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五年级英语下册(一). Translation(英汉互译) 第1&2单元1.talk quietly 2.walk quickly 3.at the library 4.have a busy day 5.排队 6.去电影院 6.慢慢地走 7.认真地听 8.看到火灾 9.捡起 10.在警察局 11.呼喊求救 11.小心 12.闻到烟味 13.需要 14.丢钱包 15.发现一些钱 16.捡起一些书 17.给lucy雨伞 18.整理Bob的书包 19.take a mans arm and cross the street 20.make lunch for my mother 21.hang up his clothes 22.lose his mp3 23.一双新鞋 24.第二天早上 25.努力工作 26.跑掉27.许多钱 28.做衣服和鞋 29.在餐桌上 30.互相帮助 31.一次消防演习 32.交通灯 33.斑马线 .写出下列形容词的副词形式. quick loud polite careful happy quiet good happy good rude careful slow .写现在分词和过去式 help have cross make carry go take hang lose read .对划线部分提问. 1.Hes calling 119 for help. ? 2.We must look and listen carefully in class. ? 3.Matt mustnt throw rubbish on the flow. ?4.Amy and Sue are going to Beijing this summer. ?5.Grandma is in the hospital because she is ill. ?6.The shoemaker wanted to thank the little men. the shoemaker to ?7.The doctor saved many solidiers lives. Lives the doctor save?8.They found the child.(否定句) They the child.9.Dr Bethune was from Canada.(同义句) Dr Bethune Canada.改错。1.We all live happy in our country. 2.Pat and Kim ran and shout for help. 3.Then they gave the wallet the police. 4.You must to be eighteen years old. 5.A red traffic light meansgo. 6.The students mustnt walk quick down the stairs. 7.Im calling 119 for helping. 8.You must to line up in the playground. 9.You must be quietly. 10.A green light means go. We must cross the road slowly. 11.Was there a lot of tunnels 30 years ago in Shenzhen? 12.Were there a subway in Shenzhen 20 years ago? 13.Are there many factories in Shenzhen 50 years ago? 14.There arent a library in our school. 15.It is Monday yesterday. 五年级英语下册(二).连词成句。1.going/ we/ to/ to/ the/ are/ library/ go . 2.corridors/ they/ quickly/ in/ the/ run/ the/ never . 3.listens/ Mike/ at/ always/ cinema/ carefully/ the . 4.need/ sometimes/ never/ we/ to/ up/ we/ push/ but/ line . 5.i/ carried/ for/ it/ picked/ it/ her/ up/ and . 6.all/ world/ over/ he/ helped/ people/ many/ the . 7.things/ are/ now/ different/ of/ a / lot . 8.bridges/ were/ there ? 9.a/ and/ a / highway/ there/ is/ bridge . 10. to / the/ go/ lets/ countryside/ togrther . .选词填空。1. Liu Xiang is a runner. He runs very .(quick-quickly)2.Tom never talks a t the cinema.(loud-loudly)3.My friends are all good pupils. They are .(polite-politely)4.We always listen to the teacher in class.(careful-carefully)5.Today we are all in Shenzhen. (happy-happily)6.Dad is sleeping now. You should play .(quiet-quietly)7.Sue is a girl. She plays the piano .(good-well).用动词的过去式填空。 1.I to the cinema with my friends.(go) 2.Team 1 the football match.(lose) 3.Mr Brown a wallet under his chair in his office.(find) 4.The dog away with the childs ball.(run) 5.The girl the wallet to the police yesterday.(give) 6.The hungry boy all the food on his palte. (eat) 7. He the whole bottle of water after he had sports. (drink) 8.Judy an interesting story for the contest.(write) 9.Mr Jones his family to Australia for a holiday.( take) 10.Mummy a new schoolbag for Kevin last week.(buy).读一读,写一写,单词首字母已给出。 Mr Smith was a s . He worked very hard but he was very p . One morning he got up and f a new p of shoes. A woman b them a lot of m . The next morning, there was a pair of shoes on his table. That night, Mr Smith s two little men. They m the shoes and ran a . The shoemaker thanked the little men very much.30 years ago, there were no tall b . There were not many people. The city is q different now. There are lots of h . There are a lot of cars and buses, too. Now there are so many f , bridges, s and taxis. There are ten ferries and six p . Last night , I did a lot of things. My Grandpa was sick. F I made lunch for him. T I gave him some medicine. A I washed the dishes and hang up the clothes. T I read quietly.1.There is (一座高楼) beside our school.2.There are a lot of (港口) and (地铁)in our city now.3.There werent (许多公路) or (桥梁) there. 4. The city is (很不同)now.5. (50年以前),there were no factories.从所给的单词中挑选一个拼写错误的并改正。 1. A. swiming B. bring C. lining D. eating 2. A. loudly B. carefuly C. slowly D. quietly 3. A. should B. shouldt C. mustnt D. must 4. A. museum B. cinema C.palace D. librarie 5.A.building B.suwbay C.harbour D.ferry pier.根据情境写句子。1. 你告诉别人,在医院里我们必须小声说话,应该说: 2.你告诉你新同学,在图书馆有时我们需要排队,应该说: 3.你告诉新同学,在游泳池我们不可以推嚷,应该说: 4.你告诉新同学,在课堂上我们必须认真听讲,应该说: 5.你告诉新同学,今天下午我们将要去博物馆,应该说: 6.你的手打球伤了,别人帮你整理了书包, 你应该对他说: A.Thankyou! B.Good idea! C.Enjoy yourself.7.当你看到很多认为在那里,你很好奇,你应该问: A.How are you. B. Really? I cant believe it. C. What happened?8.在拥挤的公共汽车上,别人不小心踩了你的脚并向你道了道歉,你应该说: A.It doesnt matter. B. Be careful,please. C. All right.9.当你的朋友祝你圣诞快乐的时候,你应该说: A.Thats all right. B.Thank you. C. The same to you.10. 当你的弟弟告诉你,他扶了一个盲人过马路,你应该表扬他说: A. Im very happy. B.Good for you. C. Lets go.11.如果你想告诉对方你今天下午要去图书馆,应该说: A.What are you going to do this afternoon? B.Im going to the library this afternoon. C.I going to the library this afternoon.12.你想告诉别人不可以在博物馆高声喧哗,应该说: A.You neednt talk quietly at the museum. B.You cant play at the museum. C.You mustnt talk loudly at the museum.13.如果你看见别人捡到钱包但又找不到失主,你应该对他说: A.You must give it to me. B.You should carry It home. C.You should give it to the police.14.你想告诉别人学习英语是很容易的,你应该说: A.Learn to English is easy. B.Its easy to learn English. C.I like leran to English easily.


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