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淮安市开明中学20122013学年度第一学期期末考试初三英语试卷第I卷 (选择题,80分)I. 听力测试(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)(A) 听对话,回答问题。(听两遍)( ) 1. What did Bill do last Sunday?A. B. C. ( ) 2. How does Lily visit Beijing now? A. B. C.( ) 3. What time can Lilys homework be finished?A. B. C. ( ) 4. What is the woman looking for?A. B. C. ( ) 5. How was the film according to the man?A. Fun.B. Interesting. C. Boring.( ) 6. How long has Michael been in Guangzhou?A. For two days. B. For five days. C. For three days.( ) 7. What can we learn from the womans words? A. She hasnt made the invitation yet. B. The Browns will leave for the concert tonight. C. The Browns are probably able to come.( ) 8. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. Father and daughter.B. Teacher and student.C. Shoppers.( ) 9. What food will the boy buy?A. Oranges. B. Potatoes. C. Tomatoes.( ) 10. What does Sam like better?A. Maths. B. Science. C. English. (B) 听一段长对话,回答第11、12小题。(听两遍)( ) 11. Where is the fossil (化石) possibly on show? A. In China.B. In Britain.C. In Australia.( ) 12. Have the two speakers been to China? A. Yes, they have.B. No, they havent.C. One of them has. (C) 听两篇短文,回答问题。(听两遍)听第一篇短文,完成信息记录表。 School Information FormSchool name: 13 School headmaster: Stephen GatesNumber of teachers: nine Training subjects: 14 School days: Monday 15 ( ) 13. A. Blue Sky Dog SchoolB. Stephen Dog SchoolC. West Hill Dog School( ) 14. A. How to get foodB. How to make friends C. How to protect owners( ) 15. A. FridayB. Sunday C. Saturday听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。(听两遍)( ) 16. How many people were having lunch at the table?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.( ) 17. What was on the table besides rice?A. Bread. B. Meat. C. Meat and vegetables.( ) 18. When didnt Gary eat rice?A. In the morning. B. In the evening. C. In the middle of the day. ( ) 19. Where did Gary and his mother work after lunch?A. In the factory. B. At the school. C. On the farm.( ) 20. Did Gary have any rice for supper?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. We dont know.II. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)( ) 21. -Which is _ hottest song of the year? -_ song called Gangnam Style. A. the; An B. an; The C. the; The D.; A( ) 22. - Its curious _ you to ask so many questions. - Yeah. Its good _ me.A. for; for B. of; for C. to; for D. from; of( ) 23. The students in Kaiming work harder than _ in other schools in our city.A. it B. this C. that D. those( ) 24. Sam _ coffee with nothing in itHe says he enjoys it very muchA. prefers B. prefers to C. would rather D. would like to( ) 25. _ number of interviews with some famous singers is small, so _ number of TV viewers are not willing to watch TV now. A. A; a B. The; the C. A; the D. The; a( ) 26. Not only my students but also I _ very fond of the film Lost in Thailand. A. are B. be C. is D. am( ) 27. He had studied English for 10 years _ he became a primary student.A. afterB. before C. sinceD. because( ) 28. - I am sure this book _ be Toms. - It _ not be his. It is mine.A. may; must B. must; can C. should; may D. can; must( ) 29. That poor young man was killed _ 1:00 a.m. _ 4:00 a.m. yesterday.A. at; orB. in; andC. from; to D. between; and( ) 30. The basketball match will be covered _ by CCTV-5 tonight.A. liveB. livelyC. livingD. alive ( ) 31. - Mike has gone to the USA for a study trip. - Do you know when he _?A. was leaving B. has leftC. leftD. had left( ) 32. While I _ TV, my father _ in bed.A. was watching; sleptB. watched; sleptC. was watching; was sleepingD. watched; was sleeping( ) 33. The soldier devoted all his time _ the old man. A. to helpB. helpingC. to helpingD. helped( ) 34. _ your homework is finished, you can go home.A. WhetherB. WhereC. UntilD. If( ) 35. The remote control _ on the couch was found _ just now.A. putting; missedB. put; missingC. putting; goneD. put; go( ) 36. We should keep our environment clean _ a healthy life. A. live B. to live C. living D. lived ( ) 37. - He is a great speaker! - _. Ive never known a better one. A. Im not sure B. I dont admire him at all C. Im sorry to hear that D. I quite agree( ) 38. Look! _ the students are working! A. What hardly B. What hard C. How hardly D. How hard( ) 39. The director often says “_ ” before action.A. Stand by B. Take two C. ActionD. Good take( ) 40. -Which of the shorts do you like better?