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七年级英语第二周测试题一、 单项选择题(20分)()1.Tomwants_toyou.Areyoufree?AtotellBtellsCtotalkDtalks()2.Canyouhelpme_myEnglish?AwithBofClearningDabout()3.Bobcanplay_tennisbutcantplay_violin.Athe,theB,Cthe,D,the()4.Areyougood_swimming?A.withB.atC.forD.to()5.IsJimyourfriend_yourbrother?Myfriend.AandBbutCorDthen()6.Pleasecallme_8989766.AinBatCaboutDwith()7MissReadisgood_musicShecanbegood_childreninthemusicclub.Aat,atBwith,withCat,withDwith,at()8.Whatabout_together?A.danceB.danceingC.todanceD.dancing( )9.Whatsthetime?_halfpastnine.A.ItsB.ItsC.ThisisD.Theyre( )10.Wegoto_atsixthirtyinthemorning.A.theschoolB.aschoolC.schoolD.schools( )11.I at ten oclock in the evening. A.havebreakfastB.getupC.gotobedD.watchmorningTV( )12._LucyandLilygohomeatseven?A.DoB.DoesC.IsD.Are( )13.Weonlyhave_shower.A.someB.anC.theD.one( )14.-Doyouhaveawatch?-_.A.Yes,hedoesB.No,ImnotC.No,IdontD.Idontknow( )15.HowdoeshegotoHongKong?_.A.TaketheplaneB.TakeplaneC.BytheplaneD.Bytheair( )16.Iusuallygotoschool_.A.ridethebikeB.onbikeC.onthebikeD.bymybike( )17. The last train is left, so you _ stay here until tomorrow. A. must B. have to C. neednt D. can not ( )18. Please _ who broke the window. A. find B. look for C. look at D. find out ( )19. Listen, a small number of students _ in the classroom. A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking ( )20. _ she is ill, _ she goes to school. A. Although; / B. Although; but C. But; although D. Because; / 二、 完形填空(10分)Ann is a middle school student. She has a sister 16 a brother. They are Helen and Paul. Ann and Helen can 17 . Ann can sing and play 18 well, but Helen 19 . Helen doesnt like playing the instruments. She 20 chess, but she doesnt play chess 21 Ann. Ann cant play chess. Helen often plays with Paul, because Paul plays 22 very well. Paul can 23 play basketball well. And he is 24 the school basketball club. He often 25 other students with basketball.( )1. A. or B. but C. and( )2. A. speak B. show C. dance( )3. A. the guitar B. guitars C. guitar( )4. A. can B. cant C. dont ( )5. A. has B. does C. likes ( )6. A. with B. for C. on( )7. A. basketball B. chess C. games( )8. A. also B. too C. only( )9. A. of B. to C. in( )10. A. plays B. joins C. helps三、 阅读理解(30分) ATony and Anna are brother and sister. They are Americans. Tony likes sports very much. He can play soccer, basketball and volleyball. Anna likes music(音乐) very much. She cant play ball games. But they both(两者都) like playing on computers. They like eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch, Anna likes eating vegetables and fruit, but Tony likes chicken and fish(鱼). They both like hamburgers. But they dont like ice cream or dessert.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(10分)( )1. Anna is Tonys _ and they are _. A. sister; Chinese B. sister; Americans C. friend; Americans ( )2. Tony likes _ and he can play _. A. sports; tennis B. music; basketball C. sports; volleyball ( )3. Tony and Anna both like _. A. vegetables B. soccer C. playing on computers( )4. For breakfast, they like _.A. eggs, bread and milk B. vegetables and fruit C. chicken and fish ( )5. They dont like _ or _. A. ice cream; vegetables B. ice cream; dessert C. hamburgers; dessertBThisisWangPingsDay.Hesayoungworker.Hisjobiscarryingcoal(运煤).Hethinksthats great.()1.WhendoesWangPinghavebreakfast?A.At5:20inthemorning.B.At5:10intheafternoon.C.At5:40inthemorning.D.At6:00intheafternoon.()2.Wheredoeshehavehisbreakfast?A.Athome.B.Inthecoalmine(煤矿).C.Intherestaurant(餐馆).D.Inthefactory(工厂).