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Unit 7 Section A face to face with gunsI. Warm-up Activity 1. Topic Discussion: i. Students DiscussionWhat do you think is the best way to cope with street robbery? ii. Teachers SummaryStreet robberies are often heard in recent years. Most people are at a loss what to do when encountered with a street robbery, some even could not escape death. So ways of coping with such unexpected crimes become very important. People may be taught some helpful advices on how to take precautions while walking alone in the alleys, in the underground parking lots, especially at night. At the same time, we hope that severe measures should be taken to punish criminals. But just as the writer of this article experienced, no matter how cautious you are, a robbery or mugging could happen to you anywhere, any time. We in fact have no way to prepare for the next time, After all, no intelligent response to a gun, there is only luck. Therefore, the best way to cope with street robberies or other crimes is to find out the reasons of discontents of those criminals, and solve these discontents, and make everyone in the society under the control of the governments effective managements. Thus, street robberies and other crimes can be reduced and we may enjoy a cleaner society.2. Questions on the topics and the passages 1) Why is the writer, like most city folks, very cautious?Street robberies or other crimes occurred frequently and people have no secure sense while walking alone. In case of any unexpected attack happening, most city folks become very cautious. The writer, of course, is not an exception. 2) Why did both one robber and the writer repeat everything they said?Both the robber and the writer were in great terror when they encountered. The robber was in a haste to take something valuable and ended the robbery before he was recognized, while the writer was frightened by the sudden attack, he was also afraid that the robber would unreasonably hurt him or kill him after taking money from him. So, even for different reasons, both of them were in great terror, that makes them repeat everything they said. 3) According to the writer, why are victims of armed attacks seldom able to identify their offenders?Most victims of armed attacks do not make a good preparation psychologically to an unexpected attack. When it occurs, they are so frightened that all their attention focuses on the guns which is the source of the fear, rather than on the users. Therefore, when encountering an armed attack, they could not identify their offenders. 4) What, do you think, save the writers life?The writer was thinking in great despair that he was going to die before one of the robbers found the KFC chicken. But suddenly, a dramatic scene occurred, the robbers took the KFC chicken away and left the writer spared. On the surface, it seems the writers good luck of carrying the KFC chicken with him saved him, but in fact, it is the last ingrained conscience of the robbers saved the writer from the approaching death. We may guess what the robbers really wanted was not to hurt the writer, but something they needed to live on.5) What, according to the writer, is the real reason of the young peoples committing crimes? From the photographs of the young men, we can see marks of weakness and marks of woe in their faces. It is a sign that they were not able to lead a happy life even to the best of their own power. But the government and the society didnt help them. Their discontents to the government and to the society make these young men just like a river out of control, and committing crimes becomes an outlet for them to air their grievances. So their discontents are the surface reason of their committing crimes, while the