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高中英语必修1(北师大版)Unit 2 Heroes知识点总结一、重点词汇 calm 基本用法1.calm adj. 镇静的,沉着的 We should keep calm when we are in danger.当我们处于危险的时候,要保持镇静。 2. calm v. (使)平静;(使)镇静 Moved by what she said, he could hardly calm down. 由于被她那些话所感动,他很难平静下来。知识拓展 相关短语 calm down 平静下来keep/ remain calm保持镇静 calm sb./sth. down 使.平静下来 Calm down! Dont get soagitated. 冷静下来!别那么激动。 It is important to keep calm in an emergency. 情况紧急的时候,保持镇静是重要的。 He read the children a story to calm them down.他给孩子们讲故事,让他们安静下来。 词汇辨析:calm/quiet/still/silent 这些词均含有”寂静的,无声无息“的意思。calm:普通用词,既可指天气、海洋等的平静状态,又可指人的镇定沉着、不慌乱,不受外界影响和 情绪支配。 quiet: 普通用词,指没有喧闹、活动或骚乱的寂静状态。 still: 指平静而又安定的状态。silent:普通用词,指缄默不语或无声无息。 generous 基本用法 generous adj 慷慨的,大方的;大量的,丰富的 It was generous of you to lend them your new car for their holiday. 你非常大方,能把你的新车借给他们去度假。 He is generous in giving help with money. 他乐于在金钱上提供帮助。 a generous gift/ offer/ increase 丰厚的礼物/慷慨的提议/ 大量的增加 a generous mind/spirit 高尚的心/精神知识拓展-相关单词 generously adv. 大方地;宽宏大量地 (反义词 selfishly)generosity n.慷慨,大方;宽宏大量 I felt guilty saying that, playing on her generosity. 我说这话是利用了她的慷慨,对此我感到愧疚。 He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness. 他待他们宽容大度、体贴周到。 violent 基本用法 violent adj. 暴力的;猛烈的,强烈的;剧烈的 Violent criminals like that are dangers to society. 那种暴力罪犯对社会是一种危害。 He is suffering from violent pains. 他承受着极度的痛苦。知识拓展-相关单词 violently adv. 暴力地;猛烈地;强烈地 violence n. 暴力;暴行;猛烈 The wind blew with great violence. 风异常猛烈地吹着。 The young man was charged with robbery with violence. 这个年轻人被控暴力抢劫。 The act of violence made people boil with anger. 这种强暴的行为令人发指。 They are violently opposed to the idea. 他们强烈反对这个想法。 character 原文再现 the main character from a story 故事中的主角基本用法 character n. 人物,角色;性质;特色;性格;汉字,字体 He is a man of strong character. 他是一个个性很强的人。 The characters look like small pictures. 汉子看起来像一幅幅小画。 I find all the characters in his new novel amusing and interesting. 我发现他新小说中的人物都很风趣,逗人。 When they pulled down the old house in the center of the town, the whole character of the place was changed. 他们拆掉市镇中心的旧房后,该地的特色完全改变了。 explore 原文再现 When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China andthe United Nations,expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use the space peacefully. 太空船飞到第七圈时,杨利伟在飞船上展示了中国国旗和联合国旗,表达了中国人民和平开发,利用 太空的意愿。基本用法 explore v. 探索;探测;探险 The city is best explored on foot。 最好是徒步考察这个城市。 As soon as we arrived on the island,we were eager to explore. 我们一来到岛上就急不可耐地考察起来。知识拓展 相关单词 explorer n.探险者 exploration n.勘探;探索,探究 exploratory adj.探索的,探究的;探测的 词义辨析:explore/uncover/discover 1. explore指通过科学方法或旅行去发现尚未知晓的领域或地方,表示“探究”的意思: Scientists launched rockets to explore space. 科学家发射火箭以探测太空。 2. uncover意为“揭去的覆盖物;使露出;揭露”: Agents haveuncovereda plot against the President. 特工发现了一个反对总统的阴谋。 3. discover指发现原已存在但未被人知道的事物,作“发现,发觉”解: Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。 Do you ever discover who did it? 你曾察觉到那是谁干的么? peacefully 原文再现 When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations,expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use the space peacefully. 