()3.WangPingwatchesnews_.A.overtheradioB.onTVinthemorningeverydayD.everymorning()4.WangPinggoeshome_.A.at7:40everyeveningB.at5:20everyeveningC.at7:30everymorningD.at5:20everymorning()5.-HowoldisWangPing?-_.A.About50B.AboutfifteenC.25D.WedontknowCWhen you come to Auckland as a foreigner,youll easily find a traditional pub(酒吧)either in small towns or in big cities. In these pubs many different kinds of drinks such as wine, beer, coke, coffee, and juice are served. You can find out the local culture. However, if you don t know the pub culture, you may feel embarrassed or even get into trouble.Most pubs in Auckland have no waiters, so you have to go to the bar to get your own drinks. Those who dont know this may wait a very long time before they realize they would have to fetch their own drinks. While you are standing in front of the bar waiting for service, you are able to chat with others who are also waiting for service. The bar counter(柜台)is possibly the only place you can find in Auckland to talk friendly with strangers. But while you are chatting with others or talking about what you want to order, you mustnt block all the entrance to the bar.Remember, youll never go into the pubs unless you are over 18.从 A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。1. A traditional pub in Auckland is very _.A. friendly B. embarrassed C. relaxing D. Both A and B2. When you are in pub,_ A. you will have a better service with a lot of waiters around B. you will have to order and fetch your own drinks all by yourself C. it is easy for you to make friends with others by chatting or talking D. Youll have to take time to wait for your drink3.Which sentence is true? A. It is very hard for you to find a traditional pub to relax yourself in Auckland B. You arent allowed to get into the pubs until you are over18 C .You are able to order any of the drinks or foods in the pubs D. You can chat or talk with friends in any places in the pub 4.Which topic is the best for this passage?A. Service in Aucklands Pubs.B. Pub Culture in Auckland C. Making Friends in Pubs. D. How to Order Drinks in Pubs.5.Most pubs in Auckland have_ A. many waiters B. a waiter C. no more than 10waiters D .no waiters四.用所给单词适当形式填空(10分)1.Can you help kids with (dance)?Yes,I can.2.They want (join)the baseball club.3.Can you (sing)? 4.Do you want to join the (swim)club?5.Lets_(clean)theclassroom.6.He_(notgo)tobedat8:30.7.She_(do)herhomeworkat7:00intheevening.8.Scott_(work)verylonghours.9.Whattime_youusually_(get)up?10.Hissisterloves_(play)thepianoverymuch.五、根据句意及词首字母写出单词。(10分)1Gina wants to j _ the music club.2Can you s _ English? 3I can play the guitar but cant play the p _.4Can you h _ kids with swimming?5.Therearesixtyminutes(分钟)inanh_.6.Dontl_tomusicinclass.7.WedontgotoschoolonS_orSundayeveryweek.8.Kate,pleasew_yournameandaddressonthecard.9.Ioftengohomeataround5:00pma_school.10. Itsfarfromhere.Youcant_ataxi.六、按要求完成句型转换,每空一词。(20分)1. He can play the piano. (对画线部分提问) _ _ he ?2. They can play the piano, the violin and the guitar. (改为一般疑问句) _ they play the piano, the violin _ the guitar?3. I want to join the music club. (对画线部分提问) _ _ do you want to join?4. Bill can play the drums. (改为否定句) Bill _ _ the drums.5.She can play the violin.(用the drum变成选择疑问句) _ _ _ the violin _ the drum?6.Jackeatsbreakfastathome.(改为一般疑问句) _Jack_breakfastathome?7.Scottworksverylonghourseveryday.(改为否定句) Scott_verylonghourseveryday.8.HecandoChineseKungFu.(改为一般疑问句)_he_ChineseKungFu?9. 你想参加什么俱乐部?_ _ do you want _ _10. 你会唱歌或跳舞吗? Can you _ _ _七、书面表达(20分)假如你是你们学校音乐俱乐部的一名成员,俱乐部要举行一次音乐演出,需要招聘一些表演者,请根据以下提示写一则招聘广告。词数60左右。1.喜欢音乐,会唱英文歌。2.会弹吉他,钢琴,拉小提琴,打鼓。3.招聘20人。4.电话:674-9265。5.联系人:张老师。


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