-Ill take _. I like them so much. They are cheap and fashionable.A. nothingB. noneC. allD. bothIII. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers (随从), and they happened to pass a lake. So they stopped there to 41 , and the wise man said to one of his followers, “I am very 42 . Could you please get me some water from the lake?”The follower walked to the lake 43 the wise man requested. Some people were 44 clothes in the water, and right at that moment, several carts (马车) started crossing the lake. As a result, the water became very 45 .Then he returned and 46 the wise man the water was muddy and not fit to drink. 47 they had rested for about half an hour, the wise man again asked 48 follower to do the same thing. This time he found that all the mud (泥土) had settled to the 49 . The water was very clear and looked fit to drink. 50 he filled his water bottle and took it to the wise man. The wise man took the water bottle and drank, then looked up at the follower, “See 51 you did to make the water clean?” he said. “You let it (顺其自然) be for a 52 and the mud settled down on its own, so that you could get some clear drinking water. Your mind 53 also be like that lake when it is disturbed by 54 . If you just let it be and give 55 a little time, it will most likely settle down on its own. You do not have to put in any effort at all to calm it.( ) 41. A. sleep B. say C. swimD. rest( ) 42. A. hungry B. thirsty C. sleepyD. happy( ) 43. A. as B. like C. withD. on( ) 44. A. selling B. shining C. washingD. making( ) 45. A. happy B. noisy C. cleanD. dirty ( ) 46. A. cried B. helped C. blamedD. told( ) 47. A. After B. Before C. UntilD. When( ) 48. A. the other B. the same C. the differentD. the whole( ) 49. A. top B. side C. bottomD. lake( ) 50. A. But B. However C. OrD. So( ) 51. A. what B. how C. whenD. where( ) 52. A. minute B. while C. yearD. second( ) 53. A. shall B. neednt C. canD. mustnt( ) 54. A. anything B. everything C. nothingD. something( ) 55. A. you B. it C. themD. meIV. 阅读理解(共15小题; A、B两篇每小题2分, C篇每小题1分,满分25分)阅读下面短文, 从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(A)OLIVIA Engel, 6, was going to play an angel in the Christmas play this year. Yet on Dec 14, 2012, she, along with 19 other children and six adults, was killed.A man named by the police as Adam Lanza, aged 20, shot and killed his own mother on the morning of that day. Afterwards, he drove her car to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, US, and shot and killed 20 children and six women. Finally, he killed himself. The police still do not know why he did that.US President Barack Obama openly cried as he spoke about the killing. He told the parents of the children that “You are not alone in your grief (悲痛). All across this land of yours we have cried with you.”When this kind of shooting has happened recently, people have had special ways of showing their grief. They have lit candles, and left flowers by the scene of the tragedy (悲剧). This is very much the case again. Those who died in Newtown were very young children aged from 5 to10. The tragedy has raised more questions about gun control in the US. ( ) 56. How many people did Adam Lanza kill before he killed himself? A. 19. B. 25. C. 27. D. 28.( ) 57. We can tell from Paragraph 3 that President Obama _.A. felt sad and tried to comfort (安慰) the parentsB. felt angry and wanted the killer to dieC. spoke loudly to show his anger D. asked the whole country to donate money( ) 58. According to this passage, people show their grief by _.A. staying at home B. planting flowersC. selling candles D. lighting candles, leaving flowers, etc( ) 59. What did the sentence “This is very much the case again” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. This is not a big problem. B. This happened again.C. This is an unimportant event. D. This makes people happy again.( ) 60. What does the writer of this passage really want to express (表达)? A. The questions about gun control should be paid attention to. B. Barack Obama felt very sorry about this tragedy. C. All the people should not use guns in the USA. D. Young children should be protected.