太空船飞到第七圈时,杨利伟在飞船上展示了中国国旗和联合国旗,表达了中国人民和平开发,利用 太空的意愿。基本用法 peacefully adv.和平地,爱好和平地;平静地,安静地 I dont know why they always argue with each other and cant live peacefully. 我不知道为什么他们总是彼此争吵,不能和平相处。知识拓展 相关单词 peace n.和平,宁静;平和 peaceful adj. 和平的,爱好和平的;平静的 China is a peaceful country and Chinese people are very friendly. 中国是一个爱好和平的国家,中国人民都很友好。 相关短语 in peace 处于和平的状态;平静地 He cant live in peace with his neighbors. 他不能和他的邻居和平共处。 reporter 原文再现 He told reporters later. 他后来告诉记者.基本用法 reporter n.作报告的人;作报道的人;记者;通讯员;新闻广播员Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。 That reporter has a nose for news. 那位新闻记者对新闻特别敏感。知识拓展-词义辨析:reporter/journalist reporternews reporter“新闻记者”,特指外出采访的记者。 journalist “记者”泛指新闻工作者,如报纸的编辑、采访记者、摄影记者都可以叫journalist。 atmosphere 原文再现 As Yang Liwei returned into the earths atmosphere, helicopters were flying to where he would land,ready tocollect him. 当杨利伟返回地球大气层时,直升机已飞到着陆点,做好接他的准备。基本用法 atmosphere n. 空气;大气压;环境;风气;气氛,氛围 The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere. 会谈在友好的气氛中进行。 They left the lights down to create a comfortable atmosphere. 他们让灯光保持暗淡以创造一种舒适的气氛。 I went out of the meeting room; the atmosphere there smothered me. 我走出了会议室,那里的气氛令我透不过气来。 The atmosphere of the city is very much polluted. 那个城市的空气受到严重污染。 wave 原文再现 When Yang Liwei climbed out of the spaceship, he smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him. 当杨利伟走出飞船时,他面带微笑并向等待他的人群挥手致意。基本用法 wave v. 挥手示意;致意 n. 波;波浪 Bill waved his hand to us and then drove away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。 A wave broke across the surface of the pool. 一个波浪从池水表面掠过。 The flag waved in the wind.旗帜在风中飘扬。 The boat was smashed by a huge wave. 小船被一个巨浪掀翻胃。 found 原文再现 He led the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of China. 他领导了1911年的革命,建立了第一个共和国-中华民国。基本用法 found vt. 建立,创立,创办 His family founded the college in 1912. 他的家族在1912年创立了这个学院。 The Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。 注: found与find的过去式,过去分词的形式相同,它的过去式和过去分词是founded。知识拓展 词义辨析 found 创建,建立(组织,机构,国家,学校等) build 建设,建造(具体的或抽象事物) put up 建造,搭起(建造高于地面的建筑物) set up 开设,建立 (生意,公司,公益医院) form 构成,形成 (关系网,观点,习惯等) set up a flag 竖起旗帜 put up a tent 搭起帐篷 found a institute 建立研究院 build some hospitals 建一些医院 form a habit/an opinion 养成习惯,形成观点 相关单词 founder n. 创始人,奠基人 foundation n. 基础;奠基;基金会 The rumor is totally without foundation. 谣言纯粹是无中生有。 equal 原文再现 His first victory was to win the equal rights for blacks to sit on buses. 他的第一个胜利是为黑人赢得了坐公共汽车的平等权利。基本用法 equal adj. 相等的;平等的;胜任的 Woman demand equal pay for equal work. 妇女们要求同工同酬。 All men are born equal. 人人生而平等。 China has always insisted that all countries, big or small, should be equal. 中国历来主张国家不分大小, 应该一律平等。知识拓展 相关单词 equal vt.等于;比得上 n.对手;匹敌;同辈;相等的事物 equality n. 平等;相等;胜任 equally adv. 平等地;相等地;均等地 He has no equal in music. 他在音乐方面没有匹敌。However, it is equally important to you, the customer that each message is sent only once. 但是,对您(客户)而言,同样重要的是每条消息只发送一次。 The new law provided for equality of human rights. 