real deep reason lies in the social system. III. Text Structure Analysis The passage is a description of what happened one night when the writer went home. The passage presents the BASIC pattern of situation-problem-evaluation. However, the organization of the reading passage is a variation of that BASIC pattern: Situation + problem Sequential details of the problem Responses Comments and evaluation Thus, the passage can be roughly divided into 4 parts.Part One (Para. 1): It s about the situation and the problem.Part Two (Para. 2-25): This is the main body of the passage. Three major events are presented in the part, according to time sequence. The first event, presented in Para.2-10, is about how the robber shouted at him and searched for his wallet while he contrived to through his house keys into a bush. The second event, presented in Para.11-16, is about how the robber ripped his watch from his wrist and then another robber appeared and ordered him not to look at them. In fact, the writer consciously noted details of their faces. The third event, presented in Para.17-25, is about how the robbers grabbed his glasses and forced him down against the ground with two guns pressed against him. While he was thinking about death, the robbers took his food, got into a car, and drove away.Part three ( Para. 26-31): It is about the responses to the events that have happened. The writer was wondering why he was spared, and he reported the case to the police immediately. Later on, he was asked to go to the police station to identity the robbers from mug shouts.Part Four (Para.32-34): This part is about how the writer thinks about the robbery. The writer is feeling uncomfortable about looking through mug shots. That is compared to looking at the Thames, with sorrow and woe. The writer further commented that these young robbers are like a kind of river out of control, eating at the foundations of things they hold dear. Eventually society will have to understand the reasons for criminal behavior. The passage concludes with the writers remark on the social situation: what society can do now is to do something to keep the river-these young men-under control.IV. Structured WritingA Paragraph of a Set of Sequential Actions For this unit, particular attention has been focused on sequenced order of events. Organizing a piece of writing according to sequenced order of events is one of the ways to describe what happened. The writer of the short story presents its details in a very clear way with a set of sequential actions: actions that one right after the other as they happened. And these actions are not only connected to each other through some natural order of time sequence. They also help bring out the main idea, or the most important message the writer wants to leave with his readers. In para.1, the writer presents a set of sequential actions that ended with the most important action. We find the writer first presents the actions as being ordinary or as usual. The main person in the story was being cautious, and he scanned the street before pulling in. Up to this moment, nothing wrong had happened. Then suddenly, a man emerged from shrub and put his gun between his eyes. Thats the most important happening, which leaves the reader with the impression that despite his being careful, someone attached him. (Turn to Page164 and do Exercise XII. Now list the set of actions presented by the writer in para. 28 and learn how they come out the main idea)V. Detailed Study of the Text Words & Phrases Study1. cautious a. careful to avoid problems or danger 小心的,谨慎 be cautious of: 对谨慎的(非常小心的;细心的)He is always cautious of giving offence to others. 他一直注意不得罪人。As the examples of their children, parents need to be cautious of their behaviors and speeches.