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必修3 Unit 5 Canada“The True North学案导学 Period four grammar:同位语从句一、Preparation for the lesson before classStepone: make a thorough inquiry for grammarlearn by oneself( SB P37 Discovering useful structures)Lets students find out and understand concepts usesof by consuling materials.同位语从句是名词性从句的一种,常用从属连词that引导,(when, where, who等也可引导),常常跟在fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, ability, patience, answer, order, report, wish, decision, suggestion, belief, doubt, fact, hope, message, promise, question, reply等名词后。同位语从句一般用来解释或说明这些名词的具体含义或内容。在逻辑上表现为同位关系。 例如: Finally the workers got an answer that the government could do nothing to raise their wages.工人们最终得知政府不会采取任何措施来增加他们的工资。 They are familiar with the opinion that all matter consists of atoms.他们很熟悉这一观点,所有的物质都是由原子构成的。二、Discussing each other during classSteptwo:同位语从句与that引导的定语从句的区别:1) 从先行词来看 同位语从句与名词在本质上是同一的,是形式与内容的关系,该名词是需要做特殊说明的抽象名词。例如:They were delighted at the news that their team had won.当听到他们的球队赢了的消息时,他们欣喜若狂。逻辑关系:The news was that their team had won.2) 从引导词来看引导词that在同位语从句中是连词,只起连接作用,无具体含义,that不可省略;that在定语从句中是关系代词,他在从句中充当一定成分:主语或宾语,有具体词意,作宾语时还可以省略。试比较:The factory (that) we visited yesterday is a chemical one.我们昨天参观的那家工厂是化工厂。(that在从句中作宾语)The news that he will leave for Shanghai is true.他将要去上海的消息是真的。(that只起连接从句的作用。)Stepthree:同位语从句的简易判断方法因同位语从句与其先行词在逻辑上是同位关系,所以,我们可在名词和从句之间加系动词be, 使其可以构成一个新句子,如果合乎逻辑,句子通顺,则句子为同位语从句;定语从句是不能够用系表结构把先行词与从句连接起来的。例如:The thief that the earth is flat is still held in some countries.地球是扁平的这一观念依然在一些国家存在。(The belief is that the earth is flat.) 三、SummaryStepfour:Teacher and students toghter.语法同步练习单项填空1. A story goes _ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court.A. when B. where C. what D. that2. There is a feeling in me _ well never know what a UFO is forever.A. that B. which C. of which D. what3. Word came _ the examination will be held in June instead of in July.A. that B. when C. whether D. what4. The fact _ he failed the exam is not the one _ he told me.A. which; that B. that; that C. which; which D. /; that5. I have no idea _ we _ hand in our papers after class.A. if; need B. whether; need to C. if; ought to D. that; dare6. They didnt tell me the fact _ they had already paid the bill.A. that B. how C. what D. if7. Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A. which B. that C. when D. what8. The doctors are trying to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of disease.A. which B. when C. that D. if9. You have not answered my question _ I can join in the party tonight.A. whether B. if C. which D. that10. It is a common belief _ teenagers today know about computers and are familiar _ using them in all aspects of life.A. that; out B. what; with C. that; with D. what; about11. There is no doubt _ my friend Smith will come to visit China soon.A. that B. whether C. if D. when12. The possibility _ the majority of the labour force will work at home is often discussed.A. which B. / C. that D. what13. The suggestion _ students should learn some practical knowledge is worth considering.A. if B. which C. / D. that14. The news came _ The British Queens Mother celebrated her 101st birthday in good health, _ isnt surprising, because she lives an easy life and gets the best medical care.A. that; which B. which; which C. that; that D. when; as 15. Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me on this coming Christmas.A. which B. that C. what D. whether16. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _ road conditions need _ .A. that; to be improved B. which; to be improvedC. where; improving D. when; improving17. It was with great joy _ he received the news _ his lost son would soon return home. A. because; that B. that; that C. because; which D. that; /18. A decision was made _ those who once lied to the factory in order to get a job would not be allowed to stay.A. whether B. when C. that D. once19. One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.A. that what B. what that C. that D. all which20. It is no longer a question now _man can land on the moon.A. that B. which C. whether D. whatSuggested answer:1-5.DAABB; 6-10. ABCAC; 11-15.ACDAB;16-20.ABCAA


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