新法律规定人人有平等的权利。 相关短语 be equal to (doing)sth. 等于;胜任(做)某事 Im not equal to the position. 我胜任不了那个职位。 Twenty-five added to fifteen is equal to forty. 15和25相加等于40。 struggle 原文再现 After some struggle, blacks and whites were able to sit together on buses. 经过一番斗争,黑人与白人都能一起坐在公交车上了。基本用法 struggle vi. n. 搏斗;斗争;拼搏 In 1862,the American slaves won their struggle for freedom. 1862年,美国黑奴赢得了争取自由的斗争。 They struggled through two years of the worst time. 他们度过了他们一生中最贫寒的两年。 This is the cause for which we have been struggling. 这就是我们一直为之奋斗的事业。知识拓展 相关短语 struggle against为反对而斗争 struggle with与打架,与斗争/在内心与(自己、自己的良心等)进行斗争 struggle for为而斗争 He struggled against those who opposed his plan. 他与那些反对他的计划的人进行了斗争。 After struggling with myself for some days, I decided to accept his proposal. 经过好几天的思想斗争,我决定接受他的求婚。 We should help those who are still struggling for liberation. 我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。 词义辨析:struggle/fight struggle/fight两个词均有“战斗,战争”之意。 struggle: 指激烈或时间持续长的战斗或奋力斗争。 fight: 最普通用词,含义广,指战斗、斗争或打斗。 march 原文再现 He organised a march to Washington in 1963. 他在1963年组织了到华盛顿的游行。基本用法 march n. 行军;行进;游行抗议 The soldiers had a long march to reach the camp before the night fell. 士兵们经过长途行军才在黄昏前到达了营地。 a peace march 反战游行知识拓展-相关单词 march v. 行进;行军;游行抗议 The president saluted as the troops marched past. 军队齐步走过时,总统向他们敬礼。 The demonstrators marched through the center of the city. 示威群众穿过市中心进行游行抗议。 brilliant 基本用法 brilliant adj.卓越的;灿烂的;美妙的;杰出的;才华横溢的 He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics. 他在物理学方面已经取得了卓越的成就。 The brilliant sun lit up their rooms. 灿烂的阳光照亮了他们的屋子。 The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine. 乡间沐浴在灿烂的阳光下。 Her brilliant performance redeemed the concert from complete failure. 她的精彩表演使这场音乐会免遭彻底失败。 With brilliant lights blazing everywhere in Christmas night, the city looked most magnificent. 圣诞节的夜晚城里到处灯火辉煌, 格外壮观。知识拓展-相关单词 brilliantly adv.灿烂地;辉煌地;光亮地 One or two of the players performed brilliantly. 一两个演员表演得非常精彩。 He earned admission to the Institute of International Relations and brilliantly mastered Japanese. 他凭优异的成绩进入国际关系学院,出色地掌握了日语。 skillful 基本用法 skillful adj.有技术的;熟练的;巧妙的 A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.平静的海洋训练不出熟练的水手。 And of course, a star is a person who is very famous and skillful. 当然,一个“明星”就是指一个非常著名而且有才华的人。With a skillful movement he rounded the small fishing-boat. 他以灵巧的动作使小渔船调过头来。 I like making things by hand because my mother is very skillful, and I liked staying with herwhen I was young. 我喜欢亲手作一些东西,这是因为我母亲的手非常巧,而且我小的时候喜欢同她在一起。知识拓展 构词法:“n+ful”构成形容词 skill (n.)技能,本领-skillful (adj)有技能的,有技术的;熟练的 peace(n.)和平;平静-peaceful(adj.)和平的;平静的 stress(n.)压力-stressful (adj.)有压力的 awful 基本用法 awful adj.可怕的;极坏的;使人敬畏的;糟糕的;难受的 Hi, Jill. I feel awful. 嗨,吉尔。我觉得很难受。 It would be awful if he found out the truth. 如果他发现了真相,那就糟了。 I left Harvard with no real awareness of the awful inequalities in the world. 当我离开哈佛时,我并没真正有意识到这个世界存在着可怕的不平等现象。 I had an awful day at the office. 我在办公室里度过了糟糕的一天。知识拓展 构词法:“n+ful”构成形容词 awe (n.)