作为自己孩子的榜样,父母言行需谨慎。扩展 caution n. 1. great care 谨慎; spoken warning 警告 You should cross the street with caution.你过马路时要小心。Let his accident serve as a caution to you.把他的事故作为给你的警告。v. warn against possible danger 警告He cautioned me not to drink/against drinking. 他警告我不要喝酒。cautiously ad. 慎重地 precautionary a. 预防的; precautious a. 有防备的,戒备考点 My mother is a _ motorist; she never does any dangerous driving. A. casual B. conscious C. cautious D. careless解析:此题为形近词辨析,词义差别较大,较易答。casual漫不经心的;conscious 意识到的,cautious小心的,谨慎 ;careless 粗心的。2. scan vt. 1 ) examine sth. carefully but quickly 细看;审视The detective scanned every bit of evidence.侦探仔细检查了每一样证据。His mother scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth.他母亲察看他的面色看他是不是在讲真话。2) read sth. quickly 浏览,快读With a newspaper in hand, many young men first scan it for the names of their favorite stars, and then glance at the other news.拿到报纸,年轻人们首先搜寻的是他们偶像的名字,然后再浏览其它新闻。I scanned Time magazine while waiting at the doctors office. 在医生的诊所等的时候,我翻看时代杂志。3. unusual a. not usual 不寻常的,不一般的The exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual. 战时很少交换俘虏.There were some unusual happenings at school last week. 上星期在学校里发生了一些不寻常的事。同义词 rare scarce uncommon unusual 辨析 rare scarce uncommon unusual 都可表示“稀有的”,“罕见的”的意思。但各词所修饰的对象不同。rare 是指难得的、不平常或不常见的东西,意味着在一切时候都是“稀有的”“罕见的”,也常意味着珍贵、杰出、难得。也指人或事物的品性特别好而出类拔萃。在句中可用于定语或表语。例如:The panda is now a rare animal.大熊猫现在是稀有动物。In the library a room is specially set apart for the exhibition of rare books.在这个图书馆有专室展览珍本书籍。scarce 是指某物通常或以往是很普通的、很一般的日常用品,现在变得稀少、缺乏,甚至供不应求,但不一定珍贵。本词限于具体的物品。在句中多做表语。例如:Water is scarce in the desert.在沙漠里水是很难得到的。Many natural materials are becoming scarce.许多天然原料越来越少。If this kind of fish becomes scarce, future generations may never taste it at all.如果这种鱼变得稀有,未来的一代可能再也尝不到它的味道了。(全真试题CET-4,2000.12)uncommon 与rare一样,是指事物不常发生或不常见。但当指程度或数量不一般时,常含有赞许的意思,表示“不同凡响”或“显著的”。例如:Hurricanes are uncommon in England. 飓风在英国是非常罕见的。That was an uncommon act of charity.那是一次不同凡响的慈善之举。unusual 是个中性词。表示“异乎寻常的”意思。既可指好的事物,也可指不好的事物;主要是指与一般的,预期的事物不同到令人感到惊异的程度,或指事物的奇特与出类拔萃。例如:This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain.这种鸟很少冬季到英国来。He gave me an enormous gift showing his unusual generosity.他给我送了份厚礼,表示出非同寻常的慷慨。 4. exception n.C, U sb. or sth. that is not included 例外 To err is human, and nobody can be an exception.是人都会出错,没有人例外。 There is no rule but has some exceptions. 凡规则皆有例外。扩展 except v. 除外,不计; prep. 除.之外,除非;conj. 只是,要不是exceptional a. 例外的 exceptive a. 例外的,特殊的常用短语 with the exception of except/ apart from 除.之外,with no exception 无一例外5. portly a. rather fat 肥胖的There are five people in the hall , one of them being a portly journalist.大厅里有五个人,其中一位是个胖胖的记者。He would make a feast of the portly pig. 他要饱餐一顿肥猪肉。6. shave v. remove hair from the face or another part of the body with a razor 剃(胡须);刮(毛发)And now for the shave, do you want me to shave off your beard?那就修面吧,胡须要不要给您刮掉?Would you like to have a close shave? 您要不要把胡子刮干净7. unshaven a.not having shaved 未剃须的,未修面的Michael, a young Israeli with a long, unshaven beard and thick glasses, buried his nose in a pile of maps and travel books. 密歇尔,一个以色列小伙子,留着未经修剪的长胡子,戴着深度眼镜,把头埋在一大堆地图和旅游册里。The unshaven man in black was finally found to be the murderer.最终发现那个留胡子的黑衣男子是凶手。8. shrub n.C a small bush 灌木(丛)He planted a number of flowering shrubs in the garden.他在花园里种了几丛开花的灌木。The Japanese shrub is cultivated for its fragrant yellow flowers 这种日本灌木由于其芳香的黄色的花而广为载植9. parking n.U the act of parking a car or other vehicle 停车;停放Is there anything like management fee or parking fee? 有没有管理费和泊车费?Parking guiding systems will be installed in key areas. 在重点地区建立停车导航系统。10. pad n.C 垫,衬垫 There are no shoulder pads in the shirt. 这件衬衣没有垫肩。Your shoes are a little big , spread a pair of shoe-pads under your feet. 你的鞋有点大,垫双鞋垫吧。