:Wonderful! Whats it like?太棒了。它是什么样子的?A:There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a small bed.有一个大衣橱,一台新空调和一个小床。B:Is there a shelf?有书架吗?A:Yes, there is.有。B:Are there curtains?有窗帘吗?A:Yes, there are.有。3能用所学单词、句型,向父母描述一间自己理想中的房间,说出里面有什么及它们的形状、大小、颜色等等。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: 1能用Part B中的:in , on , under , behind , in front of , over , near 单词造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A:Is this your bedroom?这是你卧室吗?B:Yes, it is.是的,它是。A:Where is the trash bin?垃圾桶在哪里?B:Its near the table.它在桌子旁边。A:Where is the walkman?单放机在哪里?B:Its in front of the lamp.它在台灯的前面。A:Where is the cat?猫在哪里?B:Its behind the curtains.它在窗帘的背后。3. 能用所学单词、句型,向父母描述自己房间或理想中的房间的摆放情况。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: Unit 6 In a Nature Park1能用Part B中的:sky , cloud , grass , river , flower , lake , forest , mountain , path 单词造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A:There is a nature park in Dongguan city.东莞市有一个自然公园。B:Is there a forest in the nature park?在自然公园里有一个森林吗?A:Yes, there is.是的,有。B:Is there a river ?有一条河吗?A:No, there isnt. But it has a lake.不,没有。但是又一个湖。B:Is there a farm?有一个农场吗?A:No, there isnt.不,没有。3. 能用所学单词、句型,向父母简要描述自己熟悉的公园,介绍里面有什么及它们的方位等。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: 1能用Part B中的:city , building , village , bridge , house , road , tree 单词造句。2能用以下句子与家人对演、对话,或背诵。A:I like my village.我喜欢我的村庄。B:Are there any tall buildings in your village?在你村里有一些高的建筑物吗?A:No, there arent.不,没有。B:Are there mountains in your village?在你村里有大山吗?A:Yes, there are.是的,有。B:Are there many trees in the mountains?大山里有许多树吗?A:Yes, there are.是的,有。3.能用所学单词、句型,向父母谈谈城市与乡村的区别或自己理想中的东莞是怎样的。家长评价: ( very good , good , all right , poor )家长签名: What is a best friend ?- A best friend is someone who loves you like a favorite brother or sister.1. Whats your wish ? I wish that I could get good scores.2. What was the weather like yesterday ? It was windy.3. How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing street ? It is 10km from Xidan to Wangfujing Sreet.4. How long does it take by taxi ? It takes about 30 minutes .5. Have you ever used a suitcase?- Yes, I have. No, I havent .6. Whats it like ?- It looks like a lizard.7. Time want by quickly.


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