敬畏;恐惧-awful (adj)可怕的;极坏的;使人敬畏的;糟糕的;难受的 skill (n.)技能,本领-skillful(adj)有技能的,有技术的;熟练的 peace(n.)和平;平静-peaceful(adj.)和平的;平静的 stress(n.)压力-stressful (adj.)有压力的 violence 原文再现 It was full of drugs and violence. 这个地方充斥着暴力和毒品。基本用法 violence n 暴力;暴行;猛烈 The wind blew with great violence. 风异常猛烈地吹着。The young man was charged with robbery with violence. 这个年轻人被控暴力抢劫。 The act of violence made people boil with anger. 这种强暴的行为令人发指。知识拓展-相关单词 violent adj. 暴力的;强烈的;剧烈的violently adv. 暴力地;猛烈地;强烈地 He is suffering from violent pains. 他承受着极度的痛苦。 His face began to work violently. 他的脸部开始剧烈的抽搐。 They are violently opposed to the idea. 他们强烈反对这个想法。 compete 原文再现 He has always been very strict with his daughters, training them hard to compete against each other.他总是严格要求他的女儿们,要求她们刻苦训练相互竞争。基本用法 compete n. 竞争;比赛;对抗 Companies must be able to compete in the marketplace. 公司一定要在市场中有竞争力。 We can compete with the best teams. 我们能与最好的队竞争。 Hes hoping to compete in the London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。知识拓展相关单词 competition n. 竞争;比赛;竞赛 competitor n. 竞争者;对手 competitive adj. 竞争的,比赛的;求胜心切的 competitively adv 有竞争力地;好竞争地 The company faces tough competition. 这家公司面临着艰难的竞争。 America is a competitive society. 美国是一个充满竞争的社会。相关短语 compete with/against 与.一同竞争 compete for 为了什么而竞争,后加目地 We know what it takes to compete for the jobs and industries of our time. 我们知道在我们的时代为工作和行业进行竞争需要什么。 So, on the one hand, the US just cannot compete with China on price. 所以,在一方面,美国不能与中国在价格上竞争。 We can compete against anybody and we can win. 我们可以与任何人竞争而且能赢得胜利。 amazing 原文再现 The sisters road to success has been amazing. 两姐妹的成功之路是令人惊叹的。基本用法 amazing adj.令人惊异的 This parrot is an amazing mimic. 这只鹦鹉很会学舌。 It is amazing that she should have said nothing about the murder. 令人惊奇的是她竟然对这桩凶杀案不置一词。 Just look at it. Isnt it amazing! 你看看。真叫人惊叹! He has an amazing appetite for hard work. 他出奇地喜爱艰巨的工作。知识拓展-词义辨析:-ving结尾和-ed结尾的形容词的用法 有一类动词后面加ing和ed转化为形容词。加ing表“令人.的”,加ed表“使人感到.的”,如,boring/bored;exciting/excited; interesting/interested; relaxing/relaxed; terrifying/ terrified; amazing/ amazed等。 The book is interesting. 这本书很有意思。 I am interested in the book. 我对书很感兴趣。 event 原文再现 The first time Venus played in a big event was in 1996. 维纳斯第一次参加大型联赛是在1996年。基本用法 event n.事件,大事;项目;结果 He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。 Hes making a good score in track and field event. 他正在田径赛中取得好成绩。 The 800m is the fourth event of the afternoon. 800米赛是下午的第四项比赛。 This event will be covered live by TV. 此事将由电视作现场报道。 This event has made the headlines. 这件事成了重大新闻。知识拓展-词义辨析: event/ accident/incident/affair这些名词均有“事故、事件”之意。 accident:强调偶然或意外发生的不幸事情。 incident:既可指小事件或附带事件,又可指政治上具有影响的事件或事变。 event:可指任何大小事件,但尤指历史上的重大事件。 affair常用复数形式,已发生或必须要做的事情;也可指个人的“暧昧关系” a car accident 汽车事故 shooting incident 暗杀事件 a fund-raising event 筹款之事 foreign affairs 外交事件 on ones own 原文再现 .but he learned to breathe on his own. 但很快他学会了自己呼吸。基本用法 on ones own=by oneself 独立地(凭自己的力量) Although her father is in the firm, she got the job on her own. 尽管她父亲在公司里,但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的。 