11. pistol n. C a small gun one can use with one hand 手枪What are the events of the pistol shooting? 手枪射击有哪些项目?Who do you think is most likely to win the air pistol, Women s air pistol?你认为谁最有可能夺得气手枪女子气手枪金牌?12. contrive vi.succeed in doing sth. in spite of difficulties 设法做到How could you contrive to make such a mess of things? 你怎么把事情弄得一团糟呢?She found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up. 当物价飞涨时,她觉得料理家务很难。13. toss vt .throw sth., esp. sth. light 扔,抛,掷Lets toss to see who pays it.让我们来掷钱币决定谁付账吧。Never toss away a chance to improve your English. 千万不要放过提高你英语的机会。14. bark v. say sth. quickly in a loud voice 大声嚷,吼叫 When shes angry, she often barks at the children.她生气时,常呵斥孩子。 The sergeant barked (out) an order.那个士官大声发出命令。vi. (of dogs) make a loud, short sound (狗)吠,叫All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 犬之所吠,并非皆贼。The dog only barks at strangers. 这只狗只对陌生人吠叫其它动物的叫声 牛叫 moo mu: n牛叫声 vi 鸣叫 猫叫 meow mju:,mjau n 猫叫声 vi 猫叫马叫 whinny hwini n (轻微的)马嘶声 vi 发出轻微的马嘶声鸟叫 chirp t:p vi 鸟叫; 虫鸣猪叫 grunt rnt vi (猪等)作呼噜声 (指人)发出类似的哼声 vt 咕哝着说 n (猪等的)呼噜声, (不满等的)嘟哝声, 哼哼声15. instinct n. C, U a natural tendency of behaving in a particular way 本能,天性 The wolf loses his tooth, but not his instinct. 狼牙虽失,本性难移。You should not go by instinct in deciding a question. 在决定一个问题时,你不能靠直觉 常用短语 act on instinct凭直觉行动 have an instinct for 生性爱好,生来就有.本能 16. instinctively ad. without thinking; without having been taught (出于)本能地,(出于)天性地We instinctively dont wish to call them statues. 我们直觉上不想把它们称作“雕塑”。The English instinctively admires any man who has no talent and is modest about it. 英国人本能地赞赏那些没有才能而又对人家的赞赏谦虚的人。17. sideways ad. to or toward one side 向一边,从侧面 He looked sideways at me in the meeting.他在会议上斜着眼看我。Bring the table through the door sideways.把这张桌子侧过来搬进门去。18. slight a. 1) thin and light 瘦小的Do you know the slight girl in red? 你认识那个穿红衣服的瘦瘦的女孩吗?The model is supported by a slight framework. 这个模型是用一种纤细的骨架支撑的。 2) small in degree 少量的;轻微的We had a slight misunderstanding over the time. 我们在时间方面意见稍有分歧。These stockings are seconds and have some slight defects. 这些长筒袜是次品,稍有微疵。19. enlargevt. make sth. larger 使扩大;使增大The police has the photograph of the missing girl enlarged. 警方把失踪姑娘的照片放大了。Books helped me to enlarge the extension of the knowledge. 书使我的知识面扩大了。20. polish vt. 1) make sth. smooth and shiny by rubbing 擦光,擦亮His dark eyes shone like polished glass. 他深色的眼睛里闪着光,好似擦亮了的玻璃.Dont polish those badges. 不要擦那些徽章。2) improve a piece of writing, a speech, etc. 提高,改进The speaker spent several days polishing his lecture.那个讲话的人花了好几天润色他的演讲。Four years of prep school should polish those children. 四年的预科学习应该让这些孩子变得温文尔雅。扩展 polish n. 上光剂 polished a. 磨光的,精练的,文雅的常用短语 polish away (off, out) 擦去 polish up 擦得亮亮的,装饰一新,改善,提高 polish the apple 讨人欢心,拍马屁21. polished a. 1) shiny because of being rubbed 擦亮的,磨光的The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor. 孩子们喜欢在刚擦亮的地板上溜圈子。His final purpose is the freshly polished silver.他的最终目标就是这些闪闪发亮的银子。2) done with great skill 完美的;精湛的Beneath the polished appearance, he is a devil. 尽管有着优雅的外表,他不过是个魔鬼。Russell is famous for his polished prose.罗素以他精美的散文闻名于世。22. attach vt. tie or join sth. to sth. else 系;贴He forgot to attach the label to the luggage.他忘了把标签贴到行李上。He attached a stamp on the envelope. 他在信封上贴了一枚邮票。同义词 connect associate attach 辨析 connect联接常作(be connected) 最普通最广泛意义上的连接,连接,;连接以供通行(或交通);连接水,电;电话联系associate 在头脑中把(某人或某物)与其他人(或物)联系在一起例如:I associated wealth with freedom.我认为财富和自由是联系在一起的。(由于两者同时发生或一者产生另一者)而把(某物)与其他事物关联起来。例如:the environmental problems associated with nuclear waste 与核废料相关的环境问题 attach 相当于fasten或join意为“连接,系牢” 例如:He ensured the trailer was securely attached to the minibus. 他确保拖车安全地挂在面包车后面。 扩展 be attached to 附属于,依恋于 例如:The middle school is attached to Shannxi Normal University. 这所中学附属于陕西师大。 During the journey Mark became increasingly attached to Tara. 旅途中马克变得越来越喜欢塔拉。23. criminala. 