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大学英语1 第一次作业一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1.本题2分 Hi, Tom. How is everything going? (A)No, I dont. (B)Not bad. (C)Thank you a lot. (D)Yes, please. 2.本题2分 Long time no see. How are you? (A)Yes, how are you? (B)Im glad to see you. (C)Thank you. (D)Fine, thank you. 3.本题2分 Nice to meet you. (A)Nice to meet you, too. (B)Im ok. (C)Thank you. (D)Not too bad. 4.本题2分 How is life? (A)It is nice meeting you! (B)I hope all goes well with you. (C)Same as ever. (D)Thanks. And you? 5.本题2分 How are you doing? (A)Just so-so. (B)I dont know. (C)I dont like it at all. (D)Youre welcome. 6.本题2分 How are you getting on with your study? (A)Not at all. (B)Thanks. And you? (C)I hope all goes well with you. (D)Terrible. 7.本题2分 How are you getting on? (A)Youre welcome. (B)Very well. Thank you. (C)I dont know. (D)Not at all. 8.本题2分 How do you do? (A)No, thanks. (B)How do you do? (C)Nice to meet you, too. (D)Ok. 9.本题2分 Havent seen you for ages. Hows it going? (A)Yes, long time no see. (B)How are you? (C)Havent seen you for ages. (D)Everything is all right. 10.本题2分 Hello. Im Susie. (A)Its so kind of you. (B)Fine, thank you. (C)Youre welcome. (D)Hi. Im Jack. Nice to meet you, Susie. 11.本题1分When we learn a foreign language, we should hold that no culture is inferior _ the others. (A)as (B)for (C)under (D)to 12.本题1分Can you turn down the _ of the radio? I have a bad headache and want to have a sleep. (A)noise (B)volume (C)amount (D)voice 13.本题1分The academic achievements are always the students _ concern. (A)minor (B)less (C)inferior (D)major 14.本题1分The employee requires that he _ the right to know the situation of the company. (A)has (B)have (C)having (D)had 15.本题1分The kids behave themselves _ their parents presence. (A)on (B)with (C)at (D)in 16.本题1分In the first class in this semester, the teacher started _ a story she experienced during the summer holiday. (A)with (B)as (C)in (D)at 17.本题1分When she got home after school, she turned on the TV _ did her homework. (A)but (B)than (C)rather than (D)not 18.本题1分Human beings arent _ mistakes. And I decided to forgive him. (A)within (B)with (C)without (D)above 19.本题1分The three _ working telephone lines are quite busy following the earthquake. (A)remained (B)having remained (C)remains (D)remaining 20.本题1分Nobody can deny that success in study _ in the flexible method and positive attitude. (A)lies (B)lain (C)lay (D)lie 21.本题1分Not until they got married _ that he is a rude man. (A)she knew (B)she had known (C)had she known (D)did she know 22.本题1分With her children living abroad, she has her house _ every December. (A)paint (B)be painted (C)painted (D)to be painted 23.本题1分To my surprise, I found the classroom is _ at 8:00 in the morning. (A)empty (B)bare (C)blank (D)nothing 24.本题1分Whenever an earthquake occurs, see to it that the _ and gas are turned off. (A)electrical (B)electricity (C)electric (D)electronic 25.本题1分With user-_ computer, people with little education can also learn how to use it. (A)friendliness (B)friendly (C)friendship (D)friend 26.本题1分His devotion _ this country made him support 20 poor children to finish school. (A)for (B)in (C)at (D)to 27.本题1分Their dormitory is _ ours in decoration. (A)familiar to (B)likely to (C)intended to (D)similar to 28.本题1分This method is _ which saves us half of the time and effort. (A)influential (B)effective (C)fruitful (D)efficient 29.本题1分The students preference _ learning online urge the teachers to learn more about computer and network. (A)for (B)with (C)to (D)in 30.本题1分In one aspect, the seven-day National Day Holiday _ the students distraction from study. (A)results in (B)as a result (C)results from (D)as a result of 31.本题1分Good communicative skills are _ importance to a good leader. (A)with (B)by (C)at (D)of 32.本题1分Beat in the eggs, one _. (A)at one time (B)at times (C)at a time (D)at any time 33.本题1分_ dripping of water wears away a stone. (A)inconstancy (B)inconstant (C)constant (D)constancy 34.本题1分Wed better focus on the program that caters _ the needs of children. (A)on (B)for (C)with (D)in 35.本题1分This MP3 is _ that one. (A)as twice expensive as (B)twice expensive as (C)twice as expensive as (D)as expensive as twice 36.本题1分I had my car _. Would you please pick me up tomorrow morning? (A)repaired (B)repairing (C)to be repaired (D)repair 37.