(B)All residents (居民): Rules for living in Parkrise FlatsWe all want to live comfortably and safely here, so here are simple rules which we think all residents should follow.Rubbish: Rubbish collection is on Tuesdays. Washing: There is a washing line for every flat in thegarden next to the car park. Please only dryyour washing on these lines.Cleaning: The main stairs are cleaned twice a week by theAssociation (委员会). Do not leave anything onthe stairs or in the hallways.Lights: The main lights are on a timer and they stayon for five minutes when you press them. Ifthe lights do not work contact us, please.Noise: Loud music, etc. can disturb other people andthe Association will contact you if you make toomuch noise.Safety: Make sure the main outside door is alwayslocked and do not let strangers come intothe main building.Parking: Each flat has a car parking space. They arenumbered and are at the back of the building.Do not use another residents space.Problems: If you have any problem or question, call the Association at 038098 anytime.( ) 61. Whats the aim of this passage?A. To sell the flats. B. To tell residents how to live happily.C. To ask the residents to follow the rules. D. To tell people how to keep away from danger.( ) 62. According to the passage, which of the following is done once a week?A. Rubbish collection. B. Drying the washing. C. Cleaning the main stairs. D. Changing the lights.( ) 63. People should dry their washing on the watching lines _.A. at the car park B. in the ground floor flatsC. in the hallways D. in the garden( ) 64. According to the passage, the association will contact you if_.A. lights are working B. you make too much noiseC. you dont let strangers come inD. you park cars at the back of the building( ) 65. It can be learned from the passage that _.A. people should leave the broken chairs on the stairsB. the Association is always ready to help the residentsC. residents living in Parkrise Flats are not friendly D. the lights will be on for ten minutes when you pass the main stairs(C)Have you ever noticed the black and white bars (条状物) on books? Do you know what they are used for?They are barcodes (条形码) used in most products. If you go to a supermarket, you can see almost every product with a barcode on it. Barcodes contain (包括) information about the products, such as names and production date. Its an easy and convenient way to keep track of the products. Just scan (扫描) the bars with a barcode reader and everything is clear.The first use of a barcode in a supermarket checkout system was on a pack of American Wrigley Company chewing gum in 1974. Beyond supermarkets, barcodes are needed everywhere: for renting cars, for luggage checks on a plane, for parcels(包裹) you send. Life will be rather hard without barcodes. Most things would get lost in the post.Barcodes change as well. Barcodes in the past were 1-D (one-dimensional), but now there are 2-D (二维码), such as QR (正方形点状码) has been used on Chinese train tickets. People can enter stadiums, cinemas and theaters by holding certain types of barcodes.If you find these barcode things boring, a barcode building might be more up your street. In St Petersburg, Russia, there are games too. Barcode Monsters is a mobile phone game. You have to scan barcodes and find the monsters (怪物)! ( ) 66. The black and white bars on books are called _. A. QRsB. barcodes C. products D. monsters( ) 67. In Paragraph 2, the underlined phrase “keep track of ” means _.A. make B. buy C. sell D. know( ) 68. Where do we use a barcode? A. At supermarkets. B. At the train station. C. In the post.D. A, B and C.( ) 69. According to the passage, which one is true? A. Just scan the barcodes with our eyes and everything is clear.B. Most of our things would get lost in the post if we use barcodes. C. Life will be very easy with barcodes.D. All of the products have barcodes.( ) 70. Whats the best title of this passage? A. Small Barcodes Make a Big Difference B. We Can Live Without Barcodes C. Science Develops Too Fast D. You Must Have Your Own Barcodes第卷(非选择题,共70分)V. 词汇运用(共18小题;每小题1分,满分18分)(A) 根据句意, 从方框中选用恰当的词或短语填空。 satisfied with, sleepy, anything interesting, has a strong personality, look good on, much too, brings, closely, read the film review1. That new film _ dinosaurs alive on screen.2. If you want to know whether the film is worth seeing, youd better _first. 