1) relating to the part of the legal system that deals with crime 刑事的Chinas Criminal Law has special regulations on juvenile crime and criminal responsibility. 中国刑法对青少年的犯罪和刑事责任,有专门的规定。Why do we need an International Criminal Court? 我们为何需要一个国际刑事法院?2) relating to crime 犯罪的,犯法的He has a criminal record stretching back twenty years. 他的犯罪记录可追溯到20年前。It is said that her younger brother is a member of a criminal gang. 据说她弟弟是一个犯罪集团的成员。n.C sb. who has committed a crime 罪犯A criminal must be in perpetual dread of exposure. 凡是罪犯必然经常提心吊胆,害怕暴露。He is a habitual criminal.他是一个惯犯。24. victim n. C a person who suffers harm or death as a result of sb. elses action, a terrible event, etc.受害者We are collecting money for the famine victim.我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。You are a victim of your own scheming. 你是自己计划的牺牲品。25. identify vt.recognize and correctly name sb. or sth. 辨认出,识别Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you?你能够认出那个抢你东西的人吗?Would you mind coming over to identify your things? 请你到这边认领你的东西,好吗? 扩展 identical adj 同一的,恒等的, 完全相同的Identical twins are living proof that identical DNA doesnt mean identical people. 同卵双生生动地证明,具有完全相同的脱氧核糖核酸的两个人并不完全相同。They examined current international problems and reached identical views. 他们审议了当前的国际问题,取得了完全一致的看法。26. offend vi. break a law 违法,违犯That man has offended against the norms of behaviour. 那人已违反了行为准则。Dont offend against the rules of operating the machine. 不要违反机器的操作规程。vt. make sb. feel upset or angry 冒犯,触怒See to it that you do not offend him. 你要小心不可冒犯他。Mind you do not say anything to offend them. 你注意别说会冒犯他们的话。扩展 offensive a. (aggressive) 讨厌的,无礼的,攻击性的 例如: offensive words/weapons词根词缀 fend=strike 打击fend v抵挡,抵御(进攻是最好的防守) fence 围栏,篱笆defend=de (down)+fend 保护,保卫;辩护 defendant n 被告 defensive adj 防御用的;守势的;自卫的offend =of (to) +fend 冒犯,触怒;攻击 例如: Im very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion. A. interfered with 干涉,干预 B. offended with 因.冒犯某人C. impressed with 使某人铭记D. bothered with 烦扰,担心 (这个时候问了你这么多问题,真是不好意思)27. offender n. C sb. who does things against the law 犯法的人;犯规的人I think the courts are too soft with these offenders.我认为法院对这些犯法的人太宽厚了。The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence. 慈悲的法官从轻判处了那个年轻罪犯。28. detail n. C a small part or piece of information about sth. 细节;详情He has a good eye for detail and notices almost everything.他明察秋毫, 几乎一切事情都注意到了。Can you describe the earthquake in detail to me? 你能向我叙述地震的详细情况吗?29. rip vt. remove sth. quickly and violently using ones hands 撕掉,扯掉He ripped the letter and read it.他撕开信便读起来。 She ripped her dress. 她把连衣裙撕破了。30. wrist n. C the part of ones arm where the hand and forearm join together 腕,腕关节He had a bad fall and broke his wrist. 他跌得很重,摔断了手腕。Any valuables such as gold, silver and wrist watch? 有金、银、手表这类贵重物品吗?31. lawn n.C, U an area of grass in a garden or park that is regularly cut 草坪,草地They are lying on a grassy lawn.他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上A familiar figure in sweater sprawled in a lawn chair. 有个穿着厚运动衫的熟悉人影仰卧在草地的躺椅上。32. dirt n. U dust or soil 灰尘;尘土Wash the dirt off your hands before dinner. 吃晚饭前把你双手上的污垢洗掉。Filter out all the dirt before using the water. 在用水以前先将其中不清洁的东西过滤掉33. temple n. C either of the flat parts of ones head at the side of the forehead 太阳穴 The murderer shoots the temple of the dead. 凶手击中了死者的太阳穴。 Temple is one of the most important parts of human body. 太阳穴是人体最重要的穴位之一。34. Lordn.sing. (in the Christian faith) God or Jesus Christ 上帝,耶稣基督The Lord be with you.愿主与你同在。May lord bless and sustain you in your loss. 愿上帝保佑你,不要因此损失而一蹶不振。35. mercy n.U kindness to sb. 慈悲,怜悯,仁慈It was a mercy that no one was hurt. 没有人受伤真是幸运We do pray you to show mercy.我们恳求你发发慈悲。36. sinn.C, U a wicked act, esp. one that breaks a religious law 罪恶;罪孽It

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