He can be left to work on his own. 工作可交给他一个人去做。 Im well (fully) able to manage on my own. 我完全能够独自处理。 After graduation, he lives on his own. 毕业后他就独立生活了。知识拓展-相关短语 of ones own 某人自己的.(常用作定语) For reasons of his own, he refused to join the club. 因为个人原因,他不愿意加入该俱乐部。 Id like to have a room of my own. 我想要有个属于自己的房间。 promote 原文再现 He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries. 他还募得了许多钱用来促进背部受伤的医学研究。基本用法 promote vt. 促进;提升;宣传 He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself. 他喜欢读伟人传记来提高自己。 We must promote commerce with neighboring countries. 我们必须促进与邻国的贸易。 If you keep your nose clean, the boss might promote you. 你若是规规矩矩的,老板就可能提拔你。 The meeting discussed how to promote peace. 会议讨论了如何促进和平。知识拓展-相关单词 promotion n. 促进;发扬;宣传;促销;提升 It is great to hear about your recent promotion. 听说你近来得到了提升,这好极了。 His long absence from work delayed his promotion. 他长期不上班,把他的提升给耽误了。 She is responsible for sales promotion. 她负责推销工作。 injury 原文再现 He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries. 他还募得了许多钱用来促进背部受伤的医学研究。基本用法 injury n. 伤害;损害;受伤处 The insurance policy protects you against injury. 如遭伤害,这保险单保证偿付你的损失。If you try and lift that suitcase youll do yourself an injury! 要提起那只箱子,你就要受伤了!知识拓展 相关单词 injure v. 危害;损害;伤害;亏待,使委屈 injured adj 受伤的;受损害的 Dontinjureyourself with that tool. 不要让那工具伤害到你。 Hehad todestroytheinjuredanimal. 他只好杀死那个受伤的动物。 词义辨析:hurt/injure/wound/cut这一组动词都有“受伤”的意思。 1. hurt:为普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害(可被badly, slightly, seriously等修饰),也可指精神上、感情 上的伤害,(被very much/rather/deeply修饰),多指伤痛。 I hurt my leg badly in the football match. 在那场足球赛中,我的腿受了重伤。 He felt rather hurt at your words. 你的话使他很难过。 2. injure:比hurt正式,主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌等,强调功能的损失。 A bullet injured his left eye. 一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。 3. wound:指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的、严重的伤,尤其指用武器有意造成的伤口、伤疤 或战场上受伤。也可指人们精神上的创伤。 The thief wounded him with a knife. 那小偷用刀刺伤了他。 4. cut:指无意中造成的轻伤。 How did you get that cut on your hand? 你手上的伤口是怎么弄的? give up 原文再现 Have you thought of giving up after the accident? 事故发生后,你是否想过放弃?基本用法 give up 放弃 I give up; tell me what the answer is. 我认输,告诉我答案吧。 He will give up smoking for good and all. 他再也不吸烟了。 She wont give up easily: shes a real fighter. 她不会轻易放弃的,她十分顽强。知识拓展-词义辨析:give词组 give in 屈服;投降;让步 give away 泄露;分发 give out 发出(光,热等);分发 give off 发出;放出;散发出 give me five 击掌;加油 give sb a hand 帮某人一把 give sb. a lift 捎某人一段 come to do something 原文再现 Four days after the injury, I came to understand my situation. 受伤四天后,我就开始意识到自己的处境。基本用法 come to do sth 经过一个过程,开始.,逐渐.; 做出(决定);得出(结论) I hope we shall be friends and come to understand one another. 我希望我们能成为朋友,彼此互相了解。 So now we come to understand his words better. 所以,现在我们开始对他的话有了更好的理解。知识拓展-相关短语 when it comes to (doing)sth 一说到.就.;说到某事 come to conclusion 得出结论 come to(oneself)清醒过来;回复知觉;回复镇定 When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。Its very hard for us tocome to a conclusion. 