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成县镡河学校2013-2014学年六年级英语下册期中考试卷姓名: 成绩:一、请选出不同类的一项。(10分)( )1.A.high B.him C.you D.me( )2.A.son B.sister C.soon D.uncle( )3.A.finger B.nose C.strong D,leg( )4.A.bored B.banana C.apple D.orange( )5.A.what B.which C.without D.when二、我会按要求写单词。(20分)1. strong(比较级) 2.big(反义词) 2. funny(比较级) 4.dance(过去式) 5.eat(过去式) 6.get(过去式) 7.bought(原形) 9.sang(原形) 9.new(反义词) 10.took(原形) 三、我会选一选。(选择正确的汉语意思)(10分)1.have a fever A.得了流感2.get the flu B.一场足球比赛3.a football match C.发烧4.have a fever D.头痛5.a few days E.几天四、慧眼识珠。(选择正确的选项)(20分)( )1.The monkeys tail is than the rabbits tail.A.long B.longer C,short2.My legs are longer than.A.you B.your C.yours3.Im 50 kg.You are 48kg. Im 2kg than you.A.stronger B.shorter C.heavier4. is shorter than you?A.Who B.What C.Where5. monkey do you like?A.How B.Which C.What6.It a windy day yesterday.A.is B.were C.was7.Did your uncle go fishing last week? No, .A.he did B.she didnt C.he didnt8. Monday I went ice-skating.A.At B.On C.For9.I didnt English last weekend.A.learn B.learnig C.learned10.She usuallyher homeworkSaturday morning.A.does;on B.do;in C.did;on五连词成句我最棒。(15分)1.feel, how, does, Liu Yun2.failed, I ,the,math,test3. is, my, throat,sore4. is, my, throat, sore5.does,father,how,your,feel,today六、请帮小鱼找妈妈。(选择正确的应答语)(10分)( )1.When do you eat dinner? ( )2.What day is it today?( )3.What did you do yesterday?( )4.How can we get there?( )5.Whats your favourite season?A. Its Monday.B. I like spring best.C. You can take the No.25 bus.D. I rowed a boat.E. At seven oclock in the evening.七、阅读欢乐岛。(15分) It was hot yesterday. I wen to a farm with my parents. There was a river near the farm. I went to the river with my dog. We ran and played. Suddenly I dropped into the river,“Help! Help”My dog jumped into the river and swam to me. Ten minutes later, I was saved. I was grateful to it. We are good friends.( )1. It was very. A. cold B.hot C,windy( )2. I went to the farm with my . A.parents B.friends C.teacher( )3.There was a river the farm.A.on B,near C.in( )4. jumped into the river and saved me. A.My dog BMy mother C.My father( )5.I was very grateful to my. A.mother B.Friend C.dog


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