本题1分There is no reason for you _ her honesty. (A)not believe (B)to not believe (C)not believing (D)not to believe 38.本题1分Whenever he meets with a new word, he will _a dictionary. (A)look it in (B)look it with (C)look it up (D)look it up in 39.本题1分I didnt realize he was a famous film star _ he took off his dark glasses. (A)when (B)until (C)unless (D)once 40.本题1分Due _technological changes, our life becomes more and more convenient. (A)in (B)of (C)with (D)to 二、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题)41. How do you acquire confidence? Speak English with friends first because with them you can speak freely without feeling shy. Then try your ability with your teachers and with foreigners if you have an opportunity to meet them. Dont be afraid of mistakes. Nobody is above mistakes; and dont be afraid to ask questions about things you dont know. This is the way to acquire knowledge. Not until you begin to think in English rather than Chinese can you be said to know the language. This is not a superhuman achievementonly a question of practice. Thinking in English will help you to truly understand how the language is spoken. Read novels to build vocabulary, thus gaining confidence. Start with small volumes of 30 to 40 pages. Write down any new word you discover and look it up in your dictionary. Learn how to use the new word by making sentences with it. Bring the word to your teacher to have it explained more fully. Dont be angry when you learn a new word today and forget it tomorrow. To forget is a natural process; to remember is unnatural and requires effort. Of 10 new words learnt in a day, only two or three will remain in the memory. The others you will forget and have to relearn. When learning them for the second time, they will come more easily, and this time you probably will remember nearly all of them. A small minority, however, may elude you again, and have to be learnt for a third time. Constant repetition is necessary. (1).本题2分You can gain confidence by speaking English with the following people but _? (A)foreigners (B)family members (C)friends (D)teachers (2).本题2分When can you be said to know English? (A)When you can think in English. (B)When you have confidence with English. (C)When you are not afraid to ask questions. (D)When you have built vocabulary. (3).本题2分We can build vocabulary in the following ways except _. (A)looking up the new words in a dictionary, making sentences with them, etc. (B)reading novels (C)often speaking with foreigners (D)constant repetition of new words (4).本题2分What are suggested to do if you always forget the new words? (A)To practice more. (B)To be angry. (C)To relearn constantly. (D)To read novels. (5).本题2分Whats the best title for the passage? (A)Ways to Gain Confidence with English (B)Communicating in English (C)Learning New Words (D)Thinking in English 42. The other day I asked a group of my students how they like to learn English. The first person to speak up was Max. This was no surpriseunlike many Hong Kong students, Max has never been reluctant to speak. “I like to learn by speaking,” said Max. “I specially love to speak to native English speakers when I can find them. I try to talk to my friends in English, too. Um, what else? I like to watch TV and movies in English, and I like to learn new words by hearing them.” “How about you?” I asked Veronica. “Do you like to learn in these ways?” “Oh, no,” she said, “I could never learn like that. I need to have a textbook, and I like the teacher to explain everything to me. I have a notebook, and I write everything down. I like to study grammar, and I like to learn by reading. Max says he likes to learn new words by hearing them. I like to learn new words by seeing.” Veronicas classmate Jackie was more similar to Max. She said she liked to learn by watching movies and videos. She also liked playing games, listening to cassettes, talkingin pairs and practicing English outside the classroom. The last person to give his opinion was Joseph.Like Veronica, he liked to study grammar, although he didnt feel the same need to have a teacher. He liked to learn independently to find his own mistakes, and to read books and newspapers. These four people correspond to four learner “types” that a former colleague of mine, Ken Willing, found in a study he did some years ago. Max can be classified as a “communicative” learner, Veronica as “authority-oriented”, Jackie as a “concrete” learner, and Joseph as an “analytical” one. (1).