3. We decided to work _with them after that event.4. The boy is too _to keep his eyes open in class.5. Im afraid my husband is _ busy to see visitors.6. Our monitor _ so he likes to be the leader and he likes red.7. Is there _in todays newspaper?8. Are you _ what you did in the game? (B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。9. Teachers are worried because some students are _ (active) in class.10. Are you patient enough to spend lots of time _ (explain) problems to others?11. - Did you keep records of the _ (thief)? -Yes, here are theirs.12.Good news! Our class came _ (one) in the long jump.13. I dont know where those_ (boss) clothes are.14. Thank you for _ (advise) me how to deal with the problem.15. After hearing the _ (die) of her dog, she cried a lot.16. The boy _ (disturb) by the barks of the dog just now.17. Kate has ever been to France and is good at _ (France). 18.My father was the first one _ (enter) the college in his village.VI. 完成句子 (共6小题;每题2分,满分12分)根据所给的中文意思,用英文完成下列各句。19. 那个工程师做了违法的事,所以他将在监狱里呆一年。That engineer has _ the law and he will _ for one year.20. 解决这个问题的一个方法是更仔细计划你的时间。_ this problem is to _. 21. 直到电影的结尾处,你才能弄清楚答案。You wont find out the answer _ the story.22. -辛迪,你想成为演员吗? - 不,我宁愿成为一个牙医。Sandy, would you like _? No, Id _.23发送短信给我们可能为你赢得两张免费的音乐会门票。_ to us may earn you two _.24. 过去那对双胞胎总是争论读什么,并生彼此的气。 The twins always _ and they got _ in the past.VII. 任务型阅读 (共10小题; 每小题2分,满分20分)(A)On and off screen, Huang Bo is an ordinary (普通的) person, short and plain-looking. However, this hasnt stopped him from winning over fans and the box office.Lost in Thailand泰囧, starring Huang Bo, Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang, has become the most popular film of the season. Huang became famous as a stupid thief in the 2006 film Crazy Stone. Since then, the 38-year-old man has impressed people with his performance of different everymen: a farmer, a failed cyclist, a salesman and a migrant worker. Among them, his performance in the 2009 film Cow won Huang a Golden Horse for best actor. How is he able to express the pains and joys of ordinary people so well? Huang says it is because he himself used to be one of them. Huang dreamed of becoming an actor at a young age. Before he got the chance, Huang had tried almost every possible job. He sang at bars in Guangzhou. He formed a dancing band in Beijing.There were highs and lows, of course. But Huang said later “All the people I met and all the difficulties I overcame are treasure (珍贵) experiences for acting.”根据上面短文的内容回答问题。25. How does Huang Bo look? _26. Has Lost in Thailand become the most popular film of the season? _27. What did the film Cow win Huang? _28. Why can Huang express the pains and joys of ordinary people so well?_29. What does Huang think of all the difficulties he overcame? _(B)From goldfish to sharks, fish of all sizes have lived on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. But do they ever feel thirsty?The answer is yes, at least some of the fish do. But there is a big difference between fish in seawater and fresh water.Bony fish (硬骨鱼) have a salt concentration (含盐量) in their bodies. For bony fish in seawater, their concentration is lower than the water they live in. Through osmosis (渗透作用), these fish will lose lots of water into the sea. To make up (弥补) the loss, they drink lots of water, so it would be easy to say they become thirsty. Although drinking salt water is not a good idea for humans, fish can pass the salt they are drinking through their gills (鳃).But sharks are an exception (例外). Sharks can make their blood as concentrated (浓缩的) as the water around them. They do this by building up urea (尿素) in their blood, so they may not be very thirsty. But highly concentrated blood also has a problem. It means sharks wont do very well in fresh water water will rush into the shark by osmosis and it might even explode (爆炸)!Freshwater fish are not likely to become thirsty. Because they live in a less salty environment, they have another problem: water goes inwards and dilutes (冲淡) their blood. The freshwater fish therefore need to pass useless water, so we can see that salt water fish get thirsty and drink, while freshwater fish dont drink but pee (小便) a lot.根据上面短文的内容完成下列各句。30. Some of the fish will feel _, but the f


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