我们很难下结论。 When Jack came to, he was lying on the road and his wallet was gone. 当杰克醒过来的时候,他躺在马路上,钱包已经不见了。 pull through 原文再现 The doctor said I was not going to pull through. 医生说我无法康复了。基本用法 pull through 度过难关;度过危机;恢复健康 He will pull through his illness soon. 他很快就会恢复健康的。 Together we always pull through. 我们总是一起度过难关。 The patient wont pull through, Im afraid. 病人怕不行了。知识拓展-相关短语 pull in 车停下;进站;靠岸 pull down 拆;使.下跌 pull out 离开;车子出战 Letspull inhere and have something to eat. 我们就在这儿停一下,吃点东西吧。 They have managed topull downthe old building. 他们已拆毁了那幢旧建筑。The boatpull outinto the middle of the river. 那只船划出到了河中央。commit 原文再现Of course, Ive had moments of feeling sorry for myself, but Ive never had any thoughts ofcommitting suicide.当然,有时我确实为自己感到遗憾,但我从未产生过自杀的念头。基本用法commit vt 犯罪;做错事;使.承担义务 It is impossible not to commit a mistake. 不犯错误是不可能的。He commit three petrol station robbery in two day.两天内,他三次暴力抢劫汽油加油站。Dont commit yourself. Itll let us in for trouble.别随便表态。这会使我们陷入麻烦的。知识拓展相关单词committed adj 尽心尽力的;忠心耿耿的commitment n 承诺;奉献 相关短语commit suicide 自杀commit a crime 犯罪commit oneself to sb/sth对某人承诺;答应对某事负责be committed to(doing)sth致力于;委身于;以.为己任He would not commit himself in any way.他不愿做出任何承诺。After shooting his wife, hecommittedsuicide in the bedroom.在开枪打死妻子后,他在卧室自杀。He didnt commit himself to anything.他没有作任何承诺。He was committed to the care of an aunt.他被托付给给一个婕妈照顾。 get on 原文再现 We have always got on really well. 我们总是相处得很好。基本用法 get on (with sb./sth.)=get along (with sb./sth.) 融洽相处;进展 She and her sister have never really got well. 她和她妹妹关系一直不好。He can alwaysget onwell with his colleagues. 他总能和同事们和睦相处。 He is the last person that Ill get along with. 他是我最不愿与之相处的人。 relationship 原文再现 Our relationship has always been fantastic. 我们的关系一直都很好。基本用法 relationship n. 关系;关联 The relationship between them is being improved. 他们之间的关系正在改善。 Their relationship soon went sour. 他们的关系不久就变坏了。 Our relationship is coming apart at the seams. 我们的关系破裂了。 react 原文再现 How did your parents react to the accident? 你父母对这次事故的反应如何?基本用法 react v. 反应 How do you react to this modern artists paintings? 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价? How did they react to your suggestion? 他们对你的建议有什么反应?知识拓展 相关单词 reaction n. 反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用 Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能问一下您对这个政策的反应吗?His reaction on this matter is unexpected. 没料到,他对这件事的反应是这样的。 相关短语 react to sb. /sth 对某人/某事作出反应 react with . 与.起反应 He wasnt sure how to react to the news. 消息传来之后,他不知道该怎么办。 Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁遇水和空气会生锈。divorce 原文再现They divorced when Iwas four.我四岁时,他们就离婚了。基本用法divorce vt. 使离婚,使分离;与离婚 n. 离婚;分离 vi. 离婚Divorcehas become an everyday occurrence.离婚已成为每天都有的事了。 The judge divorced the young couple. 法官判决这对青年夫妻离婚。 Marys parents, it is said, have got divorced. 据说,玛丽的父母已经离婚了。 Mr. Hill divorced his wife at the age of 70. 希尔先生七十岁的时候与他妻子离婚。知识拓展-相关短语divorce sb 与.离婚get divorced 离婚Theygot divorcedafter one-


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