本题2分Max likes to learn English by _. (A)learning new words by hearing them (B)watching TV and movies in English (C)always speaking in English (D)All of the above. (2).本题2分Who likes to learn English by watching movies and videos? (A)Joseph and Max (B)Jackie and Veronica (C)Jackie and Max (D)Veronica and Joseph (3).本题2分Whats the similarity between Veronica and Joseph in learning preferences? (A)Both like to study independently. (B)None of the above. (C)Neither likes a teacher to explain what they are learning. (D)Neither likes to study grammar. (4).本题2分If Nancy likes to learn English by listening to tapes, watching movies, talking to others and playing games, what type does she belong to? (A)Communicative. (B)Concrete. (C)Analytical. (D)Authority-oriented. (5).本题2分Whats the main idea of this passage? (A)How to find the way you really like to learn. (B)I enjoy teaching my students. (C)Four different types of English learner. (D)How will the teachers do with the four types of learner? 43. Satellites are an important part of our ordinary lives. For example, the information for weather forecasts is sent by satellite. Some satellites have cameras which take photographs of the Earth to show how clouds are moving. Satellites are also used to connect our international phone calls. Computer connections of the World Wide Web and Internet also use satellites. Many of our TV programs come to us through satellites. Airplane pilots also sometimes use a satellite to help them find their exact location. We use satellites to send television pictures from one part of the world to another. They are usually 35,880 kilometers above the equator. Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in the same place. This is because it is moving around the world at 11,000 kilometers an hourexactly the same speed that the earth rotates. A satellite must orbit the Earth with its antennae (天线) facing the Earth. Sometimes, it moves away from its orbit, so there are little rockets on it which are used to put the satellite back in the right position. This usually happens about every five or six days. Space is not empty! Every week, more and more satellites are sent into space to orbit the Earth. A satellite usually works for about 10-12 years. Satellites which are broken are sometimes repaired by astronauts or sometimes brought back to Earth to be repaired. Often, very old or broken satellites are left in space to orbit the Earth for a very long time. This is very serious because some satellites use nuclear power (核动力) and they can crash into each other. (1).本题2分Which of the following is NOT done by satellites according to the passage? (A)Sending TV pictures. (B)Providing food for airplane pilots. (C)Sending information for weather forecasts. (D)Taking photographs of the Earth. (2).本题2分Whats the speed the Earth rotates at? (A)35,880 kilometers per hour. (B)11,000 kilometers per hour. (C)111,000 kilometers per hour. (D)335,880 kilometers per hour. (3).本题2分What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 3 refer to? (A)The satellite puts the rockets in the right position. (B)A satellite. (C)A little rocket. (D)A satellite seems to stay in the same place in the sky. (4).本题2分How would the very old and broken satellites be dealt with? (A)They will be left in space to orbit the Earth for a very long time. (B)They will be made to crash into each other. (C)They will be repaired by astronauts. (D)They will be brought back to Earth to be repaired. (5).本题2分Whats the proper title for this passage? (A)Satellites Using Nuclear Power (B)The ABC about Satellites (C)The Speed of Satellites (D)How to Deal With Satellites When They are Old and Broken? 44. Experienced riders who are not too large and fancy taking part in some of the festive seasons most famous race meetings could be in for an unexpected surprise. This years national hunt racing season could be overshadowed because the sports shortest athletes are facing a shortage of a different kind. The number of national hunt jockeys (职业赛马骑师) has fallen from 123 in 1995 to 70but the number of meetings has increased. Now officials are issuing a plea to any keen riders to apply to the Jockey Club, racings governing body (理事会), for a license to take part in some of the countrys leading meetings. While meetings are unlikely to be abandoned, some races might only involve three horses. Racing officials fear that jockeys might not be able to get to all of the meetings in time, particularly on Boxing Day, when there will be nine, and on New Years Day, when there will be six. National hunt racing is open to professional and amateur (业余的) jockeys. Those who think they have the relevant credentials (证明书) need to have extensive riding experience, weigh under 10 stone (63 kg) and stand at around 5 ft 8 in (173cm). Once the Jockey Club has approved the license the riders are free to take part in any national hunt race and pit (使竞争) their wits against the likes of Tony McCoy. Racing officials believe that the shortage has cone about because Britons are getting bigger and there are fewer people who meet the sports height and weight requirements. A spokesman for the Jockey Club said: “There are fewer jockeys who are getting a greater number of rides but at least that means they are able to earn a good living.” He added: “We are keeping an eye on the situation. Any sport thrives on new blood and young talent coming through.” It is not a case of horse racing being less fashionable but being a jockey is a very demanding lifestyle, particularly in terms of truing to keep your weight down. People are now heavier and bigger and maybe some just find it too hard to be a jockey. (1).本题2分What does the underlined word “overshadow” in paragraph 3 mean? (A)To be taller than the athletes. (B)To make the national hunt racing less enjoyable by making people feel worried. (C)To make the racing field cool. (D)To face a shortage of horse racing athletes. (2).本题2分According to the passage, who may get a license from the Jockey Club? (A)Lee169cm64kg (B)Tony168cm61kg (C)Michael172cm62kg (D)Joe178cm63kg (3).本题2分Whats Tony McCoy? (A)A Jockey Club. (B)A very famous jockey in history. (C)The manager of the Jockey Club who is not kind to the rider. (D)A kink of horse which is hard to control. (4).本题2分Which of the following statements is TRUE? (A)The jockeys may not be able to get to all of the meetings in time because there may be many meetings at the same time. (B)It is necessary to have a license and pay a little money to take part in all of the countrys leading meetings. (C)The number of national hunt jockeys has fallen as well as the meetings. (D)Horse racing is now not as fashionable as before. (5).本题2分What does the writer want to tell us? (A)This years national hunt racing season could be overshadowed. (B)People should pay more attention to their weight so as to make it easier to be a jockey. (C)People are getting heavier and bigger. (D)The riders are expected to apply to the Jockey Club. 45. To learn with success is not a very difficult task if some fundamental principles are laid _(1)_ to be the bases. In discussing this subject, four indispensable principles should _(2)_ , that is, diligence, devotion, constancy and punctuality. All things can be conquered by diligence. It _(3)_the foolish wise, the poor rich, and the humble noble. It produces a wonderful effect. In learning, the work of a diligent fool doubles that of a lazy wit. Devotion means to set our heart _(4)_one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts. Never think of learning _(5)_subject while studying one thing. Those who often change their studies will never succeed _(6)_the long run. Therefore, in order to be successful we need devotion. Constancy makes success a certainty, while inconstancy often _(7)_ in failure. _(8)_ we study day after day, there is nothing that can not be achieved. We should remember the proverb, “Constant dripping of water wears away a stone.” _(9)_ these, there is another rule helpful to ones accomplishments, that is,punctuality.The habit of keeping a regular time is _(10)_ extreme importance to successful learning. “Work while working; play while playing.” Every man will certainly become wise and successful if he does so. (1).本题1分 (A)in (B)down (C)on (D)by (2).本题1分 (A)mentioned (B)mentioning (C)mention (D)be mentioned (3).本题1分 (A)takes (B)has (C)does (D)makes (4).本题1分 (A)in (B)off (C)to (D)on (5).本题1分 (A)another (B)either (C)other (D)others (6).本题1分 (A)by (B)to (C)in (D)with (7).本题1分 (A)results (B)comes (C)makes (D)leads (8).本题1分 (A)If (B)Although (C)When (D)As (9).本题1分 (A)In addition (B)In spite of (C)Besides (D)But (10).本题1分

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